Session 23 March 2013

In my opinion questions to Cs regarding CHANI may start rather simple, sort of incremental questions, i.e:
1. What density is source of CHANI information?
3rd? OK, we just forget it. 4th? Then:
2. What polarity/realm is source of CHANI information (STS/STO)?
STS? OK, there enough of it here. STO? Then it is more complicated:
3. What group does entity represent? What are the objectives of that group? From information provided he/she lives on Earth, just different timeline(s), and we sort of going to merge with them/go their 'timeline'. So are they us in our 'future', our whole 'us' in 4th density? Or is it about parallel reality? Etc.
4. Several questions about predicted dates. Why is month/day provided, but not the year? What do PTB plan to do with LHC (on 15 May)?

Personally, I'm very concerned with this:
CHANI said:
elders xplain me xplain now like elders ok
the speed of yor line time is slowing
but the revolutions of yor earth line time is speeding up very quikly
u r slowing but u r spining fasters in the same place ok
the wave is cause big this but also the big silent rock

1. Is that indeed the case? If it is not wave and this rock, does any STS group manipulate our time in a big way now?
2. Is 'macro probability collapse' to whatever 2009 + 5 yrs still valid?
3. Is "April drop dead date' still to be experienced?
4. Does "be prepared" like wise virgins simply means hold your frequency stable and be ready any time now to be free of old ways and old world?
5. Where is twin sun (close approach date expired)?
6. Where is supernova (date expired)?
7. Where is comet cluster(s) (date expired)?
8. Where is the Wave (date expired)?

I confess, my greatest fear is that "nothing happens" in nearest future or that what will happen is not enough of magnitude to completely dismantle old System (which I hate). And I doomed to live here through slow decay decomposition and disruption and never be given a chance to fulfill what I think is my 'destiny'.
I may be completely delusional or mistaken with this. But I just don't fit here, never fit completely. It is just adaptation, sham and frustration. Every day is just slow death anyway. Sort of to be stuck at 'no man's land' - old life is almost dead for me, I cannot go back (and do not want to) and still there is no new life (or change).
And such thoughts is pure STS and ego and impatience, I know (damn, I'm terrible person probably, but I work on myself at my own pace).
MrEightFive said:
I confess, my greatest fear is that "nothing happens" in nearest future or that what will happen is not enough of magnitude to completely dismantle old System (which I hate). And I doomed to live here through slow decay decomposition and disruption and never be given a chance to fulfill what I think is my 'destiny'.

But that is the crux, MrEightFive, it is YOUR destiny and, in that, yours to fulfill. We can't passively accept what "happens to us" as if that is all there is. You are in this time line, incarnated in a body with a mind that can interface with this reality for a reason. The reason is to be an active force in this timeline. It's not about "nothing happens" - it's about what you make happen in your life and with your life that not only transforms you but transforms the world around you.

m said:
I may be completely delusional or mistaken with this. But I just don't fit here, never fit completely. It is just adaptation, sham and frustration. Every day is just slow death anyway. Sort of to be stuck at 'no man's land' - old life is almost dead for me, I cannot go back (and do not want to) and still there is no new life (or change).
And such thoughts is pure STS and ego and impatience, I know (damn, I'm terrible person probably, but I work on myself at my own pace).

And if it is up to you to make that change, then times a'wastin' - how could it not be up to you to be part of that change, to "make it" - why else would you be here? Don't sit passively waiting for whatever might happen to happen - take every single day to transform your life and your self into some small representation of the world in which you feel you would "fit". If everyone here did that, every single day, we might already "be" where we're going. This is YOUR life - right now - right here and this is your time to be an active force - don't sit passively waiting for "something to happen" when you are that something- we all are.
@MrEightyFive, great questions, and I echo your feelings. I truly think some games have been played with our timeline or time/space. The slowing but spinning faster idea might explain how the current controllers have kept the financial crash from manifesting, OR, it did, they reversed time to fix what broke enough to keep it going again, till they cleaned out all the coffers. That might explain why soooooo much negative news being rained on us each and every day is to raise fear to it's zenith, plug any loopholes, or THOUGHTS of escaping their grip, therefore, we wait to be consumed by them. Typical psychopaths, when then can't totally control you they seek to destroy you, and keep a few around to do their dirty work and feed on. So, the frustration is really about two things. Hurry up and crash so we can rebuild, and that's where I think many people are psychologically. Second, it's the strangest sort of opportunity to go within and see the magnitude of the wicked experiment as well. While there may be no external saviors to step in and clean up the mess, it is we who must be ready when that happens, and try our best how not to slip back, but I don't think that's going to be a choice. Chani suggests we are going to repeat again, IF we don't merge timelines, fuse. That's a point I'd like to explore with the C's.

There is quite a lot in the chani material that aligns with C's it seems to me (so far). Going within, using our freewill. In fact, Chani echos the wise words of Anarts response as well. That was awesome Anart!

Also Mr.85, notice that the CHANI dates have also aligned with the Webbot dates or tipping dates, and many of them came and went, leaving confusion about what it was the data was actually pointing to. So the date slippage by both Chani and Webbot, is curious and goes to the consideration that time has been messed with. Bent, slowed, stretched, while OTHER THINGS have moved at record speed. Events or predictions once thought to be imminent were a bleedthrough of the data. In clif's work many of the November tipping events which were considered imminent, happened two/three years later. So the 'miss' was finally understood as 'bleedthrough'. If it wasn't someone playing with our timeline, perhaps it was awareness/consciousness that affected it. Maybe just a little. Maybe it was both.

Not long ago I remember hearing that clif high had done an experiment with other RVr's, and it was this last February I think, that all of them had noticed what he could best describe as a ripple in time, or wrinkle. The speculation was that something LEFT our timeline. That is spooky.

So, something is up with time for sure, I haven't made up my mind on the Chani project yet, but I see at their forum there are some healthy skeptics.

Perhaps a question for the C's is has Earths/Humans time/line, time/space been altered. Perhaps it was by CERN. That worries me.

Now back to Anart's point, we need to take responsibility for fulfilling our own destiny. There are SO many things we need to be working on and not allow the fear of the unknown steal our energy or seduce it from us using tired old fear tactics. Exercising a new mental muscle is work. :)

Perhaps the help that is on the way, is us..
anart said:
OpenHeartMonk said:
i like your tagline:

"Try for a moment to accept the idea that you are not what you believe yourself to be, that you overestimate yourself, in fact that you lie to yourself. That you always lie to yourself every moment, all day, all your life.[...] You must stop inwardly and observe." Mme Jean de Salzmann

Mme de Salzmann was a student of Gurdjieff's. You didn't answer my question, however, have you read the Wave Series or Gurdjieff's work yet?

OromNom said:
OpenHeartMonk said:
the intellect is a barrier to true understanding

Maybe this is true at some point or level of an individuals conscious progression, but not at the level of view sharing in this forum, discussing topics and to be critical and analyzing the matters herein discussed.

If this is not so, maybe you can show us how we can come to an understanding of the world we live in and how it affects us daily without the use of the intellect? And if so, it is an ocasion for creating another topic.

just be

when thoughts and emotion arise, recognize these are temporal objects and let them go

how do we get here, well, it requires cultivation of the witness.. meditation is the most direct path to realizing this, although there are other tools that can assist (breathwork and yogas)

this idea of being critical, of analyzing and discussing, it can be useful to a point, but it will not lead to liberation/enlightenment -- it is far more useful to observe the autopilot programs of the human machine and disengage from conditioned behaviors
obyvatel said:
OromNom said:
OpenHeartMonk said:
the intellect is a barrier to true understanding

Maybe this is true at some point or level of an individuals conscious progression,

I think the comment "intellect is a barrier to true understanding" results from a faulty understanding of intellect and its role in development. Intellect is like a powerful tool that needs to be directed and used properly. My working hypothesis at present is that true understanding is impossible without proper use of the intellectual faculty.

From wikipedia
Intellect is a term used in studies of the human mind, and refers to the ability of the mind to come to correct conclusions about what is true or real, and about how to solve problems. Historically the term comes from the Greek philosophical term nous, which was translated into Latin as intellectus (derived from the verb intelligere) and into French (and then English) as intelligence.

the intellect/mind will rot when the human instrument expires.. why waste time nursing that which is temporal?

anart said:
We can't passively accept what "happens to us" as if that is all there is. The reason [for this life] is to be an active force in this timeline. It's not about "nothing happens" - it's about what you make happen in your life and with your life that not only transforms you but transforms the world around you.

[...] Don't sit passively waiting for whatever might happen to happen - take every single day to transform your life and your self into some small representation of the world in which you feel you would "fit". If everyone here did that, every single day, we might already "be" where we're going. This is YOUR life - right now - right here and this is your time to be an active force - don't sit passively waiting for "something to happen" when you are that something- we all are.

These thoughts tie into my present thoughts and reading. As Viktor Frankl puts it in Man's Search for Meaning, it does not really matter what we expect from life, but rather what life expects from us. Living up to this expectation, I think, is what it means to "give to life" - and we become exactly what we give to life.

Being concerned with what we give to life, and giving to life, instead of being concerned with what life gives or can give to us, is, I think, stocking up on our oil in a nutshell.

For me, the main difficulties are: 1) The programming that interferes, that drives me in endless ways to spin my wheels while dreaming of a "reward" for my activity - this dream need not be expressed in words, but can show itself in a variety of anticipatory attitudes, where something "bad" is to be avoided and/or something "good" to be obtained. 2) Knowing what to really give to life, beyond working to sort myself out; as nearly every idea and activity outside of this is tainted by the aforementioned programming.

But if I would reject every striving, from the smallest to the largest, which is compromised by the aforementioned programming, I would then only sit in my room, take in information, and work with thoughts, feelings, and attiitudes in isolation - which obviously does not lead anywhere. And doing so would in itself be giving in to said programming. So judgment, even if flawed, must be employed - as well as is presently possible, while also working to improve it.

Many seem to be at a crossroads in life - there is the old mold; for me, it is the "job" of studying, which at present fulfils others' expectations and provides a place in life, but which at length would probably be a deadly distraction (possibly on several levels). And so there is the challenge of seeing and of utilizing a possibility for something else - which, to be successful, must be done in the absence of wishful thinking and all other kinds of preconceptions.

For me at present, how to really help others in any significant way, besides networking and spreading some information, remains a mystery. So my hope is that, in working with what I have in life, and on myself, I might begin to understand what to do next - what to do which really gives more to life - and become more capable of doing it - and doing it. Then, to face whatever comes - and if it is "bad", then, as Frankl puts it, to "be worthy of my sufferings", i.e. to meet them with the right attitude - to never let go of aim and to always keep up a meaningful struggle.
Thank you anart for your comment. With every year I more and more 'resonate' with idea go out and finally do something about all of this. But right now "time" doesn't seems right. So I wait... And 'army' of others do as well: _ (I don't participate there).

3D/4D STS manipulation with time may well be the case. I don't think they able to prevent 'the shift', but they may be desperately trying to. The question is, for how long 'they' able to stretch this? If we speaking about decades here, then good luck us with this... We are screwed then. Some souls here who may consider they are 'wanderers' or with 'mission' or whatever, their bodies will just die because of old age. Time is our ultimate prison here. We are just blind kittens here. But from 6D realm this messing with time (if it's in fact true) should be known/visible (assumption).

Clif High IDIRs seems to work, but so far magnitude of events in reality is much less than language suggested. His Global Coastal Event may be not such big kick in the butt that has been initially suggested. And Clif admit this in his latest reports/wujos.

If Cs could address these questions, I would be happy :D And many other 'waiters' too.

Jan 11 said:
A: No, they are working on that false premise that they can seal realms into “4th” density and 3rd, 2nd, 1st STS for eternity.
A: No, not physicality through all densities, just 4th through 1st density STS.

Q: (Laura) Ohhh!! (Terry) They don’t care if it’s physical or not. They’re in 4th. They just want to seal them off and keep them STS to feed off of them. (Jan) Ohhh, they want their own little garden! They want their own little ‘suck’garden.
A: "Eternity" is the key word there. It is where the wishful thinking comes into play.

Nov 6 said:
Q: (L) Are they interested in sexual energy simply because it is life force?
A: Partly and also desperately to stave off change in order to retain control.

Q: (L) What changes are they desperate to stave off?
A: To 4th level.

Q: (L) They are trying to stave off the 4th level change. Can they do that?
A: No. Also hoping to retain control even if change occurs.

CHANI said:
u not wory me
me wory feel u
me line time good now in now
me tel u yor line time is waiting
yor line time is resting is holding back ok

yor line time presure is building
soon yor line time xplode go very quik

Oh god, let's hope...
OpenHeartMonk said:
just be

when thoughts and emotion arise, recognize these are temporal objects and let them go

how do we get here, well, it requires cultivation of the witness.. meditation is the most direct path to realizing this, although there are other tools that can assist (breathwork and yogas)

this idea of being critical, of analyzing and discussing, it can be useful to a point, but it will not lead to liberation/enlightenment -- it is far more useful to observe the autopilot programs of the human machine and disengage from conditioned behaviors

And what faculty are you using to do this recognizing, cultivation, observation and disengagement? The intellect perhaps?

OpenHeartMonk said:
the intellect/mind will rot when the human instrument expires.. why waste time nursing that which is temporal?

I think you might be confusing the physical brain with the intellect here. And frankly your comments don't make much sense, OpenHeartMonk. Have you read the forum guidelines and do you understand the purpose of this online community?
OpenHeartMonk said:
the intellect/mind will rot when the human instrument expires.. why waste time nursing that which is temporal?
Hello OpenHeartMonk,
How one can ever know if it is the case or not (in other words: sez who?)? It appears at the contrary that mind in the universe grows up (mindlessness is the other path, towards materiality/sleeping consciousness). It is a matter a choice after all, but talking about mind, intellect, intellectuality, intellectualism, etc. One has to use the adequate language and define it precisely, otherwise we use the same words to describe different concepts :)
Alana said:
And what faculty are you using to do this recognizing, cultivation, observation and disengagement? The intellect perhaps?

the intellect must be silenced in order to be recognized -- for this purpose the tool of meditation is engaged

OpenHeartMonk said:
the intellect/mind will rot when the human instrument expires.. why waste time nursing that which is temporal?

Alana said:
I think you might be confusing the physical brain with the intellect here. And frankly your comments don't make much sense, OpenHeartMonk. Have you read the forum guidelines and do you understand the purpose of this online community?

i shall respectfully disengage from this conversation that makes no sense to you
mkrnhr said:
OpenHeartMonk said:
the intellect/mind will rot when the human instrument expires.. why waste time nursing that which is temporal?
Hello OpenHeartMonk,
How one can ever know if it is the case or not (in other words: sez who?)? It appears at the contrary that mind in the universe grows up (mindlessness is the other path, towards materiality/sleeping consciousness). It is a matter a choice after all, but talking about mind, intellect, intellectuality, intellectualism, etc. One has to use the adequate language and define it precisely, otherwise we use the same words to describe different concepts :)

one may directly realize this for him/herself

there is no need to believe something someone else says -- indeed belief is detrimental to personal growth

i do suspect, however, that my comments on this topic are not welcome on this forum, so i shall return to silence.. you are welcome to private message me if you wish to continue this discussion
moonfly said:
There is quite a lot in the chani material that aligns with C's it seems to me (so far). Going within, using our freewill.

I think Laura summed up the situation re: CHANI pretty well:

Laura said:
It's like the Leophoenix - xineohpoel guy posting about 9-11 weeks before it happened. In some cases, it can be a COINTEL operation where some accurate "plans" are given out as prophecies along with ideas that are 180 degrees reversed from objective reality. When the prophecies "come true" then gullible people will believe the rest of the stuff that is lies. Notorious disinfo/vector sites: it is sometimes useful to keep one's eye on them in order to know what the PTB are planning.

In reading through the NEXUS article that you posted the link to, the feeling I get is that it's written by an amateur who wants to pretend that they're something more important that they really are. Who knows, maybe someone somewhere really got tasked with putting this information out on the internet, but it strikes me that most of the CHANI material is stuff that could be picked up just by reading a lot of the New Age/channeling literature. Here are a few quotes from that article that strike me as being red flags for various reasons:

Holographic Programming of Dark Matter

It was soon apparent that the Y2K-compliant upgrades had a direct effect on the CHANI research project.

What made CHANI unique from any other channelling method/technique is that the researchers never used a human "channeller".

The Entity explained that his Elders "noticed" us (we here on Earth) and our whole solar system cross onto "their" parallel universe.

The Rubicon division was formed by a number of "dissatisfied" Upper Echelon members within the RA community, who decided that certain information should be released and that seeds should be planted to measure and research public reaction—clearing the way and setting a foundation for whenever "they" decide to flood the wires with full disclosure on any specific topic. When public interaction becomes a necessity, the information is to be released.

Rubicon has this credo: "Our whistle is blowing softly; if we blow too hard, some eardrums might pop, then everyone would be deaf."

Some might be pleasantly surprised if they knew how "spiritually oriented" the decision-makers in Upper Echelon and other intelligence-gathering organisations are. They are fully aware of the spiritual impact that the coming changes will bring to mankind.

But I assure you that even our top neurolinguists were awestruck by how this simple flow of words, structure, spelling and positioning spoke so directly to the reader's being.

English was the primary language used by the Entity. Another language was perfect Latin. The contrast/contradiction between the childlike use of English and that of the Latin is apparently explained in the master copy of the Echelon files, as are other topics. This file was never made available to me and still remains Centrally Classified to this day.

As far as the CHANI project was concerned, the elastic properties of time helped to explain why no year was given, only dates.

So I think it's possible it could be interesting from the perspective of planted disinfo and what you might be able to read into it, but not very likely that it represents a legitimate source of "higher" information.
OpenHeartMonk said:
i do suspect, however, that my comments on this topic are not welcome on this forum, so i shall return to silence.. you are welcome to private message me if you wish to continue this discussion

There's not really any reason to continue via private message -- it defeats the purpose of learning as a network, which is one of the reasons why we generally discourage it. Have you read the forum guidelines?
Shijing said:
moonfly said:
There is quite a lot in the chani material that aligns with C's it seems to me (so far). Going within, using our freewill.

I think Laura summed up the situation re: CHANI pretty well:

Laura said:
It's like the Leophoenix - xineohpoel guy posting about 9-11 weeks before it happened. In some cases, it can be a COINTEL operation where some accurate "plans" are given out as prophecies along with ideas that are 180 degrees reversed from objective reality. When the prophecies "come true" then gullible people will believe the rest of the stuff that is lies. Notorious disinfo/vector sites: it is sometimes useful to keep one's eye on them in order to know what the PTB are planning.

In reading through the NEXUS article that you posted the link to, the feeling I get is that it's written by an amateur who wants to pretend that they're something more important that they really are. Who knows, maybe someone somewhere really got tasked with putting this information out on the internet, but it strikes me that most of the CHANI material is stuff that could be picked up just by reading a lot of the New Age/channeling literature. Here are a few quotes from that article that strike me as being red flags for various reasons:

Holographic Programming of Dark Matter

It was soon apparent that the Y2K-compliant upgrades had a direct effect on the CHANI research project.

What made CHANI unique from any other channelling method/technique is that the researchers never used a human "channeller".

The Entity explained that his Elders "noticed" us (we here on Earth) and our whole solar system cross onto "their" parallel universe.

The Rubicon division was formed by a number of "dissatisfied" Upper Echelon members within the RA community, who decided that certain information should be released and that seeds should be planted to measure and research public reaction—clearing the way and setting a foundation for whenever "they" decide to flood the wires with full disclosure on any specific topic. When public interaction becomes a necessity, the information is to be released.

Rubicon has this credo: "Our whistle is blowing softly; if we blow too hard, some eardrums might pop, then everyone would be deaf."

Some might be pleasantly surprised if they knew how "spiritually oriented" the decision-makers in Upper Echelon and other intelligence-gathering organisations are. They are fully aware of the spiritual impact that the coming changes will bring to mankind.

But I assure you that even our top neurolinguists were awestruck by how this simple flow of words, structure, spelling and positioning spoke so directly to the reader's being.

English was the primary language used by the Entity. Another language was perfect Latin. The contrast/contradiction between the childlike use of English and that of the Latin is apparently explained in the master copy of the Echelon files, as are other topics. This file was never made available to me and still remains Centrally Classified to this day.

As far as the CHANI project was concerned, the elastic properties of time helped to explain why no year was given, only dates.

So I think it's possible it could be interesting from the perspective of planted disinfo and what you might be able to read into it, but not very likely that it represents a legitimate source of "higher" information.

Shijing, thank you for your very helpful response. I agree with you.
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