Session 23 March 2013

Joanne said:
I don’t know about all of you but yes, I will be scared ******, sad and excited at the same time.

What a wonderfully descriptive, concise, and appropriate set of emotions!
I am reminded of what according to wikipedia is a sufi saying, which king Solomon had engraved on his ring.
Prayer and death remembering seem to be good daily practices.

One day Solomon decided to humble Benaiah ben Yehoyada, his most trusted minister. He said to him, 'Benaiah, there is a certain ring that I want you to bring to me. I wish to wear it for Sukkot which gives you six months to find it.'
'If it exists anywhere on earth, your majesty,' replied Benaiah, 'I will find it and bring it to you, but what makes the ring so special?'
'It has magic powers,' answered the king. 'If a happy man looks at it, he becomes sad, and if a sad man looks at it, he becomes happy.' Solomon knew that no such ring existed in the world, but he wished to give his minister a little taste of humility.
To cut a long story short, he found one and took it to Solomon
'Here it is, your majesty!' As soon as Solomon read the inscription, the smile vanished from his face. The jeweller had written three Hebrew letters on the gold band: 'gimel, zayin, yud', which began the words 'Gam zeh ya'avor' -- 'This too shall pass.'

At that moment Solomon realized that all his wisdom and fabulous wealth and tremendous power were but fleeting things, for one day he would be nothing but dust.
Tristan said:
In my opinion a very similar conclusion! Prepare for the death of oneself or others nearby, or the world as we know so far

Well that is not my understanding of preparedness aka. "Those who wish to participate in the future should "be prepared" like the wise virgins."

While the "death of oneself or others" maybe plays a possible (in the sense of possibility) part of "be prepared" like the wise virgins, I think the main thing this phrase is refering to is, as we seem to have uncovered here, that we need to do the work and apply it or:

Cassiopaeans, 09-28-02:
'Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the world will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the 'past.' People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the 'Future.'
Pashalis said:
Tristan said:
In my opinion a very similar conclusion! Prepare for the death of oneself or others nearby, or the world as we know so far

Well that is not my understanding of preparedness aka. "Those who wish to participate in the future should "be prepared" like the wise virgins."

While the "death of oneself or others" maybe plays a possible (in the sense of possibility) part of "be prepared" like the wise virgins, I think the main thing this phrase is refering to is, as we seem to have uncovered here, that we need to do the work and apply it or:

Cassiopaeans, 09-28-02:
'Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the world will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the 'past.' People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the 'Future.'

The way I'm summing it up at the moment is that 'dying to the world' is an essential part of oil preparation for the lamp. We need first knowledge and discernment between A and B influences, "paying strict attention to reality left and right". To know which information motivates our driver, horse and carriage in their seperate whims, and how this relates to possesion of A influences (programs, envy, anticipation etc). Applying the knowledge, heeding the voice of B influences is filling the lamp. In turn taking one closer to the second birth, forming a magnetic centre and thus dying to the worlds influence.
Pashalis said:
Tristan said:
In my opinion a very similar conclusion! Prepare for the death of oneself or others nearby, or the world as we know so far

Well that is not my understanding of preparedness aka. "Those who wish to participate in the future should "be prepared" like the wise virgins."

While the "death of oneself or others" maybe plays a possible (in the sense of possibility) part of "be prepared" like the wise virgins, I think the main thing this phrase is refering to is, as we seem to have uncovered here, that we need to do the work and apply it or:

Cassiopaeans, 09-28-02:
'Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the world will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the 'past.' People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the 'Future.'

The fact that we are going to die is 'objective reality'.
And if by work you also mean the 4th way then death remembering is just that - it was recommended by Gurdjieff.
thorbiorn said:
How stable will the internet be?
How to prepare for networking in a zone with limited internet access?
Or do the wise virgin in that case rely on or transition to 4/5/6D connections instead of 3D networking?
There was the note about kites :/ said:
A: 7367. Kites were used for cross communication between bloodline members.

Q: Kites?! What do kites have to do with it? What the heck... you guys are driving me NUTS! Do you mean kites as in paper and string or kites as in the bird?

A: Yes, paper wood and string.

Q: (C) Like smoke signals? (L) Well, how is flying a kite... (C) Well, if it has a certain symbol on it...

A: And shape.

Q: What shape is that?

A: No, not now.

Q: (C) Well, maybe the shape of a cleft chin? [Laughter] (L) Fair skin, cleft chin... (C) Yeah, and how did they communicate when it was raining? (L) Yeah, and at night? Did they set them on fire? Kites. This is obviously something that... (C) This is implying that such people know they have the bloodline and keep in touch with each other? (L) Or, is this something for the future when those of the bloodline wake up?

A: Yes.

Q: All of the above? Or just the last part?

A: Latter.

Q: So, we need to go fly a kite... (C) With a particular shape and symbol...

A: Research kites.

Let's say internet, regular mail and pigeon post centrals are down, but Haarp is still beaming and scrambling any potential telepathic communication (don't know if that would follow), then kites could be used to carry coded messages when let go on the winds, seems a bit random though from a 3d mindset.

wiki said:
Ancient and medieval Chinese sources list other uses of kites for measuring distances, testing the wind, lifting men, signaling, and communication for military operations.[15] The earliest known Chinese kites were flat (not bowed) and often rectangular. Later, tailless kites incorporated a stabilizing bowline. Kites were decorated with mythological motifs and legendary figures; some were fitted with strings and whistles to make musical sounds while flying

Even if one could fashion a kite that could make a spectacle with sound and other features which could illuminate it's visibility over great distances, how would one make it's message legible and even practical?

Wonder what would happen if Haarp actually was shut down, what would it do to the influx of psychic material?
After spending a couple of days reading and pondering the posts in this thread, there is one thing that kept popping up in my brain.

"As above so below"

Reflecting on the parable of the virgins and how this applies, the connection can be made here also.

I remember reading where Laura was chastised by someone because at that point her health was suffering badly, yet she was promoting knowledge from our future selves. They even got on her case for smoking. It reminded me of questioning why information from the future did not include information on how we can improve our lot physically.

Now, all the spiritual oil and lamp references in here parallel what religions teach about this. Yet, I saw many reasons to question how this applied because I didn't see the results in the daily lives of the people who were preaching and teaching about keeping the spiritual lamp full of oil. Shouldn't people work on their personal daily life first, before preaching about something that is not of a physical nature?

To me, this seems to be backwards.

When you build a house, do you start with all the trappings? First you need to have a strong foundation, then a well constructed frame and finally you can finish/decorate the house.

When you take care of the basics, the end results can be very nice. So it is with the oil in the lamp. What good is going out trying to keep a spiritual lamp lit when the physical lamp, the one you can have a direct impact on, is leaking oil(so to speak)? If a person has the right frame of mind and the physical body is working well, it would be very simple to fill the spiritual lamp at that point.

About the talents, it would seem that this is a guideline about progression in the work. As there are many people on the path at many places on the path.

So this led me to the next question and possibly it has been answered/asked already.

Could our world, Earth, become inhabitable from a series of Nuclear Plant melt downs, bombs and falling rocks, forcing some sort of evacuation, in order to save our race of humans? Could the human race move to 4D as a group? It has been done before.

Right after my stroke 2005, I had a very strong vision about something resembling a world wide convention where people were gathered and taken off world. Some people would not leave. I am just not sure if these are old memories surfacing or a glimpse of what is to come. One thing is for sure, there seems to be a purging going on right now which seems to be escalating.

Which brings us back to the basics, you will not be a part of this physical event if your health can't keep you from 5D. There seems to be no way to shine your light from that dimension, at least none that I have heard about. There may be a way I don't know about.

Can you keep your physical lamp lit? With all the garbage people consume as food, wreaking havoc on their health, it seems the KD diet is the way to do that very thing.
WIN 52 said:
Could our world, Earth, become inhabitable from a series of Nuclear Plant melt downs, bombs and falling rocks, forcing some sort of evacuation, in order to save our race of humans? Could the human race move to 4D as a group? It has been done before.

I don't see why anyone would be forced to evacuate us, or move a malfunctioning race to a density it is not ready for. If you are reffering to tribes and peoples who have been transited to other dimensions I would gather that a precursor would be common practice and mindset; which does not apply to humankind as a whole.
parallel said:
I don't see why anyone would be forced to evacuate us, or move a malfunctioning race to a density it is not ready for. If you are reffering to tribes and peoples who have been transited to other dimensions I would gather that a precursor would be common practice and mindset; which does not apply to humankind as a whole.

That is kind of the point behind the need to raise your frequency via diet.

I have a big question about the way health guidelines tell people to live and regulations allowing manipulation of the food supply to a negative result where health is concerned.

The way it seems to be going leaves little hope for survival. During my health struggles of the past decade, I was at a point where I was ready to give up and head for 5D. The only thing that seemed to bring me back to having a desire to continue in this physical plane was finding this group and the light it was giving.(and now grandchildren)

The lamps shining by the people here doing what they can, brought me back to become engaged in the struggle once again. It seems arming myself with objective information and understanding more about the control mechanisms in place to keep us in check gives me a way to stand against those very things. It is almost impossible for a person to find their way in this bleak darkness without a bit of light here and there along the path.

I guess forcing was not the right choice of words for that question, possibly initiating is better. What I saw was more like a family reunion. The ones/tribes who chose to stay in this physical world had assistance so they would be able to continue. As I understood, the environment on earth would be quite hostile for a time. There is an STO STS balance in 4D also. Religious groups get caught up with killing each other in the name of God, all the time. Which groups are right?

We have heard from past information that those who make the transition or graduate will be given new bodies. People will no longer need to reproduce. That is a 3D thing and a way to introduce new souls, kind of like a nursery, as I understand.

I also saw that there were many who chose to hide underground during these times, mostly the people who were motivated by having control over what survived. The problem with this is that by hiding underground, you may not be a part of this graduation. The earth's crust will also be shifting in many various places at this time. Being underground may not be the best place to hide. In fact, hiding will gain nothing. A person needs to stand and face these things head on, keeping their wicks trimmed. To me, this seems less scary than dealing with life on this planet, today. At least there is hope in a seemingly hopeless situation.

Ancient literature gives a heads up that 5D will also take part in the graduation process. I am guessing at least the souls there who are ready to graduate. I guess that hope extends for the sake of lost loved ones.
Padawan Learner

Posts: 94

« Reply #47 on: December 14, 2012, 12:07:03 AM »
I have many of these symptoms which I am ready and willing to change, only this time with knowledge about what and why I am using supplements and changing over to paleo. It took a long time for me to be ready to change the diet in the right way rather than wrong. Reading all the books-LWB and PBPM and the detox book I'll be getting. Reading Hulda Clarks work and understanding rather than ordering haphazardly, not really knowing what I'm doing. Eating effectively is the last and only hurrah that is going to get me well. I can't retain info in a brain fog! So bear with me. I'm not there yet. I had been feeling that it couldn't go on any longer and that I was getting ill-er than even my own denial told me. Aware of the manipulation. Even though I feel pretty O.K. Pretty O.K. is so vague and sad to me, and I came to the point of feeling overwhelmingly sad from limiting myself in this way. It is a bad joke, I don't really feel O.K. I am just willful and resistant, but it takes what it takes, sadly. Its over, I am here now and will continue no matter what. Much on this forum, in fact ALL has brought me to this point. I may not post, yet I listen and read on always. I began 5 days ago making the bone broth that I found on one of the posts in this thread.My life has changed DRAMATICALLY!!!Not only did I start feeling a sense of goodness from this food, all sugar cravings and wheat cravings have ceased. Yes you are reading this correctly. Gone.The thought of bread or the awful sugar-laced thing I was ingesting like the drug addiction it is was sickening. This is a spiritual awaking that came as a total surprise. So quick was a radical change. I feel as if I turned a corner and am going to live.Live well.I've been eating bacon, kale,bone broth,lots of distilled water, oxtails,strawberries,blues,coconot milk and almond milk, some walnuts and almonds,pink salt in water broccoli and vita c,magnesium,milk thistle,vita E,D, and complex,fish oil. My hands don't hurt from arthritis. My hair stopped falling out.The elasticity in my joints feels more flexible,and I am smelling everthing alto stronger, especially the toxins coming out of my palms.I am hoping the eyesight gets better. Yes, in 5 days these are the results. The best is -NO CRAVINGS. Yet, anyway. I am stunned, inspired. and happy I am giving myself this opportunity to free the toxicity that affects my whole life, beginning with my thinking.It took a long time for this all to click. The books, the reading the observation of self. I am amazed I came this far.I was able to talk and give such great advice, even though I didn't take it MYSELF. Some of my students did, and THEY inspired me. sometimes they don;'t believe me because of how I look and move. I let them know that it is deceiving. You can be flexible look young talk great and inside be amess that no one sees.That will not last and is not co-linear with mind and body.No one would guess what is going on inside pyhsiacally. And that facade could kill me if I wasn't concerned with truth. I've never lied to them about where i was at.They thank me by being the example I can follow.They deserve a teacher who walks it. I always tell them were all students, and never play teacher in a way that places myself on higher ground. Some have suffered with these symptoms and others and I've passed on the info I got here. And tell them where they can go to learn, rather then believing what I say.It felt great to go into class last night and talk about these health issues and have others share. That didn't happen before. Now people are being more open and willing and I promise you it is because of you people and your sharing. This is where I go to become wholly. Sott anchors me to the outside world that I can't see.Being in this hurricane was the event that woke me up to," YES, IT is REALLY happening." Change. In bigger ways , and in your backyard,too! I am consciously transitioning and I feel it in real ways. i have been choosing well. I am becoming a lot less palatable to those that want a tasty meal. Its only 5 days, but I'm exited rather than scared. Its ironic that I had to eat a few hoofs to be able to kick the wishers of my demise out of my brain and body. Yes, hooves boiled down to a clear and sublime gelatin. Thanks , I will keep posting. Oh yes, by the way. Your knowledge and giving of it selflessly has saved my life. One life able to be lived honestly. That is truth. Thank you Laura, Anart, Psyche, Shellycheval, and the rest of you superomnihuman folks for getting up in the morning and living as you do.

This is exactly what I am talking about, when a bit of light is all that is needed.

I can testify about what a bit of light has done for me also.

People tell me they are getting sick of hearing about diet, etc from me. But, I can also see changes in their lives based on the light I am shining for them. They had figured on planting me by now, yet I stand. The changes in my physique, health and well being are a hard witness to deny.
Laura said:
Maybe ya'll can formulate some simple progressions of questions about what it really means to be "prepared"? ... so let's get some good questions together about what "being prepared" really means. I have the feeling that it isn't what people usually think.

"what does it mean to be prepared?"
"how do we prepare?"
"how do we know if we're prepared enough?"
"what does the oil in the virgin lamps symbolize?"
"what does virginity symbolize in this bible story?"
"can this oil really be purchased?"
"how is this oil stored?"
"what does a lit lamp symbolize?"
"does the oil have something to do with chi/qi/prana?"
"does meditation produce preparation?"
"what are we preparing for?"
"is it true that we can only prepare ourself?"
"what are the signs of being prepared?"

parallel said:
Pashalis said:
Tristan said:
In my opinion a very similar conclusion! Prepare for the death of oneself or others nearby, or the world as we know so far

Well that is not my understanding of preparedness aka. "Those who wish to participate in the future should "be prepared" like the wise virgins."

While the "death of oneself or others" maybe plays a possible (in the sense of possibility) part of "be prepared" like the wise virgins, I think the main thing this phrase is refering to is, as we seem to have uncovered here, that we need to do the work and apply it or:

Cassiopaeans, 09-28-02:
'Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the world will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the 'past.' People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the 'Future.'

The way I'm summing it up at the moment is that 'dying to the world' is an essential part of oil preparation for the lamp. We need first knowledge and discernment between A and B influences, "paying strict attention to reality left and right". To know which information motivates our driver, horse and carriage in their seperate whims, and how this relates to possesion of A influences (programs, envy, anticipation etc). Applying the knowledge, heeding the voice of B influences is filling the lamp. In turn taking one closer to the second birth, forming a magnetic centre and thus dying to the worlds influence.

I like this perspective. Thanks
Hello all!
I am new here, and will intro myself a little bit later, hope that's okay.
I have stopped by this forum on and off by referral over the years, and always found it fascinating and welcoming.
The events of the last few years have transformed me, looking back, I know now, what happened were lessons for something to come. I would like to share some with you but, this is not the thread for the nuts and bolts, but I feel it might qualify to chime in on the matter of 'talents', later. I think if we have learned hard lessons with the right frame of mind and balance, we are here to help others through similar challenges, AND apply the core teaching to address other difficult times. We're here to test ourselves and help where universe places the challenge. Use discernment so as not to be sucked in by the psychopaths, who I am not thinking are actually worried about the forthcoming fireball shower. (I don't know what sort of gift to bring to that sort of 'shower').. ~humour~ :)

Okay, finally to get to the point I would like to make..
I've spent hours here just barely scratching the surface of many posts and threads, a few chapters of Wave, some posts on the comets of course, ponerology, OP's, soulless humans, some RV stuff, psychopaths, (several of the books I have read I see are on your recommended reading list, and that was validating!) ~~~ and~~~ many of the C's transcripts, which brings me at last, to the point:

In one of the C's transcripts, they suggest we research 'kites'.

My mind flooded with childhood memories. Every year, I always got the same kite. It was the old wood and thin paper type. Mom would make the tail and dad would give me a roll of fishing line and we stuck a ruler through the hole as a handle. (giving away my age, huh?) The picture on the kite was a full moon. Sooooo... in my jaunts in cyber world to research the history of kites, I saw this, and offer it to the forum.. It might not be new to you guys, but, it was to me.

Thank you all for reading if you got this far:


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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It has been suggested that helikite be merged into this article or section. (Discuss) Proposed since October 2011.

A kytoon (a portmanteau of kite + balloon) is a kite with a significant amount of aerostatic lift from a lighter than air gas carried within.

The primary advantage of a kytoon is that it remains up and at a reasonably stable position above the tether point, irrespective of the wind.[1]

The kytoon has been used in peace and war. The kytoon is being employed for raising rescue signals, antenna,[2][3] and turbines for generating electricity. Kytoons need not be of lower density than the fluid stream in which it is operated. It is sufficient that the kytoon be part balloon and part kite. So the kytoon is a special kind of kite.[4]

nflation gases

Kytoons may be flown in Earth or other planetary atmospheres. Any gas may be used to inflate the bladder parts of a kytoon. Hydrogen, methane, air, helium, etc. may be used to inflate the balloon aspect of a kytoon.
History of kytoons

The kytoon was starkly forwarded by the invention and designs of Domina Jalbert.[citation needed]
Applications of the kytoon

Raise emergency signals in calm or wind
Keep communications antenna aloft during calm and wind
Raise wind turbines for generating electricity
Scare birds away from crops
Toy and sport kiting
Meteorological measurements [5]

So much more there, even if it is wiki :?
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