Session 23 May 2020

Q: (Pierre) And even now, despite the lock down and the desperate measures, no improvement was attained. No reduction in contamination.

A: None of what they thought has transpired due to wishful thinking. Just keep eyes and ears open! Lot of surprising twists and turns. Better than a roller coaster.

Q: (Joe) What if you don't like roller coasters? What if you vomit on roller coasters? (Artemis) Any more questions from anybody?

A: Worry not! Goodbye.


With all the events and turmoil happening there may be a couple to add to the "twists and turns" concerning "prophetic and philosophical patternings".

Session 7 January 1996:
Q: (P) I would like to know about the apparitions of the Virgin Mary at Conyers, GA, as well as this book "Mary's Message to the World" and all the other messages about the End Times that are coming out all over?

A: The forces at work here are far too clever to be accurately anticipated so easily. You never know what twists and turns will follow, and they are aware of prophetic and philosophical patternings and usually shift course to fool and discourage those who believe in fixed futures.

And more recently:

Session 18 May 2019:
Q: (L) So it's almost like we were being shown the symbolism.

(Joe) And that was a positive thing for everybody.

(L) So Arky got a second cap. A cap is kind of like a crown, yes? [laughter]

(Artemis) They want to say something…

A: We once pointed out that mass human behavior was a reflection of cosmic conditions. Now is the time when all must be extra vigilant. We also pointed out that STS forces are fully aware of prophetic patterns and will change and twist in order to discourage and put those to sleep who are slack in vigilance. Note the human environment and try to imagine what it represents above!!!

Q: (Joe) Well, what's the human environment doing?

(L) It's just going nuts!

(Joe) And what does that represent above?

(Pierre) Chaos.

(Andromeda) Nuts! BIG nuts!

(PoB) Cosmic nuts!

(L) Well, at the present time, it's like...

(Artemis) I think they want to say more.

A: It is like the story of the wise and foolish virgins which we have mentioned. Another parallel would be the story of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. Who will be found sleeping?

It is a good time to stay "awake" and "vigilant" but "Worry not" and put your thinking "cap" on...
How exactly does that translate- what would that do? A super gigantic sheet of lightning arcing to ground? I cannot even fathom such an event- EMP pulse? Electro terraforming like Pierre mentions? Oh man that would be crazy!

Your post struck a chord with me for the following reason:

I live in an area that typically has the most pitiful thunderstorms, barely a single clap most storms. However, during the past 6 months or so we have had some really intense ones. A few months ago we had one that lasted TWO HOURS, and I don't mean the rain part, I mean continual lightning and the kind of thunder you hear in movies.

Two weeks ago on a Saturday morning, we had another humdinger of a thunderstorm that lasted almost as long. The news said we had a record number of lightning strikes - 87,000 - during the hour and a half this storm lasted. I spent part of the storm out on the deck standing under the eave watching the carnage of wind and rain, lightning and thunder.

At one point, I saw a very odd phenomenon that I've never seen before. About 8 feet away from where I was standing, some streaks of gold light appeared in mid-air between the deck railing and a pear tree. There were about three or four of them of varying thicknesses, roughly parallel to each other, and some 12 feet off the ground. They were only visible for a couple of seconds before they disappeared. At first, I thought I was seeing reflections of something, but I couldn't figure out what. The air was electrified and there was a slight smell of ozone.

When I was much younger in New Zealand, I was riding home in a thunderstorm one day and saw ball lightning moving across a field. This was nothing like that. In addition, we have nothing electrical near where I saw the gold streaks. I told my husband about it and he said it was probably a leader of lightning coming up from the ground, and that the pear tree and I were lucky that lightning coming down from a cloud did not find it.

I had been feeling very sad and useless and was thinking about being ready to leave this crazy world, but now I wonder if there might be something useful I can do, since I apparently dodged a bullet, so to speak.
Thank you so much for this! I rarely listen to music like this and I found it deeply satisfying for my whole soul. What wonderful memories you must have of your mother.
Yes, this is truly healing. Hence why they stopped her, she has been long time suffering, so many years. . And I couldn't do my music or art either lol! It's the machine, it's skesyd like this. This time, they picked the wrong, singers hahaha. Don't mess w8th
Thank you so much for this! I rarely listen to music like this and I found it deeply satisfying for my whole soul. What wonderful memories you must have of your mother.
You made my heart sing, thanks you this is just truly lovely. Yes, her voice was a real healer.. One that truly worshipped Ahura Mazda. And in her words actions and deeds. 🐦🐦🌷🐦🌷🌲🌼🌼She's still hanging in there lol, just. albeit locked down in a nursing home. It's fine though, as these pains have allowed one to procure an energy that has cyrstalized something within the mind. And it could be the 'timing' not sure. Anyway... That when we work with our creativity with determination and passion, we can create a connection to the source, one that can usher in the universal energy. Angra or STS only has the energy we or the OP s give him, Mazda is infite energy of nature, way more powerful. We are his people. Not with our weak bodies, but with our minds hearts and spirits we are WAY stronger 🔥🗻🌊🌀🌌☀️⚡This is were the battle lies as we know.. Within the spirit. It is everything, and THEY WILL NOT HAVE IT. LOL 🦋🦋🐅🐈🐅😅. Don't mess with MUM!! 🐆🐆 One must honour her, now long suffering for 15 years. Thanks for helping me to do this, and I believe music truly heals.. Music from a good power. Also my own creativity was stifled for so long, as I write music too. So for the first time in so long I feel the creative energies are activated. Whatever going on around.. And beleive I am very lucky in so many ways to have my health! So many don't. So I tell myself..
Do not let yourself be influence by circumstances, find in you the necessary motivation to move forward.
And anyway they aren't my words. We are all the same soul, one spirit. Thank you again bless you Cassandane ❤️❤️❤️🙏🦋🦋🦋🐈😍🐈🐦🐦🐦😌💐💕💐💕💐🐾🥰🥀🌹🏵️🌹🐟🌸🐟🌸🐟🐟🌸😅🐅😅🐅🐈🐡🐡🐡🦚🦚🦚🦚🦚🦩🦩m
Thank you so much for this! I rarely listen to music like this and I found it deeply satisfying for my whole soul. What wonderful memories you must have of your mother.
With all the events and turmoil happening there may be a couple to add to the "twists and turns" concerning "prophetic and philosophical patternings".

Session 18 May 2019:
A: We once pointed out that mass human behavior was a reflection of cosmic conditions. Now is the time when all must be extra vigilant. We also pointed out that STS forces are fully aware of prophetic patterns and will change and twist in order to discourage and put those to sleep who are slack in vigilance. Note the human environment and try to imagine what it represents above!!!
In this regard, I would like to refer to one aspect which is Achilles' heel of so-called anti-establishment movements including this project (especially manifested through SOTT).
That is to consider the USA as the center of evil and lies and Russia and China as the center of good and true-news, and to start with anti-American, and pro-Russian and pro-Chinese propaganda. Now we have a situation, for example, that the famous FEMA camps are long time empty, and China quickly built its own camps and filled them with religious groups and persecuted religious groups, collecting their organs etc. and with dictatorship, technological control, came much closer to Orwell's vision of the future world.
And while we are fighting against American policy, it seems that it was decided years ago that the United States will be destroyed, and that China, with the help of American money and technology (in the hands of the elite with dual citizenship, Zionists, etc.), was set as the main machine of the NWO. Russia, also heavily influenced by the Zionists, with its antagonism to the United States, can easily be used to help the fall of the United States, and thus of the white race and Christianity. Russia and China can also be easily used to continue, instead of the United States, the suppression of Israel's rival, the Arab world and the rest of the world.
Another political aspect is the right-wing movement, which long ago began to be taken over by wealthy Zionists, to become pro-Israeli and anti-Muslim (instead pro-their own country).
"Far-right Tommy Robinson declares himself a ‘Zionist’ in leaked video"
Nick Griffin BNP in Jan 2013:
"That was series systematic hugely funded efforts by sections of ruling elites, by this Zionist/neocons clicks, to dominate, to take-over Nationalism and turn it into their tool to encourage the white working class to fight their wars, and so that when banking collapse comes, people are looking in wrong direction instead of the real culprits.
This party, we were approached, I was approached, we were offered money from U.S. and all they wanted was two things: they only wanted us to concentrate (criticism) on Islam and they wanted one other thing: to drop our criticism of the banking system. And i refused. And we refused. That was about 2007. And all hell breaks loose really in that time...
Same people invented the "English Defence League" (EDL), the "British Freedom Party" to take real nationalism in this country and broke on the wheel and then replace it with their puppet."
Your post struck a chord with me for the following reason:

I live in an area that typically has the most pitiful thunderstorms, barely a single clap most storms. However, during the past 6 months or so we have had some really intense ones. A few months ago we had one that lasted TWO HOURS, and I don't mean the rain part, I mean continual lightning and the kind of thunder you hear in movies.

Two weeks ago on a Saturday morning, we had another humdinger of a thunderstorm that lasted almost as long. The news said we had a record number of lightning strikes - 87,000 - during the hour and a half this storm lasted. I spent part of the storm out on the deck standing under the eave watching the carnage of wind and rain, lightning and thunder.

At one point, I saw a very odd phenomenon that I've never seen before. About 8 feet away from where I was standing, some streaks of gold light appeared in mid-air between the deck railing and a pear tree. There were about three or four of them of varying thicknesses, roughly parallel to each other, and some 12 feet off the ground. They were only visible for a couple of seconds before they disappeared. At first, I thought I was seeing reflections of something, but I couldn't figure out what. The air was electrified and there was a slight smell of ozone.

When I was much younger in New Zealand, I was riding home in a thunderstorm one day and saw ball lightning moving across a field. This was nothing like that. In addition, we have nothing electrical near where I saw the gold streaks. I told my husband about it and he said it was probably a leader of lightning coming up from the ground, and that the pear tree and I were lucky that lightning coming down from a cloud did not find it.

I had been feeling very sad and useless and was thinking about being ready to leave this crazy world, but now I wonder if there might be something useful I can do, since I apparently dodged a bullet, so to speak.
Hi Cassandane,
Yes weather events have definitely taken on a much more aggressive aspect in places. The Cs have told us this would happen- in fact a lot of what has been transmitted that seemed a long way off is the here and now, happening in real time.
As to what the gold rays were I have no idea- most likely a natural phenomenon but perhaps some 4D critters coming through? The Cs have said lightning can open portals for them to slip into our reality, but I would tend to think more along the former. Feeling sad and useless happens to all of us at times, myself included- but I know I incarnated in this time for a reason and so did you and selfish as it seems I want to stay with it as long as I am able- I urge you to do the same. With the help of all the wonderful folks here we have a fighting chance to experience something new.
Hi Cassandane,
Yes weather events have definitely taken on a much more aggressive aspect in places. The Cs have told us this would happen- in fact a lot of what has been transmitted that seemed a long way off is the here and now, happening in real time.
As to what the gold rays were I have no idea- most likely a natural phenomenon but perhaps some 4D critters coming through? The Cs have said lightning can open portals for them to slip into our reality, but I would tend to think more along the former. Feeling sad and useless happens to all of us at times, myself included- but I know I incarnated in this time for a reason and so did you and selfish as it seems I want to stay with it as long as I am able- I urge you to do the same. With the help of all the wonderful folks here we have a fighting chance to experience something new.

Thank you for your kind words. I expect you're right about incarnating at this time, otherwise we'd have left before this. For much of my life I've had a feeling that I was some sort of indicator and that something was watching me. I did see something watching me in a bathroom mirror when I was a teenager.

It didn't occur to me when I saw those gold lines that something from 4D might have come through. They looked rather beautiful, as sparkly things often do to those of us with the magpie gene. I Photoshopped them onto an image of the place I saw them in case anyone else has a similar experience.
IMG_3862 copy.jpg

Interesting how we are living today many of the things that the Cs warned, specifically of the invasion of aliens from our 3D perspective and viruses and bacteria from the 6D perspective.

Already from the first session Laura was warned that we were the main ingredient for the arrival of a "new race", that the purpose of the project was "new life here".

We were warned that the "real invasion can take place first", I think referring to the arrival of space viruses as today is happening with the covid, spoiling the plans for a simulated invasion by technological means by the government:

Q: (T) Is the government planning to stage an invasion by aliens to cause the populace of the world to go into such a fear state that they will accept total control and domination?

A: Open. But if so, will "flop".

Q: (T) Why?

A: Many reasons: 1. Visual effects will be inadequate and will have "glitches". 2. Real invasion may take place first. 3. Other events may intercede.

Q: (T) Such as what?

A: Earth changes.

They also gave us a clue as to when the invasion could happen: "Invasion happens when programming is complete..."

Q: I don't think I am in a vacuum of awareness. Now, this Jason Dunlap is printing a lot of stuff that reminds me of the Hale Bopp incident. There is a lot being said about the sightings out in the South West area. They are saying that this is the 'new' imminent invasion or mass landing. Can you comment on this activity?

A: Prelude to the biggest "flap" ever.

Q: And where will this flap be located?

A: Earth.

Q: When is it going to begin?

A: Starting already.

Q: Is this biggest flap going to be just a flap, or is it going to be an invasion?

A: Not yet.

Q: Not an invasion?

A: Yes.

Q: So, it will just be inciting people to frenzies of speculation...

A: Invasion happens when programming is complete...

Q: What programming?

A: See Bible, "Lucid" book, Matrix Material, "Bringers of the Dawn," and many other sources, then cross reference...

Q: Well, if something is fairly imminent, we are not gonna have time to do all the things you have suggested that we do!

A: Yes you will, most likely.

More recently in 2014 Laura made a prediction, perhaps unconsciously that reflects what is happening today:

(Pierre) So, there will be a big event relatively soon. Okay...

(L) Coming soon to a theater near you!

A: Indeed! Reference questions about "space invasion" and just change the parameters and players.

Q: (Perceval) So, not aliens in ships, but microbes on rocks. Space invasion.

(L) Could be, yeah. And they would come as the US is trying to do some kind of fake invasion or false flag stuff. Is that what we're talking about here? That when the Western Consortium-type government tries to take over the world with their faked invasion, that's when everything is going to go kaflooey?

A: More or less. You will see!

And now that the "Body Snatchers" movie is mentioned in this session, you can't stop thinking about all those subliminal warnings we've been getting for a long time. And the example is the mentioned film from 1956.

"Watch out! they'll catch you while you're asleep ”(as in the parable of the wise virgins!!) This was the advertising slogan of the horror film "Invasion of the body snatchers”of 1956.

A review of this film says:

The film chronicles an alien invasion in which spores from outer space give rise to pods, from which identical copies of human beings emerge. The intention of these aliens is to replace the entire human race with copies lacking any kind of feeling.

The film tells the story of Dr. Miles Bennell, a provincial doctor who returns to the town of Santa Mira after a medical conference. Upon arrival he meets a strange situation: some of his patients come to him assuring that a close relative (father, brother, spouse ...) is not who he claims to be, who has his appearance and memories, but who lacks feelings . After a day or two, the same patient comes to the consultation, assuring that everything has returned to normal and that there is nothing to worry about.

With increasing tension, it is discovered that the inhabitants of the small town of Santa Mira are being replaced by replicas that are born in mysterious pods, without verifiable provenance; a relentless and invisible invasion.


Also an episode of The Simpsons, this more recent, shows an asteroid where zombies travel !!

Well we have already been warned in different ways
tschai said:
How exactly does that translate- what would that do? A super gigantic sheet of lightning arcing to ground? I cannot even fathom such an event- EMP pulse? Electro terraforming like Pierre mentions? Oh man that would be crazy!

Here are some thoughts about the Malta ruts in relation to the weakening goemagnetic field. First the relevant quote from the session:

Q: (L) Well, I was just reading that the Earth's magnetic shield has dropped even lower, and it's causing problems with satellites. Is that going to be a big issue in the days to come?
A: Oh indeed. Best laid plans fail?
(Pierre) That might be due to the fact that the magnetosphere protects the planet from most high-energy cosmic rays and other radiations. If you have no magnetic shield, the planet is open to any such radiation.
(Joe) Does that refer back to astronomical phenomena and the close passage of a large body that will cause the current to flow?
(Chu) Well, they said phenomena...
A: Close! Think of the grooves on Malta.
Q: (Pierre) They're talking of electromachining of the surface of the planet...
A: Yes
(Pierre) Usually this electromachining occurs between our planet and a highly charge body like a comet. Will a comet be the source of these discharges?
(Joe) That's what I just asked.
A: Wait and see. That is not the only source of such phenomena!

The Cs seem to hint that the weakening of Earth's magnetosphere will trigger electromachining of Earth's surface. How could that happen?

Structurally, the magnetosphere is weaker around the poles (polar cusps) allowing solar particles to enter our atmosphere at high latitude.


One the consequence of this phenomenon is known as Aurora Borealis, where the solar particles enter the atmosphere at high latitudes and ionize it, hence the glow.


Now, what could happen when the magnetosphere is unusually weak?

First, the polar cups will be even weaker allowing more solar particles to enter the atmosphere the Polar regions and ionize it. One major factor is that when atmospheric gazes are ionized, they becomes way more conductive.

Second, the magnetosphere being further away from Earth’s surface (about 80,000 km) than the ionosphere is (about 100 km), the magnetosphere shields the ionosphere from Solar particles.

The relation between the magnetosphere disturbances and the increase in ionosphere electric charge is now mainstream science:

The increase in the solar wind pressure initially compresses the magnetosphere. The solar wind's magnetic field interacts with the Earth's magnetic field and transfers an increased energy into the magnetosphere. Both interactions cause an increase in plasma movement through the magnetosphere (driven by increased electric fields inside the magnetosphere) and an increase in electric current in the magnetosphere and ionosphere.

Consequently, a weakening of the magnetosphere means that more solar particles (which are mostly protons - positively charged) will reach the ionosphere, increasing the overall positive charge of the ionosphere.

The combination of an unusually positive ionosphere with the increased electrical conductivity of the atmosphere described above might, sooner or later, lead to "unusual" electric discharges.

It would not be the standard cloud-to-ground lightnings. Lightnings are downward electron discharges traveling from the most negative region (usually a cloud) to the most positive region (usually the ground) as described in the following excerpt from Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connexion - chapter 26:

The two drawings above depict cloud formation followed by a cloud-to-ground lightning discharge. The 6 steps of the process listed below correspond to the figures in red.

Top drawing:

1) The proton-rich solar wind projects positively charged particles into the Earth’s ionosphere.
2) As the positive charge of the ionosphere increases, it begins to attract electrons located on Earth’s surface.
3) The electrons from Earth’s surface rise in the air and are captured by low-mobility atmospheric particles (dust, droplets).
4) Similarly, protons from the ionosphere are attracted by the Earth’s negative charge and start sinking into the atmosphere, eventually being captured by atmospheric particles.

Bottom drawing:

5) The upwards electron flow creates an electron-deficient region on Earth’s surface (region within the red line) and an electron-rich area at the bottom of the cloud.
6) When the electric potential difference is high enough, lightning strikes, carrying a massive electron flow back to the ground that re-balances electric charges between the bottom of the cloud mass and the locally positive region on Earth’s surface.

In our case, the highly conductive atmosphere coupled with the highly positive ionosphere (inducing a highly negative Earth's surface) might allow a direct discharge between the ground and the ionosphere: an upward lightning directly connecting the Earth's surface to the ionosphere which is about 100 km above it (!)

That would be consistent with the Malta ruts which suggests removal through material electromachining (lightning). In electromachining, the material removal occurs at the cathode side, i.e. the negatively charged region (Earth's surface in the present case):


The recent discovery (2019) of "green ghosts", the increase in red sprites, the increase in nocticulent clouds might be a testimony to this increase in atmospheric conductivity coupled with an increase in ionospheric electric charge.
Last edited:
And this is what our Cassandra wrote 3 years ago:

And here is another interesting view on present things:

Yep, it's eerily similar to the Bolschevik revolution. History is repeating itself. Demographic is a good element to use if you want to find out who will "win" the "war". People on the Left live in such a bubble that they don't realise that most of the population see the world completely differently than them. I've met a few extreme left type of person in real life and it's like they're robots. They believed in an ideology, but there was nothing within them. It was like talking to parrot. Honestly, there was so little, that some could have potentially switched gears and become extreme right-winger later in life. Basically, swapping one ideology for another. The Cs mentioned twists and turns and I really wonder how it will play out.

As I've said in previous posts, what is happening in the US may lead to a race which is likely to snowball into a literal civil war. On a personal level, it really makes me wonder about what comes next. I'm black. So is my family and pretty much all my friends. I've mentioned the fact that a race war is very likely in the US to some relatives. I've joked that we might be forced move to Africa someday as Europe might see its own version of a race war (I live in the UK), especially when the economy worsen. But considering how crazy everything is becoming, I do wonder if things will turn so disastrous that we will truly need to leave.
Here are some thoughts about the Malta ruts in relation to the weakening goemagnetic field. First the relevant quote from the session:

The Cs seem to hint that the weakening of Earth's magnetosphere will trigger electromachining of Earth's surface. How could that happen?

Structurally, the magnetosphere is weaker around the poles (polar cusps) allowing solar particles to enter our atmosphere at high latitude.


One the consequence of this phenomenon is known as Aurora Borealis, where the solar particles enter the atmosphere at high latitudes and ionize it, hence the glow.


Now, what could happen when the magnetosphere is unusually weak?

First, the polar cups will be even weaker allowing more solar particles to enter the atmosphere the Polar regions and ionize it. One major factor is that when atmospheric gazes are ionized, they becomes way more conductive.

Second, the magnetosphere being further away from Earth’s surface (about 80,000 km) than the ionosphere is (about 100 km), the magnetosphere shields the ionosphere from Solar particles.

The relation between the magnetosphere disturbances and the increase in ionosphere electric charge is now mainstream science:

Consequently, a weakening of the magnetosphere means that more solar particles (which are mostly protons - positively charged) will reach the ionosphere, increasing the overall positive charge of the ionosphere.

The combination of an unusually positive ionosphere with the increased electrical conductivity of the atmosphere described above might, sooner or later, lead to "unusual" electric discharges.

It would not be the standard cloud-to-ground lightnings. Lightnings are downward electron discharges traveling from the most negative region (usually a cloud) to the most positive region (usually the ground) as described in the following excerpt from Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connexion - chapter 26:

In our case, the highly conductive atmosphere coupled with the highly positive ionosphere (inducing a highly negative Earth's surface) might allow a direct discharge between the ground and the ionosphere: an upward lightning directly connecting the Earth's surface to the ionosphere which is about 100 km above it (!)

That would be consistent with the Malta ruts which suggests removal through material electromachining (lightning). In electromachining, the material removal occurs at the cathode side, i.e. the negatively charged region (Earth's surface in the present case):


The recent discovery (2019) of "green ghosts", the increase in red sprites, the increase in nocticulent clouds might be a testimony to this increase in atmospheric conductivity coupled with an increase in ionospheric electric charge.
Thank you for this Pierre- picturing 100KM lightning bolts and that is mind blowing. I call them bolts but in reality I think they would be continuous arcs dancing along the ground, weaving to and fro vaporizing the rock, turning soil to glass and starting massive fires. Anything in urban areas would be laid waste.
If ancient peoples were witnesses to something like this it would be easy to see they would think this the wrath of the gods. I wonder if anything in ancient petroglyphs depicts anything like this?

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