Session 23 March 2013

Great session.
One weird thing though: I didn't come across it here, directly on forum (I had missed it somehow),
but I found it by googling corrupt scientists + laura knight. There was the new Laura's site, and a link to the newest session.
Keit said:
Richard S said:
Well, in November I got a head cold which moved down into my chest and then caused pneumonia and three days in the hospital in December. A month ago I got a relapse of the cold which moved down into my chest again, but am now gradually recovering and hope to be back to normal soon. I hope this is it for now as I am not looking forward to another stay in the hospital.

Yeah, I also contracted pneumonia and was in the hospital for two weeks last October, and since then several minor colds, including now. It can be a combination of various factors, like lot of students going home for holidays and bringing back different strains, low temperatures, moist air and lack of sleep, but even if I don't have a strong immune system, it does seem like a lot. Well, it could be something in the air, but C's also talked about the importance of psychic hygiene, personal vulnerabilities, mental, emotional, etc. that could act like an opening to a virus or an infection, so this probably should be taken into account as well. But maybe each case is different.

In early or mid December a couple of people at my work got pneumonia and I became sick as well with what was probably pneumonia. I didn't go to the doctor, but probably should have. I used heavy doses of liposomal Vit C (around 8 to 16 g a day) and the coughing etc finally broke and I recovered in about 2 weeks.
Regarding preparedness, I think that it is also about preparing our psyche to what is coming. If I remember correctly then the C's mentioned somewhere about the importance of preparing our soul for what is about to happen so as to lessen the trauma that such an event will have on the soul regardless of whether the person survives the event or not. For that reason too is it necessary to follow the news, understand as much as possible about our reality such as psychopathy, read and reflect on the books that Laura and the crew at the chateau have made available and then there is of course the SOTT reading list. The more illusions are seen, the more of reality is revealed and the less of a shock will a cataclysmic event have.

While talking to my brother about this thing and what he termed action paralysis, I got reminded of the time in the army. We would be doing a lot of drilling or military parade, as I can see is the English word for it. There is something written about it here:

Here is a little bit about the rationale

A military drill is memorizing certain actions through repetition until the action is instinctive to the soldiers being drilled. Complex actions are broken down into simpler ones which can be practised in isolation so when the whole is put together the desired results are achieved. Such is necessary for a fighting force to perform at maximum efficiency in all manner of situations. However, depending on the army and the drills it adopts drilling may destroy flexibility and initiative in exchange for predictability and cohesion.

But we were also told that it had another reason, namely in the case of extreme battlestress due to a very traumatic event. The event itself would cause the soldiers to be paralyzed and unable to act. There were several stories of platoons of soldiers being "saved" from this paralyzing effect by their leader starting to drill his troops together again. Having learned it instinctively the soldiers performed the actions and after a while the leader was able to get his soldiers to act and think again and out of the danger zone.

Reading "The life beyond the veil" from QFG, I remember several stories in it about souls having to wait a long time in 5th density before they were ready to reincarnate as they were to traumatized to process the life experiences of the former life. So whether we are moving to 4th, 5th (dead dudes area) or stay in 3rd density, then to be prepared probably entails acquiring accurate knowledge of what is likely to happen so as to lessen the likely trauma.

As a side note, I wondered at the time of reading the book "The life beyond the veil", how the C's would rate the book and what it says. I found it quite inspiring and uplifting.
I guess when it comes to preparing we have to look at objective reality. How can starvation help us be STO? Remember Pavlov's dogs and how you can break them through health. I don't believe we have to be like survivalists and dedicate our lives to storing supplies, but having nothing at all may not be prudent. After all the C's have said about plagues and famine, I think its wise to prepare accordingly while not obsessing over it. The soul is what matters and with the Work ongoing in these perilous times food isn't something you want to have to beg for IMHO. Try preparing physically and spiritually and, if possible, not dropping one for the other because STO is balance.
I also had the flue, the worst to date. Also all of my friends and family had/have it. They said it was the longest they've experienced.
Thank you for the session as well.
Oh goody, another session -- thanks! The comments about science being the blind leading the blind aren't too surprising (the more you study it, the less "scientific" it looks), but the inference that it is literally caused by the purposes to which science has been applied is certainly interesting.

More like greedy leading the greedy, but it is a form of blindness in a way.

Thank you for the session! Very interesting. I also wonder about what being prepared really means. I tend to think in 3D terms such as stocking up on food, water, tobacco, vinegar, garlic, etc.

Maybe being yourself will make you be in right situation and right place. In that way it is maybe not so important having stockpiled food because someone with all his survivalist preparations can be very easily in wrong place and wrong time. It does not work that way. Also to much fear for physical existence can easily turn you in a wrong way, missing the whole point. About being ready what does it really means. Think it depends from person to person but that it is like being in love, no one else can know for you but your own self based on the work done. But also people tend to exaggerate they need to read whole lots of books, having tones of knowledge which is helpful but of no importance if one is not willing to use it.

I think little day to day things define you because you do not need some extra large knowledge to progress, it is enough to know difference between positive and negative actions and act on it. Knowledge of self is that which is most important, and everyone is on different path in that way and everybody is different. Someone can have very wide knowledge, developed intellectual center but he lacks will, other can have less knowledge but more will and instinctual nature and progress more. Think that work on self (practical application) is core thing for graduation, having knowledge of other areas works as a catalyst and bonus. Many people tend to concentrate on this outer areas and miss the core thing which is the hardest part. Either way it brings hope there is still time to make it, probably thanks to wave that cut the effort needed in half because you would need whole lifetime or more of hard work which I am not saying is not already done by some in previous lives.

About the parable of virgins do not think it has to do with food storing and such because it was said to those 5 that did not have enough oil that the Kingdom is closed for them. Person who did necessary work on self and did not have food supplies would incarnate in Kingdom in next life, because the work is important not concentrating on physical. And I think that those 5 that did not make it asked from 5 that did make it to do the work for them which is of course impossible. Maybe lack of will, faith and having knowledge but waiting for something, thinking you have time and not doing enough(I am no exception here).

For that reason too is it necessary to follow the news, understand as much as possible about our reality such as psychopathy, read and reflect on the books that Laura and the crew at the chateau have made available and then there is of course the SOTT reading list. The more illusions are seen, the more of reality is revealed and the less of a shock will a cataclysmic event have..

I think that work on self is that which is most important and having a stable emotional center is that which will make less trauma which needs constant consciousness of your mental state and emotional state. Reading about something that is going to happen is essential to take appropriate actions to prepare but reading will not prepare you for trauma. That is like soldiers reading a book about war and then going to war. In reality they play games but then got blown up and see that it is not like in video game. There is a HUGE difference in reading about experience and experiencing it. Adrenaline, fear, nervousness, confusion, etc... nothing can really prepare you for that experience but the experience itself that no one on the planet has (at least consciously) because it is a one way ticket experience like death. But strong psyche is the key to bearing it, and the key to strong psyche is mental consciousness, knowledge of afterlife is comforting but gets easily lost in emotional rush when in trauma situations.

That is what I think too. USA, Israel or surrounding area. Didn't C's once said that PTB will not succeed in their plans of attacking and destroying Iran because weather or Earth changes will spoil their plans? Maybe this is one part of the picture.

USA is going bye, bye. History repeats itself. Sad, very sad story that the most humanity will end this way.

Thanks for session.
Thanks for the session chateau! I find the next fragment where the EE as synchronizer agent seems to be very important:

Session 28 November 2009

[...] (I**) What about these New Agey people who are so excited about the wave without any knowledge about it. And there is kind of anticipation...

A: If they want to surf the wave they must work to get ready, they must do the EIRIU EOLAS program to get in synch. A lot of little personal wavelets or ripples won't change anything. That is what 4D STS knows and why they seek to engender divisiveness. It is also not worth the risk of being smashed by hidden negative emotions, so best to get on with getting them cleared. Better safe than sorry!!!!

Very interesting the info about comets being attracted by certain groups of persons. I am speculating that in a spiritual way the driving force to make that happened is not the "negativity" of the evil of that group as is commonly understood, that's subjective, but a more objective way of seeing it in my opinion is that group of people or certain individuals are preventing (in any imaginable way) the development of lessons that are provided for others, maybe unique ones that can only are developed under strict conditions. Lessons are sacred for the universe, and when that is hindered something is made to return the balance.

added: quotation
I think that work on self is that which is most important and having a stable emotional center is that which will make less trauma which needs constant consciousness of your mental state and emotional state. Reading about something that is going to happen is essential to take appropriate actions to prepare but reading will not prepare you for trauma. That is like soldiers reading a book about war and then going to war. In reality they play games but then got blown up and see that it is not like in video game. There is a HUGE difference in reading about experience and experiencing it. Adrenaline, fear, nervousness, confusion, etc... nothing can really prepare you for that experience but the experience itself that no one on the planet has (at least consciously) because it is a one way ticket experience like death. But strong psyche is the key to bearing it, and the key to strong psyche is mental consciousness, knowledge of afterlife is comforting but gets easily lost in emotional rush when in trauma situations.

Convinus you are missing the point of anticipation. Frequently things not just happen "out there" but are connected with the observer/s and if you get ahead to a likely negative event in the right way, get awareness of it, the simple fact of contemplate that could "mitigate" the effect of that event, transforming or inhibit it.
As many others have mentioned, there are A LOT of people constantly sick (most with respiratory problems) all around us in the last few months. Also, they keep mentioning this in the news. I've also read over the same period several forum members mentioning similar things. So far, no one in my family has come down with anything at all. We eat very high animal fat and meat only diet. I especially eat consistently about 80% of daily calories as animal fat (where my brother and mother fluctuate from about 65% to 75%). My brother and I also smoke a lot, and I think all that is a big part of the reason why we haven't gotten sick. FWIW.
Q: (Belibaste) So if a group of individuals acquires, stores, information that is orthogonal to truth, i.e. lies, will this fact of acquiring information that is orthogonal to truth increase the attraction to meteorites or cometary bodies?

A: Yes

This is a fascinating concept which provides scientific insight into the mystical "judgement day" that's central to Christianity and other religions. It brought to mind an ancient quote I read a few years ago attributed to Hermes Trismegistus.

Wikipedia says that according to the early fathers of the Christian church, Hermes Trismegistus was either, a contemporary of Moses or the third in a line of men named Hermes, i.e. Enoch, Noah and the Egyptian priest king Hermes Trismegistus (which means, "triple great”—he was not only a philosopher, but a priest and king as well).

Other authorities regard him as a contemporary of Abraham, and some Jewish traditions claim that Abraham acquired a portion of his mystical knowledge from Hermes himself.

His prophetic view of the “final days of the world” seems to describe the psychopath-infested world we’re living in. The phrases I’ve put in bold seem especially relevant to comets honing in on negative energy:

In the final days of the world, the religious man will be thought mad; the ungodly man will be hailed as a sage; savage men will be deemed valiant; the evil-hearted will be applauded as the best of men. The Soul, and everything related thereto will be but matters for ridicule, and will be esteemed foolishness.

There will even be peril of death, believe me, for those who remain faithful to religion and intelligence. New rights will be instituted, new laws, nor will there be left one holy word, one sacred belief, religious and worthy of heaven and of celestial things…Then there will remain only evil demons who will mingle themselves with the miserable human race, their hand will be upon it impelling to all kinds of wicked enterprise; to war, to rapine, to falsehood, to everything contrary to the nature of the soul.

The earth will no longer be in equilibrium, the sea will no longer be navigable, in the heavens the regular course of the stars will be troubled. Every holy voice will be condemned to silence; the fruits of the earth will become corrupt, and she will be no more fertile; the very air will sink into a dismal stagnancy. Such will be the old age of the world; irreligion and disorder, lawlessness, and the confusion of good men.

When all these things shall be accomplished, then the Lord and Father, the sovereign God who rules the wide world, beholding the evil ways and actions of men, will arrest these misfortunes by the exercise of His divine will and goodness.

And, in order to put an end to error and to the general corruption, He will destroy the world by wars and epidemics, then consume it by fire.

Thereafter He will restore to it its primitive beauty
; so that once more it shall appear worthy of admiration and worship.
A: Yes. But scientists have been blinded by being led by the blind!

Q: (L) Hmm. So you say, "Scientists have been blinded by being led by the blind." Do you mean that...

Just saw Rupert Sheldrake has a new book out along those lines (emphasis throughout is mine):

The bestselling author offers an intriguing new assessment of modern day science that will radically change the way we view what is possible.

In Science Set Free (originally published to acclaim in the UK as The Science Delusion), Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, one of the world's most innovative scientists, shows the ways in which science is being constricted by assumptions that have, over the years, hardened into dogmas. Such dogmas are not only limiting, but dangerous for the future of humanity.

According to these [constricted, limiting] principles, all of reality is material or physical; the world is a machine, made up of inanimate matter; nature is purposeless; consciousness is nothing but the physical activity of the brain; free will is an illusion; God exists only as an idea in human minds, imprisoned within our skulls; DNA is a more powerful force than thought in shaping human beings.

But should science be a belief-system, or a method of enquiry? Sheldrake shows that the materialist ideology is moribund; under its sway, increasingly expensive research is reaping diminishing returns while societies around the world are paying the price.

In the skeptical spirit of true science, Sheldrake turns the ten fundamental dogmas of materialism into exciting questions, and shows how all of them open up startling new possibilities for discovery.

Science Set Free will radically change your view of what is real and what is possible.
-- TheEpochTimes(dot)com book review

DR. RUPERT SHELDRAKE is a biologist and author of more than 80 technical papers and ten books, including A New Science of Life and Dogs That Know When Their Owners Come Home. He was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, where he was Director of Studies in cell biology, and also was a Research Fellow of the Royal Society. From 2005-2010, he was the Director of the Perrott-Warrick Project for research on unexplained human abilities, funded from Trinity College, Cambridge. He is currently a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences in California, and a Visiting Professor at the Graduate Institute in Connecticut. He is married, has two sons, and lives in London. His web site is
-- Amazon

I've always found this concept fascinating, but even more so now considering it's possible relevance to our "group" here on the Forum.

"Morphic field" is a term introduced by Sheldrake. He proposes that there is a field within and around a "morphic unit" which organizes its characteristic structure and pattern of activity.[19] According to Sheldrake, the "morphic field" underlies the formation and behaviour of "holons" and "morphic units", and can be set up by the repetition of similar acts or thoughts.

The hypothesis is that a particular form belonging to a certain group, which has already established its (collective) "morphic field", will tune into that "morphic field". The particular form will read the collective information through the process of "morphic resonance", using it to guide its own development. This development of the particular form will then provide, again through "morphic resonance", a feedback to the "morphic field" of that group, thus strengthening it with its own experience, resulting in new information being added (i.e. stored in the database). Sheldrake regards the "morphic fields" as a universal database for both organic (genetic) and abstract (mental) forms. -- Wikipedia
Forrestdeva said:
Remembering what the C's said once about if we did not graduate this time that we'd be like cavemen looking out on a red smoke filled sky. What would a few cans of green beans serve me in such an environment? So perhaps being "prepared' is aligning our selves to STO.

A very good point. Canning and being physically prepared is not good or bad in absolute terms, it depends on the circumstance. I think the preparedness we are talking about here is all-embracing in as many areas as possible.

Starshine said:
Also, when I read 'See/C' you soon, Carbon came into my mind, and DNA by extension. Talking about the effect of the wave ?

adam7117 said:
Laura said:
A: See/C you soon!

I wonder what kinds of songs those were and how "high" were the notes. Did they use any type of instruments (or implements), etc. And since Stonehenge is implicated in all of this, did the worshippers also use similar sounds there? Funny thought that - but did the songs activate anything by any chance?

C also could stand for "Cassiopaeans". I personally understand it as a funny play on words, but as usual there is probably more to it.

findit said:
I've enjoyed this forum even though I haven't had the chance to meet people face to face. So my question is this...whether or not it is 4D or 5D, will it be difficult to maintain contact with this group?

It may have something to do with "chakra connection" due to a higher form of networking, as Laura wrote earlier. Gurdjieff wrote that being in physical contact with persons and "mixing blood" would form astral connections beyond the physical bodies. However, we know that Gurdjieff saw everything as "substance", even knowlege, so we may need to correct for this bias a bit. Here is his take on the "Last Supper":

ISOTM said:
"To understand what took place at the Last Supper it is first of all necessary to know certain laws.

"You remember what I said about the 'astral body'? Let us go over it briefly. People who have an 'astral body' can communicate with one another at a distance without having recourse to ordinary physical means. But for such communication to be possible they must establish some 'connection' between them. For this purpose when going to different places or different countries people sometimes take with them something belonging to another, especially things that have been in contact with his body and are permeated with his emanations, and so on. In the same way, in order to maintain a connection with a dead person, his friends used to keep objects which had belonged to him. These things leave, as it were, a trace behind them, something like invisible wires or threads which remain stretched out through space. These threads connect a given object with the person, living or in certain cases dead, to whom the object belonged. Men have known this from the remotest antiquity and have made various uses of this knowledge.

"Traces of it may be found among the customs of many peoples. You know, for instance, that several nations have the custom of blood-brotherhood. Two men, or several men, mix their blood together in the same cup and then drink from this cup. After that they are regarded as brothers by blood. But the origin of this custom lies deeper. In its origin it was a magical ceremony for establishing a connection between 'astral bodies.' Blood has special qualities. And certain peoples, for instance the Jews, ascribed a special significance of magical properties to blood. Now, you see, if a connection between 'astral bodies' had been established, then again according to the beliefs of certain nations it is not broken by death.

If we don't interpret the "Body and Blood of Christ" too literally, it maybe means the knowledge that he imparted, which was a kind of 'nourishment' for others?

Psalehesost said:
The foolish virgins had not done their due didligence and were thus dependent on others. Given the time and circumstances, others couldn't help them - and it was too late for the foolish to succeed in helping themselves.

The mention of the Virgins is also well in line with Ark's Annual I Ching Reading - 2013 where one of the changing lines read (Wilhelm's translation):

_ said:
Six at the beginning means: Boy like contemplation. For an inferior man, no blame. For a superior man, humiliation.
This means contemplation from a distance, without comprehension. A man of influence is at hand, abut his influence is not understood by the common people. This matters little in the case of the masses, for they benefit by the actions of the ruling sage whether they understand them or not. But for a superior man it is a disgrace. He must not content himself with a shallow, thoughtless view of prevailing forces; he must contemplate them as a connected whole and try to understand them.

Anart's interpretation of this changing line is also a very good pointer IMO:

anart said:
Regarding the moving lines, it's reminiscent of what Gurdjieff said regarding what is expected of people who have done no work on themselves - nothing is expected, but from those who have worked on themselves, much is expected. Apparently this year will give much cause for contemplation and there will be those capable of that on a deep level and those that are not - those who are capable of it and actually do it will have 'no blame'. Just a thought...

ROEL said:
I am intrigued by the offhand dismissal about asking a question or questions concerning the new pope.
Given that the whereabouts of many public figures have been the subject of questions to the Cs, it's almost natural to inquire about the changes that might come about as a result of this particular situation that the Catholic Church is experiencing, since no small influence is exerted by this organization on the socio-political landscape of the BBM.

I think that the new pope won't be much different from the other ones. "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss." It's a repetitive pattern that is well-known from politics, so I guess it was not that interesting to ask about it.
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