Session 4 November 1994

Telling someone to worry is almost completely pointless. Nothing good comes from pointless worrying. If I'm right in assuming you said that meaning to make me reflect on how obnoxious my attitude was, yes, I did, and I don't see a reason to change.
Telling someone to worry is almost completely pointless. Nothing good comes from pointless worrying. If I'm right in assuming you said that meaning to make me reflect on how obnoxious my attitude was, yes, I did, and I don't see a reason to change.

I agree that worrying is many times something we do that is "pointless" unless we are talking about a situation that can have negative consequences and just say I'm not going to worry about that; then maybe we should worry to the point of making adjustments for a more positive outcome. Worrying in and of itself I think as you say is "pointless".

I wasn't saying or thinking you were obnoxious so your assumption is not correct in this case. If you were not trying to be obnoxious then I don't "see a reason to change" either. Just reflecting is sometimes useful I think but sometimes it gets me in trouble. I make wrong assumptions as much as anybody. Clear communication is really difficult in text I think.

I think I probably was hoping you might "reflect" on your original "aryans" and "outcalls" question but I really didn't want to "make" you reflect or change your opinion just because I may have a different view.
I hope you don't mind me asking, but what book exactly are they referring to?

I did search "the net" repeatedly for any book relating to the mentioned 1967 US military engineer investigation into the pyramid of Giza with zero results. Had the question which book is refered to by the C's or where to find this information ever been answered?
Q: (L) Why were there 3 pyramids. Did they each have separate purposes?

A: Variance in energy levels and age. Did you research about the 1967 engineer's study yet?

Q: (L) What book would that be in?

A: Look at Mystery volume. Now, please.
Anyone know which book is being referred to here?
Q: (L) Hello.

A: Hello. Rocks.

Q: (L) What about the rocks? {We had been discussing large crystals on a nearby table.}

A: Put in sunlight for two days.

Q: (L) And what will that do?

A: Energize.

Q: (L) Energized to do what?

A: Provide power to you.
I have several kinds of crystals...ill post pics of them later. Has anyone experimented with this?

Really feel like I need some healing and any help would be appreciated.
Already have a bunch of crystals....was asking about peoples experience with them...maybe its in that long thread but im a bit exhausted, my energy levels are really low lately.

Well I am a little exhausted also, but I will try to give you a synopsis of why I recommended that thread.
Asking for other peoples experiences is not so simple. First you need to be aware of the process. If you try to just do something on your own, your best outcome for an experience would be that nothing would happen, the negative outcome is that you could hurt yourself in some way, psychically, physically, etc.

The process they go through for the crystal requests is - ( This just from my recall and NOT what the detailed process may actually be. )

All kinds of crystals are gathered. All of the crystals must be cleansed/discharged by putting them in a fresh creek or spring for several nights. The crystals should not be exposed to moon light. Once cleansed they are laid out and charged by Laura and those in the group with the proper FRV. Charging can be by talking to them and singing to them and perhaps other methods. The crystals are then selected for specific individuals by dowsing or other methods. There needs to be a connection to the person requesting the crystal (name, location, purpose maybe other info). Certain crystals have certain purposes, healing, dreaming, general protection, etc. Once the crystals are selected they are sent to the requester with specific instructions on how to handle and use them - no exposure to moon light, what about sunlight?, talking to them, singing to them, specific appropriate prayers perhaps, dream crystals under the pillow, carry a general protection crystal in its pouch with you, ...

Now after all of this we are finally to the point that you can ask people about their experiences with them.

I don't think the multitude of experiences in the suggested thread are going to jump over here to answer you as their experiences are already expressed in a thread dedicated to that subject.

So if it really interests you and at some point you feel that you have more energy, (I understand exhaustion) the suggestion to examine that thread is still valid.
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