Charlottesville is a harbinger and, since I'm sort of in the business of predicting the future - and have some considerable success in doing so - I think I will make a prediction here, today.
There is a widespread, violent revolution coming in the USA and the Left is bringing it to birth. But the curious result of this will be not what people are actually expecting: the Left is doomed to lose and when the Terror comes, Vocal Lefties will be prime targets. Why do I say that? Consider this: the Left are relatively wimpy militarily speaking. The traditional Right are the God-Fearing Christians with Guns. Whatever powers are actually running this show, they are keenly aware of these "minor details". It's like, "Gosh, how are we gonna do this? We need 2 armed sides... Wait, I know! Every Righty has a bunker and 10,000 rounds of ammo, so we just have to fire up the Left and arm them! DONE!" Something like that, anyway. BUT, I'm not too sure that the plan is to arm the Left and here's why.
The left is mostly composed of college educated elites aligned with Hillary and the gang. This is actually a minority even if they are able to field a few million into protests and such at present because of the programming that has been done via the education system for the past dozen years or more.
Okay, so the Left can field a few million angry SJWs... maybe 13% of the population, the 1% psychopaths added to the 12% pathological authoritarian followers that generally surround and actively support them. If you consider the total population of the USA, that’s about 45 million people MOST of whom will stay home.
On the other side, the vast majority of the middle and lower classes – some of which lean Left but stay home too - can be seen as the resource pool of the right. That's over 80% of the US population, i.e. 280 million people, a large portion of which that will, when push comes to shove, join forces against the Radical Left to exterminate them and all their supporters including Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics, and so forth. This is a dreadful thing because many who are innocent and stay OUT of the mess may die.
Because, make no mistake about it: extermination is coming and it seems to me to be planned that way. Push the masses of normal people against the wall and certain elements within that population will rise up like jihadis against their oppressors. And there just happens to be MORE people on the "right" than the left because the left is an elitist milieu by definition.
Think "French Revolution" and the guillotine.
As R. G. Collingwood wrote:
If we want to abolish capitalism or war, and in doing so not only to destroy them but to bring into existence something better, we must begin by understanding them: seeing what the problems are which our economic or international system succeeds in solving, and how the solution of these is related to the other problems which it fails to solve. This understanding of the system we set out to supersede is a thing which we must retain throughout the work of superseding it, as a knowledge of the past conditioning our creation of the future. It may be impossible to do this; our hatred of the thing we are destroying may prevent us from understanding it, and we may love it so much that we cannot destroy it unless we are blinded by such hatred. But if that is so, there will once more, as so often in the past, be change but no progress; we shall have lost our hold on one group of problems in our anxiety to solve the next. And we ought by now to realize that no kindly law of nature will save us from the fruits of our ignorance.
The Left understands NOTHING because part of their indoctrination has included the destruction of all branches of learning including history. The left removing Confederate statues and ISIS destroying Christian artifacts are done for the same reasons. Eradicate history that offends. Postmodernism has corrupted everything.
So, again, make no mistake about it: the Time of Turmoil is upon us and only knowledge and awareness and judicious use of both will get us through. And it is unlikely that the Left will survive at all; historically speaking, it never has. You need to be VERY careful who you are identified with in this time because you can be sure that somebody is taking names. And just because the Left is dominant now – and it seems planned that way as I have described above - you must remember: 13% vs over 80% - and the 80% has a far firmer grasp on reality, and far more reason to defend themselves from the threatened destruction by the Left. The Left is only fighting for an ideology... when things get really inconvenient, only pathological types stick to ideology. The Right is fighting for their lives and you can bet they'll win.
Okay, that’s my prediction. You can argue all you want, it won’t change it; my middle name should have been Cassandra.