The Telepathy tapes, which I listened to in part and also watched in part, were interesting to some extent. Although I left it at that, I am glad the questions were asked and answered. While listening, it occurred to me that it didn’t make sense to make all of this up but there were two trains of thoughts: 1) with the hyperkinetic sensate around us and taking into account what the Cs have said about certain genetic traits activating (teleportation and so forth), maybe some folks are getting more psychic and able to read minds, and 2) there are nefarious elements at play where certain individuals, those with autism in this case, are being programmed to read minds and play a similar role to those vaxxed and full of spike proteins: serving as minions for 4D STS.Thank you very much Laura and the crew for another fascinating session.I must admit, I listen 5 - 6 sessions of Telepathy Tapes and because I was working with non-speakers before I was very excited for the idea that that can use telepathy between them and have "more rich" life regarding their physical disabilities. My wife was also very into it. She listen all the sessions and at the end she tell me that was something fishy about all this "they will save humanity thing" and she was very disappointed. I have a hunch that they maybe have communication with the STS entities and when the C's confirm it my heart just sink...Just when I have a glimpse of hope for this kids the reality strike again. Sometimes I think that is just to much to bear for my soul and I would like just to "check out". ( Deep breath )
Sorry, guys.
On the more positive note I was very happy to hear that some of them with individual soul can have contact with STO. That is really encouraging. Thank god for that.
May the Divine Cosmic Mind bless you all in this time of change.
What about the possibility that all of these seemingly good intentioned actions and statements that Trump has touted are actually part of a design to capture the minds and hearts of the people with the purpose to lead them down the garden path thinking that their saviour has arrived to save the day. So under that pretence he’s gonna be allowed to do some of those things to keep the cattle subdued. (but with very obvious cracks to look into for those who have eyes, and those who can see are the ones who will expose it)When Laura asked at the beginning about what we think about Trump being elected and his initial activities, I said “it is a positive change”. Most of us here are quite skeptical about most matters on this planet and do not think that there will be some kind of golden age of America or anything. It is just that in comparison to the continually downward spiral of the previous Biden libtard administration, it was positive to see such actions as J6 political prisoners being let free, a statement on men and women and the overall pushback on wokism including DEI, to name a few. Any of the positive ideas or policies will be met with some kind of sabotage, and it can also be seen as ‘positive’ that the train may finally crash, suffering increased, and therefore lessons gained by many (although a mess will be made and it will be nasty, but it is inevitable and necessary considering the state of our planet).
There will always be those whose "minds and hearts" will be captured as you said, and will also be led down the "garden path". Only with work on the Self and thus increasing awareness to build perspicacity and discernment, one can have the hope of being less likely led one way or another. This Network is one that provides the opportunities to make a choice, be less automatic, and not be led astray. With humility we can be grateful for the knowledge provided via this Forum. I think it is useful to keep a detached observer perspective when watching what is going on in the world.What about the possibility that all of these seemingly good intentioned actions and statements that Trump has touted are actually part of a design to capture the minds and hearts of the people with the purpose to lead them down the garden path thinking that their saviour has arrived to save the day. So under that pretence he’s gonna be allowed to do some of those things to keep the cattle subdued. (but with very obvious cracks to look into for those who have eyes, and those who can see are the ones who will expose it)
It could be, that he is allowed to do some things because then the ptb have more room to do other things because space has been created for a balancing response or action. I’m just speculating, for fun, I don’t really know how to articulate it. I kind of see it like a game of tug of war and humans are the rope, and whenever the people get too close to being pulled in one direction those in control swap sides to pull them back in the other direction so there is never a winner, and the status quo of control is constantly maintained.
Thank you for the session. I have an experience that is related to the discussion regarding the blue and red shift, it is something that I've never talked about because it never really seemed relevant to anything.
Nearly 2 decades ago I was in Peru participating in several ayahuasca ceremonies, this was when the practice was mostly unknown in the west, my only exposure to it was from a single national geographic article, which is what inspired me to go there. Anyway, during the final ceremony before the ayahuasca "kicked in" I had a dramatic sighting of a light floating over the head of the shaman and his apprentices. It moved intelligently and seemed to have a "front" and "back", as the light was in some sense directional or shining slightly more intensely on the forward facing side. Another distinction is that when I was seeing the "front" side of the light, when it was moving towards me, it was slightly red and when I was seeing the "back" side it was slightly blue. These were all extremely subtle differences that I only noticed because I was paying intense attention to it.
Later I spoke to one of the shaman apprentices and asked them about this light. Without a moment's hesitation, she answered that this light was the shaman's teacher whose named was don Alberto. What is strange is that this teacher was not dead but still alive, he was no longer physically present at the ceremonies but apparently he could travel remotely to them as a point of light in order to supervise them.
Later I read in the Carlos Castaneda books that shamans were able to travel as a point of light, and recalled this experience I had.
Take this info for whatever it's worth, maybe it will be of some use. Thanks again for sharing the session :)
Bingo! Couldn’t be said better.There will always be those whose "minds and hearts" will be captured as you said, and will also be led down the "garden path". Only with work on the Self and thus increasing awareness to build perspicacity and discernment, one can have the hope of being less likely led one way or another. This Network is one that provides the opportunities to make a choice, be less automatic, and not be led astray. With humility we can be grateful for the knowledge provided via this Forum. I think it is useful to keep a detached observer perspective when watching what is going on in the world.
The interview is revealing:(Joe) Tucker interviewed the mother of Suchir Balaji who worked as an engineer for Sam Altman building AI, until he decided that Altman was committing crimes. Balaji became a whistleblower, and soon after was found dead in his apartment. California authorities claim it was suicide. Crime scene photos clearly show a murder. In the interview, his mother said that he realized that openAI (for which he worked for a time) was in breach of copyright laws, but that that does not seem to her a likely reason why anyone would kill him. She suspects instead that he discovered something about openAI and certain abilities it had acquired. Why was Suchir killed?
A: He knew the ultimate objective.
Neural network-type algorithms are a basic building block of AI. A neural network has a lot of inputs and outputs normally, output info is fed back to the algorithm which can alter the tuning parameters which may effect a change in how the input is measured, it's almost like the way some of the output is fed back to the input for control in a transistor, (very basically). Of course, there is way more to it. Neural network algorithms are very complex. Large Language Models, (LLM), use neural network and other complex libraries as basic building blocks to build models that are more complex than neural networks to an exponential degree.On the other hand, as you mention, it would be interesting to see if AI is related to the 4th dimension of space or if it is just a more efficient look at 3D by linking certain data in new ways or at faster speeds or more data than a human being can do in a given time.
I saw all kinds of stuff during my psychedelics days. I think anything seen during those trips should be regarded with an extremely high degree of suspicion.
There's evidence that plant medicine ceremonies are basically abduction ceremonies. The correspondence is noticeable and consistent. The book Masquerade of Angels by Turner gives a pretty chilling look at how our perceptions can be easily distorted by hyperdimensionals in a normal state. Screen memories are installed to cover up horrors, and it takes an informed hypnotist to see what truly happened. I think that distortion would be even easier when in a psychedelic state.
Add Turner's account of total control over our perceptions to the broader framework of social control outlined in Laura's book High Strangeness or John Keel's book The Eight Tower, and in my opinion, and you have enough evidence to conclude that the plant medicine ceremonies of tribal peoples are another version of soul imprisonment via religion carried out by hyperdimensionals.
I believe Trump is better than what could have been. Much of what he does of doesn't do is because of people around him as much as it is the general public who support him. This time around there was a much more concerted effort to 'guide' him in the right direction as well as provide him with the information he needs. That takes work and persistence. Interestingly enough there's an increasing amount of exposure of the behind the scenes malfaesance of those in power, too.When Laura asked at the beginning about what we think about Trump being elected and his initial activities, I said “it is a positive change”. Most of us here are quite skeptical about most matters on this planet and do not think that there will be some kind of golden age of America or anything. It is just that in comparison to the continually downward spiral of the previous Biden libtard administration, it was positive to see such actions as J6 political prisoners being let free, a statement on men and women and the overall pushback on wokism including DEI, to name a few. Any of the positive ideas or policies will be met with some kind of sabotage, and it can also be seen as ‘positive’ that the train may finally crash, suffering increased, and therefore lessons gained by many (although a mess will be made and it will be nasty, but it is inevitable and necessary considering the state of our planet).