Hi Bosnia,
ako sam te dobro razumjela, ukratko - ti pitaš da li je II sv. rat kreiran zato da se, kako ti kažeš, svi Lizardi nahrane (stvarajući ogromnu količinu ekstremno niske frekvencije koja bi im služila za hranu dugi period) ili je II sv. rat posljedica međusobne borbe za prevlast između različitih grupa Lizarda (od kojih su na jednoj strani grupa Lizarda i njemačke aristokratske obitelji, a na drugoj druga grupa Lizarda s britanskom kraljevskom obitelji).
Hi Bosnia, if I understand you correctly, in short - you're asking whether the reason for creating Second World War was to, as you say, feeding ALL lizards (creating an enormous amount of extremely low frequency, which could be used for food a for long period) or world War II is consequence of their struggle for power between different groups of Lizard (some of which are, on one side the Lizard group and the German aristocratic family, a second group on the other side is Lizards and the British royal family).
May I ask you whether you have read the recommended topic about David Icke?