Session 29 July 2023

Here is a summary of all the information I could find in the sessions on the undergrounders:

There are facilities (bases and cities) both underground and under the oceans (10/9/94), the deepest of which is 3,108 miles (5000 km) below the surface, making these cities resistant to the effects of earthquakes. This would place at least this deepest structure close to the boundary between the outer and inner cores. (The outer core is thought to be fluid iron and nickel, the outer inner core hot iron with extreme pressure.) The temperature averages 68 degrees F (20 degrees C), and light is provided via magnetic resonance (5/4/96). Pat Price and Joseph McMoneagle remote viewed some of these structures, but their viewings were distorted (7/29/23).

This underground civilization developed “on its own” (presumably that means by humans, not by 4D) (11/23/96), and the cities have been occupied approximately for the last 14,000 years (i.e. since about a millennium before the Younger Dryas). A major source of inhabitants has been military personnel killed or missing in action. By this means, key personnel can be replaced via duplication or removed “to secret activity realm” (5/4/96). There have been several episodes of “mass migration” underground, the most recent of which was during 1941-1945, WWII, when mostly Germans went underground using an entry port located in Antarctica (shades of Admiral Byrd hunting down Nazis at the Pole). They “entered through their constructed base, as instructed, then were assimilated” into the underground population. Prior episodes involved Celts (8/31/96) and the Templars (7/26/97). Associated use of underground tunnels, and alien activity, has been going on since before 1947, “but in a much less intensive form” (10/21/95).

“Enough wars have taken place to effectively create [an] entire new ‘underground race’ of humans, both from direct capture followed by ‘reeducation,’ and spawning activity [i.e., normal sexual reproduction, the offspring of which have never seen the surface] using these persons and others.” “Most” of these people have souls. Inhabitants are not necessarily active; at least a portion have been kept in stasis in “hibernation tubes” (5/4/96). The inhabitants are “both” 3D and 4D (9/21/96). While 4D Grays and Lizards can only “visit” 3D, the human types underground are “bi-density,” and can persist in both 3D and 4D environments, though 4D is “easier” (11/23/96). They are managed or manipulated by Orions (11/23/96). In contrast to those transferred underground or born there, a number were “made” by “Lizards in cahoots with STS Orions,” as part of the alien hybridization program. They are similar to humans but with “some genetic tweaks”; sensitive people may be able to sense that their energy is different. Most were harvested from human mothers and incubated.” They are “much like very efficient psychopaths.” Other hybrids are re-inserted into women on the surface to be born normally (7/29/23).

Underground activies and groups include DEROS (detrimental robots) (7/19/97) and “Thor’s Pantheum” (whose name suggests the pantheon of Norse/Nordic gods). Thor’s Pantheum is an army of 1.6 million “Aryan psychic projectors,” operating mostly underground, who beam “themselves” through “thought-form transmission” (4/13/23) to creative types (e.g. writers and artists) on the surface. This is “an intense activity,” “directed towards influencing the high-level creative forces” for the purpose of "transfer of enlightenment frequency graduation" as part of "Project Awaken" (9/21/96). “Deep-level punctuators,” like Sargon of Akkad (6/21/97), Helen of Troy, and the original Rothschild(s), emerge from this civilization “from seeming obscurity to ‘make a mark’ on history” (8/17/3). Punctuators, some of which are children when they arrive on the surface, are “educated and trained in congruence with the society of the time,” including language. Their memories are wiped prior to mission implantation. The technology for this (as well as for producing the correct genetics) has advanced with time, prior to which it sometimes produced subjects that were insufficiently “evil” (7/29/23).

Between 2 and 2.5 million undergrounders operate on the surface at any given time. They are aware of who they are (in contrast to deep-level punctuators, who have their memories wiped?) and usually act as “handlers” or agents provocateur, influencing high-level politicians, world events, media personalities and influencers. Some are public figures. They have operated in this way for “thousands of years.” Their agenda includes promoting the depopulation agenda as well as preparation for revelations of aliens (7/29/23).

This civilization refers to itself as the “Nation of the Third Eye” (a reference to their psychic abilities) “when pressed for an explanation by surface types.” They were an inspiration for Masonic and Illuminati lore, and their agents were sources for remote viewer Courtney Brown’s information (11/23/96) (via Thor’s Pantheum?). The cleft in the foreheads of ancient Olmec statues is a designation for this group (4/12/97).

The ultimate purpose of this race is to replace us, because they can be controlled “completely” (5/4/96). By 2023, the program had seemingly progressed to the point that they had hardly any potential to wake up and follow their own free will (7/29/23).

Reading all this together prompts some questions:
  • What is the average depth of these structures? Is our understanding of Earth's strata so poor, or is the deepest one actually so deep, in the liquid outer core? If so, how? What about the "ultra-low velocity zones"?
  • In this last session, the C's said that the number of undergrounders operating on the surface varied between 2 and 2.5 million. What is the total population of undergrounders, both underground AND on the surface? The only other numbers I could find were for Thor's Pantheum (1.6 million) and some numbers of people recovered during wars (tens of thousands from the wars mentioned).
  • How many undergrounders are still in hibernation? Or have they been activated at the present time?
  • What was the initial impetus for going underground 14,000 years ago? Was it Atlanteans in preparation for cataclysms?
Also, this excerpt from the 9/21/96 session is curious:
Q: (L) And what is Thor's Pantheum?

A: Subselect trainees for transfer of enlightenment frequency graduation.

Q: (L) Well, is this group STS or STO?

A: Both.

Q: (L) OK... (T) Are they working at cross purposes?

A: No.

Q: (T) They're working together? Bipartisan?

A: No.

Q: (J) Are they aware of each other? Working on this?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Are they screwing each other up? (L) No, that's going in the wrong direction...

A: There is more to all of this than you could dream.
Which sounds like both sides are just involved in doing the same sorts of things (influencing creative types), but they are not technically working together. Connections here to the Quorum and Nordic Covenant? But if Thor's Pantheum is located mostly underground, does that mean some are STO? Since the projecting is only "mostly" down underground, are the ones who aren't underground the STO ones?
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People like Michelle Obama, meaning (at least to me) adults that have kept both male and female sexual organs, would then be less than 5K. However, I don't think this means that hermaphroditic births aren't more numerous.

In partial agreement (not sure why) of what I thought your point was . . .

I attended a lecture in the early 1980's given by a gynecologist who also held a high position in a religion that helped settle the western United States. He was taking questions from a few dozen young newleyweds on subjects that are not normally spoken about in church.

The one that surprised me was the hermaphrodite issue although those words were not used. In answer to a question about the eternal nature of one's sex, he talked about cases (many of them) where the parents of a newborn would ask if it was a boy or a girl and he responded by asking them which would you prefer (and then he explained the situation to them). I believe that some of those situations involved male infants who were born without male anatomy.
Thank you very much Laura, Andromeda, C's and all the members with the contributions of super interesting questions.

I have also thought a lot about something similar, wondering if experiencing all that chaos and shock of this current moment in the experience of living that moment as consciously as possible, does something that engraves or imprints in the soul the lesson, there is the individual lesson, but I wonder if there is also the group lesson? that is as humanity, how in some way or another without knowing it completely we are in such a rotten society. That is to say I suppose that from the destruction by natural forces of the technological infrastructure of the STS, it comes to me to say thank you. Also what I have felt is that by knowing more, I have felt a kind of liberation, less stress.
Well, what will be, will be. Wait and see, as the C's say.
Agreed. And yet what will be (Que Sera Sera) will be because of what we do or don't do.
The C's have said that the original Rothschilds were intraterrestrial controllers, and on another occasion that the Mossad are on top of the 3D STS hierachy as well, where the lines are blurred, and the Mossad being an "brainchild" of theirs. According to the dictionary's definition: Someone's brainchild is an idea or invention that they have thought up or created.
So I understood that this family could be the closest in "communication" to the 4D STS beings controlling the Earth.

I found this video that chronicles the Rothschilds' rise to power since the Middle Ages.
According to the narrator: "Mayer Rothschild took over the family business in 1763 and his extensive coin collection attracted the attention of the wealthiest aristocracy of the Holy Roman Empire, among them Crown Prince Wilhelm of Hesse. The prince met him in 1769 and quickly learned to entrust him with all matters, not only the coin collection, but all financial matters [...] Once he became the monarch, he hired him to manage his finances as Hofjude or "court Jew" [...] Later, after the Napoleonic invasion Mayer would send one of his sons, Nathan, to London to start a currency business similar to that of his father [...]

Also this:

Mayer Amschel Rothschild: The Founder​

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812) grew up in Frankfurt's Judengasse, the narrow lane where the city's 3,000 Jewish residents were confined to live. Conditions were overcrowded and harsh. Jewish people could not leave at night, on Sundays, and on Christian holidays. They were barred from visiting public gardens or coffee shops, and could not walk in public in groups of more than two.5

Mayer Rothschild learned business at a young age. His father, Amschel Moses Rothschild, dealt in silk cloth and exchanged currency. One of Mayer's first jobs was sorting coins acquired through Frankfurt's semi-annual trade fairs, which attracted buyers and sellers throughout the region.6

His parents died of smallpox when Mayer was twelve. He lived with relatives, who sent him to Hannover to apprentice with Simon Wolf Oppenheimer, a prominent Jewish banking house. There, Mayer was exposed to foreign trade and finance, and learned about rare coins from places such as ancient Rome, Persia, and the Byzantine Empire. The collectors of these coins were princes and other men of wealth. The Jewish men who transacted with them were called "court Jews," or court factors, meaning they did business with nobility.76


Upon the death of his father on 31 October 1785, he became William IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel. He was said to have inherited one of the largest fortunes in Europe at the time.

William looked for help in managing his estate. He hired Mayer Amschel Rothschild as "Hoffaktor" in 1769,[1] to supervise the operation of his properties and tax-gathering. The wealth of William's estate provided a good living for Rothschild and the men had a strong relationship; he founded the Rothschild family dynasty, which became important in financing and banking in Europe. Although they had been acquainted since 1775, William IX did not formally designate Rothschild as his overseer until 1801.

The early fortunes of the Rothschild family were made through a conjunction of financial intelligence and the wealth of Prince William. During the Napoleonic Wars, William used the Frankfurt Rothschilds to hide his fortune from Napoleon. This money then saw its way through to Nathan Mayer, (N.M.) in London, where it helped fund the British movements through Portugal and Spain. The interest made from this venture was reaped by the budding banker barons, who used it to swiftly develop their fortune and prestige in Europe and Britain. It was not long before their riches outweighed those of their benefactor, William of Hesse-Kassel.

In 1803, Landgrave William was created His Royal and Serene Highness The Prince-Elector of Hesse.[2] In 1807 his electorate was annexed by the Kingdom of Westphalia, ruled by Jérôme Bonaparte, Napoleon's brother. William escaped to Denmark with his family and lived there in exile until the French were expelled from Germany. Following the defeat of the Napoleonic armies in the Battle of Leipzig, William was restored in 1813.

He was a member of the Tugendbund, a quasi-Masonic secret society founded after the Battle of Jena–Auerstedt in June 1808 at Koningsberg.
Well, in any case, I find all these stories quite entertaining and intriguing at the same time.
Here is a summary of all the information I could find in the sessions on the undergrounders:

There are facilities (bases and cities) both underground and under the oceans (10/9/94), the deepest of which is 3,108 miles (5000 km) below the surface, making these cities resistant to the effects of earthquakes. This would place at least this deepest structure close to the boundary between the outer and inner cores. (The outer core is thought to be fluid iron and nickel, the outer inner core hot iron with extreme pressure.) The temperature averages 68 degrees F (20 degrees C), and light is provided via magnetic resonance (5/4/96). Pat Price and Joseph McMoneagle remote viewed some of these structures, but their viewings were distorted (7/29/23).

This underground civilization developed “on its own” (presumably that means by humans, not by 4D) (11/23/96), and the cities have been occupied approximately for the last 14,000 years (i.e. since about a millennium before the Younger Dryas). A major source of inhabitants has been military personnel killed or missing in action. By this means, key personnel can be replaced via duplication or removed “to secret activity realm” (5/4/96). There have been several episodes of “mass migration” underground, the most recent of which was during 1941-1945, WWII, when mostly Germans went underground using an entry port located in Antarctica (shades of Admiral Byrd hunting down Nazis at the Pole). They “entered through their constructed base, as instructed, then were assimilated” into the underground population. Prior episodes involved Celts (8/31/96) and the Templars (7/26/97). Associated use of underground tunnels, and alien activity, has been going on since before 1947, “but in a much less intensive form” (10/21/95).

“Enough wars have taken place to effectively create [an] entire new ‘underground race’ of humans, both from direct capture followed by ‘reeducation,’ and spawning activity [i.e., normal sexual reproduction, the offspring of which have never seen the surface] using these persons and others.” “Most” of these people have souls. Inhabitants are not necessarily active; at least a portion have been kept in stasis in “hibernation tubes” (5/4/96). The inhabitants are “both” 3D and 4D (9/21/96). While 4D Grays and Lizards can only “visit” 3D, the human types underground are “bi-density,” and can persist in both 3D and 4D environments, though 4D is “easier” (11/23/96). They are managed or manipulated by Orions (11/23/96). In contrast to those transferred underground or born there, a number were “made” by “Lizards in cahoots with STS Orions,” as part of the alien hybridization program. They are similar to humans but with “some genetic tweaks”; sensitive people may be able to sense that their energy is different. Most were harvested from human mothers and incubated.” They are “much like very efficient psychopaths.” Other hybrids are re-inserted into women on the surface to be born normally (7/29/23).

Underground activies and groups include DEROS (detrimental robots) (7/19/97) and “Thor’s Pantheum” (whose name suggests the pantheon of Norse/Nordic gods). Thor’s Pantheum is an army of 1.6 million “Aryan psychic projectors,” operating mostly underground, who beam “themselves” through “thought-form transmission” (4/13/23) to creative types (e.g. writers and artists) on the surface. This is “an intense activity,” “directed towards influencing the high-level creative forces” for the purpose of "transfer of enlightenment frequency graduation" as part of "Project Awaken" (9/21/96). “Deep-level punctuators,” like Sargon of Akkad (6/21/97), Helen of Troy, and the original Rothschild(s), emerge from this civilization “from seeming obscurity to ‘make a mark’ on history” (8/17/3). Punctuators, some of which are children when they arrive on the surface, are “educated and trained in congruence with the society of the time,” including language. Their memories are wiped prior to mission implantation. The technology for this (as well as for producing the correct genetics) has advanced with time, prior to which it sometimes produced subjects that were insufficiently “evil” (7/29/23).

Between 2 and 2.5 million undergrounders operate on the surface at any given time. They are aware of who they are (in contrast to deep-level punctuators, who have their memories wiped?) and usually act as “handlers” or agents provocateur, influencing high-level politicians, world events, media personalities and influencers. Some are public figures. They have operated in this way for “thousands of years.” Their agenda includes promoting the depopulation agenda as well as preparation for revelations of aliens (7/29/23).

This civilization refers to itself as the “Nation of the Third Eye” (a reference to their psychic abilities) “when pressed for an explanation by surface types.” They were an inspiration for Masonic and Illuminati lore, and their agents were sources for remote viewer Courtney Brown’s information (11/23/96) (via Thor’s Pantheum?). The cleft in the foreheads of ancient Olmec statues is a designation for this group (4/12/97).

The ultimate purpose of this race is to replace us, because they can be controlled “completely” (5/4/96). By 2023, the program had seemingly progressed to the point that they had hardly any potential to wake up and follow their own free will (7/29/23).

Reading all this together prompts some questions:
  • What is the average depth of these structures? Is our understanding of Earth's strata so poor, or is the deepest one actually so deep, in the liquid outer core? If so, how? What about the "ultra-low velocity zones"?
  • In this last session, the C's said that the number of undergrounders operating on the surface varied between 2 and 2.5 million. What is the total population of undergrounders, both underground AND on the surface? The only other numbers I could find were for Thor's Pantheum (1.6 million) and some numbers of people recovered during wars (tens of thousands from the wars mentioned).
  • How many undergrounders are still in hibernation? Or have they been activated at the present time?
  • What was the initial impetus for going underground 14,000 years ago? Was it Atlanteans in preparation for cataclysms?
Also, this excerpt from the 9/21/96 session is curious:

Which sounds like both sides are just involved in doing the same sorts of things (influencing creative types), but they are not technically working together. Connections here to the Consortium and Nordic Covenant? But if Thor's Pantheum is located mostly underground, does that mean some are STO? Since the projecting is only "mostly" down underground, are the ones who aren't underground the STO ones?

Amazing compilation, @Approaching Infinity! Thank you!
In regards to Michelle Obama, I was also pretty quickly concluding: “What are the odds of her being a hermaphrodite? How likely is that?“. But given the way the C‘s described Obama (which wasn’t surprising to me since I always found the guy more then just a little creepy and likely a textbook example of a psychopath), I was thinking that there is a good chance that this sicko actually requested to have a hermaphrodite at some point in his evil career and was “delivered“ one! It wouldn’t surprise me at all if that is what actually happened! He certainly had the power and connections for something like that. I tell ya, Obama is one of the creepiest people I have ever seen. That would also kinda disable the “what are the odds“ argument since it wouldn‘t have been a normal romantic get together of people.
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A few of them may be, within the context of this last session. This one too:

View attachment 79280

Added: and with time, they seem to contain more symbols. Several years ago, the rainbow wouldn't have meant much to me. Now it does, unfortunately.

I haven’t watched this one yet only came across it on Bitchute. The title suggests it covers both the Denver airport and deep military underground bases. I’ll watch later myself but thought worth sharing in case there’s going to be useful info in it:

What about changing for gym class at school or communal showers? How do you keep that quiet???
Maybe she skipped PE classes.


The classic time capsule. With the addition that whatever you store there, you do it by removing all the air and thus create a vacuum capsule, to prevent deterioration by contact with air. Of course, the capsule must be constructed to stand the test of time. Perhaps a stone vessel hollowed out so that it is one piece, that allows air to be extracted and that you can cover it with a protective material as in proposal number two.


Here a little of what they said in the session, make a transcription in stone and laser. You could use sheets of some rocky material susceptible to laser inscription, and then use epoxy resins to fill the grooves created by the laser. You finish with a layer of transparent resin that covers the entire sheet. There are resins that are extremely durable and are used to create tables and other surfaces to replace marble or similar.

Earthquakes, temperature changes can damage it, protective material could wear out.

I do not think filling gaps is right thing to do. Fill material could expand due to temperature changes which could crack that stone.
I've been thinking about the idea of transferring written material to stone or clay. Laser etching the entire SHotW, for instance, onto stone tablets would be so expensive and so many tablets needed. Clay might be a better option. You can make it into flat sheets of whatever thickness. And when it comes to putting words onto the clay, I thought of the idea of the printing press. Make a bunch of individual letter (movable type) reusable dies, form the sentences in a holder of some kind, and press them into the clay making as many copies as you want, then bake the tablets in a kiln. I think you could even 3D print the dies, instead of making them out of metal like they used to be. Or maybe you could find dies in an antique store. Or you could use the Leedskalnin methods and plaster the Hoover Dam or something.

Anyway, thanks for another great session. I always feel pretty good after reading them. ☺️
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