Session 23 March 2013

Thanks for the session! Always thought-provoking. Here's my two cents to add on the parables/preparation discussion, a bit of a grab-bag...

Interesting that the two parables mentioned are from the same chapter in Matthew, presented in the order of
1) parable of wise virgins who are 'prepared' for the coming bridegroom
2) parable of the talents--of applying innate ability/knowledge to expand upon your gifts, and
3) parable of the sheep and goats, knowing to share/give of yourself to others.

All three include characters with appropriate responses during some defining/transitional event who are rewarded, and other characters who fail and are cast out, losing their opportunity.

My take on this is that the parables progress from personal readiness within, to applying innate abilities and faith in abundance for 'outward' success, to then helping others and ultimately either joining a successful like-minded group--or being cast out with lazy whiners and scaredy-cats.

As for parable #1, "prepared" wise virgins = from my dogeared dictionary, pre + pare Latin: parare = to give birth to, to produce, MF parer = to trim. 'Parent' shares the same root. So I wonder if 'prepare' is in the sense of being ready to produce or respond to circumstances, rather than storing cans of food on the shelf. Also this idea of "trimming," trimming lamps = need to trim the wicks for a clean, even burn, and produce the highest flame possible (most light).

Upon arrival of the bridegroom at midnight, the wise, sleeping maidens awaken and trim their lamps, produce light for the bridegroom's arrival, and pass through the door, which ultimately closes on the the foolish five. Why five? Could the five wise virgins represent five functioning chakras or five balanced elemental energies in the Chinese system, prior to some 'initiation'? The arrival of the bridegroom at midnight signals a transition point, the arrival of something (something male/active force within, or without?) that will trigger the opportunity to pass thru a gateway to a union/marriage.

This may be too literal but what is the "oil" - could this represent a physical thing or etheric/energetic thing? If the chakras are linked up with the endocrine system, would this indicate a healthy endocrine system/hormone regulation that must be present for this midnight transition/union?

Further, the foolish virgins are told to go to the 'market' to buy their oil...implying there must be some transaction/transformation to obtain it, it cannot be borrowed or begged for at the last minute. This reminds me of Gurdjieff's discussion of some centers inappropriately doing the work of other centers. Speaking of Gurdjieff, for the parable of the talents, the servants are given 1 bag of talents/gold, or 2 bags, or 5 -- could this represent Man 1, 2, or 5, or something along this line? Or does the 5-talent servant have his 5 elemental chakras working, higher-functioning human abilities, not operating in fear and therefore a greater ability to expand his [spiritual] wealth/energy, than the one operating only from his basal chakra (that of basic survival/security).
Laura said:
It wasn't something striking the body, but rather explosive electrical arcing.

Like the lightning between the earth and the sky but in this case instead of the earth was the comet?
Thank you all at Chateau crew for this session!
And thanks to all members for the pretty interesting posts in the whole thread. Parables were unkwnown from me and I have to go deeper in them... Also this:

Laura said:
Q: (Belibaste) More negative. Okay. Can one individual, or several individuals, attract in a similar manner as this place, some cometary bodies?

A: Yes

Q: (Belibaste) Is it because their electric charge collectively or individually is modified?

A: Not only electric charge. In the realm from which some of these things are manifested or, better, "directed", information is king.

Q: (Belibaste) So if a group of individuals acquires, stores, information that is orthogonal to truth, i.e. lies, will this fact of acquiring information that is orthogonal to truth increase the attraction to meteorites or cometary bodies?

A: Yes

A very interesting explanation of connections between macro-cosme and micro-cosme and how all inter-act each others. What came in my mind about lies and truths:

"Separate the wheat from the chaff"

"As above, so below. As below, so above".

I also had the occasions these last weeks to show strange skies with many types of different clouds in the same time and in the same area, something I had ever seen before. A friend of mine (photographer), caught one pic in the South of France with a strange circular hole of blue sky in the middle of clouds. I gonna ask for it.

Laura said:
A: See/C you soon!

I also saw the C as Cassiopean's, and also as Comet... Comet see you soon... FWIW.
Thank you all for this eye-opener, and definitely a reminder session!
The discussion about the comet and parables and everybody's thoughts and 2 cents are also in itself, a proof of the effective way the forum is being utilized, generating 'food for the moon', energy, for all members. I am looking forward for the not-so-far-away, next session mentioned by Laura which will probably erase some speculations coming out in the discussion above. :thup:
Thank you for posting this session, there is a lot to think about.
Below are a few comments on the story of Sodom.

Laura said:
And, in an interesting way, this issue of the parables mentioned in the session connects directly to Belibaste's questions about "charge" in respect of the earth vis a vis disasters. It makes me think of the story of Abraham arguing with god/angels about the preservation of Sodom and Gomorrah. He was asking "if there are 50 men there who are righteous" will you spare the city. Then he got down to five men... as it turned out, there was only one who was warned to get out of the city.

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah, Genesis 18:17-19:30 is indeed rather interesting. In Sodom hospitality is not a strong point as Lot is threatened for housing the two messengers of God. Lot warns his future sons in law that the city will be destroyed and advice them to flee with him the next morning, but they take him for a fool. Therefore in this story like in the story of the bridesmaids in Matthew 25, there is an issue of marriage. In this case, the bridegrooms are not prepared to follow Lot, their future father in law.

At dawn the next morning the messengers beg Lot to hurry, but he lingers on (or is it a member of the family?), and the messengers have to lead them out of town. Since it is late, they ask Lot to run for his life to the small settlement Zoar where Lot and his family arrive when the sun is up in the sky. Four people flee but only three survive, because Lot's wife turn around to witness the destruction. Would Lot's family all have survived if they had heeded the advice to hurry at dawn instead of needing to be led out by the messengers? Or was it just, as the story goes, a matter of Lot's wife not heeding the advice of the messengers to not look back?

Having reached Zoar, Lot continues into the mountains for safety:
_ said:
30 And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters.
I have been wondering why he was afraid to stay in Zoar? It may be because he was not a native of the land since his family came from Babylonia, Genesis 11:27-32). These verses also state that Lot was the nephew of Abraham, since Lot was the son of Haran who was the brother of Abraham.

The meaning of the name Lot may inspire more interpretation of the story
_ said:
The noun (lot) is identical to the name Lot and means envelope, covering.
Perhaps one can say that Lot is enveloped and covered by grace. The grace that covers him may be that of god, but it seems to me that his connection with Abraham, Lot's uncle, is more important considering that:
_ said:
27 And Abraham gat up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the LORD:
28 And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.
29 And it came to pass, when God destroyed the cities of the plain, that God remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow, when he overthrew the cities in the which Lot dwelt.
After all, it was Abraham who wished to save Sodom. On his part, Lot was, as indicated by his name, able to give "covering" to the messengers while they stayed in Sodom. The messengers in turn covered/protected him.

The Abraham-Lot connection can be interpreted as an example of network and networking. In this text Abraham was fairly close at hand. One notices that whereas Abraham is naturally out of harms way, Lot has to run for his life, and in fact only those of Abraham's blood, Lot and his two daughters, end up being saved.

The story from Genesis is referred to in Matthew 10:7-15. In this text there are the recurring issues of hospitality and charity. As the disciples move they do something to help those in suffering by both healing and sharing knowledge. There is an interaction and exchange with the areas they traverse and the people they meet. The places are judged by the way they respond to the offer.
Laura said:
A: See/C you soon!

I also saw the C as Cassiopean's, and also as Comet... Comet see you soon... FWIW.

I thought that it was an interesting remark they made at the end too
I thought to look up Cass io Paeans. I thought I would search the thread as I thought paeans had been discussed some. Likely covering old ground with breaking up the name (Cassiopaeans). I apologize for the potential noise, but found the info interesting. :)

Session wrote:
Q: (L) Which reminds me... I was reading in this book about Greek religion by Walter Burkert that the term "paean" was used to describe to the type of songs that were sung in the worship of the god Apollo in the most ancient times. And Apollo was supposedly the Hyperborean god, and if my suppositions are correct, was also the god that was worshipped at Stonehenge. Any connection there?

A: Indeed.

Cassio - is a given name and a surname.
Cass: a male or female given name.

Io: Classic Mythology- a woman who, being loved by Zeus, was transformed into a white heifer and was, at the wish of Hera, first guarded by Argus and later pursued through the world by a gadfly until she reached Egypt, where she resumed her true shape: identified by the Egyptians with Isis. - Astronomy: a large volcanically active moon of the planet Jupiter.

Paeans: any song of praise, joy, or triumph. - a hymn of invocation or thanksgiving to Apollo or some other ancient Greek deity.

Also, I thought I'd find cassio in a search, weren't they a company that manufactured musical instruments at one point? I see casio, watches, time.

Again, if this is just noise or pre-treaded area I apologize for the rambling.

Edit 1: Fixed quotes
Edit 2: Apollo according to wikipedia is: "God of music, poetry, plague, oracles, sun, medicine, light and knowledge", for those who didn't know that.
irjO said:
Laura said:
A: See/C you soon!

I also saw the C as Cassiopean's, and also as Comet... Comet see you soon... FWIW.

I thought that it was an interesting remark they made at the end too

C reminded me of the note C, which is Do in the enneagram. Perhaps it's a signal that earth is entering a new octave soon. Whatever that could imply.
This video came to mind in reply to your inquiry Whitecoat: Resonance - Beings of Frequency (documentary film)
_ 1.5 hours
I believe in it it states the human heart and the Earth run along at/near the same frequency.

Whitecoat wrote:
C reminded me of the note C, which is Do in the enneagram. Perhaps it's a signal that earth is entering a new octave soon. Whatever that could imply.
Piscarian said:
For some reason I interpreted "See/C you soon" as meaning "We will be you soon."

Could it be that in the original session, the C's said "C you soon" as a short sentence which means "See you soon" and the C does not belong there anymore ????

Piscarian said:
For some reason I interpreted "See/C you soon" as meaning "We will be you soon."

Funny I did it the opposite way: "See/C you soon" = C you soon = You will be the C's soon :)
Thanks To Laura and Crew for this session

I think that preparation envolve mind and body, both by epigenetic can change our DNA and can deal better with the changes are happening and others will come. EE and diet mainly will cover this, and being attentive to the hoaxes every day the world try blind us.

i will wating for the next session by C's riddles :P

Belated thank yous for the session to all and for the interesting comments. I do agree that in a sense, preparedness is connected to remaining "open" - one of the C's favourite words and not being over-inclined to subscribe to yes and no, or black and white answers. I think it was Carlisle who mentioned the dangers of believing lies which also relates to this being open and not just buying into one belief because it's"more true" than the other.
As the C's said: "No knowledge is better than false knowledge."
I think the very awareness of all the possibilities discussed here daily is also a good form of protection as we will have less of a tendency to slip into denial as things open up :)
Also wondering where and when the "doozie" is going to strike - when was the next volume of HOM due out again? ;)
Thanks for the sessions, an interesting one to say the least!

I find it interesting the meteors/fireballs are being reported more and more yet science keeps saying its normal and happens on a regular basis and goes unoticed because most are over the oceans, the night before this session there was a fireball on the northeast coast here in the U.S., it just so happened to be over the appalachian mountains or atleast in line with them and only sighted in the areas around the mountains. This is a location of some STS mining/possible tunnels to an underground base as hinted from the C's, IMHO confirming the attraction to areas of negativity. My thoughts are maybe the first big strikes are going to reveal locations of these bases/negative STS activities. Shortly after the russian meteorite we had a fireball sighted off shore,east coast of florida, over the ocean, another location hinted by the C's of underground anomalies, ie cyrstal pyramid. Maybe there is a base or operation under the area of russia where the recent meteorite exploded?
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