Session 30 September 1994

Bosnia in my heart said:
Ok Laura I didn t think nothing bad but can you answer on my question?And do you think about David Icke like SeekinTruth???

Sorry, but I wasn't able to extract a clear question out of what you wrote. Can you just write in your own language and we'll see if we have a translator. That might make it easier.

Read the thread on David Icke, please.
Ok if you want Bosnian:

Zanima me vezano za Adolfa Hitlera i drugi svjetski rat da li su Lizzardi općenito (pod ovim mislim na sve LIZZARDE) preko njihovog lutka Firera kreirali Drugi svjetski rat da bi time nahranili sebe jer je u tom ratu umrlo 50 miliona ljudi i samim time je stvoreno toliko straha ili bolje osjećaja ekstremno niske frekvencije da su mogli da se nahrane na vrlo dug period ili su htjele određene grupe Lizzarda da prevladaju druge i da oni budu glavni jer kako jedan od naših aseva u ovom periodu David Icke kaže da vladajuće familije koje vode različite grupe Lizzarda dosta razjedinjene i da svaka od njih želi svu moć i prevlast nad svijetom.Ali i kako sam iCke kaže mnogo je ratova vođeno između ovih obitelji ali da kada planeta dođe do kritičnog trenutka da se one ujedine i iznađu zajedničko rješenje.
I da li su upravo njemačke aristokratske obitelji i njihova grupa Lizzarda htjele svu moć ali se sa time nisu složili Windsori, britanska kraljevska obitelj i drugi i baš zato Njemačka nije dobila rat iako je bilo i dosta glupih odluka Firera da se ne zna je li imao veze sa pameti ili nije jedna od njegovih gluposti koja je ključna za rat jeste ta što je napao Rusiju umjesto da je sklopio savezništvo sa njima i zajedno da su osvojili Britaniju sa vojskom i avionima koje je poslaou u Rusiju i sa ruskom artiljerijom koju je uništio mogao je osvojiti britaniju dok kažeš keks.Zapamtimo da u to vrijeme britanija je imala oko 1000 aviona a hitler 2000 sa još 2000 koje je poslao u rusiju i sa ruskim avonima oko 3000 hiljade osvojiti britaniju bi bila dječija igra i tada krenuti na SAD uz pomoć Japana i Rusije bi bilo veoma ostvarivo.Ali šta ćemo Hitler je htio da sam osvoji čitav svijet.
Hi Bosnia,
ako sam te dobro razumjela, ukratko - ti pitaš da li je II sv. rat kreiran zato da se, kako ti kažeš, svi Lizardi nahrane (stvarajući ogromnu količinu ekstremno niske frekvencije koja bi im služila za hranu dugi period) ili je II sv. rat posljedica međusobne borbe za prevlast između različitih grupa Lizarda (od kojih su na jednoj strani grupa Lizarda i njemačke aristokratske obitelji, a na drugoj druga grupa Lizarda s britanskom kraljevskom obitelji).

Hi Bosnia, if I understand you correctly, in short - you're asking whether the reason for creating Second World War was to, as you say, feeding ALL lizards (creating an enormous amount of extremely low frequency, which could be used for food a for long period) or world War II is consequence of their struggle for power between different groups of Lizard (some of which are, on one side the Lizard group and the German aristocratic family, a second group on the other side is Lizards and the British royal family).

May I ask you whether you have read the recommended topic about David Icke?
Hello Bosna :cool:

Take it easy man (žuri polako po naški) ... there is no Time (pun?) according to C's - so there should be no pressure - as you seem to insist on some matters that are already discussed and analyzed here ... Arm yourself with modesty and patience and try to keep your temper down cause emotions could avert you from this amazing and demanding (4th) path that is presented so thoroughly on this forum ...
Ok, but I m ready leave all my life: my family, school to go for example to Laura to learn, collect knowledge and channel I know that I am too young and that I might at the last minute seen these things but now I am ready to do everything.
The fourth way is about learning in your life, you don't have to leave anything in order to learn.
Bosnia in my heart said:
Ok, but I m ready leave all my life: my family, school to go for example to Laura to learn, collect knowledge and channel I know that I am too young and that I might at the last minute seen these things but now I am ready to do everything.

That is not what we do, nor is that what we encourage. I think it would be best for you to find another forum, since you seem to have some very confused ideas about what it is we do here.
Bosnia in my heart said:
Ok, but I m ready leave all my life: my family, school to go for example to Laura to learn, collect knowledge and channel I know that I am too young and that I might at the last minute seen these things but now I am ready to do everything.
As young as you are you will stay without support of your parents I guess, and that is very dangerous almost life threatening. Since you have not finished school you won't find good job to support yourself and there are some extremely hard times coming upon humanity. You have to accept that learning to channel is not major subject here - it is just a mean to get some additional information and/instructions, often seemingly vague and insufficient, to help those interested in this tricky path for development of consciousness. And this takes a lot of time, reading, thinking, contemplating ... Maybe it would be easier for you to stay a little bit more on site you already mentioned: "Val-znanje" - there is plenty of material in Croatian (po naški ;): Val serija, Ra materijal, Kasiopejski transkripti i sl. ) and, now and then, get back here, and read a LOT before involving yourself in some difficult discussions...
Bosnia in my heart said:
I m register on this page because I wants to learn and how to chaneling because I don t wants next 300 000 years for transition in 4.Can you ask Laura Cassiopea can I be clear channel for chaneling I repeat I wants to learn.I read many of yor transcripts and REALLY WANTS CHANELLING.
Hi Bosnia,
Channeling isn't to be taken lightly as already has been said repeatedly. For more insight into the reasons why, read this really long thread about it and then reconsider your options:,24584.0.html Happy reading! Learning is supposed to be fun and it really is when done properly.
In the beginning of the transcript it says the annunaki come from Cassiopeia,and later says they are from Zeta Reticuli in the same transcript.Why? Maybe I'm just understanding it incorrectly.
supriyanoel said:
In the beginning of the transcript it says the annunaki come from Cassiopeia,and later says they are from Zeta Reticuli in the same transcript.Why? Maybe I'm just understanding it incorrectly.

The questions were different. One was specifically about Enlil and Enki who are referred to as Annunaki in Sumerian stories. The other was about the Annunaki in generic terms. In other words, Enlil and Enki may have been confused with the Annunaki by the Sumerians.

There was another question/answer related in session date 7 October 94:

Q: (L) The planet that was destroyed between Jupiter and Mars, you said was destroyed by psychic energy?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What was the source of this psychic energy?
A: Beings inhabiting the planet.
Q: (L) Do beings in this area of the galaxy just sort of destroy their planets from time to time? Is this getting to be a habit?
A: Close. Has been.
Q: (L) Did any of those beings leave that planet and come to earth?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Who were they? Were they humans like us?
A: Blond and blue eyed descendants.
Q: (L) Was that a colder planet?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was that planet much like earth?
A: Yes.
A: Blue eyes. Eye pigment was because planet was farther from Sol.
Q: (L) How did the people of that planet come to earth? Did they know it was going to be destroyed?
A: Some knew and were taken by Lizzies and they are the Annunaki.
Yeah,I saw that the two were indeed different and thought that it also must be as you just clarified,since it was stories as opposed to generic meaning.Thanks much for responding.I'm thinking of all this as I look for my grandmothers cast iron pancake pan that I just saw you hold up in the kitchen 5 min ago on youtube.While thinking about the annunaki ,mulling it over, you already responded!Life is really grand at these moments.You rock,dear.
The main reason to participate in this forum is "Awareness". Knowledge, information, insight. With each entry, active or passive, we expanded our understanding of who we are and the reality in which we move, This transcript is from 1994 and the most explanatory notes, form a immense basis of current thinking, which time, always fall short to deepen all the implications and derivations to which it leads.
As for the channeling process, with the group consisting of Laura, Ark and the rest of this capable and wonderful team at the moment we have sufficient and appropriate information for this giant adventure.
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