Session 24 June 2023

@Approaching Infinity - Thanks for this information from a previous session. I was concerned about being hijacked on the way to 5th density by "undesirables". It seems that those souls prone to being abducted are those who do not want to leave 3rd density for some reason and are therefore "available" to be collected. When I die I am definitely not hanging around in this plane but heading straight for 5D.
MILLE MERCIS à Laura, les Cassiopéens, le Divin Esprit Cosmique, tous ceux qui ont permis la réalisation de cette réunion toujours passionnante...
Heureuse de vous avoir tous vus, merci pour votre présence...

MANY THANKS to Laura, the Cassiopaeans, the Divine Cosmic Spirit, all those who made this always exciting meeting possible...
Glad to have seen you all, thank you for your presence...
Thanks for the session!

Q: (Joe) Are they going to reveal themselves as some kind of descendants of a former civilization on planet Earth that went to some other planet and inhabited it hundreds of thousand years ago and now they're coming back? So they're technically humans.

A: Close!

I wonder if it is not the much mentioned nation of the third eye...
I am curious exactly what STO Nordic power center passed down naturally as FRV essence implies. Is that a kind of heightened awareness capacity or retained memory of the reality structure beyond 3rd density. Maybe someone else understands what this means and could enlighten me further on this subject.

Keep in mind that the Cs see reality from a higher level, and then their thoughts are translated into our limited concepts and vocabulary. So while it may very well be that from a higher perspective, STS have sort of a genetically engineered "organ" as an "energy pipeline", and STO have a natural power center based on FRV essence, we can see this in more mundane ways: some STS individuals have a natural ability to manipulate, slime, con and lie, which makes those around them do their bidding without realizing it, while making them miserable without them being able to put their finger on it. This creates negative energy. STO individuals with "power centers" might be thought of as ordinary people with a "great soul shining through", i.e. those who naturally understand some of the basic principles of reality (like that there is no free lunch, the beauty of honest work and honest relationships, striving towards a humble but fulfilled life, good common sense etc.), and who therefore naturally lift people up who are around them, to the degree they are open to it. We also know that genetic factors play a role in such things, so this fits with what the Cs are getting at here.
Thank you all for the new session. A lot of interesting information to "digest".

One side topic. I observed for a few last sessions and it seems I have some kind of a subconscious connection to Chateau group. Why is that you ask? At first i spotted such thing at the end of last year, but was not so sure, and started monitoring this this year. I'm only a session reader, but somehow I feel when he new session is coming or taking place. Every time this year, there were particular points in time I started checking for a new session, and was doing so for a few days straight (sometimes twice a day). It turns out, every time I did, there was a session already, or was going to be very soon (which was confirmed when the sessions were posted; always +-1 day from the session day). For the rest of the time I do not do regular check. Does anyone else have such connection/feeling?

Br, Tomek
Thank you for another great session.

Hm... It's good that the Cs reminded us of the need to go to the light after the body dies.
I have a colleague who "explores the secrets of knowledge" on portals like Michael Salla- Exopolitics....
At every opportunity he repeats to his friends-and he has a lot of them-that it is essential not to go to the light after death. And that this is the most important thing. That there is a trap in the light.
Well I have to remind him about karma, which he also talks about non-stop....:cool2:
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