Session 29 December 2018


FOTCM Member
Session Date: December 29th 2018

Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board

Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Niall, The Lunar Module, Princess Leia, Pikabu

There was some discussion of the need for a bit of talcum powder on the glass cover of the board since it was getting a bit “tight”. A search was made for talcum powder and Andromeda arrived with Laura’s favorite scented powder among the selections. After some discussion, it was used.

Q: (L) Today is December 29th 2018. We have the usual guilty suspects. [Review of those present]

A: Nice scent ladies!

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Honoerria of Cassiopaea. Good evening!

Q: (L) Yes, I'm glad you like my talcum powder. It is my favorite. I guess we have quite a few questions and quite a few things going on. I'm going to give the floor to Pierre because I'm sure he has a couple. You can't ask 10 questions. You can ask only the most important ones.

(Pierre) Now I'm limited in the number of questions!

(Artemis) You can't limit him! It stunts creativity!

(Pierre) Exactly.

(L) Well, I want to have time for my questions! [laughter]

Q: (Pierre) It was mentioned in previous sessions how molecules had intrinsic properties due to their geometric conformation in relation to the information field. Does it apply to any shape? Does any shape have an intrinsic meaning relating to the information field?

A: No

Q: (Joe) What caused the 50 cows to drop dead in coastal India around December 22nd? According to first reports, five cowmen of the village were looking after hundreds of grazing cows in the morning. All of a sudden, their behavior changed and about 50 unexpectedly and instantly dropped dead.

(Andromeda) All at the same time.

A: Virus.

Q: (Pierre) That quick?

(Joe) That's a pretty serious virus.

(Artemis) How long did they have the virus for?

A: 3 days.

Q: (Joe) Aggressive virus! All at the same time?

(L) If they all contracted it at the same time, that would make sense.

(Joe) 50 just fall over? Weird.

(L) Think about it. You’ve got a bunch of cows. They're all probably pretty close to genetically identical in a herd. They're using the same bull and probably the same two or three female cows to produce them. So, they're not gonna be that different genetically. If you think about viruses and probably something coming from outer space...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So it wasn't your common garden variety virus, then. There was something unusual about it?

(L) Yeah, and especially if you have something that is newly introduced to a biosphere and to which there is no immunity...

A: Yes, exactly!

Q: (Artemis) Is this only the beginning?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Is this kind of thing gonna start hitting people?

A: Possibly. It should certainly make people take notice.

Q: (L) But it won't. They'll just blow it off. They won't think about the implications of it.

(Artemis) The Russians did it! [laughter]

(L) Yeah, Putin did it.

(Joe) What were the drones that were reported around Gatwick airport about a week ago. They caused the airport to shut down. Were they drones?

A: No

Q: (Joe) Were they UFOs?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) And then a few days later at the Birmingham airport?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) What were they doing, just freaking people out?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Just for fun, eh?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) For the kicks!

(Joe) It certainly caused the Brits to freak out. Was the area of the Aegean Sea where all the Greek islands are, was that all a single land mass before the eruption of Santorini?

A: A lot more but not all.

Q: (Joe) What about the transformer fire in Queens a couple of days ago... Was that just a transformer fire? Well, okay, it WAS a transformer fire, but...

A: Expect more due to charge buildup on the planet.

Q: (Joe) There was one a day later in New Orleans, too.

A: Yes. Will be blamed on handy Russians.

Q: (Joe) Electrical fires, fires in places that don't usually happen.

(Artemis) They're blaming everything on the Russians!

(L) The Russians are practicing with their beam weapons or something.

(Artemis) My lemonade is too sour. Must have been Putin!

(Joe) Putin ate my lunch! Is the promotion in Western society of a hostile attitude towards traditional masculine qualities part of a broader nefarious plan?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is part of that to try and make a generation of weak men?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is that with a view to some kind of post 4D transition scenario or something like that, or is it more of a takeover on 3D?

A: More a reflection of desired relationship between 4D STS and humanity.

Q: (L) So in other words, they want to get into doing anal probes. [laughter]

A: Not far off! Dominance over the normal male.

Q: (L) Remember that book I wrote a review on years and years and years ago about this guy who wrote about the Ultimate Alien Agenda, and how loving the reptilians were, and... I'll never forget that. Jesus Christ... Go on Amazon, look up that book, and read my review. It was... That book was... Oh my god.

(Andromeda) In that direction?

(L) Oh yeah! I mean, maybe that book IS telling us the ultimate alien agenda.

(Artemis) They want the man booty!

(L) Apparently so! It's a dominance thing. It's not about sex, it's about dominance.

(Pierre) They want slaves - submission.

{Here is the review: 1.0 out of 5 stars A "Clintonized Version" of Reptiod Abductions
January 2, 1999
Format: Paperback

Perhaps it is fitting that Dr. Walden suggests that our "Fearless Leader," appropriately nick-named "Slick Willie," (an appropriateness that is particularly evident in this book) is a "fellow alien hybrid" of the Serpentine ilk. Dr. Weldon, having attended the same church frequented by Dr. Rich Boylan, "just knows that the energy of Reptilian intelligence is similar to human sexual energy. It feels the same." Gosh! Why didn't we all realize that Monica and Bill were just intellectualizing?

The "source" of this naive "Treatise" reveals itself over and over in the ego-centered "self-reference" of "Old Big Head," and in such passages as: "He helped me discover my true identity [...] Then, something unexpected happened. My physical tongue swelled up, as if it was being inflated. I could barely speak. 'My tongue... it's quite large! [...] My enormous tongue was darting in and out...'" And we thought Ken Starr's transcripts were explicit!

All kidding aside, it is hard to believe that Barbara Bartholic allowed herself to be taken in by this prepubescent, ego-drivel which would be pathetic enough if one considered just the style and presentation which is somewhat akin to "What did I do last summer between 5th and 6th grade? I got abducted and raped! By Reptoid Aliens! OOooh! I was scared at first... but after I knew how GOOD it was! Now I just can't wait for them to come again!" You would think that Barbara would have learned something from her association with "Karla" i.e. those who DON'T adopt the "party line" don't survive. But, on the other hand, maybe she DID learn...

Spend your time and money on Dr. David Jacob's book, "The Threat." Unless you just want to see how easy it is to swallow lies when they are sandwiched between sweet and sticky truths...}

(Joe) At present, kind of the whole radical feminist agenda is simply a means to that end?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And I would say it has been from the beginning. We're talking about long, slow, patient manipulation. The C's said it years ago. It's to get everybody programmed to be the way they want them to be when they come to take over so that we'll all be "worthy" subjects. It's creepy.

(Joe) Is that in any way connected to homosexuality?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is homosexuality a deliberate tinkering with humanity that is a reflection of a 4D STS mindset?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) Is 4D STS gay?

A: No. It is about power not sex.

Q: (Pierre) We see this in the human world in pedophile rings. It's not about sex at all, it's not about love pleasure at all. It's about power.

(Joe) And domination.

A: There is a small percentage of "normal" homosexuality.

Q: (L) So it is a normal variation like other variations in different human traits, most often due to things like karma or a difference in the order of imprinting, delivery of hormones, or whatever.

(Joe) One more question. On December 12th, there was a radar anomaly moving across the sky that was seen over the Midwest - Illinois and Kentucky. They said it was just chaff, but according to the military, none of their aircraft were in the area at the time. So, they don't know what it was...

A: There is a lot of bleedthrough.

Q: (L) Bleedthrough of 4D activities into our reality. Things are really getting weird, and people just aren't collecting the signs. 50 cows dropping dead, radar anomalies, transformer fires...

(Joe) Observatories being evacuated...

(L) There's weird stuff going on, and people are just not paying attention.

(Joe) When you asked years ago about the Clovis people being wiped out and stuff, you asked a few questions about it. Last month they discovered this Greenland crater that they're dating to roughly 12,000 BC that wiped out the mammoths. I didn't find anything in the sessions where you asked how many space rocks or chunks actually impacted the planet? Do you know?

(L) Oh yeah, but if you read about that, you know that there were several big ones. And there were lots and lots of small ones, like the Carolina Bays. Those were overhead explosions.

(Joe) But it's not accepted that that's what it is.

(L) Not by mainstream science.

(Joe) They're gonna have to start looking at it now with the discovery of this crater.

(L) And the people who've theorized about it, they say that a really big chunk hit the Greenland ice sheet and went into the Hudson Bay or something. Another one went into Lake Superior or Lake Michigan... I forgot which one. So, it seems that there were at least three big ones.

(Pierre) A few of the big ones were so big that they tilted the Earth according to some of the research. It was big.

(Joe) The thing that makes the Greenland crater significant is that up until now, science has rejected the idea that the Clovis civilization was wiped out by space rocks because there was no evident crater. And now there's a crater! So, that's pretty significant that this discovery happened right now. They're going to have to accept that 12,000 years ago or whatever, almost all life was wiped out by space rocks.

A: And what have we been saying?

Q: (L) Yes. Speaking of space rocks... [laughter]

(Andromeda) Segue!

(L) Yes... I guess I'm gonna put the cat among the pigeons. I've got two topics in my mind. The first one is the black hole of Mecca. Now, this guy Peter Townsend - which is probably a pseudonym because he probably won't write under his own name since he fears for his life - says that Mecca didn't exist and that Islam as a religion started out in very strange ways. Basically, he says that Islam is not a very friendly religion according to his way of thinking. Now, I don't think we need to ask any questions about the research he did, because that's all pretty plain and clear. But his conclusions are that Islam needs to be reformed or something needs to be done about it because it's not a very friendly bunch of people at present due to the beliefs that are inculcated into them from birth. Aside from the teachings in Islam that all other religions are wrong and only Muslims are right, and Muslims are entitled to kill non-believers, he's basically suggesting that inherent in Islam is a corruption, that the religion itself is inherently bad. But we've been discussing it, and we don't see that there is that much difference between one fraudulent religion and another. I mean, Christianity and Judaism are both pretty bad in some ways. So, I don't see... Is Islam inherently corrupt and a bad influence in general?

A: Consider carefully the developmental pathways of the three test cases. First you have Judaism. It began as a widespread cult of comet/storm god worship. It was reformulated to meet the needs of a dispossessed people and encourage solidarity among them. Christianity had a dual beginning. First was an apocalyptic cult of intolerance and violence. Second was a message of spiritual transformation based on the life of an extraordinary man full of mercy. Islam is the miscegenation of the worst of both. How can there be any positive elements out of complete falsehood?

Q: (L) So, you're saying that Islam is a mix of the worst parts of Judaism and Christianity? [Review of last answer] Is it possible that there was a strong influence of the Dead Sea Scroll people on the formulation of Islam?

A: Indeed!

Q: (L) And based on the studies of the Dead Sea Scrolls people, that was a bunch of schizoid psychopaths.

(Joe) Were they Jews?

(L) Yeah. They were Jews that thought all other Jews were corrupt and only they had the truth, and they were all itching to go out and kill everybody who didn’t believe the way they did. There is a whole field of studies devoted to the Dead Sea Scrolls and related texts such as the Books of Enoch and Enochian apocalypticism. I’ve got quite a bit of it covered in my text on Paul, Josephus and Jesus.

(Joe) So they were the origin of the first wave of Christianity. And then Caesar came along.

(L) Well, actually, Paul came along with his vision of the merciful savior, Caesar. This was the background to the several puzzling references in the New Testament to a conflict between Paul and the “Jerusalem Christians”. There was the Dead Sea Scrolls types, Zealots, etc, and then Paul. Again, I’ve covered this pretty well in my yet-to-be-published book on the topic. And don’t forget that the creators of Islam borrowed heavily from the stories of Abraham and Moses which the Jews invented with models of real historical figures of Greek and Egyptian history back when the OT was written in about 272 BC. All of that is discussed by Gmirkin and Wajdenbaum. (Argonauts of the Desert etc.} The inventors of Islam didn't know that they were creating stories based on already invented stories, etc.

(Joe) So the worst of both Judaism and early Christianity would be intolerance and violence and storm god worship. Islam more than any of the religions is influenced by cataclysms in that sense, no?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) At the time that it appeared, was there stuff going on? It was the Dark Ages, right?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So that would give a perfect explanation for why they were attracted to that apocalyptic literature. It was a time when it had the most meaning.

(Joe) And it's relatively recent.

(L) And also if some of these people like Heinsohn and Fomenko are right about years being inserted into the historical timeline, it could have been even more recent and more close together than we think. History is such a muddle because of all the manipulations.

(Andromeda) So Islam is based mostly on fear and avoidance, whereas even Judaism had the idea of solidarity behind it. And Christianity had spiritual development. Islam has none of that.

(L) No, there doesn’t appear to be anything about real spiritual development in Islam other than trying to model oneself on Muhammed and “submitting” to his alleged declarations; that’s a bit problematical when you find out that the original model of Muhammed was probably a Dead Sea Scrolls inspired apocalypticist, likely a schizoid psychopathic fanatic. Go out and kill some people and you get grapes in the afterlife, not naked women. You get grapes.

(Andromeda) How many grapes? [laughter]

(L) 72!! Well, that was one of things that was really surprising. Apparently, there was a mistranslation or misunderstanding of the word somehow, and so you only get 72 grapes. [laughter]

(Andromeda) A lot of people are gonna be very disappointed! [laughter]

(L) Alright. Next question: I've been reading this book called Darwin's Black Box by Behe - and then The Edge of Evolution. I read them one after the other. Great books! He basically uses a sharp razor and clinically and efficiently eviscerates Darwin's theory of evolution by random mutation and natural selection. He talks about Intelligent Design, but he doesn't say much about a designer. Well, that is, he says plenty about the designer, but not like in specifying the kind or what or who. He stays strictly scientific right to the very end. But what I was thinking as I was reading through this was that it makes an awful lot of sense particularly in view of the Cassiopaean cosmological perspective, which is that of dimensions, densities, 4D (STO and STS), etc. You've talked many times about genetic manipulations that have been ongoing and about the fact that traveling back and forth in time to do these genetic manipulations has been one of the tricks that is used on the human race by 4D STS types. You said that there are 4D labs where these genetic manipulations take place. You've talked about how an abduction is done, that it happens like soul extraction: the soul is taken to 4th density, a body is molecularly reassembled in 4D “matter”, the work is done on the reassembled body there in 4D and then that body is disassembled and the soul or consciousness is sent back through the realm curtain. It then carries with it the pattern of the manipulation which then causes those changes or manipulations to come into effect within the body on 3D Earth. So, I have some idea of how that works, but maybe this isn't a question I should ask, but... I really have to ask it: How does that happen? How do they do that?!

A: Recall that 4D is a realm where thought has the power to create. If a mind, and here we mean much more than you understand as mind, thinks about a structure or something that needs to be accomplished, it assembles itself, more or less. Then when the structure is sent back through the realm curtain, the "idea" is the attractor blueprint that draws to itself the matching elements from your reality and they proceed through the process of organic assembly. This occurs because even inanimate matter has a minimal level of matching consciousness.

Q: (Andromeda) I think I'm gonna have to read that a few times...

(Artemis) Could that same method be used to get rid of a cold?

A: You are not in 4D yet.

Q: (L) So, let me repeat this back and see if I understand it. So you're saying that, say, some 4D geneticist gets somebody and they do what in abduction accounts appear to be nonsensical activities. But yet, in 4D reality, they are possibly doing something that has a certain thought and intent behind it that may not be apparent to us. Whatever minor thing they may be doing that makes no sense to us, is actually causing something to happen according to what they're thinking. If they want to change somebody's DNA, they think it, and it kinda changes. And then they do a molecular disassembly from the molecules of 4D, which are different. They behave differently, they ARE different. Then the body comes back and...

(Andromeda) This is a full abduction, body and consciousness?

(L) Well, I think it doesn't have to be. They've said that rarely are there full abductions where they take the body, too. They put a timelock on, they take out the consciousness, and the 3D body's left there frozen. So then they send the consciousness back through, and then because there is a certain amount of consciousness in inanimate matter - that is, in chemicals of all sorts - somehow these chemicals frequency match themselves to the idea structures?

(Joe) It's a blueprint.

(Pierre) The way I understand it, the directing thing is the idea in 4D. The blueprint. For some reason, since in 3D molecules or elements have a bit of consciousness, there is a kind of resonance between the blueprint (the mind of 4D) and the elements in 3D. So they coalesce and finally the 4D idea materializes within the 3D world.

(Joe) Well, it doesn't necessarily materialize. It can change the structure of something material.

(L) Yeah. The idea materializes itself by just activating laws of physics and chemistry.

(Joe) So that idea can basically impress itself on matter in 3D, and change the structure of it.

(L) I suppose there are no limits to the applications. But of course I'm thinking particularly about living things.

(Andromeda) It's kind of like the experiments with water where it changes structure when you focus on it. It's like that, but the next level up.

(L) But we're not able to do much more than change a bit of water. They're talking about literally changing DNA and possibly more.

(Joe) But they said that in 4D, thoughts are things, basically. Thought has the power to create. So they said that when someone there thinks about a structure or something that needs to be accomplished, it assembles itself more or less. Does that mean it's assembled in a material, physical way?

(L) In a 4D material way, which is semi-material in comparison to our 3D material world.

(Joe) There's no physical thing that's sent through the realm curtain, right?

(L) No.

(Chu) It's almost like the way receptors work on cells. You need a minimal level of consciousness, and that matches the thing from 4D the way a receptor binds to a biochemical - things just "fit".

(Andromeda) But then does the consciousness have to be removed for that to happen, or is it restructured in the body?

(L) I think it's easier for them to do it in 4D. They take the consciousness into 4D SO they can do that! Because they have reassembled a body around a consciousness that is a 4D body that's made out of 4D matter which behaves apparently quite differently from our matter. It's much more malleable. And then those changes get kind of "imprinted" into the consciousness. Then they dissolve that 4D body, send the consciousness back into its 3D body which then, because it has been changed... And that tells you a little bit about how powerful your own consciousness is! If you could effectively change your own consciousness at those same deep levels, you could probably effect changes in matter! And of course they're working with things that we don't have. They've got toys we don't have.

(Pierre) And the mind as well.

(L) Yeah, that was the one thing that impressed me the most reading about the nature of the cell and the little mini machines that exist in it in Behe's book. I mean, just think about the mind that has to think up all that stuff!

(Pierre) Yeah, there's a level of complexity that's mind-boggling!

(L) We're talking about SCARY intelligence! Especially if it is STS intelligence.

(Pierre) And it's fascinating, too. It's not necessary to have nefarious purposes to create something like that.

(Joe) Well, you can extrapolate I suppose if you look at modern technology and the detail involved, like with microprocessors. That's made by humans, right?

(L) Exactly. And look at some of the genetic engineering our scientists can do. But regarding 4D minds, I mean, come on, if 4D battles manifest in our reality as Earth changes and cosmic changes and volcanoes and weather and giant storms and so forth, what the hell kind of reality is that? What kind of intelligences are those?

(Joe) You make reference to that quite a lot lately...

(L) Because I think about it a lot lately! Years and years ago the Cs talked about 4D battles as weather, and darned if we are not seeing it now in spades!

(Joe) I know, but... When they say 4D battles, what do they mean?

(L) What do you mean by "4D battles?"

A: As above, so below.

Q: (L) Well, since you brought that up, there has been a discussion on the forum where people are saying things like, "Well, I don't want to have a gun because it's a dirty thing, it’s just about death" and so on and so forth. Or, "I just couldn't kill anybody even to protect myself, or if I had to I'd feel like I failed as a human being." Yet you're saying that there are battles in 4D and it's reflected in 3D. So, what's going on right here in 3D is basically a reflection of this battle that's taking place in this higher...

(Joe) Are there wars in 4D?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Their version of war.

A: STS seeks to impose domination which must be resisted. You wrote about this yourself!!

Q: (L) Yeah, I did. Wasn't it that Michael Topper article? I wrote about it somewhere else, too. I think in the article I wrote something about the psychopathic state of America, that we're almost required to resist that domination for the sake of the future, for the sake of the STO position itself. Well, so in other words...

A: One thing you should consider is that the so-called "rules" that dictate that it is being less than human to defend oneself and what is right and true just may have been programmed to make one weak.

Q: (Artemis) Well, yeah, I mean if you look at Western society and values and TV, they're all about not killing people at all even if you're a good guy and even if you need to.

(L) At the same time, they promote killing with all their shoot-em-ups and blow-em-ups. There's something about that, because... It's like Jonathan Haidt who talks about the different moral systems and that the liberal snowflake moral system foundation is mainly just about not harming anybody, and nobody should ever get hurt, nobody should have hurt feelings... And that's kinda bizarre because it doesn't accommodate the fact that...

(Andromeda) In the wrong situation, it leads to hurt!

(L) Yeah. Not to mention reality itself. Well, anybody got any more questions? I'm getting tired.

(Chu) The thing about the 4D labs... We were talking earlier about free will and all that. So, how would it work at a practical level? Are there Good Guys Labs, Bad Guys Labs, and the bad guys interfere as much as they can, while the good guys are not allowed to interfere, but just to protect? Or because the person asks?

A: When asked and when it will not cause a disturbance in life lesson plans.

Q: (L) So in a certain sense...

(Joe) It's dependent on the person's life lesson plan. If their plan is to experience something nasty, then they're probably not gonna get any help. If it's part of some maneuver by some other forces trying to subvert that life plan, then you get help.

A: Yes exactly.

Q: (L) So, basically from what I've been putting together from our discussions over the past few years, it seems that there are beings in 5D who can share their lessons and energy with us if we're connected in some way like genetically or some spiritual connection or whatever – really, almost like ancient ancestor worship. Then there are beings in 4D who are basically like angels and demons who can help or harm. So, some of the ancient depictions of life and spiritual realities aren't that far off. Is that what we're saying here?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And, it's just some of the details that are muddled up.

(Andromeda) Caricatured.

(L) Most, most interesting. I was thinking recently that it doesn't really matter if the masses of people know for sure that the character of Jesus was modeled on Paul and Caesar because the thing is that it's the idea of a type of person and the idea of the person being anointed or Christed to bring new concepts to humanity, to act as an “ancestor connection” so to say for the purposes of inspiration and help. Pauline Christianity if it's understood and followed correctly, is probably a good thing. We're Paleochristians. We believe in the original way that was taught by Paul based on Caesar and his own visions, but there are other Christians who have variations which can be better or worse depending on the interpreters. What Paul did to oppose those murdering apocalyptic Dead Sea Scrolls types, and to change Roman and Greek perceptions, was nothing short of a miracle in and of itself. He must have had help. So anyway, that was just my musing. Time to say good night.

A: Blessings in Christ! Good bye.

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A great deal to think about here - fascinating. Glad the Black Box affair was brought up as that seems to be where history is leaning.
Thanks for another interesting session. Although, the the concepts of STS/STO desities and so battles, had been facinating and terrifying in equal parts since I bagan to learn about them, is good food for thoughts and, mostly over what is implying...
Thank you for this wonderful session. It brings up some painful, scary thoughts about abductions, but also really really good thoughts. I think of Joe's comment :

(Joe) It's dependent on the person's life lesson plan. If their plan is to experience something nasty, then they're probably not gonna get any help. If it's part of some maneuver by some other forces trying to subvert that life plan, then you get help.

A: Yes exactly.

I also think about my own journey from being a pampered soft liberal intellectual to a person with a stronger mind ,with a sense of paleochristian values and reality; and a stronger man that can act when needed, more and more. To not allow my fears to take control over my life gives me courage to stand against STS control.
Thank you Laura and all for this session.
Also taking this chance to wish you all a very pleasant New Year, filled with the usual intrigues :-),and the attainment and achievement of all your aims and efforts.
Absolutely fascinating session, thank you very much!

Out of my head I thought: How do comets possibly fit into this discussion and what the C‘s said? What if, when a lot of people get „programmed“ in 4D, so that they attract some „inanimate“ matter in 3D (that can change structures in this reality into the intended purpose the 4D world/being has in mind), they might attract comets that fulfill this purpose by creating mutations via viruses and/or „radioactive“ material?
Thanks for yet another fascinating session!

Regarding Islam, if it is the worst of Judaism and First Wave Christianity combined together, how does Sufism(of the Ibn Arabi type) fit into all of that? Is it a more ancient form of spirituality that was merged with Islam/corrupted by it?
Thank you for sharing this session. It answers several questions about culture, religion and society that have puzzled me for quite some time. I also found the ending of the session very fitting the Christmas season considered. Here it is once again:
(L) Most, most interesting. I was thinking recently that it doesn't really matter if the masses of people know for sure that the character of Jesus was modeled on Paul and Caesar because the thing is that it's the idea of a type of person and the idea of the person being anointed or Christed to bring new concepts to humanity, to act as an “ancestor connection” so to say for the purposes of inspiration and help. Pauline Christianity if it's understood and followed correctly, is probably a good thing. We're Paleochristians. We believe in the original way that was taught by Paul based on Caesar and his own visions, but there are other Christians who have variations which can be better or worse depending on the interpreters. What Paul did to oppose those murdering apocalyptic Dead Sea Scrolls types, and to change Roman and Greek perceptions, was nothing short of a miracle in and of itself. He must have had help. So anyway, that was just my musing. Time to say good night.

A: Blessings in Christ! Good bye.
Thank you!
Agree, as always brilliant questions bring the light of reality. Many thanks and hugs to all to a smashing great year 2019.

Q: (L) So, let me repeat this back and see if I understand it. So you're saying that, say, some 4D geneticist gets somebody and they do what in abduction accounts appear to be nonsensical activities. But yet, in 4D reality, they are possibly doing something that has a certain thought and intent behind it that may not be apparent to us. Whatever minor thing they may be doing that makes no sense to us, is actually causing something to happen according to what they're thinking. If they want to change somebody's DNA, they think it, and it kinda changes. And then they do a molecular disassembly from the molecules of 4D, which are different. They behave differently, they ARE different. Then the body comes back and...

(Andromeda) This is a full abduction, body and consciousness?

(L) Well, I think it doesn't have to be. They've said that rarely are there full abductions where they take the body, too. They put a timelock on, they take out the consciousness, and the 3D body's left there frozen. So then they send the consciousness back through, and then because there is a certain amount of consciousness in inanimate matter - that is, in chemicals of all sorts - somehow these chemicals frequency match themselves to the idea structures?

(Joe) It's a blueprint.

(Pierre) The way I understand it, the directing thing is the idea in 4D. The blueprint. For some reason, since in 3D molecules or elements have a bit of consciousness, there is a kind of resonance between the blueprint (the mind of 4D) and the elements in 3D. So they coalesce and finally the 4D idea materializes within the 3D world.

Abduction Incident with Missing Time in 1970 -

Q: (Joe) What caused the 50 cows to drop dead in coastal India around December 22nd? According to first reports, five cowmen of the village were looking after hundreds of grazing cows in the morning. All of a sudden, their behavior changed and about 50 unexpectedly and instantly dropped dead.

(Andromeda) All at the same time.

A: Virus.

Q: (Pierre) That quick?

(Joe) That's a pretty serious virus.

(Artemis) How long did they have the virus for?

A: 3 days.

Q: (Joe) Aggressive virus! All at the same time?

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