Session 29 July 2023

In regards to Michelle Obama, I was also pretty quickly concluding: “What are the odds of her being a hermaphrodite? How likely is that?“. But given the way the C‘s described Obama (which wasn’t surprising to me since I always found the guy more then just a little creepy and likely a textbook example of a psychopath), I was thinking that there is a good chance that this sicko actually requested to have a hermaphrodite at some point in his evil career and was “delivered“ one! It wouldn’t surprise me at all if that is what actually happened! He certainly had the power and connections for something like that. I tell ya, Obama is one of the creepiest people I have ever seen. That would also kinda disable the “what are the odds“ argument since it wouldn‘t have been a normal romantic get together of people.

And talking about that:

Obama Once Wrote To Ex-Girlfriend That He ‘Repeatedly Fantasizes About Making Love To Men,’ Biographer Says

Former President Barack Obama once wrote that he fantasized about having sexual relations with other men, biographer David Garrow said in an interview published on Wednesday.

The former president expressed his fantasies in a letter to a girlfriend at the time, Garrow told Tablet magazine in the interview. That letter has been redacted and is currently in the possession of Emory University, according to Garrow. [...]

This info has been around since yesterday and he hasn't said anything about it. It makes a lot of sense given what was shared in the session.
Perhaps the Overlord doesn’t exist in our reality, but can influence our reality all the same by one means or another? A being with such power surely would have the resources to do so- or be able to act in multiple realities with ease.

Now you mention, I've been thinking quite on it, and another character of science fiction came to my mind is Grima of the LOTR , probably this kind of entities make of pure energy, invisible to our physic eyes, are able to influence somehow in the "world leaders" if such entities really exist , wht we dealing here? wht option we have? Follow our light? or fly to 4D my childrens and never look back
Now you mention, I've been thinking quite on it, and another character of science fiction came to my mind is Grima of the LOTR , probably this kind of entities make of pure energy, invisible to our physic eyes, are able to influence somehow in the "world leaders" if such entities really exist , wht we dealing here? wht option we have? Follow our light? or fly to 4D my childrens and never look back
More like Sauron perhaps…
I figured this was related to why 4D STS has to declare themselves in some way...

This reminds me of all of the strange Masonic hand gestures Celebrity's make that are blatantly put out there. Almost like signaling to their controllers that they're following the program.

They work on the subconscious. See the word corrupt. It's the contraction of "core" as in subconscious/soul (see Greenbaum) and "rupture". Best to keep vigilant!

We can see the programming in some live shows and music videos. People having fun and vibing with it without the knowledge to discern can have a bad effect on their being.
(Ze Germans) If Russia's karmic role is an adversary of Atlantis, who was playing this role back then before the final destruction of Atlantis?

A: Same locale, different names. Read The Iliad and Odyssey for clues.
What is interesting is that the Egyptian priest who told Solon the Atlantis story around 600 BC said that the Greeks do not remember anything about Atlantean times. But apparently the Iliad and Odyssey may originate from Atlantean times too. That's a long oral tradition if Atlantis was finally destroyed around 9700 BC
Earthquakes, temperature changes can damage it, protective material could wear out.

I do not think filling gaps is right thing to do. Fill material could expand due to temperature changes which could crack that stone.

Research is the key. There are a variety of resins and other composite materials on the market that can withstand damage or temperature changes. But it is something that will need its own thread.
Thank you for this mind blowing session.

Why Files on you tube have just released a video on

Finding Agartha: The Search for the Hidden City in the Center of the Earth​

On the mention of Agartha, it piqued my interest as the name sounded familiar so, I went digging into it a bit and found a book which was published in 1921 and now translated into english below. It documents the author's travels through Mongolia and his interactions and observations.
Title: Beasts, Men and Gods
Author: Ferdinand Ossendowski
Translator: Lewis Stanton Palen

I scanned the text for anything useful and found some tidbits, quoted below with emphasis.

On my journey into Central Asia I came to know for the first time about “the Mystery of Mysteries,” which I can call by no other name. At the outset I did not pay much attention to it and did not attach to it such importance as I afterwards realized belonged to it, when I had analyzed and connoted many sporadic, hazy and often controversial bits of evidence.

The old people on the shore of the River Amyl related to me an ancient legend to the effect that a certain Mongolian tribe in their escape from the demands of Jenghiz Khan hid themselves in a subterranean country. Afterwards a Soyot from near the Lake of Nogan Kul showed me the smoking gate that serves as the entrance to the “Kingdom of Agharti.” Through this gate a hunter formerly entered into the Kingdom and, after his return, began to relate what he had seen there. The Lamas cut out his tongue in order to prevent him from telling about the Mystery of Mysteries. When he arrived at old age, he came back to the entrance of this cave and disappeared into the subterranean kingdom, the memory of which had ornamented and lightened his nomad heart.

I received more realistic information about this from Hutuktu Jelyb Djamsrap in Narabanchi Kure. He told me the story of the semi-realistic arrival of the powerful King of the World from the subterranean kingdom, of his appearance, of his miracles and of his prophecies; and only then did I begin to understand that in that legend, hypnosis or mass vision, whichever it may be, is hidden not only mystery but a realistic and powerful force capable of influencing the course of the political life of Asia. From that moment I began making some investigations.

The favorite Gelong Lama of Prince Chultun Beyli and the Prince himself gave me an account of the subterranean kingdom.

“Everything in the world,” said the Gelong, “is constantly in a state of change and transition—peoples science, religions, laws and customs. How many great empires and brilliant cultures have perished! And that alone which remains unchanged is Evil, the tool of Bad Spirits. More than sixty thousand years ago a Holyman disappeared with a whole tribe of people under the ground and never appeared again on the surface of the earth. Many people, however, have since visited this kingdom, Sakkia Mouni, Undur Gheghen, Paspa, Khan Baber and others. No one knows where this place is. One says Afghanistan, others India. All the people there are protected against Evil and crimes do not exist within its bournes. Science has there developed calmly and nothing is threatened with destruction. The subterranean people have reached the highest knowledge. Now it is a large kingdom, millions of men with the King of the World as their ruler. He knows all the forces of the world and reads all the souls of humankind and the great book of their destiny. Invisibly he rules eight hundred million men on the surface of the earth and they will accomplish his every order.”

Prince Chultun Beyli added: “This kingdom is Agharti. It extends throughout all the subterranean passages of the whole world. I heard a learned Lama of China relating to Bogdo Khan that all the subterranean caves of America are inhabited by the ancient people who have disappeared underground. Traces of them are still found on the surface of the land. These subterranean peoples and spaces are governed by rulers owing allegiance to the King of the World. In it there is not much of the wonderful. You know that in the two greatest oceans of the east and the west there were formerly two continents. They disappeared under the water but their people went into the subterranean kingdom. [Sid's note: mention of Atlantis here?] In underground caves there exists a peculiar light which affords growth to the grains and vegetables and long life without disease to the people. There are many different peoples and many different tribes. An old Buddhist Brahman in Nepal was carrying out the will of the Gods in making a visit to the ancient kingdom of Jenghiz,—Siam,—where he met a fisherman who ordered him to take a place in his boat and sail with him upon the sea. On the third day they reached an island where he met a people having two tongues which could speak separately in different languages. They showed to him peculiar, unfamiliar animals, tortoises with sixteen feet and one eye, huge snakes with a very tasty flesh and birds with teeth which caught fish for their masters in the sea. These people told him that they had come up out of the subterranean kingdom and described to him certain parts of the underground country.”

The Lama Turgut traveling with me from Urga to Peking gave me further details.

“The capital of Agharti is surrounded with towns of high priests and scientists. It reminds one of Lhasa where the palace of the Dalai Lama, the Potala, is the top of a mountain covered with monasteries and temples. The throne of the King of the World is surrounded by millions of incarnated Gods. They are the Holy Panditas. The palace itself is encircled by the palaces of the Goro, who possess all the visible and invisible forces of the earth, of inferno and of the sky and who can do everything for the life and death of man. If our mad humankind should begin a war against them, they would be able to explode the whole surface of our planet and transform it into deserts. They can dry up the seas, transform lands into oceans and scatter the mountains into the sands of the deserts. By his order trees, grasses and bushes can be made to grow; old and feeble men can become young and stalwart; and the dead can be resurrected. [perhaps, a reference to the technological capabilities of the underground races] In cars strange and unknown to us they rush through the narrow cleavages inside our planet. Some Indian Brahmans and Tibetan Dalai Lamas during their laborious struggles to the peaks of mountains which no other human feet had trod have found there inscriptions carved on the rocks, footprints in the snow and the tracks of wheels. The blissful Sakkia Mouni found on one mountain top tablets of stone carrying words which he only understood in his old age and afterwards penetrated into the Kingdom of Agharti, from which he brought back crumbs of the sacred learning preserved in his memory. There in palaces of wonderful crystal live the invisible rulers of all pious people, the King of the World or Brahytma, who can speak with God as I speak with you, and his two assistants, Mahytma, knowing the purposes of future events, and Mahynga, ruling the causes of these events.”

“The Holy Panditas study the world and all its forces. Sometimes the most learned among them collect together and send envoys to that place where the human eyes have never penetrated. This is described by the Tashi Lama living eight hundred and fifty years ago. The highest Panditas place their hands on their eyes and at the base of the brain of younger ones and force them into a deep sleep, wash their bodies with an infusion of grass and make them immune to pain and harder than stones, wrap them in magic cloths, bind them and then pray to the Great God. The petrified youths lie with eyes and ears open and alert, seeing, hearing and remembering everything. Afterwards a Goro approaches and fastens a long, steady gaze upon them. Very slowly the bodies lift themselves from the earth and disappear. The Goro sits and stares with fixed eyes to the place whither he has sent them. Invisible threads join them to his will. Some of them course among the stars, observe their events, their unknown peoples, their life and their laws. They listen to their talk, read their books, understand their fortunes and woes, their holiness and sins, their piety and evil. Some are mingled with flame and see the creature of fire, quick and ferocious, eternally fighting, melting and hammering metals in the depths of planets, boiling the water for geysers and springs, melting the rocks and pushing out molten streams over the surface of the earth through the holes in the mountains. Others rush together with the ever elusive, infinitesimally small, transparent creatures of the air and penetrate into the mysteries of their existence and into the purposes of their life. Others slip into the depths of the seas and observe the kingdom of the wise creatures of the water, who transport and spread genial warmth all over the earth, ruling the winds, waves and storms. . . . In Erdeni Dzu formerly lived Pandita Hutuktu, who had come from Agharti. As he was dying, he told about the time when he lived according to the will of the Goro on a red star in the east, floated in the ice-covered ocean and flew among the stormy fires in the depths of the earth.”

These are the tales which I heard in the Mongolian yurtas of Princes and in the Lamaite monasteries. These stories were all related in a solemn tone which forbade challenge and doubt.

Mystery. . . .

Are they describing the Overlord?

“Do you know, my dear Lama,” I said, “once I rode in the plain at the hour when the King of the World spoke with God and I felt the impressive majesty of this moment.”

To my astonishment the old Lama very quietly answered me: “It is not right that the Buddhist and our Yellow Faith should conceal it. The acknowledgment of the existence of the most holy and most powerful man, of the blissful kingdom, of the great temple of sacred science is such a consolation to our sinful hearts and our corrupt lives that to conceal it from humankind is a sin. . . . Well, listen,” he continued, “throughout the whole year the King of the World guides the work of the Panditas and Goros of Agharti. Only at times he goes to the temple cave where the embalmed body of his predecessor lies in a black stone coffin. This cave is always dark, but when the King of the World enters it the walls are striped with fire and from the lid of the coffin appear tongues of flame. The eldest Goro stands before him with covered head and face and with hands folded across his chest. This Goro never removes the covering from his face, for his head is a nude skull with living eyes and a tongue that speaks. He is in communion with the souls of all who have gone before.

“The King of the World prays for a long time and afterwards approaches the coffin and stretches out his hand. The flames thereon burn brighter; the stripes of fire on the walls disappear and revive, interlace and form mysterious signs from the alphabet vatannan. From the coffin transparent bands of scarcely noticeable light begin to flow forth. These are the thoughts of his predecessor. Soon the King of the World stands surrounded by an auriole of this light and fiery letters write and write upon the walls the wishes and orders of God. At this moment the King of the World is in contact with the thoughts of all the men who influence the lot and life of all humankind: with Kings, Czars, Khans, warlike leaders, High Priests, scientists and other strong men. He realizes all their thoughts and plans. If these be pleasing before God, the King of the World will invisibly help them; if they are unpleasant in the sight of God, the King will bring them to destruction. This power is given to Agharti by the mysterious science of ‘Om,’ with which we begin all our prayers. ‘Om’ is the name of an ancient Holyman, the first Goro, who lived three hundred thirty thousand years ago. He was the first man to know God and who taught humankind to believe, hope and struggle with Evil. Then God gave him power over all forces ruling the visible world.

“After his conversation with his predecessor the King of the World assembles the ‘Great Council of God,’ judges the actions and thoughts of great men, helps them or destroys them. Mahytma and Mahynga find the place for these actions and thoughts in the causes ruling the world. Afterwards the King of the World enters the great temple and prays in solitude. Fire appears on the altar, gradually spreading to all the altars near, and through the burning flame gradually appears the face of God. The King of the World reverently announces to God the decisions and awards of the ‘Council of God’ and receives in turn the Divine orders of the Almighty. As he comes forth from the temple, the King of the World radiates with Divine Light.”

How about some prophecies? Interpretations mine

The Hutuktu of Narabanchi related the following to me, when I visited him in his monastery in the beginning of 1921:

“When the King of the World appeared before the Lamas, favored of God, in this monastery thirty years ago he made a prophecy for the coming half century. It was as follows:

“‘More and more the people will forget their souls and care about their bodies. The greatest sin and corruption will reign on the earth. People will become as ferocious animals, thirsting for the blood and death of their brothers. The ‘Crescent’ will grow dim and its followers will descend into beggary and ceaseless war. - [World Wars I and II]

Its conquerors will be stricken by the sun but will not progress upward and twice they will be visited with the heaviest misfortune, which will end in insult before the eye of the other peoples. - [Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs in Japan]

The crowns of kings, great and small, will fall . . . one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. . . . There will be a terrible battle among all the peoples. The seas will become red . . . the earth and the bottom of the seas will be strewn with bones . . . kingdoms will be scattered . . . whole peoples will die . . . hunger, disease, crimes unknown to the law, never before seen in the world. The enemies of God and of the Divine Spirit in man will come. Those who take the hand of another shall also perish. [More mention of World Wars I and II]

The forgotten and pursued shall rise and hold the attention of the whole world. [mention of Jewish and the state of Israel?]

There will be fogs and storms. Bare mountains shall suddenly be covered with forests. Earthquakes will come. . . . Millions will change the fetters of slavery and humiliation for hunger, disease and death. The ancient roads will be covered with crowds wandering from one place to another. The greatest and most beautiful cities shall perish in fire . . . one, two, three. . . . Father shall rise against son, brother against brother and mother against daughter. . . . Vice, crime and the destruction of body and soul shall follow. . . . Families shall be scattered. . . . Truth and love shall disappear. . . . From ten thousand men one shall remain; he shall be nude and mad and without force and the knowledge to build him a house and find his food. . . . He will howl as the raging wolf, devour dead bodies, bite his own flesh and challenge God to fight. . . . All the earth will be emptied. God will turn away from it and over it there will be only night and death. Then I shall send a people, now unknown, which shall tear out the weeds of madness and vice with a strong hand and will lead those who still remain faithful to the spirit of man in the fight against Evil. They will found a new life on the earth purified by the death of nations. In the fiftieth year only three great kingdoms will appear, which will exist happily seventy-one years.
[Above seems to indicate towards other wars fought in the middle east and appearance of Nato, Russia and China as three great nations (or USA, Russia and China) around 1950 till 2021 afterwhich a new cycle of destruction begins]

Afterwards there will be eighteen years of war and destruction. Then the peoples of Agharti will come up from their subterranean caverns to the surface of the earth.’” [Ukraine war started in early 2022 and hasn't ended yet, can likely go on a long time, expoanding to other nations] [C's have mentioned that the underground race is being prepared to to come up and replace us after the destruction]

Afterwards, as I traveled farther through Eastern Mongolia and to Peking, I often thought:

“And what if . . . ? What if whole peoples of different colors, faiths and tribes should begin their migration toward the West?”
Since the projecting is only "mostly" down underground, are the ones who aren't underground the STO ones?
Yes? There is no time and all of our incarnations happen simultaneously. 4D entities, of either persuasion, ARE all of their 3D incarnations. STO goes with the flow and the natural progression of energies and their interactions, so there's no need to hide. STS compulsively manipulates and forces things into place to fit their idea of how things should be, up to and including abducting and reengineering their "past" selves.

Q: (L) Does it ever happen that individuals who perceive or think they perceive themselves to have experienced an "abduction," to actually be interacting with some part of themselves?
A: That would be a very good possibility. Now, before you ask another question, stop and contemplate for a moment: what possibilties does this open up? Is there any limit? And if there is, what is that? Is it not an area worth exploring?
Q: (L) Okay, help me out here...
A: For example, just one example for you to digest. What if the abduction scenario could take place where your soul projection, in what you perceive as the future, can come back and abduct your soul projection in what you perceive as the present?
Q: (L) Oh, dear! Does this happen?
A: This is a question for you to ask yourself and contemplate.
Q: (L) Why would I do that to myself? (J) To gain knowledge of the future.
A: Are there not a great many possible answers?
Q: (L) Well, this seemed to be a very frightening and negative experience. If that is the case: a. maybe that is just my perception, or b. then, in the future I am not a very nice person! (J) Or maybe the future isn't very pleasant. And the knowledge that you gained of it is unpleasant.
A: Or is it one possible future, but not all possible futures? And is the pathway of free will not connected to all of this?

In the Work we have the image of a jar of iron filings, full of all the many I's that constitute our overall being. If you form a magnetic center it can begin to pull those iron filings into a more cohesive whole which can then be fused into place. Maybe from the 4D perspective every one of those iron filings is a 3D entity that takes on a life of its own in the "past" and the work from that level is what we see playing out in "time" at our level of reality? As above so below. Magnetic center. Degaussing.

Q: (L) Well, I don't know. Can you tell us a little bit about how these illusions are enforced on us, how they are perceived by us?
A: If someone opens a door, and behind it you see a pot of gold, do you worry whether there is a poisonous snake behind the door hidden from view, before you reach for the pot of gold?
Q: (L) What does the gold represent?
A: Temptation to limitation.
Q: (L) What does the door represent?
A: Opening for limitation.
Q: (L) Was limitation presented as a pot of gold when, in fact, it was not? Was this a trick?
A: What is snake?
Q: (T) The Lizards? (J) Danger. (L) Okay, who opened the door. (J) We did. (T) No, what is the snake.
A: No.
Q: (L) Does that mean we did not open the door?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Who opened the door?
A: Lizards.
Q: (L) So, we were, literally... (T) Who was the snake? (J) The Lizards, they are danger...
A: No!
Q: (L) Who was the snake?
A: Result of giving into temptation without caution, i.e. leaping before looking.
Q: (J) So we should exercise caution. (T) Okay, what was the snake? (J) The result of giving into temptation. The snake represents the classic... (L) So what you are saying to us is that the story of the temptation in Eden was the story of Humankind being led into this reality as a result of being tempted. So, the eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was...
A: Giving into temptation.
Q: (L) And this was a trick...
A: No! Tricks don't exist!
Q: (L) There is an issue here. (T) Okay, no trick, a trap?
A: No! Traps don't exist either. Free will could not be abridged if you had not obliged.
Q: (T) Now wait a minute. I am losing the whole train here. What were we before the "Fall?"
A: 3rd density STO.
Q: (T) Didn't you tell us that 3rd density beings could not be STO? (L) No. They said there are 3rd density STO beings. (T) We are STS at this point because of what happened then?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Okay, now, we were STO at that time. The Lizards opened the door, we are using this as an allegory, I guess, the Lizards opened the door and showed us a pot of gold hoping that we would reach in for the pot, or walk through the door, when they were waiting for us on the other side in order to take us over in some way. Am I on the right track?
A: Hoping is incorrect idea.
Q: (T) Okay, what was it they were trying to do by enticing us?
A: Trying is incorrect idea, continue to probe for learning opportunity.
Q: (T) We were 3rd density STO at this time. Was this after the battle that had transpired? In other words, were we, as a 3rd density race, literally on our own at that point, as opposed to before?
A: Was battle.
Q: (L) The battle was in us?
A: Through you.
Q: (T) The battle was through us as to whether we would walk through this doorway... (L) The battle was fought through us, we were literally the battleground. (T) I got that, but I want to get back to this analogy to make sure where we are in the overall picture. The battle was going on when the door was opened. Was the battle over whether or not we walked through that door?
A: Close.
Q: (T) Okay, we were STO at that point. You have said before that on this density we have the choice of being STS or STO.
A: Oh Terry, the battle is always there, it's "when" you choose that counts!
Q: (Ursus Minor) Allegedly there was a UFO crash in northern Italy in 1933. Were there any similar incidents in Europe before that?

A: Not in modern times.

Q: (L) But maybe before modern times?

A: Yes

One of the events pointed out by David Grusch. Bulgarian scientist Vladimir Terziski had mentioned that one in the 1990's.

The crash is said to have happened on June 13, 1933 at Vergiate (Varese province). Guglielmo Marconi and his colleagues were undecided whether the craft was of extraterrestrial or German origin, since the (dead) human looking occupants were blond and blue-eyed and measured about 180 cms (5' 11'').

Since there were no other events like this in modern times we can count out stories about another UFO crash in Germany at the time which can often be found in UFO lore.

The wreckage was apparently stored somewhere in the area and was picked up by the US Army in April 1945 as it occupied the area. So Roswell was not really the first occurrence of that kind, but merely the first event they couldn't totally conceal.

Interestingly, we are not encountering the pervasive grey aliens in this case.
On the mention of Agartha, it piqued my interest as the name sounded familiar so, I went digging into it a bit and found a book which was published in 1921 and now translated into english below. It documents the author's travels through Mongolia and his interactions and observations.
Title: Beasts, Men and Gods
Author: Ferdinand Ossendowski
Translator: Lewis Stanton Palen

I scanned the text for anything useful and found some tidbits, quoted below with emphasis.
Very interesting! Thanks, sid. Ossendowski's book looks interesting for other reasons too:
After Kolchak's defeat in 1920, Ossendowski joined a group of Poles and White Russians trying to escape from communist-controlled Siberia to India through Mongolia, China and Tibet.[3] After a journey of several thousand miles, the group reached Chinese-controlled Mongolia, only to be stopped there by the takeover of the country led by mysterious Baron Roman Ungern von Sternberg. The Baron was a mystic who was fascinated by the beliefs and religions of the Far East such as Buddhism and "who believed himself to be a reincarnation of Kangchendzönga, the Mongolian god of war."[4] Ungern-Sternberg's philosophy was an exceptionally muddled mixture of Russian nationalism with Chinese and Mongol beliefs. However, he also proved to be an exceptional military commander, and his forces grew rapidly.

Ossendowski joined the baron's army as a commanding officer of one of the self-defense troops. He also briefly became Ungern's political advisor and chief of intelligence. Little is known of his service at the latter post, which adds to Ossendowski's legend as a mysterious person. In late 1920, he was sent with a diplomatic mission to Japan and then the US, never to return to Mongolia. Some writers believe that Ossendowski was one of the people who hid the semimythical treasures of Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg.[5]

After his arrival in New York City, Ossendowski started to work for the Polish diplomatic service and possibly as a spy. At the same time, in late 1921 he published his first book in English: Beasts, Men and Gods. The description of his travels during the Russian Civil War and the campaigns led by the Bloody Baron became a striking success and a bestseller. In 1923, it was translated into Polish and then into several other languages.
The other guy to bring Agartha to the West was French occultist Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre (1842–1909), also mentioned in the video. From Wiki:

Contact with Agarttha​

During 1885, Saint-Yves was allegedly visited by a group of Eastern Initiates, one of them being named prince Hardjij Scharipf. It was then that he associated synarchy with "ascended masters" based in caverns of Agarttha, who supposedly communicated with him telepathically. He wrote about this secret location in his "Mission de l'Inde en Europe" published in 1886. Worried he had revealed too much and apparently under the influence of his oriental contacts, he destroyed all but two copies of this book. One of which was owned by Gérard Encausse alias Papus, who edited and published it in 1910.

Saint-Yves believed that an ancient synarchist world government was transferred to Agarttha (or Aggartha) within a hollow Earth at the start of the Kali Yuga age, around 3,200 B.C.[4] Saint-Yves d'Alveydre was the man who really introduced the concept of Agartha to the Western world. This concept was later developed by Zam Bothiva and the Fraternité des Polaires in France, and more importantly by the Thule-Gesellschaft in Nationalist circles of Germany.
And the Thule society took it up as well.

Could be nothing, but the MIB are also reported to look Oriental.
Agent GreenX52L - might also fit the bill... ;-)

Her laughter in an answer to the question asked if she's a "child actor". It's as if the tone in her laugh says, "If you only knew what I what I really am..."

Wow. Greta looks like she had a serious training on mental blocking that you won't see even in some experienced business men dealing with journalists. Considering her age it really is something "odd" or I could say rare. The ability to not get sucked into others people reality and being sort of grounded in her own frame the way she does even some of the celebrities out there doesn't have. Look how unaffected she is being confronted with truth to the lies she has said before. I may be wrong here but I leaning towards that she maybe definitely be groomed and trained to deal with situations like this.
Thanks for a great session! After reading through all the comments, I don’t have much to add. The underground bunch is fascinating and when the C’s talk about turmoil ahead…I want to thank Laura for her series of articles, including comments on Gurdjieff. You really have to go through history now looking for these undergrounders to see how much influence they’ve had on human society. The C’s said it’s controlled chaos now, so you have to wonder how long before some really dramatic changes in the skies? And now that the discussion of the underground people has been made public, will that make any kind of impact on the turmoil? Grab the popcorn eh?
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