A very sobering session, but it did make it obvious that it's time for people to step up individually in order to effect real change. I made a donation.
I will do so as I can in the future, but I'm looking at the very real possibility of losing my job because the head CEO of the county district I work for has said that he will mandate getting the vaccine as a condition of employment, and the lawyer I talked to said that here in California it would be folly to try to resist through the courts because there are already mandatory vaccination laws on the books for children and health workers. That will be the next inevitable step. And I will refuse that vaccine at all costs.
I have another way that I plan to contribute however, and that's with writing articles for SOTT. I have realized that if I do lose my job, the most saleable skills I have are my ability to research and write, so this seems the best way to get back into that groove, prove myself, and also help the community in the best (non-financial) way that I can. And what I plan to write about are subjects in the biological sciences where it can be proven that deliberate lies have been introduced into the literature and forced to be accepted as truth; and that such a series of lies over the last 220 + years has lead directly to our current dystopia.
It is also my intention to reveal how such untruths can be foisted upon people and accepted, even in the face of heated controversies about them during those times by scientific peers, simply by being able to control what does and does not get entered into the historical record and by attacking the character of any who stand for the truth. All it takes is teaching three successive generations lies for them to be accepted as true, even when those "truths" can be shown not to be when viewed through the lens of objective reality.
I have already started, BTW. This is what my desk looks like currently:
My first article I am titling, "The Exhumation And Trial of "Doctor" Edward Jenner", the supposed "father" of vaccines. How many people know that he actually paid a Scottish college that he never attended 15 pounds to put the initials "Ph. D" behind his name?! I hope to have it ready within a week or so, depending on outside events.
Thanks again for this forum, it remains a bastion of sanity and decency in a world that will need to remember those qualities if humanity is to survive.