Session 25 May 2008

I still have alot to learn around here, but I just had a thought and maybe made a small connection.

I also "played" the Ouija board alot when I was young. My sister and I. We probably channeled 200+spirits/entities. Also, thought a portal was opened at some point. There are a million details in all this, but it is not the point I am getting at. When we had bad experiences we knew not to "invite" them and would move on to the next and the next. As a teenager I really felt like quite a medium, being able to sense alot of the super-natural. In trying to sense them, I wonder if that wasn't a sort of invite. When I started getting older I had a lot of new stress entering my life, responsibilities and such and I felt like my "ghost sensing" was taking alot of my energy and I needed that energy to deal with my life. So I ended up ignoring it all, thinking that it was not doing me any good, and then I no longer felt presences around me (maybe I was no longer inviting them!) To this day I still feel like I could if I wanted, but I don't want an energy drain, so I choose to stay "clean" maybe? Anyway, I felt I have always been able to sense out or read people in the exact same manner, and very able to help with problems that they are having. So my conncection is, is that why we can help people who want help, 'cause we are invited into their energy field. And when someone does not truly want help, we are then not invited and can never really offer anything that they would except... just the thoughts that came to mind reading this.
Also, when be-friending or loving a psycopath, we have invited them in to drain us as well. STS drains energy and STO is helping those who invite. Just thought I could be making some interesting connections...
Interesting thought, Crystla24.
There are certainly nonverbal ways that one may ask for assistance. For example, a baby, requires assistance by virtue of its obvious helplessness and inability to ask. Another example could be someone unconscious and injured on the side of the road in obvious need of assistance yet incapable of indicating their need to be assisted.

However, free will must be respected and assistance should not be given if the person is capable of expressing the invitation but hasn't.

An example of violating someone's free will, although with the best of intentions, might be to secretly perform healing, like Reiki, on an individual who appears to need healing. Doing such not only violates free will in the obvious way, but also by endebting that person into an energy imbalance, since it wasn't a willful exchange, and therefore subjecting that person to a debt.

I'm curious to know if you ever tried to observe spirit energy without interacting with it. This might be a way to not experience the draining. I've heard some psychics explain how, upon becoming aware of the energy, they shield themselves first before interacting. The act of becoming aware of energies could be experienced as a form of passive observation, without sending any light out that could attract their attention. Like moths, they seem to be attracted to your light and, without first shielding, this attraction could result in draining, if not attachments.

One of my daughters was wide open and seemed to attract every dead dude/dudette, shadowman and entity within view of her light. She was plagued by ever-increasing visitations until, like you she learned to close down and turn off her light.

However, there could be methods for you to apply and still exercise your abilities, if interested, which my daughter never investigated, as she just wanted the torment to end and had no interest in dealing with what she felt were terrifying entities.

Gonzo said:
Interesting thought, Crystla24.
There are certainly nonverbal ways that one may ask for assistance. For example, a baby, requires assistance by virtue of its obvious helplessness and inability to ask. Another example could be someone unconscious and injured on the side of the road in obvious need of assistance yet incapable of indicating their need to be assisted.

However, free will must be respected and assistance should not be given if the person is capable of expressing the invitation but hasn't.

An example of violating someone's free will, although with the best of intentions, might be to secretly perform healing, like Reiki, on an individual who appears to need healing. Doing such not only violates free will in the obvious way, but also by endebting that person into an energy imbalance, since it wasn't a willful exchange, and therefore subjecting that person to a debt.

I'm curious to know if you ever tried to observe spirit energy without interacting with it. This might be a way to not experience the draining. I've heard some psychics explain how, upon becoming aware of the energy, they shield themselves first before interacting. The act of becoming aware of energies could be experienced as a form of passive observation, without sending any light out that could attract their attention. Like moths, they seem to be attracted to your light and, without first shielding, this attraction could result in draining, if not attachments.

One of my daughters was wide open and seemed to attract every dead dude/dudette, shadowman and entity within view of her light. She was plagued by ever-increasing visitations until, like you she learned to close down and turn off her light.

However, there could be methods for you to apply and still exercise your abilities, if interested, which my daughter never investigated, as she just wanted the torment to end and had no interest in dealing with what she felt were terrifying entities.


What you said about the moths attracting to light is excactly right and excactly the problem. I get family or friends that start talking about there being a ghost bothering them in my house or their, and I start closing up like closing the storm windows on my energy. If a near by entitity even gets a glimpse of it, they are all over me, and worse, makes them more powerful if able to feed on me. I'm never worried about the one bothersome ghost hanging around, but if I give it any attention or open up to "find" it, it turns on the moth effect and every spirit in mile radius comes flooding towards me. With my storm doors closed (my shield up), I can access a situation and ask questions of the victims to see if the spirit is somewhat benign and ask what kind of things have been happening. I can politely "ask" it to leave if it has not wrought anything evil. If in some instances, objects are agressively being thrown at people with violent intent, I can stay shielded and throw out an extreme amount of energy very sternly telling it it better leave 'cause at that point I have gone into a mode of protection. And afterwards there is never another peep out of them. Kinda like a dog dominating energy that lets them know they will not rule anything, anyone so long as I am around. Every once in a while in these situations, I never hear about anymore problems, but get an eerie feeling it is still around, but hiding. I imagine that is where a Ouija board could come in handy. Sometimes spirits attached to objects, the best thing can be getting rid of the attached object. I think I could successfully use a Ouija board with out gaining attachment, but I leave them alone because I always used it with my sister. My sister has since passed away and I know if I get around a Ouija board I would want to try and talk to her and I don't want to mess with the natural purity of my memories with/about her. The temptation with be too strong for me.
Other than all that, I don't usually go out and try to investigate spirits with my shield up, my curiosity of them has vanished and I have no desire to. Paying them no attention at all is usually best. If I even start telling anyone ghost-stories, I can feel energies coming close to listen and feeding on the adreneline of everyone around. If people are being bothered and getting all excited I tell them to quit giving it any type of acknowledgement, 'cause just getting excited about 'em feeds them really and makes them even stronger.
I do thing my original thoughts about these invitation rules appling universally dead or alive was an interesting thought though. Not just for vampires :) but to apply to all of us across the board, living or dead.
Alana said:
Bobby said:
I remember hearing about making the video on how to utilize the board. Just one more of the many threads i need to take a look at here.

The video you refer to is called Knowledge and Being, and you can watch it here.

Thank you Alana!
& Thank you Laura & crew - great informational series! :)

I couldn't find part 2 on the website, here it is on youtube:

Part 3 (looks like there are only 3 parts to this sub-series):
HifromGrace said:
Alana said:
Bobby said:
I remember hearing about making the video on how to utilize the board. Just one more of the many threads i need to take a look at here.

The video you refer to is called Knowledge and Being, and you can watch it here.

Thank you Alana!
& Thank you Laura & crew - great informational series! :)

I couldn't find part 2 on the website, here it is on youtube:

Part 3 (looks like there are only 3 parts to this sub-series):

OK, I get it now - there are 5 parts. If you shoot way down to the bottom of the screen in Alana's link above, all of them show up there!
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