(Joe) Trump...
(L) You want to talk about Trump again?
(Joe) Only a little bit. Trump stated this week, in his inauguration speech, that the next four years would be the greatest years in American history. How likely is this to be the case?
A: Not very.
Q: (Joe) That's what I thought. And has Trump been told what the New Jersey drones probes were really about? Has he been given the truth?
A: No.
Q: (Joe) Okay. And in the previous session I asked, "Do a lot of members of government know?" And I think they said yes. But we're not talking about common or garden variety members... I mean, it's selective in terms of who's told. Is that true?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Probably the really deep, dark, black budget people or something.
(Joe) And so Trump isn't interested or... I mean, I just find it hard to imagine that someone like him, or any of them, would just happily carry on.
(L) Well, I think maybe Trump is... About the drones, he's like Jefferson is about these autistic kids, not particularly attracted or interested. And we're all that way. There are some things that grab us and attract and interest us, and things that don't. And I don't think Trump is that interested in it.
(Joe) But it has a direct... I mean, we're talking about unknown drones that they can't shoot down, can't do anything about over military bases, over nuclear bases, etcetera. And the entire US military can't do anything about it. They're impotent in the face of it, which immediately implies a higher power.
(L) But Trump doesn't think that. He thinks that this... I bet he thinks that it's just some activity going on that's very prosaic. I mean, look at Elon Musk! The guy wants to go to Mars, and he's not really interested enough in the whole UFO/UAP thing to explore it thoroughly.
(Joe) Maybe we should ask, is Musk being honest when he says...
(L) Is Musk being honest when he doesn't really have that much interest in UFO...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) To me, it staggers my mind.
(Joe) Especially for someone of his inclination.
(L) And he talks about when he has downtime, he plays video games. I mean, he could be reading and researching stuff, but he doesn't. And Trump is not a reader either. It is hard for most of us to really grasp that.
(Chu) I think for both of them, as much as they may care up to a certain point, or at least Trump, it's also about the ego and what they can do quickly and stuff.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Yeah, he and Elon and others like that are very pragmatic and interested in what they can...
(Chu) And the fame too.
(L) Yeah, exactly. They're interested in things that they can cope with and deal with and have an effect on. And if it has the least little hint of being out of their control, such as higher intelligences or higher things, they don't want to know. They don't want to know. If you look at Steve Mithen's theory [in his book The Prehistory of the Mind], where the mind is like a Swiss army knife... they don't have that part of their mind developed enough. And it is a very bad thing for ultimate survival, because it's been shown the people who do have that do connecting ability...
(Joe)... that inquiring mind...
(Niall) So, does Trump not really believe that a higher power intervened to save him last July? Is he just saying that?
(Joe) Well, that's separate, that's religion, that's God. Anybody can believe in God.
(L) But that's packaged, you see?
(Andromeda) It's known.
(Chu) And he probably really believes it, because it makes him feel special.
(Joe) I'm talking about the implications that these drones... these are things that could potentially pose a direct conflict, or have a direct implication on his ability to run the country. The existence of God doesn't influence his ability to run the country. God isn't going to come and stop him imposing certain policies or interfere with his...
(Niall) Well, God is the only reason he's still running the country, but he doesn't know that. Okay.
(L) It is a very particular type of mindset, and it's everywhere.