Session 28 March 2010


FOTCM Member
Session Date: March 28th 2010

Laura, Ark, Perceval, Andromeda, PoB, Burma Jones, Belibaste, Ailén, Mr. Scott, Psyche

Q: (L) This the 28th of March, 2010. We've got some questions from in the house here that I want to get to first, and then we'll get on to this other topic.

A: [long pause with no letters]

Q: (L) Well, hello?

A: Energy disturbed

Q: (L) Energy is disturbed by what?

A: Gov Waves. Regrooving.

Q: (L) Anything we can do to help?

A: No. Wait. [long pause] Hello!

Q: (L) And who do we have with us?

A: Finovroia troubleshooting. Signal disruptors have been focused on you and other group members. Fire away.

Q: (L) Well, are these signal disruptors the source of this feeling that a number of us have been having for maybe a couple of weeks now - as well as some of the really weird dreams we've been having?

A: Yes. HAARP takes its toll.

Q: (L) Well, okay. You want to do your questions first?

(Ark) No.

(L) Why not?

(Ark) Because I am disturbed by this disturbance. [laughter]

(L) Okay, we've got some questions here that people have assembled. The first question is: "Do genetically modified foods affect human DNA?"

A: Yes! Very bad.

Q: (L) Okay. What are the consequences of this disruption in terms of awareness and spiritual growth?

A: Remember Pavlov?

Q: (L) Yeah... So what about Pavlov?

A: Strong dogs can be broken if their health is broken first.

Q: (L) So you're saying that these effects are primarily health-related?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So if your health is compromised, it makes it more difficult for you to achieve any kind of awareness or spiritual growth. Is that it?

A: Yes. Hasn't that always been the case?

Q: (L) So you're saying that health issues, destroying people's health - like even the introduction of wheat and other things that are not conducive to good health - are ways of preventing awareness and spiritual growth?

A: Yes. A long and carefully thought out plan of 4D STS.

Q: (L) We received a question from a reader who wants to ask: "Is homosexuality determined at the early imprinting stage?"

A: In some instances. There are many reasons.

Q: (L) The second part of the question reads: "If not, what determines sexual orientation at an early age?" Well, they just said there are many reasons. Can you list any of those other reasons?

A: Past life influences and more rarely, genetics.

Q: (L) So which of these three reasons is the most frequent?

A: Early imprinting could be said to be marginally most frequent cause.

Q: (Ailén) So you were very close, Laura.

(Perceval) Does the early imprinting case have to do with abuse?

A: Not necessarily abuse as lack of proper input at moments of high susceptibility. Also, in some individuals the sequence of imprint slots is different or not synchronous with the pattern of the majority. In a sense, then, this is genetic though all such individuals do not necessarily develop as homosexuals.

Q: (L) I think that the writer wanted to know is this a condition that can be changed, assuming the individual wanted to change?

A: Not usually.

Q: (Ailén) When you talk about a lack of proper input, I assume then that in some way development is not normal. Does that mean that homosexuals have any impediment to spiritual growth?

A: No, that is not implied.

Q: (L) Well, you know the story of Konrad Lorenz and his ducks. The story is that there is this window of time when the substratum of the duck's psychology is open to receiving the imprint of the mother image. So, these ducks were not exposed to a mother duck, but rather to his boots during that window. They came to see his boots as mother. Forever. These ducks believed that boots were "mother". So what it means is that there are these like… circuit boards… in us where there is a window that opens when they can be written on. Whatever is written on them in that moment is what sets that circuit. It's like a really basic circuit in our makeup. And I think what this means is that these individuals may have either hyper-sensitive circuits, or windows when circuits can be written that were different that other people. Maybe their windows don't open at the same time as the majority of people.

Say for example the majority of people in the first week, they get their mother imprint - probably. Babies that don't get a mother imprint because they are given up for adoption, or there is some kind of extenuating circumstance, they always have this lack because nothing was written in. If they are put in a crib and never nurtured, they never got this imprint. Then the window closes, and whatever was written on that circuit board during that period when the window was open is what is there forever. Okay, so maybe some people's windows open too early, or maybe it opens while they're still really tiny in the hospital and they don't get the imprint of the mother. Or maybe it opens and closes very fast because of their sensitivity. Maybe they get imprinted by the look of the doctor with a mask on his face, or a nurse passing by or a Coke machine.

(Perceval) Maybe whatever the stage is for the imprint of sexuality, maybe it's later and for most people it's at a certain age, but there are some people that for genetic reasons it's earlier or later and so the adults around that person act differently than they would have when the child was younger.

(L) Yes. And when we're talking about something like imprints, you have to take a very specific individual, and then you have to say, "Okay, does this person have..." and then you'd have to ask all these yes/no questions to boil it down. It could be as varied as the number of individuals that exist! And the same for homosexuals. Every one is different. It could be a partial past life cause, there could be a partial imprint vulnerability cause, or even as they said in rare cases a genetic cause.

(Perceval) I wonder what the imprint actually is. What is the actual imprint data? Is it interaction, or words, or treatment by another human being?

(L) Well, let's ask. In a general sense, what is the imprint that determines sexuality for an individual?

A: The pleasant interaction with an adult model at a moment or during the time the imprint window is open in conjunction with the release of specific hormones and brain chemicals.

Q: (Perceval) So you've got a kid, a boy, and if the window is open, then they get more female attention from their mother. But if the window opens later, when the father takes more interest in the boy and starts to treat him "like a man"... like fathers will sometimes chide their sons about things like, "You cry like a little girl" or "Don't be such a little girl", "You gonna wear a dress?", etc. If you had the window open then during that period, and you received that kind of treatment...

(L) In other words, a delayed imprint window.

(Perceval) Yeah, and producing chemicals and being treated that way or laughed at or made fun of, and being made to think that you're a little girl...

(Burma Jones) Though they did say a "pleasant" interaction with adult models.

(Perceval) That's the ideal.

(Belibaste) Usually at what age does this window open?

A: 18 months to 2.5 years.

Q: (Burma Jones) That's a big window.

(L) Yeah, well that's not the whole window, but the range.

(Ark) What I don't understand is why sexuality is not hard wired, and for what reason? It could have been wired like number of legs and then there would be no problem. Everybody this way with two legs and everybody is born heterosexual except with radiation, mutations, blah blah blah. There must be a reason for that, but what is this reason? Why is there this possibility of people being changed in this way that leads to suffering? Or maybe I don't know anything about internal structure.

(Burma Jones) Well, I was wondering if that imprint comes in with an adult model, does that also set the sort of person that you're going to look for to mate with?

A: Yes

Q: (Burma Jones) So maybe it's also to make it so that you will look for a mate within your own "group"? Like setting up the parents early on in life.

A: Control system modification.

Q: (Perceval) It's probably like you were saying, a pleasant interaction with an adult model. So, if it's later than 18 months to 2.5 years...

(L) So if you have an unpleasant interaction, it can really mess you up.

(PoB) Does it mean that somebody can make another person homosexual by specific kind of treatment?

A: Yes.

Q: (Burma Jones) Well, it sounds like if you knew when someone's imprint vulnerability was, and you abducted them and put them with someone that you wanted to pair them with, you could set up the whole imprint for them.

(L) Yeah, you could.

(Perceval) The problem is that the normal window is 18 months to 2.5 years, and then there are people who have delayed windows.

(L) And maybe people who have early windows. So, it's like Sidney Baker talks about our individual physiology in terms of health and how completely individual we are. There are certain patterns for the majority, but still there are ranges. So everybody is really completely individual and different.

(Andromeda) Are they talking here about having a role model of the same sex, or the opposite sex?

A: Opposite generally.

Q: (L) So if you have a pleasant experience with a member of the opposite sex during this moment of imprint, that will set you up to be attracted to members of the opposite sex.

(Perceval) It kind of suggests that a normal person in a normal family with both a mother and father, that baby or small child is going to have interaction with both...

A: It should be noted that the infant is sensitive to pheromone type substances that can trigger the imprint window. That part of the process is "hard wired".

Q: (Perceval) So for girls and boys they're hardwired to be attracted to male or female.

(L) So say a female infant is hardwired to be triggered by the presence of the pheromone of a male, and the interaction is pleasant, then what is supposed to get written to the circuit gets written, and everything is fine. If the pheromone opens the window and what happens in the interaction is extremely unpleasant, then everything gets screwed up. And possibly it could be that if there is some genetic difference in the infant, then maybe they are set up so that the pheromones of a female will open the window. So, there are a number of possibilities here. It's obviously an interactive thing that triggers it, writes the circuit, and whatever.

(Ailén) So the way that some homosexuals are overidentified with being gay, like gay bars and that stuff, that has to be just cultural then...?

A: The gay "movement" is a CIA program incepted by 4D STS designed to set up antipathy, differences, and to identify individuals for purposes of inflicting further suffering.

Q: (L) Huh.

A: It is the soul that counts.

Q: (L) Have we finished with that one? Okay. I would like to know what is the cause of Martha Crow's death?

A: Waves she was susceptible to due to lack of awareness and failure to apply knowledge.

Q: (L) So there was some kind of beaming activity going on and she got hit by it. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was she specifically targeted?

A: Not specifically.

Q: (Ark) How being aware could help? What could she do?

(L) Take better care of her health.

(Ailén) Network.

(L) Get rid of that psychopathic boyfriend she was hanging around with.

A: Her partner was a vector.

Q: (L) Are you saying that another human being can be literally a vector of waves that can kill you?

A: In some cases, yes. There are quite a few such vectors about nowadays.

Q: (L) Next question: "Does magnetism really enhance plant growth?"

A: Modestly.

Q: (L) Okay. If it's not magnetism, what is it?

A: Electrical currents combined with cosmic radiation attracted to the current.

Q: (Burma Jones) How much current?

A: Mild.

Q: (Burma Jones) So would this be a current that we could set up by just putting wires in the ground and getting the right voltage, or in the atmosphere by putting up a high antenna?

A: Better in the atmosphere.

Q: (Burma Jones) Oh, so put the wires above ground, above the plants?

A: Yes.

Q: (Burma Jones) Then would it still be enough if we put two plates, say one in the ground and the other 20 feet high. Would we get enough current through to do something?

A: Not enough to make it worth the trouble.

Q: (Ark) Yeah, we don't see the trees or grass under the power lines growing faster.

(Perceval) Maybe it's a specific type of cosmic radiation.

(L) Okay, next question: "Lately, we all felt as if we had 'returned to our old selves'. A lot of people in the forum also felt depressed, had accidents, etc. Is this related to the shifting of the Earth's magnetic poles or was it a sort of attack?"

A: Both. The environment is changing and certain forces are aware of it and seek to counter or take advantage.

Q: (L) Now we have another series of questions, and I don't know if we're going to be able to get through all of them tonight. First question: "What is the optimal age of weaning a child from breast milk?" This is gonna be a loaded question, guys!

A: Depends on what kind of child you want to raise.

Q: (L) Okay, well, that’s a loaded answer! The general theory is that some cultures breast feed their children like three or four years or longer, and that this is taken also from the model of apes and chimpanzees. They breast feed their children, and it seems to suppress mating so that they don't have babies too often and it doesn't hurt their health and so forth.

A: Do you want to raise monkeys?

Q: (L) Well, no!

A: Monkeys also do not have sexual relations for recreation either.

Q: (L) Okay. So, having said all that, are you going to answer the question? What is the optimal age for weaning a child from breast milk?

A: Under optimal conditions, weaning should begin when the child is capable of eating well on his own.

Q: (Andromeda) That makes sense. As soon as they have teeth.

(L) Well, they said when they are able to eat well on their own. Just having teeth doesn't mean that you can necessarily eat well. You have to practice. So, I would say that probably means something like one year or thereabouts. By then, you probably have enough teeth to eat with. I guess it's different for each baby. Whenever that baby has enough teeth and enough practice, that means it's time to wean that baby. But there can probably be a general time frame. Okay, the next question: "How does prolonged breast feeding affect the child's emotional development?"

A: Breast feeding is problematical for all the reasons that you already know. The toxicity of the mother must be considered. The child certainly benefits from the food provided by nature, but again, we ask, what kind of child do you wish to raise?

Q: (L) Well, I think we want to raise children that are capable of soul development. I guess that's what we want to do.

A: Yes? Then you must lay down the foundation and pattern. Let us ask you a question: If you had not had certain traumas, would you have felt so determined to find answers to the suffering of humanity???

Q: (L) No, I guess if I'd had a perfect childhood and if everything had been perfect and nice, I guess I would have been a potato. [laughter] I guess I would have been a monkey!

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, what you're suggesting is that you lay down a foundation of security, and then you begin to introduce patterns of frustration or whatever of the child having to confront themselves?

(Ark) Challenges.

(L) Yeah, challenges. So then you set up challenges for the child to meet or overcome?

A: Yes. And fairly early too!

Q: (L) What do you mean by "fairly early"?

A: Starting with weaning!

Q: (L) Okay, this next question is weird. It's written in a really weird way. “Is co-sleeping recommended?”

A: In some cases for limited periods. Keep in mind that if you lay down the pattern early in a secure and loving way, the child is not overly traumatized when faced with reality. If the child is born and then lives in an external "womb", he has not really been born now has he?

Q: (L) Next question: What are the negative consequences of co-sleeping?

A: That should be obvious from the previous responses.

Q: (L) But certainly co-sleeping on occasion, like if the child is upset or sick, is okay?

A: Of course!!!

Q: (Perceval) If you have a child that's been overly mothered from a long time and sheltered from reality and from challenges, then when they do face challenges later on, they can't handle it. They fly into illusion.

(Burma Jones) Or you have a lot of children with domineering fathers who say, "The kid's gotta learn his lessons!" And they kind of have a point, except that it's not done lovingly and in consideration of the fact that the child needs time and needs to be introduced gently to these challenges.

(Ark) I think this sleeping is not good for husband and wife.

(PoB) It's not good for the mother's relationship with the husband.

(Ark) That's what I mean. I mean, the father is patient for 5 months, 6 months. [laughter] (Burma Jones) Not so good for the marital relations.

(Ark) I think that if woman does it, usually she will have different reasons than that just "It's good for the child."

(L) Yeah, a lot of women are probably co-sleeping because they want to keep the husband away.

(PoB) They have a good excuse.

(L) They have a good excuse not to work on their own intimacy issues and to create a true parental unit that takes care of a child.

(Ark) It's a good way to punish the husband for all previous things he did to her.

(Perceval) They need Eiriu Eolas!

(L) Next question is: Is it really the case that "all is sealed" (our view of the Universe), so to speak, during the first weeks, months, or years of life?

A: More or less. Recall the discussion on imprinting. The infant needs to know that the universe is a place of creativity and abundance. That impression is formed in the first six months. For six months, the parent must respond instantly, or even anticipate the infant's needs; even the need for not being alone.

Q: (L) I think that's enough. We're whupped. So, we'll get to some more questions next time. Is that okay?

A: Yes. Good bye.

Thank you so much Laura and all the Team for sharing that session with us. :love:
Thank you for the session! Very good information on parent child relations and homosexuality! I always wondered if past life experience played a roll.

Thank you again for your work Laura and team!
Laura and team, thanks for another session loaded with new knowledge! As many times before, a lot of new information to contemplate.
Thx again.
It is always reassuring to hear from the Cs even when it is hard news.
are these signal disruptors the source of this feeling that a number of us have been having for maybe a couple of weeks now - as well as some of the really weird dreams we've been having?

A: Yes. HAARP takes its toll.

The knowledge of how Martha Rose Crow was killed is a particularly disturbing but important message. A clear warning to take care of ourselves in all ways, the body, our relationships, diet, (which has been going well for me and I will report on in the appropriate place and time).

Not to sound facetious but should we be wearing silk hats?
Seriously, I saw silk baseball caps advertised somewhere--since I wear them all the time outside on the farm it might as well be of silk. It can't hurt and might help. I will search for them and report back--I'm going to wear one!

Do you think the Cs would answer a direct question about what other literature would be appropriate to sell on the book store site like Nathan was suggesting? Texts that would support the cause and not offer too much noise might help draw more hits and sales. In a old transcript I remember the Cs saying there were a few others (other than yourself and Ark) out there who were getting the message out to people in a variety of ways. What other authors can seekers read that would be of benefit and could be sold by QFS book site?

Thank you all for this important work.
Thank you for your wonderfull efort Laura and Group :thup:

Laura said:
Session Date: March 28th 2010


(L) Okay, next question: "Lately, we all felt as if we had 'returned to our old selves'. A lot of people in the forum also felt depressed, had accidents, etc. Is this related to the shifting of the Earth's magnetic poles or was it a sort of attack?"

A: Both. The environment is changing and certain forces are aware of it and seek to counter or take advantage.


That explains so much. Unfortunately for me i did very stupid thing, that is i didn' participate in the forum and networking. If i did i would know that i wasn't the only one going through those things agrr :headbash:

One good thing I did the EE. It's a lifesaver :love:
Thanks Laura and all the Team for this insightful session! :flowers:
Again, a lot of food for thought. :cool2:
Many thanks for Laura & the chateau crew for this session.
A: Yes? Then you must lay down the foundation and pattern. Let us ask you a question: If you had not had certain traumas, would you have felt so determined to find answers to the suffering of humanity???
Damn, this quote resonates in a weird way within me. I had my share of traumas as a kid, but I've always wondered WHY I've grown up with the very idea that the society has nothing to offer but fake, cheap plastic satisfactions, while most of my childhood friends ended up as potatoes. Very happy potatoes, by the way. Now, amongst my buddies, I'm almost the only one who still "doesn't live with his girlfiend in order to make babies and pay taxes". And that's probably a good thing.

Anyway... Thanks again.
Thank you team! :flowers:

Session Date: March 28th 2010


(L) Okay, next question: "Lately, we all felt as if we had 'returned to our old selves'. A lot of people in the forum also felt depressed, had accidents, etc. Is this related to the shifting of the Earth's magnetic poles or was it a sort of attack?"

A: Both. The environment is changing and certain forces are aware of it and seek to counter or take advantage.

Thought so, but its good to know I'm not totally paranoid. ;) It just means to remain vigilant and not the knee-jerking Grouchasaurus I've been the last few weeks. :D
Thank you All! Interesting as always.

Laura said:
Q: (L) So you're saying that health issues, destroying people's health - like even the introduction of wheat and other things that are not conducive to good health - are ways of preventing awareness and spiritual growth?

A: Yes. A long and carefully thought out plan of 4D STS.

How evil can you be!
Thanks, guys for the new session. As always lots of things to contemplate.

Q: (L) Have we finished with that one? Okay. I would like to know what is the cause of Martha Crow's death?

A: Waves she was susceptible to due to lack of awareness and failure to apply knowledge.

Q: (L) So there was some kind of beaming activity going on and she got hit by it. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was she specifically targeted?

A: Not specifically.

Q: (Ark) How being aware could help? What could she do?

(L) Take better care of her health.

(Ailén) Network.

(L) Get rid of that psychopathic boyfriend she was hanging around with.

A: Her partner was a vector.

Q: (L) Are you saying that another human being can be literally a vector of waves that can kill you?

A: In some cases, yes. There are quite a few such vectors about nowadays.

Among all else to ponder about this one really stuck out.
Thank for the session.

A good reminder that taking care of the body, detoxifying it, help detoxifying the mind and that gaining knowledge doesn't mean that you are out of the pit. We need to use it.
Gandalf said:
Thank you so much Laura and all the Team for sharing that session with us.
Ditto, I'll now go away and read the text of the session.
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