Session 26 October 2015

bjorn said:
Yes exactly, No infrastructure is no communications, supply of food, water or ammunition. Without this lifeline. It’s over. No wonder so many are fleeing. The figures of deserted ISIS members are probably much higher than the casualties
Also, remember the airplane that was captured, on its way to ISIS with drugs (amphetamines). Will this mean that the ISIS soldiers will lose their drugs? That won't be good for their fighting spirit.

I usually do not add noise with an empty "Thank You", but since I am posting anyway...
[quote author=curious_richard]Will this mean that the ISIS soldiers will lose their drugs?[/quote]

Yes, Without the artificial boost of amphetamines they might see there reality of impending doom more clearly. Not good for morale.

Infrastructure also includes weapon vehicles. Every tank,truck etc ISIS possesses has basically already been made absolute by the Russian air-force since ISIS has no means to retaliate.

The SAA on the other hand can use vehicles, this gives a huge advantage. Besides, every stronghold ISIS resides doesn't has to be confronted by ground forces. Just pin them down from the air. No risks involved.

If the SAA lacks ground forces they can count on the support of Iran and Hezbollah. Should give them more than enough reserves. I don't expect this war to carry on for a year, at least not based with the info I am aware of.
Chu said:
WIN 52 said:
That pretty much sums it up, if you keep to your side of the fence, I will take no offense. Dare to cross into this reality and enjoy the opportunity to possibly suffer death, as far as I am concerned. Is that clear?

Actually, no, it isn't. At least not to me. Maybe I'm slow today.

I think Win52 was 'talking' to the "window fallers" here.
Perceval said:
Chu said:
WIN 52 said:
That pretty much sums it up, if you keep to your side of the fence, I will take no offense. Dare to cross into this reality and enjoy the opportunity to possibly suffer death, as far as I am concerned. Is that clear?

Actually, no, it isn't. At least not to me. Maybe I'm slow today.

I think Win52 was 'talking' to the "window fallers" here.
Yes, thanks Perceval. I have done 2 other posts and the computer has locked up both times. I guess that I won't go there yet. It is what it is.

Chu, it seems that there are many pieces to this puzzle and I am but one.
Thanx for this amazing session!

What struck me first was Galateas question about what the cats see in the garden...
We have two cats, one male, one female, both 2,5 years old. And both have special spots they seem to watch. Sometimes there is a fight or something, at exactly these spots, and so we always said, jokingly, they defend us on one of the many Dimensional Holes...Maybe there really are some...? ;)

Then the advice to concentrate on self knowledge and ones own weaknesses. This is so true! And I think Nancy Colier (Inviting A Monkey To Tea) has some very good techniques how one CAN get to know ones true self by watching the greater pic, and not only the monkey who rallies around when all the old stories kick in.

Be the change you want to see! This is so very true! And I think this is a great word to spread!
The figures of deserted ISIS members are probably much higher than the casualties

The problem is that they will flee to Yemen, Ukraine, EU and elsewhere to be reactivated, but on the other hand also there is always huge human pool from where you can allure naive, desperate, poor, angry and religious people, it is not something this world is lacking.

Yes, Without the artificial boost of amphetamines they might see there reality of impending doom more clearly. Not good for morale

Not just that but drugs are primarily used to cut the fear out and the pain if someone s shoot so it seems they have little faith in their wahabbism, it s more about money, and it is cheap money so PTB uses middle eastern people while the western mercenaries are too much expensive and to telling who is pulling the strings.
It was stated as being a short session, yet it was highly a interesting session, so thank you to all participating, and "Noko the wonderdog", too!
Putin Again Warns U.S. Against Breaking Strategic Nuclear Balance

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered stark opening remarks before meeting with top defense officials and representatives of the Russian military/industrial complex in the annual review session. The meeting, which took place on Tuesday in Sochi, coincided with the announcement that the Russian defense budget for next year will be $49 billion, with $35 billion earmarked directly for Russian armed forces. By comparison, the US defense budget is 10-15 TIMES bigger; and two new US weapons programs — the F-35 new stealth fighter plane and the replacement ballistic missile-carrying submarines — are each more expensive than the entire Russian defense budget.

Putin focused his opening remarks on the threat to Russia posed by the US and allied global missile defense program. Putin said early in his remarks:

"As we all know, the United States and their allies are continuously building up their global missile defense system. Unfortunately, neither our concern nor cooperation proposals are taken into consideration. We indicated on numerous occasions that we see such actions as an attempt to undermine the existing parity in nuclear missile armaments, and actually to destabilize the entire system of regional and global stability."

Putin noted that Washington persistently claimed that the ABM deployments were related to the danger from Iran, but the deployments continue even after the P5+1 deal. He concluded:

"Therefore," he concluded, "references to the Iranian and North Korean nuclear missile threats are a cover-up for the true intentions, which are actually directed at neutralizing the strategic nuclear potential of other nuclear states, apart from the United States and their allies; primarily that of Russia, of course, and at obtaining a decisive military supremacy with all the ensuing consequences."

The fact that Putin did not elaborate on "the ensuing consequences" in no way watered down his direct message: Obama, like Bush and Cheney before him, is driving the world rapidly towards thermonuclear confrontation. Putin made clear that Russia is already preparing for such a confrontation by the very work that was the subject of the special annual session he was addressing.

Putin explained:

"We have said repeatedly that Russia will take the necessary reciprocal measures to strengthen its nuclear potential. We will also work on anti-missile defense systems as well, but on the first stage, as we have repeatedly said, we will focus also on offensive systems capable of overcoming any anti-missile defense systems."

Putin noted, in concluding his opening remarks, that Russia has been working for the past three years on developing
"a number of promising armament systems capable of performing combat missions in conditions of an anti-missile defense system in depth,"
noting the combat units have begun receiving such new weapons systems this year already.
Julian Borger writing in the Guardian Nov. 10, brought the issue directly back to US nuclear weapons provocations against Moscow. Borger reported on recent warnings by former US Joint Chief of Staff Vice Chairman Gen. James Cartwright, who stated that the modernization of the US tactical nuclear weapons in Europe, the B-61 12, makes that weapon "usable," and this poses a grave danger of a slide into thermonuclear war. Cartwright told PBS "If I can drive down the yield, drive down, therefore the likelihood of fallout, etc., does that make it more usable in the eyes of some — some President or national security decision-making process? And the answer is, it likely could be more usable." Borger noted, "The great thing about nuclear weapons was that their use was supposed to be unthinkable, and they were therefore a deterrent to contemplation of a new world war. Once they become 'thinkable' we are in a different, and much more dangerous, universe."

From latest transcript:
(L) Yeah, that's some kind of hellacious weapon, huh?

A: Indeed. Russia has equivalents.

Sadly, I can't help but think, while somewhat watching the contrived 'circus' that is the U.S. Presidential candidates debates/sparring, that even if there really was a worthy candidate, he/she would be as hamstrung as Caesar found himself to be when attempting to change the existing paradigm thru the political system. It just didn't work & he was forced to switch to a military approach. I'm inclined to think the same for our currrent situation - impossible via politics but maybe via military, IF such an American of Caesar's caliber existed. Well, it looks like the only 'Caesar' in sight is Putin - and it remains to be seen just how extreme the karmic balancing will be if he ends up opening a great big can of Whoop-A**!

A: Help is on the way!

Yeah - I'm going to hold onto that!

Oh, indeed, Vladimir Putin has tossed a monkey wrench into the works of the Global Elite's drive for full-spectrum dominance, but the last person who did that from within what could be called an equivalent empire was Julius Caesar, and look what happened to him.
The above from Laura's current article. Interestingly enough, the following from the article linked at the top:

This is the same Barack Obama whose signature foreign policy "success" has been the drone mass-kill program, under which an unknown number of innocent civilians have been killed, only to be posthumously classified as "enemies killed in action," or, more simply, as "collateral damage." In discussion with colleagues from his Policy Committee on Wednesday, Lyndon LaRouche drew a clear line in the sand between genuine human beings and monsters, like Obama, who have no capacity for agape, and thus lack the human emotional qualities that distinguish man from beast. LaRouche noted that California Governor Jerry Brown has the same character as Obama, completely removed from any concept of agape.

I had never encountered the word agape used this way and so looked it up:

"love: the highest form of love, especially brotherly love, charity; the love of God for man and of man for God."

Perhaps this quality applied to Caesar & was indeed his ultimate undoing. Is Putin cut from the same cloth - and can he adhere to his Christian beliefs w/o having Caesar's fate befall him as well? Can he get behind the concept of 'karmic balancing' - the meting out of the so longed-for justice by all of humanity against those who have committed every despicable act imaginable? Can he learn from history - and not repeat the mistakes?

I guess that's something to pray for.
[quote author=Jeep (actually Laura)]Oh, indeed, Vladimir Putin has tossed a monkey wrench into the works of the Global Elite's drive for full-spectrum dominance, but the last person who did that from within what could be called an equivalent empire was Julius Caesar, and look what happened to him.[/quote]

Putin removed the oligarchy from power and has surrounded himself with mind-liked people. Caesar still had the oligarchy in power while he was serving and when he was murdered there was nobody to pick up his work.

If Putin loses his lives. The new Russian ‘nobility’ will and knows how to presume his work I hope. But I am not that well read as everyone on this forum. Maybe my comparisons don’t add up.

In a world controlled by 4STS. You may think that everyone lives on borrowed time anyhow. If I read it correctly, 4STS didn’t saw Putin actions coming in Syria. Which surprises me how extremely wishful thinking rules their reality. But now that Putin certainly has become a burden to them. Some reinforcements may be well in order.

Or like the C’s keep saying. Help is on the way. Time to show up I suppose now that the stakes of the game has increased significantly?

(L) Yeah, that's some kind of hellacious weapon, huh?

A: Indeed. Russia has equivalents.

The C’s once said to not underestimate France or Russia based on technology with the US I believe. They also once said in the past that there was still some balance in France.

But not anymore I suppose. It’s clear in which it direction it tipped. But if they have equivalent weapon technology and if there are still some good guys left in the France power structure. How about they make an appearance. Commit a coup or something.

But that ship has sailed I am afraid.
solarmind said:
Laura said:
(L) Okay, any other questions?

(Ennio) Getting back to knowledge and communication... Is there any particular area of knowledge that people should be focusing on?

A: Self knowledge and ones own weaknesses.

Q: (L) I think being really really aware of hyperdimensional forces, as above so below, and how all of those interact, etc. I think that we've done enough for this evening. I'm tired.

A: Help is on the way! Goodbye.


Thank you for the "scary" and interesting session ... last month was quite intense for me, as each day was like "seen through" day, that brought new conclusions to me, specially about my weaknesses in relation to dark side of my mind. I thikn that in next weeks I'll focuse my self more to see the worst side possible within me, as I feel it is the only way to go. I literary feel like onion that is peeling itself while crying each morning, geting touched by grace aorund me, that is sparkling from every detail .... hard to write it down, but also synchronicity is getting crazier and crazier, each day .... this last answer from C was just like sort of confirmaiton that it is - yep that's the way to go!

thank you :flowers:

Mode's of attack of subhuman personality's.
Know your enemy, Know yourself
The Narcissists Secret Weapon-Know Your Enemy
Published on Nov 11, 2015
JEEP said:
... Vladimir Putin has tossed a monkey wrench into the works of the Global Elite's drive for full-spectrum dominance, but the last person who did that from within what could be called an equivalent empire was Julius Caesar, and look what happened to him.

The above from Laura's current article.

It is very true that that can happen. But I would refrain from giving too much thought (hence energy) to the idea. Especially if it's fear and worry. It can be very counter-productive.

Recall the C's comment regarding "infinite universes" within a dimension. With emphasis that it was variable and selective. So it isn't random, nor dictated -- but selective. This is very very important. We mustn't forget.

So how is it selected? And by whom is this selection made?

My guess is it's made by ALL forms of consciousness, with humans most predominant. The combined psychic profiles (thoughts) of everything living. (These energies were sufficient to explode one planet relatively recently.)

Seth has mentioned the idea of thought intensity as the determining factor. Which leads into the C's remark of coherence and mental discipline. It seems the most intense & coherent thought patterns (especially if amplified by 200) may indeed be a major selection influence in this ever shifting mosaic we call life.

Now is not the time to abandon hope & faith. The playing field may soon be leveled. But I could be wrong.

[quote author=sitting]But I would refrain from giving too much thought (hence energy) to the idea. Especially if it's fear and worry. It can be very counter-productive.

Indeed, but certainly preparations are in order.

To be honest, I got supplies but I doubt I am self-sufficient enough. Only way to truly find out is to life without buying food and sees how well we would manage I suppose. Fishing, farming etc. Is there a particular topic about this?

[quote author=sitting]Now is not the time to abandon hope & faith. The playing field may soon be leveled. But I could be wrong.[/quote]

I hope so, any victory while 4STS hold domination may only be temporally. 4STS has to go. The opportunity to replace the ‘Gods’ is something to look forward to I think. In the other recent session its discussed how to possible fend of 4STS attacks. I suppose the same holds true in 4D?

Don’t accept what they are trying to give which is enslavement until they run out of energy?
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