I think we're all going to experience some big apocalypse process, the difference is, some people will go farther than others. The pathocracy/MCS has too much of a stranglehold over everything in order for there to be this world transformation of consciousness into a great new age as New Age theologians like to preach. Since the old world will never evolve on its own, the old world must be destroyed in order for the new to have a chance of existing. That translates into the death of billions. It is unavoidable, as that is the fate of machines. Our battle seems to be over whether we can create something worth preserving that the new world can be built around, or are we so asleep ourselves that the situation is seen as "worthless" from the perspective of the universe and everything is reset back to square 1.
In my opinion, this is where Putin comes into play. He's not going to save the world or prevent this apocalypse, but he offers something of a choice to people who are not particularly esoterically inclined. Basically, until he made his move, Truth itself was pretty esoteric, the knowledge confined to various fringe groups that were compartmentalized and sometimes at odds with each other. While Putin does not represent a particularly pure STO way of being, he does bring some of the principles to the forefront such as equality and respect, valuation of truth, "nature-based technologies" at his climate change conference, and so on. He presents a different option of organizing society to the masses, whereas the only choice that has been visibly set before them in recent history is the American imperial model. Such people who resonate with his words might have the choice of following him into a sort of okay-ish timeline, where there is something worth putting back together on the other side the apocalypse, as opposed to a total and complete collapse into entropy where the planet basically just blows up. Putin is not enough to counterbalance a world filled with "mad machines" from meeting its logical conclusion, but he may be a mitigating factor for the severity of destruction that will result.