Session 26 February 2022

I am really struggling with the seeming implication here. It seems as though the message is that Putin's or Russia's invasion of Ukraine is somehow justified and/or positive in its outcome. Sorry, can't accept this. Where is the "higher level help" coming from? Satan? Sure, NATO has not followed up with the assurances of Russia's security needs, but countries - if they are truly sovereign - should be able to choose which club they want to join. I simply cannot accept the current situation on any level. Regardless of what Russia is concerned about, the invasion and destruction of Ukraine and its civilian population is simply and clearly just wrong.

If Russia is concerned about biological weapons labs, they should come out and say so, clearly and unambiguously. A shred of proof would be helpful as well...
Although tempted to just click the dislike button regarding your post, that would be a cheap shot and unworthy of this network. So I'll try to provide some perspective and facts. First off, are you at all familiar with the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 in which U.S. President John F. Kennedy confronted the Soviet Union's First Secretary Nikita Khrushchev regarding the deployment of nuclear missiles in Cuba, a mere 90 mi (140 km) from Florida, the most southern part of the U.S., a peninsula between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico:
The Cuban Missile Crisis, also known as the October Crisis of 1962 (Spanish: Crisis de Octubre), the Caribbean Crisis (Russian: Карибский кризис, tr. Karibsky krizis, IPA: [kɐˈrʲipskʲɪj ˈkrʲizʲɪs]), or the Missile Scare, was a 1-month, 4 day (16 October – 20 November 1962) confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union which escalated into an international crisis when American deployments of missiles in Italy and Turkey were matched by Soviet deployments of similar ballistic missiles in Cuba. Despite the short time frame, the Cuban Missile Crisis remains a defining moment in U.S. national security and nuclear war preparation. The confrontation is often considered the closest the Cold War came to escalating into a full-scale nuclear war.
And here's the current all but identical situation with Ukraine/NATO and Russia:


Putin responded to the suggestion that Ukraine could pursue nuclear weapons by saying that "this is not just bragging." "Ukraine has the nuclear technologies created back in the Soviet times and delivery vehicles for such weapons, including aircraft, as well as the Soviet-designed Tochka-U precision tactical missiles with a range of over 100 kilometers.
And it is this action by Zelensky that prompted Russia's invasion of Ukraine for demilitarisation and denazification. There are many recent posts and articles pertaining to NATO's expansion that Putin has indicated repeatedly is an unacceptable threat to Russia and more - as @Laura has indicated in response to your post. Please avail yourself of them.

It is no joke how extremely close the world came to a full-fledged nuclear war because of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed in that Kennedy was able to reason with Khrushchev despite the 1956 banging of his shoe on a podium and saying "we will bury you!" -
While addressing the Western Bloc at the embassy on November 18, 1956, in the presence of communist Polish statesman Władysław Gomułka, First Secretary Khrushchev said: "About the capitalist states, it doesn't depend on you whether or not we exist. If you don't like us, don't accept our invitations, and don't invite us to come to see you. Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!"[5][6] The speech prompted the envoys from twelve NATO nations and Israel to leave the room.[5][6][7]
That outburst by Khrushchev was never forgotten by us in America - I still remember it firmly to this day.

How the missile crisis resolved:
  • Publicized removal of the Soviet Union's nuclear missiles from Cuba
  • Non-publicized removal of American nuclear missiles from Turkey and Italy
  • Agreement with the Soviet Union that the United States would never invade Cuba without direct provocation
  • Creation of a nuclear hotline between the United States and the Soviet Union
In fact, Kennedy was able to embark on a secret joint peace effort with Khrushchev that was, of course, not in the interests of the 3D/4DSTS. Another reason Kennedy met his demise.

As for the bioweapon labs, @Gawan just posted about that. And again, articles on Sott and in the Coronavirus thread and elsewhere are rife with this information including from Natural News:
The official US embassy website recently REMOVED all evidence of bio-labs in Ukraine. These bio-labs are funded and jointly operated by the US Department of Defense (DOD). The laboratory documents were public knowledge up until February 25, 2022.

So @rs, it is your obligation to keep yourself informed of the facts - there is no excuse for you to be as clueless as your post indicates you are. If you are unable to appropriately inform yourself, and worst yet, can't see the forest for the trees, than you are indeed in the :wrongbar:.
Hi everyone, waited for this session for long time indeed, great info.
So what I wanted to say, that for my friends, family, as a regular citizens of Kiev, this whole thing about denazification sounds quite absurd, because in our daily lives we see no nazis(I'm not saying we don't have one somewhere), we saw just our city being ruined by missles, and people want to defend it. So it's hard to imagine Putin as a savior, when you see Kharkiv being just obliterated.
But him saying that Russia haven't fire missles is very strange and looking like blatant lies, who fires them then? Our government can't do it from Russian or Belarus territory.
And those Russian soldiers in this wave, just boys with no Intel or supplies, looking cruel to me.
So yea, I know about biolabs, and human traffic, don't know why not to tell about it. It's all confusing and tiresome, hope we get through this
Q: (Joe) Pierre's on an obvious train of thought that Kantekkians are awesome people - that they're the True Semites and stuff. But the Cs just said in this session that people were transferred to that part of Ukraine and they had just destroyed their own planet! [laughter] So, they're not awesome people.
Pretty much! That's a Class One Intergalactic Felony: Premeditated 1st Degree Murder of a Gaia Planetary Consciousness. Annihilating the victim both in mind = consciousness and body.
BTW: What are the effects of a 3D planet being destroyed - on its 4thD counterpart?

(Kantek was rumored to be a Super Earth. So logic follows then it wasn't even a small planet with a "small" (young?) Gaia consciousness, but it appears to have been an Elder Planet, with a gigantic Elder Planetary Consciousness)
The Magnitude-Difference: crime against a kindergarten teacher (young planet) versus the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

How do you clean that karma? Planetary Murder. Through how many incarnations?

I figured that since their planet was destroyed, all Kantekkians are war criminals: because they either caused directly their planets break-up (Group [A] War Criminals)
they - the freedom fighter good guys didn't - couldn't do enough to somehow derail the volatile Kantekkian psychopaths in power on their power-march to destroy the planet. So, I figured, both parties are guilty.

Imagine a Nuremberg Proto-Trial by the Intergalactic Federation: all souls of Kantek are present, who were incarnated [any number of times] prior to destruction.
All are there and are hearing their war crimes read up on them by the Intergalactic Supreme Court.
Crimes that have been committed - not just against civilians of Kantek [themselves, the souls of the peeps on trial] but most importantly against the Planetary Consciousness named Kantek - which is a massive living+psychic super bio-etheric organism.

Just think about it: a Gaia Being of that magnitude is able to give life and nurse ==> bring up and take care of billions if not trillions of children throughout hundreds of thousands of years of planetary history [if not millions of years it did spend on nurturing humans..].

That Nurturing Planet Mother was murdered in cold blood by the population incarnated prior to the destruction.

BTW: If you think you are a member of that Kantekkian Crime Gang, you can feel it in your soul... That's why I did a listening-experiment, trying to determine, which groups of Earth peeps [nations] were there on Kantek, judging by the language they spoke? Since the landing their language changed, but not changed enough..

Sorry, that it took me so long, to bring this up. I wanted to during the years past. This occasion seems to be the best, since we .. uh.. or rather The People of Earth are talking about the Nuremberg v2.0 Grand Jury Model regards the 2020-2022 Plandemic Planners of Crimes against Humanity, against The People of Earth.

Can you imagine such a trial? On an intergalactic scale - against the billions of War Criminals on Kantek?
Who villains then were parachuted here - to Earth - like the WW2 Nazis were saved, shipped to the US via Project Paperclip? What should we call the Lizzie's Nazi-saving operation? Project KantekClip?
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this session. Thanks to myself from the future for being a part of this forum. It encouraged me to give my modest contribution in the form of a monetary donation. Pray for us in the Balkans to avoid conflict. There are many potential sites for conflict in the Balkans: Kosovo, Bosnia, Montenegro, Macedonia.

Enjoy Russian aesthetics. Tarkovsky is a great figure of world cinema who has the most beautiful attributes of Russian culture, Russian spirit and soul. Because of him, I became a better man and understood Dostoevsky when he said "Beauty will save the world".

Thanks to everyone who made this session possible. The ladies at the board and the transcribers and all the participants! This is a great session with a lot of information to digest. The portals are spooky. I have not heard of the strange things that go on in the Yukon. I will do some searching on that. Thanks again for sharing this session. Also thanks for all the time and energy you all put forward to share your knowledge and experiences. :flowers:
Merci beaucoup pour cette session et tout votre travail.
Comment dit-on "ça fou les jtons" en anglais ? Parce que "ça fou les jtons" !
On sent une augmentation si rapide de la folie partout et tout le monde est confronté à des attaques là où c'est douloureux. J'espère que les gens vont se réveiller et s'entraider !
In the past the Cs have said that WW2 was a kind of test of what the STS forces intended to do.

Now this session seems to confirm the 3D nature of the Nephilim in the future and their use by the Nazis themselves

Now we are on the threshold of a new and ultimate war with the breeding/ vaccinated Ukrainians soldiers, is it possible?

Have you noticed how we can go from the topic of the Nephilim to the topic of the true Semites?

Next generation

And we do not yet know the full consequences in babies born to vaccinated parents in the future. I mean not in all babies, but a group or peculiar selection, who might develop special/unusual characteristics on their road to adulthood and maturity. … even that could symbolically be a “vehicle” or transfer.
(Alejo) Are there any other such download portals on the planet?

(L) Yes, we already discussed that. There's one in Israel. Are there any others besides Israel and Ukraine?

A: China, North America, South America.

Q: (Artemis) Is the North America one in Canada or…?

A: Canada.

Q: (Artemis) I knew it!

(L) You knew it? Yes! [laughter]

(Artemis) Yukon.

(L) Oooh, you're right! The Yukon! CREEPY stuff happens in the Yukon. [laughter] It's true.

(Andromeda) Oh, yeah!

(L) Look it up. Look up "The Valley of the Headless Men"!! I read about it years ago, and it gave me the absolute total creeps!

A: Yes

Q: (L) Ooo! And what about in South America?

A: Desert.

Q: (L) The desert where they have all those figures?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What is it called?

(Niall) Atacama.

A: Yes

Q: (L) What about China?

A: Northeast region. Study map and myths.

Q: (Laura scans through questions on Zoom meeting) (Chu) Be selective because there are 70 new messages after this!

(Luis) So the Middle East portal is the same? For downloading? And also, if 4D STS do not have total control of the Ukrainian portal, they can only download within certain limits or constrictions?

A: Yes

A possible relationship....?

Nov 8, 2021 by News Staff / Source
According to a study published in the journal Geology, samples of glassy slabs found in the Atacama Desert, northern Chile, contain tiny fragments with minerals often found in rocks of extraterrestrial origin; those minerals closely match the composition of material returned to Earth by NASA’s Stardust mission, which sampled the particles from a comet called Wild 2; those minerals are likely the remains of a cometary body — most likely a comet with a composition similar to Wild 2 — that streamed down after the explosion that melted the sandy surface below.
(A) location map for glass localities in Chile: (1) southwest of La Calera; (2) near the town of Pica; (3) Puquio de Núñez; (4) Quebrada de Chipana; and (5) Quebrada Guatacondo. (B) concentration of glassy slabs (dark masses) at the Chipana locality. Largest example in this view is 0.4 m across. Image credit: Schultz et al., doi: 10.1130/G49426.1

“This is the first time we have clear evidence of glasses on Earth that were created by the thermal radiation and winds from a fireball exploding just above the surface,” said Professor Pete Schultz, a researcher in the Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences at Brown University.

“To have such a dramatic effect on such a large area, this was a truly massive explosion. Lots of us have seen bolide fireballs streaking across the sky, but those are tiny blips compared to this.”

The Pleistocene-epoch silicate glasses were discovered in 2012 in the Atacama Desert along a 75 km north-south corridor, near and southward from the town of Pica.

They occur in five general areas containing innumerable patches, each covering 1 m2 to over 100 m2.

They are characterized by their black/green color. Many have morphologies indicative of sliding, shearing, twisting, rolling, and folding — in some cases, more than twice — before being fully quenched.

As a result, initially flat glassy slabs (5 cm to 7 cm thick) were transformed into large twisted fused masses (up to 50 cm across).

That’s consistent with a large incoming meteor and airburst explosion, which would have been accompanied by tornado-force winds.

(A) example of large glass slab at Chipana (Chile) that folded over during emplacement; (B) twisted glass slab with two contrasting surfaces from Puquio de Núñez: one side is rough with sediments attached; the other side is smooth with flow patterns; contrasting textures indicate formation on a sedimentary surface with subsequent mobilization; (C) thin-section view of folded glass from Puquio de Núñez showing typical green color, vesicles, and schlieren; (D) cut section of large vesicular glass slab with multiple folds that indicate folding while still molten. Image credit: Schultz et al., doi: 10.1130/G49426.1.

“There’s no evidence that the glasses could have been created by volcanic activity, so their origin has been a mystery,” Professor Schultz said.

“Some researchers have posited that the glass resulted from ancient grass fires, as the region wasn’t always desert.”

“During the Pleistocene epoch, there were oases with trees and grassy wetlands created by rivers extending from mountains to the east, and it’s been suggested that widespread fires may have burned hot enough to melt the sandy soil into large glassy slabs.”

“But the amount of glass present along with several key physical characteristics make simple fires an impossible formation mechanism.”

In their research, Professor Schultz and colleagues performed a detailed chemical analysis of dozens of Pica glass samples.

They found minerals called zircons that had thermally decomposed to form baddeleyite.

“That mineral transition typically happens in temperatures in excess of 1,650 degrees Celsius (3,000 degrees Fahrenheit) — far hotter than what could be generated by grass fires,” Professor Schultz noted.

The analysis also turned up assemblages of exotic minerals only found in meteorites and other extraterrestrial rocks.

Specific minerals like cubanite, troilite and calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions matched mineral signatures from comet samples retrieved from NASA’s Stardust mission.

“Those minerals are what tell us that this object has all the markings of a comet,” said Dr. Scott Harris, a planetary geologist at the Fernbank Science Center.

“To have the same mineralogy we saw in the Stardust samples entrained in these glasses is really powerful evidence that what we’re seeing is the result of a cometary airburst.”

Peter H. Schultz et al. Widespread glasses generated by cometary fireballs during the Late Pleistocene in the Atacama Desert, Chile. Geology, published online November 2, 2021; doi: 10.1130/G49426.1

By: Chile Travel - 28 August, 2021

The Atacama Desert (Spanish: Desierto de Atacama)

A fascinating archive of past events within the Yukon.

And from the Travel Channel there insights of the Alaska Triangle
Dated Aug 28, 2020

Cangzhou, Hebei Province
38°18′17″N 116°50′19″E

Last night I had a different “type” of dream.

It wasn’t a normal dream, as I had no body. Basically it was as if I was in darkness and a galaxy of lights were slowly moving together around my head. It was beautiful.

Apparently I was so taken with what I saw that I called out in my sleep “Can you see that?”. My partner asked what I was seeing. When he asked it was like my consciousness zoomed onto the lights and they were glowing flags, mostly Ukrainian flags.

My intuition on the meaning is that the lights symbolize “lives” or “souls” and maybe deaths.

I have some theories of why I experienced this dream. I have been following the war closely and I too had felt joy that Putin was putting his plan into action, his move in balancing the energies on the planet.

However I also feel great sadness for the suffering of people caught up in this situation.

Also I live in Taiwan so of course I’ve had personal concerns of “invasion”. I’ve had a lot on my mind about how innocent people are caught up in events that are out of their control. And why would I choose to live where such an event is highly likely and if it’s karmic this choice of mine.

I did feel those lights were at peace. I will continue to work on maintaining my own inner light no matter the outcome of events, which is the surest way to combat fear or anxiety.

Thank you Laura and team for being the light house and watchtower in such chaotic times. This forum is a continual source of strength and light, I will try harder to give back to the community as I’m eternally grateful for all you’ve selflessly given.
If Russia is concerned about biological weapons labs, they should come out and say so, clearly and unambiguously. A shred of proof would be helpful as well...

At your service:

Lavrov said Russia had information that the United States was worried about the prospect of losing control over what he described as chemical and biological laboratories in Ukraine and accused Britain of building military bases there.

But keep in mind that the news portal is not going to accept as truth whatever Lavrov says. But he said it and bluntly.
So another question would be; If Kentekkians were transported to earth using or through the Ukrainian area portal, was other civilization/type of humans or anything else transported or brought in from the other portals?
Your comment reminded me of this session:
Q: (L) Are the Orion STS the infamous redheaded Nordic aliens?

A: Yes, and all other humanoid combinations.

Q: (L) OK, if it started with the Nordic types, and that is where the other humanoid combinations came from, what genetic combinations were used for human beings? Black people, for instance, since they are so unlike Nordics?

A: The Nordic genes were mixed with the gene pool already available on Earth, known as Neanderthal.

Q: (L) What was the genetic combination used to obtain the Oriental races?

A: Orientals come from a region known in your legends as “Lemuria,” and are a previous hybridization from 7 genetic code structures from within Orion Union, designed to best fit the earth climate and cosmic ray environment then existent on earth.

Q: (L) OK, what about the Semitic and Mediterranean peoples?

A: Each time a new flock was “planted,” it was engineered to be best suited to the environment where it was planted. Aryans are the only exception, as they had to be moved to earth in an emergency.

Q: (L) If races are engineered on earth to be best suited, what factors are being drawn from or considered regarding the Semitic race?

A: They are not engineered on earth, but in Orion lab as all others. They were “planted” in the Middle East.
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