Session 25 January 2025

Another subject that really grabbed my attention was that of autistic children, and there are several aspects to the session I'm interested in, which I'll be analyzing further on in my publication.
Without knowing how accurate the illustration below is or what the situation is in other countries, there is this from this post which points to many avenues for analysis being open:
Without knowing how accurate the illustration below is or what the situation is in other countries, there is this from this post which points to many avenues for analysis being open:
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Ouf!!! American children are really “machine-gunned” by the medical mafia. It's just as bad as in France. And if I compare with my country in the province of Quebec, even though vaccination is very important here too, it seems that our young people receive fewer vaccines. Here are 2 tables comparing France and Quebec:



For me, however, I'm more partial to this poster. :thup:

The first protest groups mobilized against mandatory vaccination measures, leading to violent public demonstrations across the city. This poster dates back to 1885, the year of Toronto's first smallpox vaccination campaign.
(iscreamsandwich) In the session from 23 November, 2024...

(L) I guess we must've been talking about Pierre...

(iscreamsandwich) What would be the most effective method of reaching those levels of the subconscious mind?

A: Hypnosis can work.
Seeing this X post on circumcision, I'm left wondering what can be done to alleviate such a violation and betrayal at such an early age for all the men who had it done to them - 30% of all men in the world. And I thought of the exchange above in this session about Pierre and "reaching those levels of the subconscious mind."

I figure there is a lot that can be done in terms of the Work, self-observation, and rewiring the mind by conscious effort, but maybe to really heal from circumcision at such an early age some form of hypnosis would be needed... I've never delved deeply into hypnosis, been under hypnosis, nor practiced it myself with others, but maybe for those who do practice hypnosis as a healing modality some kind of protocol and standard practice for a practitioner can be created?

What better way to ensure a deep, subconscious, distrust of women – not to mention an overwhelming terror at the very mention of the pain and suffering that might ensue from breaking the monotheistic covenant – than whacking a guy’s penis when he is interested only in being warm, cozy, and filling his tummy with warm, sweet milk from mother?

The first circuit is concerned with what is safe and what is not safe. In our society, money is one of the primary items that is intimately tied to survival and biological security. Money represents survival. In addition to that, people who have been traumatized during the imprinting phase of the first circuit tend to view other people in an abstract way. It is "us and them."

They also tend to be very easily threatened by disapproval of any sort because disapproval suggests the idea of extinction or loss of food supply. And, finally, those who have been negatively imprinted at this stage tend to have a chronic muscular armoring that prevents proper, relaxed breathing; they are uptight.

One of the main characteristics of people who are heavily controlled by this circuit, or are stuck in this oral phase, is that when they sense danger of any sort, whether actual or conceptual, all mental activity comes to a halt. Such people are chronically anxious and dependent – mostly on religion. They are not able to really understand what other people are feeling or what can happen in the future in regard to relationships, given a certain present situation.

They only understand what is happening now, and they can only feel what they feel. They cannot accurately grasp what others feel because they relate to others only as sensory objects.

And, how many men are circumcised? A lot, I can tell you – 30% of males, globally, according to the World Health Organization, and approximately 56% are circumcised as infants in the U.S. And, besides the Jews, for years, the American Medical Association advocated and urged circumcision of American babies for hygienic reasons.
Thank you for this session!
Dionnaea made me think of the ancient greek goddess Dioné. I had to look it up and it seems that in the Orphic tradition, she is a daughter of Ouranos and Gaïa and the mother of Aphrodite. She is the divinity of light and heavens.

I am happy to learn that war in Ukraine will most probably end this year. I hope it will bring relief and peace to the ukrainians.

As for LA, even knowing this city is rotten with corruption, I feel for the people there. California has become a little hell in Earth.

And I am even more intrigued by the elevator thingie now, I'd love to see what it looks like!

I say it often, but I am very grateful to be part of this group!
Game theory and all..

Y'know, even going back to the days of his TV show, every time I heard 'Trump' I would instantly think of the times I played card games with my dad as a kid because there were games that would use 'trump cards', cards that would beat every other card in the deck. This 'trump card' idea may already be known here.

Still, I did a search and took a quick read of the Trump (card games) wiki. It's been reported that Trump's name is from the German Drumpf, but I started to wonder if this 'game theory' idea reveals some more/other meaning behind his name?

A trump is a playing card which is elevated above its usual rank in trick-taking games. Typically an entire suit is nominated as a trump suit; these cards then outrank all cards of plain (non-trump) suits. In other contexts, the terms trump card or to trump refers to any sort of action, authority or policy which automatically prevails over all others.

The introduction of trumps is one of only two major innovations to trick-taking games since they were invented; the other being the idea of bidding. Trump cards, initially called trionfi, first appeared with the advent of Tarot cards in which there is a separate, permanent trump suit comprising a number of picture cards. The first known example of such cards was ordered by the Duke of Milan around 1420 and included 16 trumps with images of Greek and Roman gods.

Around the same time that Tarot cards were invented with the purpose of adding a trump suit to the existing four suits, a similar concept arose in the game of Karnöffel. However, in this South German game played with an ordinary pack, some cards of a given suit had full trump powers, others were partial trumps and the 7s had a special role. These features have been retained in games of the Karnöffel family down to the present, but are never seen in Tarot games. Suits with these variable powers are thus called chosen suits or selected suits to distinguish them from trump suits.


Main article: Trionfi (cards)

The English word trump derives from trionfi, a type of 15th-century Italian playing cards, from the Latin triumphus "triumph, victory procession", ultimately (via Etruscan) from Greek θρίαμβος, the term for a hymn to Dionysus sung in processions in his honour.

Trionfi was the 15th-century card game for which tarot cards were designed. Trionfi were a fifth suit in the card game which acted as permanent trumps. Still, in the 15th century, the French game triomphe (Spanish triunfo) used four suits, one of which was randomly selected as trumps. It was this game that became extremely popular in Western Europe in the 16th century and is ancestral to many modern card games.

The English word is first documented in 1529 as the name of a card game which would develop into Ruff and Honours and ultimately Whist. In German, the term is attested as Triumph in 1541; the modern German spelling Trumpf is recorded from 1590. In French, triomphe remained the name of the game, while the trump suit was called atout, from à tout (as it were "all-in"). Some European languages (Hungarian, Greek) adopted the French term. Russian козырь kozyr' is of unknown etymology, possibly a loan from a Turkic source. Polish variously uses atut, trumf and kozera adopted from the French, German and Russian respectively.
Without knowing how accurate the illustration below is or what the situation is in other countries, there is this from this post which points to many avenues for analysis being open:
View attachment 105474
That makes me want to vomit. I vaccinated my first two children who are now 25 and 22, something that plays on my mind when I watch them with their quirks, idiosyncrasies, blind spots, emotional upheavals (or in my sons case, sometimes just a black slate) skin issues, gut health, escapisms and more.

There’s more than one way to skin a cat, other than autism, with these vaccines.

My own personal skinning from these inoculations was recurrent ear infections starting at 4 months old and the ensuing results. By the time I was 18 months old I was antibiotic resistant, my microbiome never had a chance to develop before it was wiped out. I’ve always been lethargic and lazy, with major escapism tendencies. At 15 I had an ear infection that lasted 5 months, again didn’t respond to antibiotics and then needed surgery to repair the eardrum.
A life plagued with depression, lack of desire and motivation, mental health woes, drug use, malaise and a sense of pointlessness.... cat skinned! Now I’m trying to grow back that skin and hopefully some fur too. It’s a mighty task and consumes so much of my life… but I won’t give up 🙏
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What is more, it would allow us to return to Galileo's transformations and to leave aside the Lorentz transformations as the Cs invited us to do. It would therefore be interesting during the next session to ask the Cs if the variability of the unit of time is the way to properly get out of the framework of special relativity. It is not time that changes, it would be the unit of time. It's more subtil. This variability would allow us to integrate the 4th dimension of space and thus accommodate the famous variability of physic. So if anyone feels willing to bounce back on @T.C. 's idea and ask the question :-).


I agree with what the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, Alain Aspect, saying : the solutions to current problems can only come from science... Except that we must be aware that the future of science depends on the integration of consciousness within it.​
The idea of the degenerate metric was confirmed by the Cs in relation to the 4th dimension of space. Galileo transformations are for an infinite speed of light but the zero speed of light is also degenerate and might be more related to the 4th dimension being spacelike instead of timelike. It's kind of hard to think about but the Galileo transformations make time all important and the zero speed of light makes space all important (literally in the metric signature space becomes zeros for Galileo transformations and time becomes zero for the speed of light being zero). The speed of light being zero also fits with an Einstein Rosen bridge between our universe and the anti-universe. Our consciousness maybe might get to this bridge more easily than the rest of the body.
Thanks for another interesting session. 2025 really does seem like it's going to be an eventful year.
Your efforts to shed light in events really helps us minions to understand. I'd of probably of been sectioned at some point over the last 25 years if I hadn't come across the group.
Thanks to the C's and the crew for sharing. :hug2:
Concerning Trump, I quote what was said in the session of Jan. 25, 2025:

As far as Trump is concerned, I've always been ambivalent about whether it was really positive that he was elected. As much as I knew that his mandate was very optimistic and that it would allow us to reveal the scandals and misinformation that have plagued us for decades and clean up the swamp, as most people would say.

When Laura asked at the beginning about what we think about Trump being elected and his initial activities, I said “it is a positive change”. Most of us here are quite skeptical about most matters on this planet and do not think that there will be some kind of golden age of America or anything. It is just that in comparison to the continually downward spiral of the previous Biden libtard administration, it was positive to see such actions as J6 political prisoners being let free, a statement on men and women and the overall pushback on wokism including DEI, to name a few. Any of the positive ideas or policies will be met with some kind of sabotage, and it can also be seen as ‘positive’ that the train may finally crash, suffering increased, and therefore lessons gained by many (although a mess will be made and it will be nasty, but it is inevitable and necessary considering the state of our planet).
The whole past week I was watching Trump do his things and talking about getting Greenland and I increasingly got the feeling that he starts to look to me like the Antichrist of the Bible. It's just the feeling, though, but Joe in his last podcast and this session seems to also see Trump as the one who will bring the WW3 and the dismantling of the Western Civilization. In hindsight, Trump may indeed play that role despite good intentions. As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intensions. He may do a lot of good things for ordinary Americans, but if he listens to the Zionist advisers and joins the war in the Middle East, he may in fact, facilitate the breakout of the WW3.

The more I watch him talk about the geopolitics, the more I feel like he will, in his ignorance, be persuaded to start this war in order to maintain the American domination over the world.

I hope I am wrong....
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