Session 24 June 2023


FOTCM Member
Session Date: June 24th 2023

Laura and Andromeda at the board

Joe, Gaby, Ark, Possibility of Being, Niall, Chu, Scottie, Princess Leia, Falcor, Bella

FOTCM Members participating via Zoom: 3DStudent, 987baz, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, Aiming, Alana, Alejo, anartist, AndrewMn, Andrian, annp, Anthony, Approaching Infinity, Aya, Beau, Bluefyre, Bobo08, brandon, Breton, Carl, cassandra, Cosmos, Deliverance, Dirgni, dugdeep, Eboard10, Ellipse, Ennio, fabric, Fallen735, finduilas495, France, Gawan, Glenn, Gottathink, goyacobol, grini, herondancer, Hesper, hesperides, iamthatis, IrjO, Jacques, JeanneT, JEEP, Jefferson, Jenn, Jono and his girlfriend, Josi, kenlee, keyhole, Konstantin, korzik18, Laurs, Learner, Lilou, logos5x5, loreta, LQB, Luc, M, Maat, Maiko, Mari, Mark7, maxwell1110, Michal, Mikkael, Mililea, mimimari, MK Scarlett, mkrnhr, Mrs. Peel, msante, Nathan , Navigator, Neema, Nicholas, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, Oxajil, Pecha, PERLOU, Pophistorian, Puma, RedFox, rrraven, Ryan, Ryu, Saman, Seamus, seek10, Sinapi, Stoneboss, T.C., Terran, Theodor, thorbjorn, Timotheos, Tristan, Turgon, whitecoast, williamsj, Windmill Knight, Yas, Ysus

Q: (L) All right, let's see if we can get any action here. I don't want to get my arm all sore.

A: Love to all from Cassiopaea. Roillia here. We know your prayers for all and will help in the ways we can.

Q: (L) Hmm. All right. Here we are. As you know, we have been reading and having a discussion about John DeSouza and his book The Extra-Dimensionals, and we have some questions. I guess we should begin. The first question I will ask is, do the Gray alien beings, the ones you've described as cybergenetic probes, do they ever change forms as DeSouza suggest?

A: No.

Q: (L) Can they?

A: No.

Q: (L) He made the assumption that the Grays could and did transform themselves into Nordics and he was off and running with the idea that, "alien races are nothing more than a convenience. For 'alien visitors', changing forms may be as easy as changing an overcoat is for humans."

A: We have covered these issues before. Please reread transcripts.

Q: (L) Well, we didn't think so, but we had to ask. Okay. And then I asked: Was Travis Walton revived by the aliens because he was accidentally killed by a plasma beam?

A: Partly true indeed.

Q: (L) Well, partly true. What part is true? He was revived by the alien beings?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was he accidentally killed by the plasma beam?

A: No

Q: (L) So he wasn't accidentally killed, but he was killed, right?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was he intentionally killed?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Did they change their minds?

A: Orders came from higher.

Q: (L) So somebody up in the 4D STS hierarchy ordered them to revive him and put him back?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) Was he put back the way he was before?

A: No.

Q: (Joe) What changed?

(L) What was changed about him?

(Joe) Was he missing something?

A: He was used for sperm harvesting and memories were wiped.

Q: (Joe) Well, is it not true that if someone dies, there's this protective kind of cord-type thing that can't be penetrated and stuff? So when they kill someone, you can't just put that same soul or essence back in the body. You can't revive them, basically. Aliens can't do that either. So was he some kind of automaton afterwards or something, or…? You know what I mean? Is that not true? That they cannot, if they kill someone, they can't revive it - they can't grab the soul back and put ’em back in the body ’cause there's a protective process there once they die...

A: Assuming that the soul has entered the protection of the "silver cord".

Q: (L) So is it that souls that have not left the Earth plane and gone into the light are then susceptible to use by 4D STS?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So 4D STS could theoretically inspire or compel discarnate entities that have not gone into the light to attach to individuals?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) They did also create conditions, or waited for conditions where a lot of people all die in traumatic circumstances - meaning they're a bit confused, they don't go into the light - and then shove them all into new bodies.

Q: (L) Could they do that?

A: Yes yes yes

Q: (Joe) Is that their sneaky plan?

A: Part of it.

Q: (L) Anybody have any elucidating question to add to that particular little subtopic there? Yes. No. I'll give you a minute if you want to type...

(Joe) Do you wanna ask where DeSouza gets his information from?

Q: (L) We're getting there. We're getting there. Okay. Nobody? Then I had the theory that DeSouza was deliberately mixing all this stuff together so as to disguise and attempt to convey some really important information to his readers. That is, has he buried some gems in a bucket of mud?

A: He has, but not intentionally.

Q: (L) Okay... Where is he getting his information from?

A: Some from his own insights and other from questionable sources. He did not have the experience you had with dealing with spirit attachment or demonic type entities.

Q: (PoB) What was his intention?

A: His intentions are sincere and positive, but he has been derailed by those forces that seek capture of humanity.

Q: (L) So when he has good insights, is it related to things that he has witnessed and examined himself?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And anything else about him?

A: Not particularly now. Wait and see.

Q: (L) Okay. Keit asks:

(Keit) Who made the objects of the Tic-Tac/Nimitz encounter that are seen in the following videos and to whom do they belong?

A: Those are 4D probes, not manmade as DeSouza suggests.

Q: (L) Are there any things, are there similar ones that humans have made?

A: Yes, but much less tech advanced. DeSouza is blinded by his failure to understand hyperdimensional variability of physicality.

Q: (L) Hmm.

A: Also be warned, DeSouza doesn't fully comprehend the implications of the former answer.

Q: (L) So his relegation of the phenomenon to entirely extra-dimensional ideas limits his ability to understand just how dangerous it really is. Is that what we're saying here?

A: Yes!!!

Q: (L) He thinks all you gotta do is just, you know, form a tribe and think good thoughts, and... I mean, what exactly is his advice? Anybody? What is his advice? How we're supposed to respond to this? Anybody pick up on that?

(Alejo) To awaken.

Q: (L) To awaken. We're just supposed to awaken. Well, okay, so he says we're supposed to awaken. Awaken to what? Well, that it's an extra-dimensional phenomenon. And if you don't know the nature of the phenomenon and you think you do, then you're not really awake. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) He has information about it all and knowledge protects, but...
A: False information is worse than no information.

Q: (Joe) At the same time as you were talking about reading this book about DeSouza and talking about it, there was the event a couple weeks ago in Las Vegas, which seems to have produced a bit of a... not a flap, but an opening up of discussion about UFOs including among politicians and Congress and stuff. Is that part of a planned process?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it planned by humans or hyperdimensional beings?

A: The latter in kahoots with the former.

Q: (Joe) So did something actually land in that Hispanic family's backyard on that night?

A: Partly

Q: (L) What do you mean partly?

A: Hyperdimensionally and momentarily.

Q: (Joe) Was it kinda like a window faller type event?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) There was what we believed to be a fireball around the same time. Was that an actual fireball that was seen in the sky?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Was it in any way related to the opening of the window?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So the fireball fell, the window was opened, and something was seen momentarily?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is that something that happens frequently with fireball sightings, or is it a less frequent phenomenon?

A: Rather often.

Q: (L) All right.

(Andromeda) They open windows, or they come through windows that are already open?

(L) The fireball blows the window open and then something comes through.

(L) Okay, next question:

(T.C.) DeSouza perceives the activity of, for example, the like the Tic-Tac UAPs buzzing the Navy as being a facet of the 'fake alien invasion' scenario, a psy-op being done to vector the public, government, and military understanding of the UFO phenomenon. Is this true?

A: We have previously mentioned that a fake UFO invasion will fail due to poor tech and image quality and other factors.

Q: (T.C.) Might as well ask if John DeSouza is Greenbaumed given the sort of 'new age programmer' installations that some GB victims get and his high strangeness experiences in his youth. Maybe such a programming could explain where he's gotten some of his ideas from.

(L) Well, that, you know, he's being… but we'll just ask just in case: Is he Greenbaumed or something similar?

A: No, but he has been tracked and interfered with since childhood due to his FRV.

Q: (L) Okay, so when he said in his description of his early attempted abduction experience at the beginning of the book that for some reason they couldn't take him through, was that due to his FRV?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And his insights when he encounters many phenomena, being able to assess them and draw a correct inference is also due to his FRV?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And perhaps that is why there has been so much effort put into distracting and leading him astray as well?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Will he figure it out?

A: Most likely.

Q: (L) All right. Well, okay, here's, this is kind of bizarre... Is happyliza here? So happyliza says:

(happyliza) I’m interested to know whether John DeSouza is aware or mentions in his book about Terra Terrestrials - that is, the underground race.

(L) She could read the book and find that out, but he's obviously not. He's not aware of the underground race or reasons for harvesting of human materials.

(happyliza) The preparations can just as easily be for an invasion of the millions in Earth's center and various places on Earth too. Also the motherships, both of which the C's have talked about.

(L) So, I think that's probably what we're looking at. Is that true? That it's preparation from an invasion from underground and from like motherships carrying - what do they call 'em? The Nephilim-type things?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay.

(Joe) And is this latest conditioning of, or opening up of the question of UFOs with this Las Vegas event, is that part of a longer process? It's not imminent, but instead it's something like a bit of conditioning, and then leave it for a while, and…?

A: Fits and starts.

Q: (L) Next:

(lainey) With regards to the Roswell crashes on June 4th, July 1st and July 4th, I was wondering if it was possible that these were three versions of the same crash. That is, was there a time loop and three different crashes were perceived, but it was the same ship crashing with a slightly different outcome? Or was it three separate ships that all happened to crash around the same area and time?

A: Latter.

Q: (L) Could it have been the former? That is, the same crash happening multiple times in time loops?

A: Could have indeed.

Q: (L) Okay, this is a good question. I think we kind of partly answered it.

(Ben) While he is clearly aware of the nefarious intentions of at least some of the extra-dimensionals, is he underestimating the reach and power of such beings?

A: Oh indeed!!

Q: (L) And that's probably why he's been stymied and fed false information because if they have people think it's just, you know, extra-dimensional and like all you gotta do is wake up, you know? Okay...

(Alejo) Are these efforts to drip 'disclosure' about the alien phenomenon, and the allowance of certain individuals to publish and spread details about it from official sources, the PTB’s attempt to anticipate the aforementioned thinning of the veil caused by the wave?

A: Partly. But the materialist view will predominate.

Q: (L) The materialist view will predominate... But okay... This leads me to kind of like a diversion here because he mentions a group that's over all governments and he's not the only one who mentions that. Some people have written entire books about, you know, the secret government and so forth, and that they're like bloodline members. So do those individuals in that so-called secret government, are they aware of the full nature of the phenomenon and what it means for the future of Earth humanity and even themselves?

A: They are aware of the nature but believe that they can control it. Wishful thinking dominates at all levels of the STS hierarchy.

Q: (L) And there are, I guess, families that have bloodline connections off the planet to 4D STS, is that correct?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And what is the nature of these bloodline connections? I know that's kind of a vague question.

(Joe) Does it mean they're ideologically attuned?

A: This is a difficult topic. Those who are bloodline of 4D STS have power centers.

Q: (L) Are you talking about some kind of an extra physical organ?

A: Close.

Q: (Andromeda) Like an emotional center or an intellectual center?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Similar to an emotional center or an intellectual center... Are they genetically engineered for this?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is there anything corresponding to that on the STO side?

A: In a sense though it was passed on in the natural way.

Q: (L) So there are STO individuals with power centers of some sort?

A: FRV soul essences.

Q: (L) So in other words, they have a soul essence of certain FRVs as opposed to genetically engineered power centers that connect them to 4D STS, is that what we're saying here?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Those power centers provide these 4D STS bloodline individuals with capabilities to rise into positions of power or gain positions of power and control?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And is it true that they're kind of connected in that sense to a 4D STS mindset? So they would tend towards domination?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Does it also mean that these power centers can transmit energy to 4D STS through the 3D individual with the power center?

A: Yes!!

Q: (L) Is that one of their primary functions?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So they are engineered into positions of power for the purpose of transmitting energy up?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Either through what they enact, or you know, they can cause suffering and all that...

Q: (Andromeda) Feeding tubes.

(Niall) Are they mostly British? [Laughter]

(Joe) That's a serious question: Anglo-Saxon stock...

A: Nordic.

Q: (L) Okay.

(Jones) Baldwin and Wickman give the idea that many Earthbound spirits either don't know they can go to the light or don't think they can for some reason. What percentage of DeSouza's extra-dimensionals are actually Earthbound spirits?

A: 0

Q: (L) So are you saying that Earthbound spirits can't really do the things that he says that the extra-dimensionals can do? Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Earthbound spirits are a bit more helpless. But can they achieve any power to act in our realm?

A: Limited.

Q: (L) Next:

(Keit) Does global awareness of aliens correspond with the 4D STS agenda?

A: Not necessarily as "aliens".

Q: (L) As aliens. So they will be introduced as something else?

A: We have covered this previously.

Q: (Joe) Yeah. Recently we had a discussion about it, but they kind of said "no dice" when we tried to get specifics. But it was that they would come and provide like tech or displays of power, or whatever. Disguised as help with saving the world, like environmental problems or war problems or whatever. And it was left hanging because I didn't know how... Because I asked, "Does that imply a generalized awareness of aliens among the population?" And they said "Yes". But then, in that session not too long ago, they said that they wouldn't necessarily be perceived as aliens. And then we kind of left it there because that was going to give us too much information, and we have to figure it out ourselves. Wait and see.

Q: (L) Yes, but remember we had a session years ago, when we were talking about Courtney Brown, if anybody wants to use that as a search term: "Courtney Brown". We had a discussion about this, and that was years ago.

(Joe) What was it about?

(L) About how the alien presence would be gradually introduced, and so forth?

(Joe) As aliens?

(L) Well, no, not necessarily as aliens.

(Joe) No. As what?

(L) Well, they said that they would be like survivors of a cataclysm that have lived underground, and are now coming out to save humanity.

(Joe) That's just as bad. I don't know how that's going to happen, but...

Q: (Keit) Do they require more people believing in them? Do they need more people believing in them?

A: Better to not believe.

Q: (L) So in other words, their true nature still needs to be concealed.

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) Are they going to reveal themselves as some kind of descendants of a former civilization on planet Earth that went to some other planet and inhabited it hundreds of thousand years ago and now they're coming back? So they're technically humans.

A: Close!

Q: (Joe) And is it Elon Musk that’s gonna be responsible for this? [Laughter] Going to Mars and bringing them back with him?

A: No!

Q: (T.C.) DeSouza's predictions of disappearing cities and their populations, and the appearance of hybrid monsters engineered from the samples taken during abductions in mutilations: are these true?

(L) OK. Are there going to be cities disappearing?

A: Not exactly.

Q: (L) Are there going to be these human hybrid monsters that DeSouza depicts?

A: No! There are already human hybrid "monsters", but they look human.

Q: (L) Are these human hybrid monsters, any of the people that are involved in this whole pedophile business?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are they also involved in the gender transitioning of our young people?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And you can tell from their pedophilic tendencies and their destruction of young people their monstrous nature?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) Does the presence of the weed killer atrazine in the food supply contribute to the increase in children and adolescents reporting as transgender?

A: Yes.

[Joe hands Laura an article about the Abydos temple in Egypt.]

Q: (L) Ok, let me throw this in here, since we just covered the part about ancient civilizations returning: In the session from last April 8th, Ursus Minor asked about the Abydos temple hieroglyphic panel in Egypt. Here is a picture of the panel. Why is there a helicopter there and other aircraft that look very similar to our aircraft today?


A: You can answer this yourselves!!
Q: (L) So in other words, a highly technological civilization did previously exist on Earth and was destroyed by cataclysms.

A: Yes. We have told you this more than once.

Q: (Joe) Yes, but they're helicopters! [Laughter]

(Andromeda) There was the same great helicopter idea from the information field.

(Joe) And they're gonna be coming back in their helicopters.

Q: (L) All right. I'm not sure if I fully understand this question, but here it is:

(Black Cartouche) Does the positioning of the moon around our orbit...

(L) Actually it's around our planet...

(Black Cartouche) …play a significant role in maintaining the STS co-opted female energy on Earth ever since the Fall? As the gravitational pull of the moon governs not only the tides, but also the menstrual cycle of women, which negatively impacts their moods and emotions, thus, it would seem keeping women during their fertile years of great responsibility for creating new life in a near constant state of being emotionally vulnerable or unstable and off-balance for much of this most important time in a woman's life.

(L) Okay, what I don't understand here is he says, "gravitational pull of the moon governs not only the tides, but also the menstrual cycle of women, which negatively impacts their moods and emotions." Which is negatively impacting their moods and emotions? The moon or the fact that they have menstrual cycles? That's not exactly clear in the way the question is phrased. Well, since I already read it out, even though it's off topic - I don't know how I got sucked into that... [Laughter] My eyeballs just started running away with me. Is there anything to the moon in orbit around our planet playing a significant role in maintaining the STS control of our planet?

A: No.

(L) Okay. Are women's menstrual cycles putting them in a near constant state of emotional vulnerability?

A: Nonsense. It makes them receptive to cosmic energies for the purposes of creation of life.

Q: (Keit) There is a company in Moscow and Novosibirsk that offers sessions in Kozyrev mirrors. Is their research valid, or are they charlatans that use legit research for their commercial purposes?

A: The latter.

(L) So they're saying that the latter - that means that they're charlatans using legitimate research for their commercial purposes.

Q: (Keit) Would it be beneficial for us to try it out?

A: No.

Q: (Ben) DeSouza describes being detained and interrogated in a US military base after a UFO encounter. He thought that the people questioning him were not military personnel and were above the level of the US government. Is his description of events accurate, and if so, who were these people?

(L) Is his description of the events accurate?

A: Very close.

Q: (L) And who were these people?

A: Members of the secret government forces.

Q: (L) I guess we're not gonna get out any more on that than what we already got. Well, hobnob, we already talked about the Great Voice issues, so I think we're gonna skip over this question. We can figure out from what we've already got. Okay, now we're getting into some other questions that don't relate to DeSouza.

Q: (Jefferson) Some say it's a coup or a real protest against the Russian government or just a show. What is behind the behavior and speech of Prigozhin?

A: Flushing out traitors.

Q: (L) Are you suggesting that Prigozhin is one of the traitors?

A: Yes.

Q: (Jono) There was a 'toxic algae' outbreak a few days ago that killed thousands of fish in Southern Thailand, and hundreds of dolphins and sea lions were also killed by the same in California. Was it simply toxic algae, or something else that caused this? And is it related to the missing Titanic submersible?

(L) Well, how did you go there? [Laughter]

Q: (L) Okay. Was it simply toxic algae?

A: No.

Q: (L) Was it something else?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What was that something else?

A: Underwater leaks from government projects.

Q: (L) Okay. Was it related to the missing Titanic submersible?

A: No.

Q: (L) What did cause the Titanic submersible to go kaflooey?

(Joe) Dodgy workmanship.

A: Leak.

Q: (L) And what was that leak due to?

A: What Joe just said! [Laughter]

Q: (Joe) Niall, didn't you have a question about Prigozhin?

(Niall) Yeah, it's kind of the major issue today. Did the Russian government allow this situation today to come to a head like this?

(Joe) To flush out traitors.

(Niall) Was it done intentionally?

A: Yes.

Q: (Niall) So they were not surprised by this.

A: No.

Q: (Niall) They saw this coming.

(Andromeda) It's the first thing I thought.

(Joe) Yeah, so they knew obviously that there was a history of dissent within Wagner, and they decided to just let it develop up, give them enough rope, basically, to hang themselves...

(Andromeda) And bring all their friends too. [Laughter]

(Joe) "Bring all your traitor friends with you, huh?" Let them talk it up. Let them feel like they could get some action. And then people get emboldened, others join in. "Yeah, let's go, it's working!" But was it inspired in any way by external support, Prigozhin or anybody within Wagner or associated with Wagner being connected to the Ukrainians, and thereby the CIA or the West?

A: No.

Q: (Joe) It was just kind of personal hubris and greed.

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) PoB told me that Russians don't like money though. [Laughter] Is that true, that Russians don't like money?

A: No.

Q: (Gaby) Can we go back to the ocean? I wanted to ask why the temperatures are rising in the Irish Sea, and so many unusual places.

A: Undersea eruptions and general heating at the core.

Q: (Joe) And is it going to melt the ice caps and bring on an ice age?

A: The former not a lot. The latter for sure!

Q: (L) I don't know how we have these... These questions are quite out of order. I mean, we should have had all of these questions all together, and then other questions separated, but anyhow... We already asked that... Okay. So we're really kind of towards the end anyway, so sorry.

(seek10) The C’s mentioned gypsies are gene spliced with an alien race, humanoid and Atlantean drone workers. Did this happen in the Indus Valley civilization region and period?

A: No, it was much earlier. Refugees migrated there.

Q: (seek10) If the Indus Valley civilization peoples are into genetic modification, is the current Indian tendency for rituals the remnant of it through the Dravidian lineage?

A: Yes, but see previous answer also.

Q: (L) Another from seek10. You snuck these in there, I know you! [Laughter]

(seek10) Is it true that UFOs (great flying silvery shining shields) influenced Alexander the Great's world conquest? The siege of Tyre and his decision to not invade India?

A: Yes, Alexander was manipulated.

Q: (LQB) Mario Buildrep's extensive research suggests that catastrophic crustal displacement due to periods of earth expansions have resulted in apparent displacement of the rotational pole positions, which correlates well with alignments of past megalithic structures. At least five past pole positions have been dated and identified. Are his analyses and conclusions roughly correct?

A: No.

Q: (L) Why is it not correct?

A: No earth expansions. Crustal displacement does occur due to cosmic cataclysms and also to regular heating and cooling of Earth's interior.

Q: (L) Okay, I think we've pretty much covered our questions. So...

(Joe) Cordyceps.

(L) What about cordyceps? They are disgusting things.

(Joe) Despite their disgustingness, are they good for us? To take the supplement, the extract of cordyceps mushrooms? Just a yes or no. Should we put aside our disgust?

A: Yes.

(Joe) Oooooh!

(L) They're disgusting, I don't want them!

(Joe) But they're good for you.

Q: (L) I don't want 'em, none of them"

(Joe) But they activate your brain.

(Andromeda) Which part?

(Joe) All of it.

(Andromeda) Aaargh!

Q: (L) We have one little personal question we want to ask before we shut down shop for tonight: We have a situation with puppy dog, Argos, and we would like to know if we are dealing with the situation appropriately. And is there anything we should know about this situation that we don't?

A: You are dealing appropriately. This is not a time for persons who have issues of their own to take on responsibility for another creature that can act as a conduit of negative energies.

Q: (L) So, is the outcome that we have predicted where this has to go?

A: Most likely.

Q: (L) Okay. Is there anything that we haven't asked that we should have asked? Consider it asked. We all need guidance.

A: Pray and meditate and build your network in the hyperdimensional spaces. Much turmoil coming. Be awake, alert, aware, and utilize knowledge. It really does protect if you can set limiting emotions aside. Goodbye.

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Q: (L) Ok, let me throw this in here, since we just covered the part about ancient civilizations returning: In the session from last April 8th, Ursus Minor asked about the Abydos temple hieroglyphic panel in Egypt. Here is a picture of the panel. Why is there a helicopter there and other aircraft that look very similar to our aircraft today?


A: You can answer this yourselves!!
This has been pretty convincingly explained, IMO. I first saw this in a documentary years ago, but here's an online version:

The "helicopter" image is the result of carved stone being re-used over time. The initial carving was made during the reign of Seti I and translates to "He who repulses the nine [enemies of Egypt]".


It was common in Ancient Egypt for hieroglyphs to be re-carved and re-faced over the years. This process of writing on the same surface more than once is called palimpsest, and it was common practice when a new Pharaoh was establishing a dynasty to write over the hieroglyphs of his predecessors. It is well known that such a process took place at the temple of Seti I in Abydos by his son Ramses II.

This carving was later filled in with plaster and re-carved during the reign of Ramesses II with the title "He who protects Egypt and overthrows the foreign countries".

Over time, the plaster has eroded away, leaving both inscriptions partially visible and creating a palimpsest-like effect of overlapping hieroglyphs.
Another image showing the overlapping hieroglyphs:

ADDED: This may be the video I remember seeing:

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Thank you Laura, Andromeda and the Chateau for the session! A loooot of food for thought for sure.

As regarding the cordyceps, thank you Joe for bringing it out, i bought them as supplements from Amazon. Will try them out being interested especially if it could help counteracting the side effects from the night shifts.

I've found some info on the potential benefits of cordyceps:

WHAT CAN CORDYCEPS DO? It’s miraculous such an odd mushroom is so powerful for human health—especially when it is so parasitic to insect life!

Despite its weirdness, healers and herbalists long ago observed it, saw potential in it, then discovered its amazing health properties.

Even better, research has also seen much potential in Cordyceps, backed by lots of strong scientific evidence.

Let’s look at all the most popular ways cordyceps can be good for health, as supported by both science and tradition. BOOST ENERGY LEVELS
Cordyceps isn’t known for anything more than its ability to boost energy. Herbalists of old may have guessed at its ability to increase energy by the way it drove insects to rapidly climb to the tops of trees, and just right before the mushroom grew straight out of their bodies!

Today, scientists are finding lots of evidence for its ability to pump up energy, such as in this study. There is also research to support that it can help raise levels of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is literally the best direct biochemical indicator in the body for how much energy is being used and stored.

Because it’s so widely known in both traditional medicine use and science as a firestarter for energy, cordyceps is a popular supplement for enhancing athletic performance, too. Studies have also shown this to be quite possibly true. One study showed that subjects who took cordyceps demonstrated a better ability to exercise in higher altitudes.

Yet another study of elderly test subjects showed that they had an easier time exercising when taking cordyceps compared to subjects who didn’t take the mushroom supplement.

All this may be tied into the fact that cordyceps boosts ATP levels which are known to help improve athleticism, exercise, and physical performance.

Boosting energy? Improving physical performance and exercise? It’s a no-brainer: such benefits could definitely help people lose weight.

As it so happens, cordyceps has another trick up its sleeve in that it can also directly help the body’s metabolism, and thereby support better weight management.

If this isn’t intriguing enough, a study in 2014 showed that it did indeed impact metabolism at a baseline level. This, in turn, had a great benefit of helping test subjects lose weight and forestall obesity.

Another study showed that the way that cordyceps enhances metabolism also plays a part in its ability to improve athletic performance.

Many practitioners of alternative medicine or herbalism will call cordyceps an “adaptogen.” This means that it is a healthful botanical that, if taken over the long-term, can help ameliorate stress.

Studies find this to be very likely true, too. One study, in particular, showed that test subjects undergoing stress revealed evidence that they withstood that stress better in many ways when they took cordyceps, compared to subjects that didn’t.

Stress has many ways of eating up our lives and ruining our wellness, as seen in issues like stress burnout and adrenal fatigue. Fortunately, cordyceps can be a huge help for this.

Cordyceps goes even a step further beyond stress, showing potential for helping both stress and depression.

A study in 2011 showed this, revealing that the mushroom could help assuage the inflammation in the brain and nervous system associated with depression, as well as certain other chronic diseases.

By this model too, some research also suggests cordyceps could help with managing anxiety, too. It appears to do so in connection to its ability to ramp up ATP levels, which are also responsible for helping anxiety and depression, and not just basic energy stores.

Though it won’t work just like an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety medication, it could provide long-term holistic support.

One of the ways that cordyceps helps depression, anxiety, and mood disorders may be linked to the way in which it protects the brain, neurons, and the nervous system.

What this means: if it can do this, it can very well by extension help protect the brain and nervous system in other ways. This means enhanced cognition, improved memory, and even less brain fog issues.

A 2016 study even showed cordyceps’s compounds directly protecting neurons and nerves. It also mentioned that the fungus could one day be a proven therapy for neurological disorders.

Yet another showed that it could protect against damage from stroke. HELP THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM AND BALANCE HORMONES
The endocrine system deals with glands, hormones, adrenals, and more. It also involves health aspects ranging from reproductive health and hormonal health to metabolism, digestion, thyroid health, and more.

Cordyceps exerts quite an effect on the endocrine system, at least according to scientific research and evidence-based uses. It especially seems to have an affinity for reproductive health in both men and women.

On one hand, studies show it can boost testosterone and even increase fertility according to another study. It’s also shown to improve reproductive health in both women and men and can even have estrogenic benefits for women according to one study.

When it really comes down to it, cordyceps can be seen as a protector and tonic for overall health everywhere in the body.

Why? Because cordyceps is a mushroom that is rich in antioxidants.

This means it helps scavenge free radicals, or “rogue cells,” that can cause disease, degeneration, and damage in the body. More importantly, it can help put a halt to chronic inflammation in the body, one of the principal harms that can result from too much oxidation.

Studies aplenty in fact demonstrate such actions from the fungus, and even trace this basic activity to many of its diverse benefits, too.

Knowing cordyceps is an antioxidant goes to a deep cellular level. But that doesn’t mean that’s as deep as it gets!

Studies show cordyceps works even deeper: it could protect mitochondria, basically mini organs or “organelles” that dwell in each cell in the body. These are important for resisting free radical damage, optimizing energy, and cleaning up dead cells.

What’s more, another study shows cordyceps could even aid the process of autophagy, a fancy term for the dead cell “clean up” our mitochondria do.

What this means: cordyceps protects the body even at the most minute level and could even help it age more gracefully.

One of the very best benefits from healthier mitochondria and less free radicals is an automatic enhancement of immunity.

When foreign harmful cells build up or if mitochondria aren’t allowed to do the cleanup they are designed to do, the result tends to be chronic inflammation. The body copes with this by rectifying it through the immune system. Antioxidant and mitochondria-supporting herbs and mushrooms, such as cordyceps, help take away this chronic inflammation studies show. In turn, this helps the immune system work at its best and better handle bigger problems.

This may include untreatable viral diseases like colds and flu, and even autoimmune issues like rheumatoid arthritis.

Each and every benefit cordyceps has is primed to help people with chronic disease, and in a variety of ways. One that it could specifically support is type 2 diabetes, which is both a metabolic and autoimmune disease involving chronic inflammation.

One study in 2012 found that cordyceps aided the body in coping with symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes. This included kidney and pancreatic issues.

In another, the mushroom appeared to help regulate blood sugars, which can both reduce the risk of and help support the illness. In the study, cordyceps helped reduce blood sugar levels by 47%!

Part of how cordyceps helps diabetes is by helping the kidneys, too, which can suffer greatly as a result of the condition.

But even for those who don’t have diabetes, this Asian fungus can be of great help for improving overall kidney wellness. A major review in 2014 also found that the mushroom may one day be a helpful therapy for treating kidney diseases as well, though more studies will be needed before then.

Again, cordyceps benefits to the kidneys can no doubt be linked to its antioxidant activity. Studies show that it can possibly help reduce proteins in urine while helping clearance of fluids.

Last but not least: cordyceps could be very effective for combating cancer, as well as reducing the overall risk of developing it.

Its antioxidant action is the foundation of these effects found in the polysaccharide compounds in the mushroom. In some studies, another compound called cordycepin showed even more direct resistance to cancer: including the killing of tumor cells and stopping them from spreading, too.

As a supplement, cordyceps may do a little bit in helping reduce cancer risk, or even supporting cancer in people who have it. Still, it has a long way to go before being called a cancer medicine, treatment, or remedy.

Though it’s a mushroom only unique to Asia, that’s not to say that cordyceps’s health can’t be available to anyone, anywhere.

Since cordyceps is so famous in the scientific world for boosting energy and ramping up ATP levels, we couldn’t help but add it as a vital ingredient to our ATP ENER-G blend designed for energy enhancement.
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Q: (Joe) Well, it's not true that if someone dies, there's this protective kind of cord-type thing that can't be penetrated and stuff? So when they kill someone, you can't just put that same soul or essence back in the body. You can't revive them, basically. Aliens can't do that either. So was he some kind of automaton afterwards or something, or…? You know what I mean? Is that not true? That they cannot, if they kill someone, they can't revive it - they can't grab the soul back and put ’em back in the body ’cause there's a protective process there once they die...

A: Assuming that the soul has entered the protection of the "silver cord".

Q: (L) So is it that souls that have not left the Earth plane and gone into the light are then susceptible to use by 4D STS?

A: Yes
Here's the session where this was discussed:

Q: (L) Now, the question has arisen that, since other dimensional beings have the ability to kidnap or abduct or forcibly extract souls, do they also have the capability of manipulating our soul essences after they have left our bodies during the transition to fifth density?

A: Not correct.

Q: (L) They do not?

A: No, you see when your physical body expires, and you enter fifth density, this is done one way and one way only: by passing through a conduit which opens specifically for the purpose of transference from third density to fifth density. Now, something often referred to in your terminology as a silver thread, is like a closed line which opens when this conduit is needed. That's rather awkward, but it's the only way to describe it. So that when the physical body terminates, this line is opened forming a conduit through which the soul passes naturally. However, part of the existence of this conduit is that it is absolutely impenetrable by any force from any density level. Therefore, souls in the process of transferring from third density to fifth density are not in any way able to be molested or tampered with. And it should be mentioned here, also, that the soul imprint of the physical body always has a connection to fifth density and that is through the so-called "silver thread." That always exists as the third density soul's doorway to fifth density. It can be opened at a moment's notice whenever needed. When it is opened it becomes a conduit. Through that conduit the soul passes. And it is not subject to interference by anything. This is not a deliberate construction, it is merely the natural process similar to what could be described as the protection mechanisms existing on second level density for creatures which are not capable of protecting themselves through their own conscious thought processes. For example, your turtle is contained within a shell that protects it. That shell is impenetrable by any natural forces, therefore nothing that is natural can harm that turtle. However, the same can exist for any creature when it is connected by the silver thread to fifth density. Once it is passing through the conduit produced by the opening of the silver thread, then, of course, it cannot be tampered with. Do you understand?

Q: (L) Yes, but why do so many souls, when they leave the body, not traverse this conduit, and why do they stay earthbound, and why do they attach to other bodies? Why does this condition exist?

A: That is a complicated question, however the best answer is choice is involved there for those souls who wish not to leave the plane of third density. The only possibility to do this is to be detached from the now expired physical body but still be within the third density plane, which, of course, is not natural, but nonetheless can occur. In situations such as this, though it has been incorrectly reported, the silver thread is still attached and still remains a thread rather than a conduit. The soul is still attached to the silver thread but detached from the host body which has now expired. So the effect is very similar to being consciously aware of third density surroundings without a third density unit to accompany. Do you understand?

Q: (L) Yes. Okay...

A: Also, please be aware of the fact that once the soul leaves the confines of the physical body, the illusion of time passage is no longer apparent even when the soul remains on the third density plane. Therefore, it appears to that soul that no time whatsoever has passed. And, we mention this merely for you to contemplate all of the various meanings behind this.
I'd imagine something similar is going on in NDE cases and other resuscitation cases where NDEs either don't occur or aren't recalled.
An absorbing read, thank you as always. I'm mainly thinking about good spiritual hygiene after reading this one. Mainly the idea that there are souls who don't go into the light and are ripe for manipulation by 4d STS forces. It's a bad situation for atheists and materialists in particular. Spiritual exercises like prayer and meditation now look more important than ever.

It's very interesting this idea of them manifesting as a subterranean race. That way the hyperdimensional aspect will remain concealed. I'll bear that in mind as I watch future events. I'm thinking partly about Arthur C Clarke's book "Childhood's End" too. Saving us from ourselves and our collective entropic nature. The UFO topic is huge on the web and has been for ages, so I think there will be a great number of sceptics should this card be played. I can't see this trick coming off, maybe this is a symptom of the classic predilection to wishful thinking in all STS hierarchies? Reality has a habit of punishing hubris, but all in its good time.

I was looking forward to this session and it doesn't disappoint. Thanks again.:-)
Thanks for another fascinating session.

Q: (Ben) DeSouza describes being detained and interrogated in a US military base after a UFO encounter. He thought that the people questioning him were not military personnel and were above the level of the US government. Is his description of events accurate, and if so, who were these people?

(L) Is his description of the events accurate?

A: Very close.

Q: (L) And who were these people?

A: Members of the secret government forces.

The description of that encounter was as follows: DeSouza and his partner were called to a military base by a commander. UFO's he described as 'filled with light, barely recognisable as metal craft' were being seen regularly nearby. Groups of people regularly observed them. During the group sighting attended by the agents one UFO seemed drawn to DeSouza and flew straight at him before disappearing. This resulted in his questioning back at the base. They wanted to know what he knew about such phenomena, why it seemed to show specific interest in him.

This really fits with what the C's have said in both this session and previous sessions about 4D STS and their interactions with the secret government. All the people involved here, including John DeSouza, are being toyed with and manipulated by beings whose purposes they do not understand and whose abilities they are underestimating. It's the 'cosmic tricksters' from High Strangeness and its associated source material.

I suspected that the interrogation was carried out by some higher level of the US government, like intelligence agencies, due to the nature of their questioning. I suppose 'secret government forces' would describe that. They wanted to check his level of knowledge, whether he knew something they didn't - or something he shouldn't.

A: His intentions are sincere and positive, but he has been derailed by those forces that seek capture of humanity.

We got that right about his intentions, almost everybody had that impression of him. It was just a question of how much did he really know and how much was he able to share? I guess this answers why his book promotion videos are allowed to be all over YouTube.
...DeSouza is blinded by his failure to understand hyperdimensional variability of physicality.

Q: (L) Hmm.

A: Also be warned, DeSouza doesn't fully comprehend the implications of the former answer.

Q: (L) So his relegation of the phenomenon to entirely extra-dimensional ideas limits his ability to understand just how dangerous it really is. Is that what we're saying here?

A: Yes!!!

Q: (L) He thinks all you gotta do is just, you know, form a tribe and think good thoughts, and... I mean, what exactly is his advice? Anybody? What is his advice? How we're supposed to respond to this? Anybody pick up on that?

(Alejo) To awaken.

Q: (L) To awaken. We're just supposed to awaken. Well, okay, so he says we're supposed to awaken. Awaken to what? Well, that it's an extra-dimensional phenomenon. And if you don't know the nature of the phenomenon and you think you do, then you're not really awake. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) He has information about it all and knowledge protects, but...
A: False information is worse than no information.
So it seems that, even though you can see that things are rotten in this reality, and subscribe to numerous conspiracy theories, unless you can see the hyper dimensional aspect, you are not really awake to things. And I suppose can still be led down the garden path.
Session Date: June 24th 2023


Q: (L) We have one little personal question we want to ask before we shut down shop for tonight: We have a situation with puppy dog, Argos, and we would like to know if we are dealing with the situation appropriately. And is there anything we should know about this situation that we don't?

A: You are dealing appropriately. This is not a time for persons who have issues of their own to take on responsibility for another creature that can act as a conduit of negative energies.
Oh, okay!!! No more pets if one has issues.

Thanks you all for sharing another interesting Session.

Now... network in the hyperdimensional spaces. Well... that's another level.
A: Pray and meditate and build your network in the hyperdimensional spaces. Much turmoil coming. Be awake, alert, aware, and utilize knowledge. It really does protect if you can set limiting emotions aside. Goodbye.
Thank you for the session, lots there to ponder & great questions asked. It is always sobering when we get a reminder from the Cs like this. Interesting times ahead!
Thank you for another information packed session! :flowers: :wizard:

Q: (Joe) Are they going to reveal themselves as some kind of descendants of a former civilization on planet Earth that went to some other planet and inhabited it hundreds of thousand years ago and now they're coming back? So they're technically humans.

A: Close!

I’ve been wondering what made Netflix create and release The Ancient Apocalypse, surely the topic of a global catastrophe and its imminent return weren’t topics the PTB would want people to focus on too much? Prior to its release, Graham Hancock was a niche author, now his name has gone mainstream.

But if that’s the angle the PTB want to take, then the docu-series plays into their agenda nicely.
Thank you, Laura and Andromeda and everyone else!

The information about the Russian situation was very fascinating, and what a smart move. Regarding cordyceps: I took a tincture some time back, and it wasn't bad at all.
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