Session 24 June 2023

Thanks to the group and especially to Laura and Andromeda for your constant hard work.

Don't know where to start with so many (of great bearing) question. The sessions have been selflessly provided for near 30 years, which is simply amazing, and each drills down further and further and connects and many align with our observable reality - and many don't. Of the 3D kind, this reality has simply gone haywire for at least the last decade, and of late, my God. Of the hyperdimensional aspects - chilling from a 3D perspective.

Sticking to the chemical kind of question:
Q: (Joe) Does the presence of the weed killer atrazine in the food supply contribute to the increase in children and adolescents reporting as transgender?
Noted here:


There are over 300 products that contain atrazine {from Syngenta}.
Atrazine is in a group of man-made systemic herbicides called triazines {see here}.
Atrazine does not alter or damage genes in humans and animals.5,12,13,14 Female rats exposed to atrazine developed breast tumors. However, these tumors were not considered relevant to humans by a scientific advisory panel. This was because of differences in rat and human female reproductive systems.5 The EPA classified atrazine as "not likely to be carcinogenic to humans."1,5
A study in Texas found that mothers who lived in areas where more atrazine was used had a greater chance of giving birth to children with birth defects in their faces and skulls than mothers who did not. The more atrazine used in the county, the greater the chance of birth defects.21
It is used to prevent pre-emergence broadleaf weeds in crops such as maize (corn), soybean and sugarcane and on turf, such as golf courses and residential lawns. Atrazine's primary manufacturer is Syngenta and it is one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States, Canadian, and Australian agriculture. Its use was banned in the European Union in 2004, when the EU found groundwater levels exceeding the limits set by regulators, and Syngenta could not show that this could be prevented nor that these levels were safe.

Interesting, although by the numbers I don't know, that the U.S., Canada (Australia?) has a high statistic of what this all referenced. The EU must have a much lower statistic?

At least two significant Canadian farm well studies showed that atrazine was the most common contaminant found.[4] As of 2001, atrazine was the most commonly detected pesticide contaminating drinking water in the U.S.[8]: 44  Studies suggest it is an endocrine disruptor, an agent that can alter the natural hormonal system.[9]
Atrazine was invented in 1958 in the Geigy laboratories as the second of a series of 1,3,5-triazines.

Atrazine is prepared from cyanuric chloride, which is treated sequentially with ethylamine and isopropylamine. Like other triazine herbicides, atrazine functions by binding to the plastoquinone-binding protein in photosystem II, which animals lack. Plant death results from starvation and oxidative damage caused by breakdown in the electron transport process. Oxidative damage is accelerated at high light intensity.[26]

Atrazine's effects in humans and animals primarily involve the endocrine system. Studies suggest that atrazine is an endocrine disruptor that can cause hormone imbalance.[9]

Atrazine has been found to act as an agonist of the G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1.[27] Atrazine has been shown to bind covalently to (chemically react with) a large number of mammalian proteins.[28]

Of the G protein-coupled estrogen receptor:

G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 (GPER), also known as G protein-coupled receptor 30 (GPR30), is a protein that in humans is encoded by the GPER gene.[5] GPER binds to and is activated by the female sex hormone estradiol and is responsible for some of the rapid effects that estradiol has on cells.[6]


GPER binds estradiol with high affinity though not other endogenous estrogens, such as estrone or estriol, nor other endogenous steroids, including progesterone, testosterone, and cortisol.[6][9][10][11][12] Although potentially involved in signaling by aldosterone, GPER does not show any detectable binding towards aldosterone.[6][13][14] Niacin and nicotinamide bind to the receptor in vitro with very low affinity.[15][16] CCL18 has been identified as an endogenous antagonist of the GPER.[17] GPER-selective ligands (that do not bind the classical estrogen receptors) include the agonist G-1[18] and the antagonists G15[19] and G36.[20][6]

And snip:
Little information is available regarding the risks to children
The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified atrazine as "not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans"

A whole lot more.
Skipped ahead a couple of pages in order to post the following:

There is a curious passage in the book Into the Fringe:

'When I was taken to the sphere, I was told that it was 'a repository for souls,' where human souls are somehow recycled. If that's the same thing Sandy saw, I guess she wouldn't have come out of that sphere alive."
Wow - this brings back a memory from waaay back in the day. I no longer remember the exact circumstances or source, but it was UFO/grays related. I remember telling my dad that the grays had said to someone (an abductee?) that they "recycle souls". We were both struck by that statement! :shock:

Check out George Knapp on the Russian UFO situation:
Although I haven't watched these two vids yet, I think I spoke to this subject in a past session - that the Soviet Union had to stop trying to intercept UFOs due to too many pilot disappearances/deaths plus loss of aircraft. Don't recall the source for that, but spotted this more current report (12-19-19):

There appears to be some very intriguing info in those pages I skipped over, so in addition to watching the vids, will have to catch up on those posts, too. And then there's the latest book! Supposed to rain tomorrow, so maybe I can work in more reading time!
Can you give me a hint about how is global warming going to become an ice age? You mentioned it many times and I never figured it out.
Q: (Gaby) Can we go back to the ocean? I wanted to ask why the temperatures are rising in the Irish Sea, and so many unusual places.

A: Undersea eruptions and general heating at the core.

Q: (Joe) And is it going to melt the ice caps and bring on an ice age?

A: The former not a lot. The latter for sure!
@bosy From the questions I gather that undersea eruptions and heating at the core can lead to ocean currents going berserk. For more on that there is the book Earth Changes and the Human- Cosmic Connection, but I would have to dig it up to find the bits about the jet stream and ocean currents. It could be added that it could lead to more buildup in the atmosphere of what is erupted. (Additionally, I remember it was previously said that melting ice caps could cause greater precipitation, but melting ice caps are not acknowledged here as a serious consequence of undersea eruptions).
Q: Which brings up the subject of Native Americans. A big part of what is being taught by them at the present time is that the aliens, the Grays, and assorted others, are good guys - the "star people" coming here to teach us and to help us advance! They claim that it is a "good" thing to have contacts, abductions, and so on and on.

A: No. Corrupted message. Some early contacts were with benevolent STO beings.

Thank you for adding your additional comments. I am aware that many Native Americans view the aliens as the "Star People" or as their Space Brothers and apparently are quite used to their coming and going. They also call the aliens' space craft "Thunderbirds" as confirmed by the C's here:​

Q: (L) {Reading} The Gottschalk Rock Shelter shows the story of Red Horn Giants and the Thunderbird. What is this story depicting? What does the Thunderbird depict?
Q: (TB) If we were to identify the Unidentified Flying Object, what would it be?
A: STS craft.

{After a lot more reading, I actually think that the Thunderbird and Sky serpents represented the giant comet break-up described by Victor Clube. But then, the Cs have made allusions to 4D that might include weather as warfare and comets as "craft" though not in the 3D sense.}


Interpretive tracing of Gottschall Rock Shelter's main panel of pictographs (modified from Salzer [1987:Figure 15]; courtesy of the Wisconsin Archeological Society).

On this occasion, I tend to disagree with Laura and side with the C's on this one, since the three gypsy commentators of the Varo Edition of Morris K Jessup's book The Case for the UFO also confirmed that what the Native Americans described as a Thunderbird was indeed an alien space craft. I set out below what Jessup said in his book on the matter and the three gypsies' comments (in blue) on his statements, as annotated in the margins (adopting their original spelling and syntax with my own comments in red):​

"(Jessup) Up to 100 years ago the Indians stoutly maintained that the "thunderbird" - a bird that could carry a full grown deer or a man - still existed in the United States. In Maine the Indians called it Pomola.

(Gypsies) PO = Great, MOLA = Bird (Natick) "Bird" = Primitive Description
(Jessup) Sometime after 1500 AD, the Indians killed two "thunderbirds"* along the Mississippi River, and carved and painted them, life size, on rocks on the Illinois side. One of the carvings was destroyed by a stone quarry but the other one is still there. The Indians along the upper Mississippi called the bird "Piazzi" - meaning destroyer.

*This could have been the same battle between the Indians and the Thunderbirds as the one depicted in the Gottschalk Rock Shelter, given the interpretative narrative put on the figures by Richard L. Dieterle, which can be found at the following link: Gottschall: A New Interpretation

(Jessup) In translating "thunderbird" from the Indian languages, the word "eagle" was used. The average American if he saw a gigantic bird carry off a calf, would be afraid to tell of it, because he would know that no one would believe him. Or, if a pilot saw one, who would believe his story of a bird with a 25 or 30 foot wingspread.

**N.B. Jessup was writing at a time before the cattle mutilation phenomenon became more well known and widespread within the USA.

(Gypsies) S-M SHIPS - Thunderbirds or DISABLED L-M SCOUT ship. Both made considerable Noise. Old type ships. Made Much Noise. Heard at a certain WAVE distance."

Hence, it would seem to be the noise the craft made that led to the Native Americans calling them Thunderbirds.

The C's have also confirmed that the Indians are viewed as prey by the STS Orions (Greys) when they said:

Q: Why are you saying these awful things?!
A: Must know what consortium is doing.
Q: What children are they doing this to?
A: Done mostly to Indian children.
Q: Why am I getting this horrible feeling while you are telling us this?
A: Because subject is distressing.
Q: Why do we need to know these things?
A: Very big effort on behalf of Orions and their human brethren to create new race and control.

Given that Laura was based in Florida at the time when the C's told here this, one must assume they had in mind Native American children when they referred to "Indian Children" rather than West Asian Indians. Many Native American children live on remote reservations, which would certainly suit the aliens' purposes where abductions by stealth are concerned.

As to the imminent arrival of the comet cluster and the Wave and the Hopi's 'Day of Purification', the three gypsies commentators made the following very profound observation towards the end of Jessup's book, which I think is quite sobering when you compare it with things the C's have told us (N.B. again adopting the same spelling and syntax used by the gypsies but with my bolding):

"If the history of the Great War of the ancients were ever recorded, except by the black-tongued ones own tales, it would cause Man to stand in awe (or disbelieve) that such Huge Satelitic (sic) Masses were ever deliberately tossed throo (sic) this atmosphere in an attempt to Demolish all of the "Little Men" Great Works. Fortunately, for Mankind's ego only a gypsy will tell another of that Catostrophe and we are a descredited (sic) pepole (sic), ages ago. Hah! Yet Man Wonders where "we" came from, and I Do Not Believe that they will ever know. These folks on this planet are so engrossed in their puny pettiness & Squabbles that if the Great Bombardment were to happen again They would destroy each other in blind Panic. Ah! Well. Their own "Great Book" Prophecys (sic) that they will surely do so and kick this Planet off its orbit, away from its Solar System, even "The Moon shall not shed her glow" & Well, stars "falling" & the Sun "Going out" or away, seemingly. They will blast this Jewel into Dead Space. A good thing we have Learned not to war. pyac ma droba jesi tlodlic' Truscani The Atruscans know Generosity overwhelms."
Thank you for another information packed session! :flowers: :wizard:

I’ve been wondering what made Netflix create and release The Ancient Apocalypse, surely the topic of a global catastrophe and its imminent return weren’t topics the PTB would want people to focus on too much? Prior to its release, Graham Hancock was a niche author, now his name has gone mainstream.

But if that’s the angle the PTB want to take, then the docu-series plays into their agenda nicely.
Interesting point Ant22, I could also say the same with the Ancient Aliens series on History Channel that has been running for a long time. It has interesting information with terrible conclusions, but it does pitch the narrative, in general, of an ancient race that taught humanity technological advancements that may one day return.
Hi Bosy,

There is no global warming. Mean temperatures have been slightly falling for years now, despite what the mainstream media will tell you. We can all cherry-pick our data. I choose to trust the Cs in this matter, not the MMM.

Please check-out all references to the subject in all the transcripts. Please also check-out this thread on our Forum:

The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

You've quite a lot of stuff to read through, but I would encourage you to do so.
I don't follow mass media. I notice it in my environment. There were 6 seasons. Now there are 2. Winter used to start in November. Now it starts February. There were 4 months of it. Now there's one week. Temperatures were down to -20 degrees, -10 easily, now there's 0 Celsius and at most. Lakes and seas were freezing, now they are evaporating. There were wet seasons, now there's drought. It all happened within 20 years. Then you appear and claim there's going to be Ice Age like it was in Game of Thrones. The winter is coming, right. There's no coal already. There wouldn't be so many solar energies, or would it even be exaggerated as the ground becomes more bright? Questions how and when are important in terms of survival, unless you don't care about it, but if you didn't, why would you care at all? Maybe it's not global warming, but a climate change. I don't know, and demanding checking out all references to the subject in all the transcripts while I asked for a hint seems exaggerated. It's like someone needed help with geography classes, and you told him to get a bachelor in it. I'm not sure if you compiled the knowledge if you can't simplify it. So I guess that I have to study the sources marself, thanks for attaching the thread.
I don't follow mass media. I notice it in my environment. There were 6 seasons. Now there are 2. Winter used to start in November. Now it starts February. There were 4 months of it. Now there's one week. Temperatures were down to -20 degrees, -10 easily, now there's 0 Celsius and at most. Lakes and seas were freezing, now they are evaporating. There were wet seasons, now there's drought. It all happened within 20 years. Then you appear and claim there's going to be Ice Age like it was in Game of Thrones. The winter is coming, right. There's no coal already. There wouldn't be so many solar energies, or would it even be exaggerated as the ground becomes more bright? Questions how and when are important in terms of survival, unless you don't care about it, but if you didn't, why would you care at all? Maybe it's not global warming, but a climate change. I don't know, and demanding checking out all references to the subject in all the transcripts while I asked for a hint seems exaggerated. It's like someone needed help with geography classes, and you told him to get a bachelor in it. I'm not sure if you compiled the knowledge if you can't simplify it. So I guess that I have to study the sources marself, thanks for attaching the thread.

You can also do a search on with the terms 'ice age', 'global warming', and 'grand solar miniumum'. There's a ton of good articles there, including information that indicates that periods of intense warming such as you may have been observing are historically shown to result in an ice age.

Happy reading!
Can you give me a hint about how is global warming going to become an ice age?

I believe this is the explanation you need that's from the thread, The Belt of Precipitation and Sudden Glacial Rebound - the initial post by Laura:

Here's the snip from the C's session of 9 May 1998:

Q: Okay, let me get more specific: the Atlantean land that
was supposed to have existed in the Atlantic Ocean... what
was the farthest north of any any part of Atlantis that
was in the ocean, that no longer exists?
A: It is "time for you" to know that Atlantis was not a
nation, land, Island, or continent, but rather, a
Q: All I wanted was to have an idea of a land mass in the
Atlantic ocean that people talk about - where did it sit?
A: Where do you think?
Q: Well, I sort of think that the Azores and the Canary
Islands are sort of...
A: Yes, but many other places too. Remember, the sea level
was several hundred feet lower then...
Q: Why was the sea level several hundred feet lower? Because
there was ice somewhere or because there was not as much
water on the earth at that time?
A: Ice.
Q: Was the ice piled up at the poles? The ice sheet of the
ice age?
A: Yes.
Q: So, Atlantis existed during the ice age?
A: Largely, yes. And the world's climate was scarcely any
colder away from the ice sheets than it is today.
Q: Well, how could that be? What caused these glaciers?
A: Global warming.
Q: How does global warming cause glaciers?
A: Increases precipitation dramatically. Then moves the belt
of great precipitation much farther north. This causes
rapid buildup of ice sheets, followed by increasingly
rapid and intense glacial rebound.

As already referenced -

Q: (Gaby) Can we go back to the ocean? I wanted to ask why the temperatures are rising in the Irish Sea, and so many unusual places.

A: Undersea eruptions and general heating at the core.

- the heating of the oceans by these volcanic eruptions will cause more water evaporation into the atmosphere (and the Cs have told us earth's core heats and cools as a natural process). More water vapor in the air means more precipitation (plus increased cometary dust/cosmic rays from sun that causes more clouds) which goes to what the Cs said above in bold.

Hope this clarifies this for you and sorry the other posted explanations were too involved. Whenever I come across questions like yours, I know the answers are somewhere in the transcripts/forum, but my memory fails me for recalling those answers - and finding them in the forum can be quite challenging! ;-)
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Q: (Joe) Does the presence of the weed killer atrazine in the food supply contribute to the increase in children and adolescents reporting as transgender?

A: Yes.

Natural News reported recently -

- and Health Ranger Mike Adams vid [1:49:36] on rumble:


Brighteon Broadcast News, June 27, 2023 - HEALTH SECRETS: Chlorine Dioxide destroys atrazine herbicide in water (and snake venom, too)

0:00 Intro
1:21 Robert F Kennedy Jr. Does Push-Ups
14:23 Backup Plan
25:47 Chlorine Dioxide
45:30 Interview with The Texas Boys

- Testing tractor PTO-powered generators to convert diesel to electricity
- RFK, Jr. shows huge muscles - he's RIPPED at 69!
- content creators can now receive crypto thanks to new tipping system
- New research reveals how chlorine dioxide destroys atrazine herbicide in water
- There are HUNDREDS of uses for chlorine dioxide - add it to your preparedness kits
- How to stock up on raw ingredients to make chlorine dioxide for off grid emergencies
- Interview with The Texas Boys who successfully homesteaded in Texas and now live off the land

For more updates, visit: Health Ranger Report

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