Session 23 March 2013

A couple of comments and a lot of questions.

Laura said:
Maybe ya'll can formulate some simple progressions of questions about what it really means to be "prepared"?
Preparation and asking questions are closely related. said:
A: Tonight you are launching a new world.
Q: (L) How?
A: By asking the right questions.
That is a challenge. What is a "right question" for a given situation? A question that can unlock the situation? But there are many situations, individual or collective. Is it more difficult to ask a collective question than an individual question? How many questions does it take to formulate a "right question"?

I don't know, but in this post there are some questions and some comments. Some questions are more like reflections or comments, some are more serious.

First a comment to "5D/city on a hill" from the Session 29 December 2009
jovichmk said:
Thanks for the session.
In context on the metaphor about the virgins and the expression the 5d city on the hill i was thinking about this:

This is from Wikipedia:
City upon a Hill
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"A Shining City on a Hill". Reagan's impromptu concession speech at the 1976 Republican National Convention has been called a "defining moment of the Reagan Revolution."
A City upon a Hill is a phrase from the parable of Salt and Light in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. In Matthew 5:14, he tells his listeners, "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden." It has become popular with American politicians. The term is also influenced by Plato's Republic and the concept of the "good city" - a city-state governed by philosopher kings.
The Wikipedia also has:
_ said:
It may also refer to:
• City upon a Hill, a line from a famous sermon by Puritan John Winthrop frequently invoked in discussions of American exceptionalism.
It may mean that American exceptionalism will come to a halt. And would America be able to uphold exceptionalism without NATO? In this perspective much of the EU might go as well? Several European countries think of themselves as something rather unprecedented in the history of human civilization.

Session 3 September 2008
Laura said:
Q: (L) Okay. Why do you introduce tonight's adventures with "US is headed for destruction"?

A: Passed the point when anything could possibly be done to change the outcome.

Q: (L) What is this outcome?

A: Increasing inner turmoil. Review what happened in Germany.

Q: (L) Well, what happened in Germany in what period?

A: Towards the end of the war. Hitler's madness and the hatred of the world towards Germany.

Q: (L) Wasn't a pretty picture, was it? (J) In Germany, the rest of the world bombed Germany...

A: Yes. Expect it in the USA ultimately.

Q: (J) Would that be nuclear bombs?

A: And more.

Q: (A***) Is it going to destroy the rest of the world with it?

A: Not exactly... but the cosmic stuff will take its toll.

Q: (L) Anything else on that topic for the moment since we have other issues we want to cover?

A: Be alert.

Would "Lot" leave "the city" or is it enough for Lot to be a wise virgin?
How likely is a nuclear war?
If people begin to die off might the 435 nuclear power plants become a liability.
See how much fuel they use and which countries have them: _
Is nuclear waste a more serious problem than a serious plague?

If "Lot" should move then where is "Zoar", his temporary refuge?
Any guesstimates for the locations of "Zoar and the mouintain caves" in our time?
Are "Lot's" 3D qualifications recognized/regulated in the new 3D place?
To demonstrate what it may mean in a gross sense of formal recognition of qualifications I found:
For small business startups one may look up entrepreneurship in different locations.

About the place of a destruction there is also this:

Laura said:
Session Date: March 23rd 2013
Q: (L) That was a nice way of saying, "No dice!" So there is more out there that's coming, but you can't tell us exactly when, and the next one's gonna be a doozie; so we know that much. Are you saying you know that much?

A: Yes. Please put all former clues together for ballpark figure, keeping in mind that the universe is open thus there will always be variables.
What other clues might help, how close could one get in place and time?

To help in the guesstimates as to which places may suffer more violently, would there be a point of mapping where the Cropcircles were observed/ignored considering what the C’s said the 13th of February 2009?: said:
A: The wave cometh. Crop circles are a sort of grace offered to those slated for ultimate destruction. Why do you think so many have appeared in England? Those that receive such gifts and do not take their messages into their hearts will damn themselves and their own descendants to oblivion.

Q: (L) Can you imagine? The universe, the cosmos – fer gawd’s sake - speaks to you and all you're worried about is that your crop got messed up! It is so incredible to even conceive of it. (Ailen) But why mostly in England and not in other countries? (L) Well, they've appeared in other places, but the thing is that it's been mostly assigned to England. England is like the financial center of the world, where all the people came from who have dominated the planet. The whole "Western Civilization" thing... And what did they say? It's a warning to them and their descendants. And where are their descendants? All over the planet!

A: Yes. Exactly!

Is it possible that Lot and his family has to prepare for unusual/terrible experiences?
I understand knowledge and application of knowledge is the preparation, but if one recalls that something unusual may happen, will it be easier?
If there will be a time where the living will envy the dead, how best to handle that?
I ask because it is said in The Philokalia in connection with a commentary on the ten virgins that the foolish virgins, “They were secretly enticed and overcome by malicious envy, by jelousy that hates everything good […(a very long list of negative mental attributes and it finisheshes with)] by despair which is the most dangerous of all, and by the suble workings of vice.” – source The Philokalia vol 1 page 151 in the Faber and Faber version 1979 (St Mark the Ascetic in Letter to Nicolas the Solitary.
Individual and collective suffering may leave one in despair but is the importance of despair exaggerated and just a normal response in a time of stress?

In case many people die or suffer that one holds dear, will it be a challenge to overcome grief (if one does not move on first) and allow the dying to leave? I think the answer it yes, but considering this possibility, if it is worth doing, may ameliorate the shock.

Laura said:
[...]You have to gather knowledge AND APPLY it and there are a number of ideas we have gathered here:The idea of STO vs STSThe idea that networking is STOSince the network is important, one needs to find ways based on knowledge to make and keep it viable.Networking also includes working through one's programs and establishing mastery over the horse. Higher level networking includes "connecting chakras".
In relation to networking and connecting the chakras there is: said:
A: Once the external structure begins to take shape, real communities will form and chakra connection will be facilitated exponentially. Make haste but be gentle and wise. There is now more to be done so proceed with JOY. Goodbye.
There is more on connecting chakras in,14395.0.html
What that might mean is hard to say, but from Session 13 February 2011 there is:
Q: (Andromeda) Was the thinning of the veil also responsible for the UFO some people saw at PaleoFest?
A: Oh indeed! But here the reason was a network enhancement of perception.
How does living closer to each other compare with inter-networking in terms of chakra connection?
How stable will the internet be?
How to prepare for networking in a zone with limited internet access?
Or do the wise virgin in that case rely on or transition to 4/5/6D connections instead of 3D networking?
thorbiorn said:
I ask because it is said in The Philokalia in connection with a commentary on the ten virgins that the foolish virgins, “They were secretly enticed and overcome by malicious envy, by jelousy that hates everything good […(a very long list of negative mental attributes and it finisheshes with)] by despair which is the most dangerous of all, and by the suble workings of vice.”

I think jealousy...better yet malicious one of the big ones. The one that truly locks us up, and keeps us imprisoned. It's apparently so powerful and useful for that purpose, that it was deliberately engineered. Laura was once told to find it at the occipital ridge. The physical point where this negative feeling emanates. Interestingly, that point is also considered to have the most difficult energy blockage in chigong's microcosmic orbit meditation. And clearing it is no simple task.

This recent German study on Facebook behavior also highlights the universal nature of this emotion.
Thanks for the thoughtful session! :D

Here are a few of my thoughts/questions:

Is one's intention at that point in time the most important determining factor when the 'bridegroom' arrives?

By one's intention I mean whether or not one has the desire to BE, the wish to be an active part of the universe, to be connected to the Divine. I think the desire to BE, the wish to BE is more important than anything else. Whether one lives or dies, stands or falls, this desire to participate and be a living part of the universe is worth more than anything else.

But how does one transform oneself, or allow oneself to be transformed? To be changed from the core of one's being?

Would prayer be a good way to prepare oneself? The miracle of prayer is the transformation of the self. The goal being to change one's desires/intentions to something more in line with the Divine will... with the focus being the development of patience, humility and a desire to serve humanity.

What role does faith play in our preparedness and the understanding that the universe is able and willing to save?

Does being prepared involve being free from attachments? If yes, could the network offer some kind of service to help release stubborn attachments that are not a result of karma but still violating the free will of members?
Thank you for sharing this latest session. :)

I have also noticed a large number of people complaining of suffering from unusually long lasting (several weeks), flu like symptoms.

Great questions and contemplations on being prepared for the coming changes. It will be very interesting to hear the Cassiopaeans give further clues on the subject.

Just having foreknowledge about the cometary threat and earth changes, will be an invaluable "first step" in the worst case scenario.
Thanks for the session and thanks PoB for the Ten Virgins interpretation. I would welcome any discussion around preparedness. :)
sitting said:
I think jealousy...better yet malicious one of the big ones. The one that truly locks us up, and keeps us imprisoned. It's apparently so powerful and useful for that purpose, that it was deliberately engineered. Laura was once told to find it at the occipital ridge. The physical point where this negative feeling emanates. Interestingly, that point is also considered to have the most difficult energy blockage in chigong's microcosmic orbit meditation. And clearing it is no simple task.

This recent German study on Facebook behavior also highlights the universal nature of this emotion.
I tried to locate the occipital ridge:


Envy according to the _ Envy is in Latin "invidia", which means nonsight. The whole article is informative.

There is also this: _ which is not surprising.

Another article points out that one may need to consider two varieties of narcissism and that they relate to envy differently. The first consists of very narcissistic people. These may not feel much envy because they are so enchanted by their own selfimage of superiority that they feel no envy, but expect others to envy them. Then there is the other type:
_ said:
“These individuals still think they’re special, entitled, and they want to be great, but they just can’t do it,” Krizan said. “As a result they’re vulnerable, their self-esteem fluctuates a lot, they tend to be self-conscious and not very proactive, but passive, shy, and introverted.”

When the feeling of envy is added to the mix, Krizan said it can be a potentially dangerous combination. Though vulnerable narcissists are not as overt in their behavior, they may be more prone to unexpected outbursts of aggression.
I am not fully convinced by this sharp division into two groups maybe it is more like a spectrum, but I have not gone into the details of the paper itself. The above is from the article. The paper can be found here: _

A psychotherapist, Birgit Petersson in a book called Misundelse (envy) from Munksgaard 1992 suggests that people have defense mechanism when it comes to envy. It is my impression she relies quite strongly on the theories of Melanie Klein. Some repress the feeling of envy to the extent that they can experience blackouts when the emotion of envy becomes strong. This entails that they can later not recall the event which was associated with their feeling of envy. Another mechanism is displacement of the emotion, as when the emotion of envy is interpreted as another negative emotion. Then there is the mechanism of fighting off envy of others by lowering the value of oneself, another option is to lower the value of the person or quality that is envied. Greed can also be a way to subdue the feeling of envy. One example would be overeating. because it can be a way to subdue and cover up the feeling of forbidden emotions. Envy can express itself as suppression of feelings of love and intensification of feelings of hate, or in some cases just cultivating emotional indifference. Also there is the possibility of substituting envy with unreasonable idealization or praise.

One objection to this idea of defense mechanisms is that some of the strategies could work more like STS offense strategies. Degrading someone else's creativity because one does not exhibits that quality might be one candidate.

The way the author suggests to diminish the impact of envy is by gaining insights into the mechanisms of envy, to become aware of it, so that it does not take a destructive turn. She points out that according to her practice people who are more educated, more mature, have a high level of knowledge, are open to the world and its variety of expressions, who can live and let live, who believe that there more than one single absolute truth be it religious or scientific are less prone to be overtaken by envy. In other words, "knowledge protects." The idea of the author that one can diminish envy gaining insight (as opposed to "nonsight") through knowledge compares well with the advice of the C's that one should expect attack, know the modes of same and know how to counteract.

And to connect envy to the story of the virgins there is the following in the Philokalia vol IV _
page 244-245 said:
Those completely given over to the pursuits of the flesh and full of self-love are always slaves to sensual pleasure and to vanity. Envy, too, is rooted in them. Consumed by malice and embittered by their neighbour's blessings, they calumniate good as bad, calling it the fruit of deceit. They do not accept things of the Spirit or believe in them; and because of their lack of faith they cannot see or know God. Such people, due to this same blindness and lack of faith, on the last day will justly hear spoken to them the words, 'I know you not' (Matt. 25:12).
Matt 25:12 is in fact the last line in the story of the Wise virgins, before the conclusion in verse 13. Some of what is in the Philokalia quote can be related to the more currents understandings of envy. "Self-love" could translate into narcissism for instance, and "calumniate good as bad" corresponds to the mechanism of degrading the quality or person envied.
Thanks to Laura, Ark and all the Chateau crew!!!...

And the C's of course for the hints in how to learn to connect the dots... by ourselves.

In this post and in subsequent future post (this week) I will address some things that come to my mind

after reading all this thread (took some days to do that.)

Just to be clear my post just reflects my understanding of some things and I will be glad in some mistakes

or miss conception in my points of view did come to surface, in that cases I will appreciate in advance the

the pointers given by other members of the forum.

1. THE CHELYABINSK - 70 Research facility and the near Russia’s national command and control system Yamantau Mountain complex.

This seems as science being used with the only purpose of killing another human beings as the C's clear state here:

"A: Yes. But scientists have been blinded by being led by the blind!

Q: (L) Hmm. So you say, "Scientists have been blinded by being led by the blind." Do you mean that...

A: When science is used for killing they have lost their honor and their way. Remember the parable of the talents. The man who was afraid and hid and hoarded? Then when the master came he was cast into darkness with the weepers and wailers. Thus shall it be yet again."

As (as stated by the C's), and the comments of Sony, Jason (ocean59), Data and others have pointed the "Negativity" issue that keep attracting Comets and Meteors.

I am also very intrigued by this question and I think it relates to what Belibaste was asking about people being an 'attractor' or 'repellent' of various bodies of the sky. Obviously, gravitation and electrical charge are the main forces that influence the trajectory and location where a comet will hit. But the C's hinted at more:

It is no casual that the latest big one that fell in Russia chooses the Chelyabinsk region (it is full of bases indeed:.)

nuclear weapons lab facility, Chelyabinsk-70


"...The AR Russian Institute of Technical Physics (VNIITF), also called Chelyabinsk-70, is one of two Russian federal nuclear centers established to design, test and support nuclear weapons throughout their life cycle. The site contains research facilities which use nuclear materials, two experimental plants which manufacture prototype samples for nuclear weapons, and a site for various ground tests. Chelyabinsk-70 also has cooperative relationships with the major nuclear materials production facilities in the Urals region of Russia. Chelyabinsk-70 has been participating in the US/Russian Laboratory-to-laboratory cooperative program for approximately one year. Six US Department of Energy Laboratories are carrying out a program of cooperation with VNIITF to improve the capabilities and facilities for nuclear materials protection, control, and accounting (MPC&A) at VNIITF. A Safeguards Effectiveness Evaluation Workshop was conducted at VNIITF in July, 1995. Enhanced safeguards systems are being implemented, initially at a reactor test area that contains three pulse reactors. Significant improvements to physical security and access control systems are under way. C-70 is developing an extensive computerized system that integrates the physical security alarm station with elements of the nuclear material control system. The existing systems will be augmented with Russian and US technologies. This paper will describe the on-going activities and describe the cooperative effort between the Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, Sandia, Oak Ridge, Pacific Northwest, and Brookhaven US Department of Energy National Laboratories and VNIITF..."

Russia’s top secret bases


"...Russia’s national command and control system is dispersed among different hardened underground locations. According to US sources, two of the main secret bases are located in the Ural Mountains, where conventionally European Russia ends and greater Siberia begins. The first one is the Yamantau Mountain complex. Located near the closed town of Mezhgorye, in the Republic of Bashkortostan, this site is not far from Russia’s main nuclear weapons lab facility, Chelyabinsk-70. Military analysts suspect that Yamantau’s huge 400-square-mile underground complex houses nuclear warhead and missile storage sites, launch control and several full-blown nuclear weapons factories designed to continue production after a hypothetical nuclear war begins..."

Quote from: Laura on March 24, 2013, 05:14:32 PM
A: Not only electric charge. In the realm from which some of these things are manifested or, better, "directed", information is king.

So in light of that information IT IS NOT CASUAL THAT THE COMET (Meteors) fell in that place, It seems that the Universe was giving an early warning to the folks (scientists and military personal involved in that bases) and the PTB consequently.

Yes, for the Comets and Meteors INFORMATION IS KING!!!...

That event is clearly an advice for to where maybe the next ones will fall... Military bases any one!!!...

in my future next post I will discuss the Three Virgins parables in light of some peculiar christian religion...

And my suggestion of questions to the next C's session. :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: ;)
After reading this thread what jumped in my mind was the movie Batman Begins. In the movie Batman Begins there is this group called the League of Shadows.

"The League of Shadows was an ancient and powerful secret society whose stated purpose was to restore balance to the world by enacting purges at various points in history. They targeted places they deemed were the greatest sources of civilization's corruption and decadence, places that led to suffering and injustice. Acting as a self-appointed check against human corruption for thousands of years, some of the previous activities of the League included the sacking of Rome, starting the Black Plague, and the great London fire."

So the League of Shadows distroys societys that are corrupt to restore balance here on earth. This made me think of the Comets as the League of Shadows but restoring balance not on a worldly scale but a universal scale. Makes sense, need positivity and negativity even in 6D for balance. Looks like this World is heavily tipping the sclaes to more negativity then positivity and the comets or ice age will restore balance. Personaly I hope its an Ice age as it will still have the cleaning house effect and I feel there is a better chance of survival for those prepared and feel you can be more prepared for an ice age then a huge boulder the size of Texas.
thorbiorn said:
_ said:
“These individuals still think they’re special, entitled, and they want to be great, but they just can’t do it,” Krizan said. “As a result they’re vulnerable, their self-esteem fluctuates a lot, they tend to be self-conscious and not very proactive, but passive, shy, and introverted.”

When the feeling of envy is added to the mix, Krizan said it can be a potentially dangerous combination. Though vulnerable narcissists are not as overt in their behavior, they may be more prone to unexpected outbursts of aggression.

A prime example might be the case of the nanny who brutally killed those two young children in her care. Apparently she was educated (with an accounting degree from her home country) but was only able to find work as a nanny in New York city. Her vulnerability, rage, and envy (of the Krim family) eventually came bursting forth in an unspeakable act.
Woot woot, bring on the wave, and those crazy surfers riding it.

I'm feeling a bit strange today, sorry for my silliness. Thanks for the session...I was wondering when you would do another one....I miss them a lot.
Really interesting comments, especially PoB, Muxel and thorbiorn for the reminders.
The parable of the virgins appears to be really clear in my mind now. I will bring a personnal and interesting (at least from my point of view) experience that relates to this.
The day before yesterday, I was in my second session of massage formation, and there was also an art-therapy workshop based on colors on the floor below, the animator asked us if we wanted to come after our schedule. I did with a few others.

I never had painted nor drawn and that's what was interesting to them. They just said, sit down and take a brush. Nothing is expected, no specific results. And, well.. I was scared, my hand and so the brush were shaking a little, I had no idea what to do, but I had to do what I wanted to ! Using all the paper (it was watercolor on a wet sheet) and just mixing 2 colors (red and yellow for me).

I realised that I came back to my inner child, scared to give a result. Scared to be creative. How powerful was that rather basical experience. I ended with my fingers, the animator pointing out that I had to do it with my hand as a child (also seeing the connexion with massages), really physical, metabolic, without the tool that gives the mental perspective to the painting. It was like being back to this specific state instantly. I had someone to talk to during the workshop and it was interesting to release verbally what came to me.

After I finished, I didn't feel really happy about what I did, but during it I felt more and more confident to just be creative for the sake of being creative. I was really emotionnal and felt truly sincere with myself and with others, I had to be truthful about my feelings to the ones I was talking too. The unusual and strong feeling lasted for 2 hours in my heart. It was a release, I was seeing people differently and was calmer (not that I'm overstressed).

And this relate to those comments :

[The foolish]
The foolish virgins with lamps and no oil are those who are on one level of Truth and knowledge intellectually—a higher level—but live and do according to another level. They know one thing, and live and do another.

These in the very nature of things shut themselves out from the Kingdom of Heaven—that is, from the attainment of this higher level possible to Man which is his real meaning. It is not that the door is shut on them. The door is not shut; they shut the door on themselves.

The kind of oil they get from "buying and selling", the oil of merit, is not that required for entry into another level of humanity. So they are said to be "not clever". They are not clever because they do not see that it is to themselves and the kind of people they are that the teaching of Christ applies. They must not merely think in a new way, through the ideas of the Word, but must themselves become different kinds of people.

They may know and even believe the Truth on a higher level, and at the same time live on another level, not applying the Truth to themselves. This is their problem: their actual lives are not governed by their knowledge. They know one thing and will another thing.

The foolish, ... knowing the teaching, continue to seek their Good from life, from rewards, from reputation, from being first, getting to higher and higher positions, having better morals than others, being thought well of, from outwardly conforming to laws and social standards, when internally they are quite different and are only restrained by fear. This is the only Good they know and so they must follow it.
A man is not merely his understanding but what he wills from it, and this is what he does, and this is the whole man. The Word—that is, the psychological teaching in the Gospels—is to make a man different, first in thought, and then in being, so that he becomes a New Man. Merely to know about the Word and to make one's oil—one's Good—from the advantages, intrigues and merits of life is not to have the oil that belongs to the lamp of Christ. To act from the Word, to act from this teaching about inner evolution, this higher state of Man, to begin to do a very few things in the light of Christ's words through seeing what they mean and liking the ideas and so being able to will them, without any sense of reward, is another matter. One single act done from willing some truth belonging to that order of teaching called the Word will lift a man for a moment far beyond his usual level. In such an act there is no question of bargaining, no question of "how much?", no question of "where do I come in?" and no boasting about it afterwards. One such thing done in the purest part of your understanding because you see the necessity and reality and so the Good of it, one such thing done from the inner will, can begin to set in motion something that has hitherto remained silent and motionless. The seed starts to life. The man, as a seed on which the Word can fall, begins to awaken. Light enters into his inner darkness. Truth is one thing, the spirit another—and a man must be re−born, from water and spirit, before he can become a New Man. Water is the Truth, the knowledge and teaching about a higher level; and spirit is a man's will passing into this knowledge and uniting it with him, through his seeing its Good, its value. No amount of external teaching will bring about this result. A person may have a lamp—but only through his own most intimate will, only through his deepest consent, only through obeying in secret the knowledge that has formed the lamp in him, will he make oil for it. It is just here that everyone is free. It is just here that everyone, through an inner action, can evolve or not evolve.

This drawing ended up being some kind of fire coiled in the whole sheet, really primitive and full of emotions. I just realised that I had been ruled by this fear to be creative longer than what I thought. Scared to express myself, to just let go and see which direction it could take. I understood something really important, and it relates to those parables and this comment of Laura :

Also, the concept of KNOWLEDGE being the key to transitioning is supremely important. All you have to do is think about the Parable of the Talents to get the point. It really isn't important that you have "supreme knowledge" or that you are totally prepared by virtue of that supreme knowledge, what is important is what you do with what you have! Another useful parable is that of the 10 Wise Virgins. Then, there is the "Widow's Mite" principle. If a person is doing all they can with what they have, and the AIM is to contribute to the STO position, then if there are energies of transition/ change/ whatever, those energies will "frequency resonance" match to yours and you don't have to get your knickers in a knot of fear.

If you are just doing all you can to gather knowledge, to apply what knowledge you DO have to whatever is set before you each day, with an overarching AIM of "knowing the truth that sets us free" (keep in mind that "knowing" is also LOVE), and being connected to a network striving to strengthen the STO reality/position, you'll be okay!

It's not perfection that is important, it is the STRIVING, the continued movement, the refusal to stagnate, the constant efforts to give and help in whatever way is available to you that counts.

These are ideas that have come to me in the writing of "Moses" because when I write, I go into a somewhat altered state and all kinds of things just sort themselves out somehow.

An experience (rather simple) that will not fade in my mind. It's talking about possibilities, how clear was it that it was me setting on my own limitations facing this inoffensive white sheet, but stuck and blocked to the infinite possibilities that it could take. Just because I set it during my growth. It's been a liberation and hopefully will take some perspective if I ponder it correctly and apply it to our reality, about networking and being creative in every possible sens.
Hope some of you will find it interesting.
Thank you very much Cs, Laura and team!. I must to think a lot about this session (as all of them). I feel the death of my loved ones and myself getting closer and I completely paralyzed. Well, much to think -and felt- about.
Thank you again.
l apprenti de forgeron said:
Thank you very much Cs, Laura and team!. I must to think a lot about this session (as all of them). I feel the death of my loved ones and myself getting closer and I completely paralyzed.

Death is always close to us and those we love. I think it is normal for the thought to scare us, but if we acknowledge that our death is so close all the time perhaps we can appreciate more of life and instead of feeling paralyzed, become motivated and mobilized to put the most into and get the most out of every moment of our lives?

I started reading the book, The Denial of Self the other day. I am still in the second chapter, and I feel anxiety reading it, I admit. But isn't this anxiety part of disillusionment, and isn't this what we strive for in life? Perhaps what Becker (the author) and Socratis advice as to do, practice dying, has something to do with this oil we are supposed to be preserving/accumulating, considering how much energy we spend avoiding the one fact of this life: that we are going to die (or we will die to life as we know it)? I don't know, I just started the book, but it has me thinking for sure.
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