My notes in {curly brackets}
October 5, 1994 Frank and Laura
Q: Hello.
A: You are good to do it this way without ritual.
Q: (L) What ritual do you want us to do?
A: None.
Q: (L) Does ritual enhance or prevent communication?
A: Constricts.
Q: (L) What is your name?
A: Donarra.
Q: (L) Where are you from?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) Why is it every time we communicate with you Cassiopaeans we get a different person?
A: Energy disbursement.
Q: (L) Who is the energy disbursed to?
A: The next in order.
Q: (L) Does that mean that you utilize our energy to disburse?
A: No. We disburse.
Q: (L) We have a series of questions we want to ask.
A: Go ahead.
{Wave 1, Chapter 1} Q: (L) Assuming there is a fleet of spacecraft riding a wave, and approaching from the vicinity of Zeta Reticuli, what does it mean to say that the space time warp is indefinite in terms of arrival? Why is this? Please specify.
A: Mass affects electromagnetic transfer within gravity wave.
Q: (L) In other words, if there is a large mass you are trying to transfer, is the problem partly because the mass itself spreads out over such a large area of space/time and must be transferred in stages or something along that line?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Can you help us out anymore here?
A: Mass affects time cycle: small equal short cycle; large or dense equals long cycle.
Q: (L) We would also like to have more information on earth changes. Is the Japanese earthquake that just happened as you predicted last week, the last of the Japanese problem? {An entire session had been lost due to tape malfunction. It consisted in part of a prediction of an almost immediate Japanese earthquake which did occur exactly as predicted.}
A: No.
Q: (L) Can you give us more on that...
A: There will be activity about 8.9: 67 miles off Osaka coast; 9.7: central Tokyo.
Q: (L) Are all of these going to happen within this year?
A: No. Within 16 years.
Q: (L) I would like more details about the man you say is the biological father of Jesus. Once again, what is his name?
A: Tonatha.
Q: (L) You said he was an acquaintance of Mary's?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was he selected for some reason to be the biological father of Jesus by other beings or powers.
A: Close.
Q: (L) Can you give us any details about him. What was his lineage, where did he come from, etc.
A: He was a member of the White Sect.
Q: (L) What is the White Sect?
A: AKA Aryans. Andarans.
{We didn't as who were the Andarans, though it did come up again in a later session.}
Q: (L) Was Mary a member of the Essene group?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was this man also a member of the Essenes?
A: No.
Q: (L) This person, Tonatha, was chosen to be the biological father of Jesus?
A: Yes.
{Note that the answer here is a "yes," while the previous similar question that was qualified by "other beings or powers" was "close."}
Q: (L) Why did Mary not marry him?
A: Feelings were extremely transient.
Q: (L) You are saying she was fickle?
A: No. Influenced by telepathic suggestion.
Q: (L) Was she already betrothed at this time?
A: No. Hypnotized level 1.
{This term, "Level 1" comes up over and over again throughout the text when a "predestined mission" is being discussed. So, we might assume that "hypnotized level 1" refers to behavior that is simply driven from the inner self with, perhaps, no conscious understanding of why one is being so driven.}
Q: (L) Did Mary and Joseph, once together, subsequently have other children?
A: No. But Jesus did.
Q: (L) Jesus had children? Who was he married to?
A: Was not.
Q: (L) You mean he had illegitimate children?
A: Subjective institutionally.
Q: (L) Who was the mother of these children?
A: There were three women.
Q: (L) There were three women?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are they mentioned in the Bible?
A: One is but not by name.
Q: (L) Who was one of them?
A: Alicia.
Q: (L) What was the name of the second one?
A: Rafea.
Q: (L) The third one?
A: Vella. Romans.
Q: (L) All three of them were Romans?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And what happened to the children?
A: Survived and multiplied fruitfully.
Q: (L) How many children were there from the three mothers?
A: Three.
Q: (L) Is that, as some people claim, the true meaning of the search for the Holy Grail, that it is not a cup but the "Sang Real", or holy blood line?
{See "Holy Blood, Holy Grail." by Lincoln, Leigh and Baigent.}
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are there any descendants of Jesus living today?
A: 364,142.
Q: (L) Was Jesus Christed in the sense of having some special mantle of power falling over him at the time of his baptism?
A: Nearly correct.
Q: (L) Is Guyana a relatively safe place in terms of earth crustal movements, earth changes, etc?
A: What is? Earth includes all planet surface.
Q: (L) Are there any places that are going to be safer than others?
A: Changeable.
Q: (L) Is the North Caroline/Blue Ridge Mountain area relatively safe?
A: What did I just tell you? Depends on vibrational frequency changes. No specific earth changes are accurately predictable until near event.
{This is an important clue that suggests that by changing the vibrational frequency of either ourselves or our planet, or both, that cataclysms can be mitigated.}
Q: (LM) Ask what happened to those people that just died in Switzerland that were talked about on the news. Were they murdered? {As we were conducting the session, my ex-husband was watching the 11 o'clock news and the story about the Solar Temple Cult suicide was aired. He came in to ask us to ask the Cassiopaeans what was really behind it since the story was just breaking and there were no details.}
A: Pact. Agreement. Covenant.
Q: (L) They all made a pact to commit suicide together?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Why? How many were there?
A: 48. Religious zealousy.
Q: (L) Did the United States government deliberately murder the Branch Davidians at Waco?
A: Close. Led them to destroy themselves.
Q: (L) How?
A: Psychological warfare tactics.
Q: (L) Did the US government set their compound on fire?
A: No.
Q: (L) Who set the compound on fire?
A: Branch Davidians. Drove them crazy.
Q: (L) Were ELF or subliminals used?
A: Yes. As well as other means.
Q: (L) Did OJ Simpson kill his wife?
A: Yes.
{Well, that was a hit, but a lot of people were already thinking that O.J. would beat the charges.}
Q: (L) Did he take the murder clothes and weapon to Chicago and leave it there in a bag as some people are saying?
A: No.
Q: (L) Where is it?
A: LA dump. One of them.
Q: (L) What gifts did the magi/prophets bring to Jesus as a baby?
A: Gold; spices; clothing.
Q: (L) What other realm did the mother ship come from that was sighted by the magi?
A: 5th density.
Q: (L) And what was the purpose of the appearance of this mother ship at the time of the birth of Jesus?
A: Too vague.
Q: (L) Was it here for specific purposes relating to the birth of Jesus?
A: To lead the prophets.
Q: (L) Was that the main purpose?
A: No. Also observation of event and encoding.
Q: (L) Encoding of what?
A: Infant.
Q: (L) Was that encoding done physically or telepathically?
A: Both.
Q: (L) What realm or area did Jesus come from before he was born into the earth in the body of Jesus of Nazareth?
A: 5th density.
Q: (L) He was a fifth density soul?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Had he had any other incarnations in other human bodies on planet earth?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How many incarnations did he have before he achieved fifth density?
A: 1009.
Q: (L) Was Melchizidek an incarnation of Jesus?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was Joshua, the right hand man of Moses an incarnation of Jesus?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are there any other incarnations of Jesus with which we would be familiar if you were to name them?
A: Yes. Socrates.
Q: (L) What was the spiritual relationship of Jesus to John the Baptist?
A: Pact.
Q: (L) What was the spiritual relationship of Jesus to Mary, his mother?
A: Pact.
Q: (L) There was no other spiritual relationship in the sense of being combined souls? {I had read where another channeled source suggested that Jesus, John the Baptist and Jesus' mother, Mary, were all parts of a single soul that was too "immense" to incarnate in a single individual.}
A: No.
Q: (L) Were either Mary or John the Baptist fifth density souls?
A: Both.
Q: (L) Are there any fifth density souls on the earth today or any of recent times we would recognize?
A: Yes. Arafat. Sadat. Pope John V.
Q: (L) Do demons and evil spirits fear anything?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do they fear any power that we, as humans, possess?
A: Yes. Knowledge.
Q: (L) Do they fear religious symbols, signs or figures?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is there any name or sign or symbol that can halt their activity?
A: Sometimes.
{It is curious that the Cassiopaeans have said that "demons" do not "fear" religious symbols, signs or figures, but that there may be some name, sign or symbol that can halt their activity! A most interesting clue.}
Q: (L) Were they afraid of Christ?
A: Yes. Because of his knowledge. The mass of his knowledge raised his vibrations. Knowledge is truly power.
Q: (L) Do pentagrams have any effect in slowing down or halting negative entities?
A: Only if you think they do.
Q: (L) Is the greatest power we have to resist demonic entities held in our free will: our power to say no?
A: No.
Q: (L) What is our greatest power?
A: Knowledge.
Q: (L) Does the accumulation of spiritual knowledge hold the key?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is there any other clue you can give us?
A: You do not need anything else than knowledge.
Q: (L) You said the Exodus occurred in 2676 B.C., is that correct?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Was that the last passage of the cometary Venus?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was this activity of Venus interactive with the close passing of the cluster of comets you have mentioned?
A: Close. One of three cataclysms close together.
Q: (L) If Venus was one of the cataclysms and the cluster of comets was another, what was the third?
A: Mars.
Q: (L) Was Mars knocked out of it's orbit by Venus?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And the two appeared to do battle in the sky to the inhabitants of the Earth as Velikovsky described, is that correct?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Now, this cluster of comets, when was the last time it came into the solar system?
A: 3582 yrs ago?
Q: (L) What is the cycle?
A: 3600 yrs.
Q: (L) So, when is this cluster expected to hit the plane of the ecliptic again?
A: 12 to 18 years.
Q: (L) Are the aliens traveling with this cluster of comets?
A: No.
Q: (L) What land did Noah/Utnapishtim live in, what continent?
A: Atlantis.
Q: (L) Where did the ark land after the receding of the waters?
A: Egypt.
Q: (L) What caused Martek to pass close to the earth at that time since that was many thousands of years before the Venus interaction?
A: Planetary alignment gravitational aberration related to Venus.
Q: (L) So, there was a planetary line-up that caused Mars to be pulled out of its orbit?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What was the event a hundred or so years after the flood of Noah that was described as the confusing of languages, or the tower of Babel?
A: Spiritual confluence.
Q: (L) What purpose did the individuals who came together to build the tower intend for said tower?
A: Electromagnetic concentration of all gravity waves.
Q: (L) And what did they intend to do with these concentrated waves?
A: Mind alteration of masses.
Q: (L) What intention did they have in altering the mind of the masses?
A: Spiritual unification of the masses.
Q: (L) Who were the "gods" that looked down on the tower of Babel, at those who were building it with the intention of unification, and decided to destroy their works?
A: Lizards.
Q: (L) Okay, so the Lizzies blew up the tower of Babel. What else did they do to the minds of mankind; did they do something causing literal disruption of their understanding of language?
A: Close.
Q: (L) What tool did they use to accomplish this divisiveness?
A: Brainwashing of masses.
Q: (L) Did they do this through implants and abduction?
A: Partly.
Q: (L) What is the true meaning, the original meaning, of the Hebrew word "shem"?
A: Purity.
Q: (L) Why was this word related to the obelisks or standing stones later called "shems" by the Hebrews?
A: Symbolic of purity: unification. Uniformity.
Q: (L) Did these stones themselves actually possess any power?
A: Residual.
Q: (L) What object were the ancients going to place in the tower of Babel to...
A: Crystal.
Q: (L) Is "shem" also synonymous with "crystal"?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Shem, the son of Noah, was the ancestor of the group that built the tower, is this correct?
A: Yes.
{Z. Sitchen writes: The Mesopotamian texts that refer to the inner enclosures of temples, or to the heavenly journeys of the gods, or even to instances where mortals ascended to the heavens, employ the Sumerian term mu or its Semitic derivatives shu-mu ("that shich is a mu"), sham, or shem. Because the term alos connoted "that by which one is remembered," the word has come to be taken as meaning "name." But the universal application of "name" to early texts that spoke of an object used in flying has obscured the true meaning of the ancient records. Thus G.A. Barton (The Royal Inscriptions of Sumer and Akkad) established the unchallenged translation of Gudea's temple inscription - that "Its MU shall hug the lands from horizon to horizon" - that "Its name shall fill the lands." A hymn to Ishkur, extolling his "ray-emitting MU" that could attain the heights of Heave, was likewise rendered: "Thy name is radiant, it reaches Heaven's zenith." Sensing, however, that mu or shem may nean an object and not "name," some scholars have treated the term as a suffix or grammatical phenomenon not requiring translation and have thereby avoided the issue altogether. It is not too difficult to trace the etymology of the term, and the route by which the "sky chamber" assumed the meaning of "name." Sculptures have been found that show a god inside a rocket-shaped chamber, as in this object of extreme antiquity [...] where the celestial nature of the chamber is attested by the twelve gloves decorating it. Many seals similarly depict a god (and sometimes tow) within such oval "divine chambers"; in most instances these gods within their sacred ovals were depicted as objects of veneration. ...The ancient peoples developed the custom of setting up imitations of the god within his divine "sky chamber." Stone pillars shaped to simulate the oval vehicle were erected at selected sites... That the purpose of the commemorative stone pillars was to simulat a iery skyship can further be gloeaned from the term by which such stone stelae were known in antiquity. The Sumerians called then NA.RU ("stones that rise"). The Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians called them naru ("objects that give off light"). The Amurru called them nuras ("fiery objects" - in Hebrew, ner still means a pillar that emits light...). "The 12th Planet, " Avon Books, New York, 1978. So, we see where Sitchin is going: a shem is a rocket ship. Never mind the fact that the descriptions in the ancient writings fit much better with the Cassiopaean explanation.}
Q: (L) How were Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed and the other cities of the plain? And by whom?
A: Nuclear; EM pulse. Who else?
Q: (L) The lizzies?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Why?
A: To implant fear and obedience.
Q: (L) Weren't the Sodom and Gomorrans really evil and bad doing sodomy and Gomorrahy? {Well, the word Sodom has been used to coin the word "sodomy," so why not Gomorrahy? I have NO idea what it might be, so the reader can use their imagination.}
A: That is a deception of history.
Q: (L) Did Lot's wife get turned into a pillar of salt?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is there any symbolism in that particular story for us today?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was the god who communicated with Abraham one of the Lizzies?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was the pact that Abraham made with the Lizzies?
A: Yes. Not directly.
Q: (L) Was Melchizidek a priest of the Lizzies?
A: No.
Q: (L) Did Melchizidek give Abraham the true information?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Is the Kaballah the true teachings of the good guys?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Is the Osirian cycle the exemplification of the action of the Lizzies upon mankind in terms of the cutting up of Osiris' body as the breaking apart of the strands of DNA?
A: Close.
Q: (L) What was the Fruit of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that was supposedly eaten by Eve and then offered to Adam?
A: Knowledge restriction. Encoding.
Q: (L) What did it mean when it said Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge? What act did she perform to do that?
A: Consorted with wrong side.
Q: (L) What does consorted mean?
A: Eve is symbolic.
Q: (L) Symbolic of what?
A: Female energy.
Q: (L) The female energy did what when it consorted?
A: Lost some knowledge and power.
Q: (L) Why was the eating of the fruit of this tree called knowledge of good and evil feared by god or gods to enable Eve to be equated with gods?
A: What? Clarify please.
Q: (L) Who was the god that feared that the eating of this fruit would make Eve equal to him or them?
A: No.15
Q: (L) The Bible says that these gods said that they were afraid that man would now take hold of the fruit of the tree of life and live forever. What does this mean? Why did the eating of this fruit make god afraid?
A: Did not.
Q: (L) What was the fruit of the tree of life?
A: Limitation.
Q: (L) How can the fruit of the tree of eternal life be limitation?
A: Conceptually limited.
Q: (L) I want you to know that this does not make a whole lot of sense.
A: Yes it does. Think carefully.
Q: (L) Was the god who walked in the garden who warned Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, was that the original creator god? i.e.
the good guy?
A: No.
Q: (L) Who was that god who ordered them not to eat of this tree?
A: Complicated. Laura you are missing the obvious.
Q: (L) In what sense would the fruit of the tree of life be limiting?
A: Believing that one source contains all knowledge is contradicting reality.
Q: (L) What was the flaming sword barring re-entry to Eden?
A: Do you not understand?
Q: (L) No I do not understand.
A: Review. If the concept was the eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge provides all knowledge, then one is being deceived, because no one particular source can provide all knowledge. Therefore, when one believes in the deception, one has now trapped oneself within parameters. And, forevermore, the human race, will be poisoned by the very same problem which is reflected in several different ways: one is always seeking the truth through one pathway instead of seeking it through a myriad of pathways; and also believing in simplistic answers to very complex issues and questions.
Q: (L) What was the flaming sword barring re-entry into the garden of Eden?
A: Symbolizes trap.
Q: (L) A self-imposed flaming sword?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Where was Eden?
A: Earth.
Q: (L) The entire earth was Eden?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was the "fall" in Eden, or the loss of the Edenic state, also accompanied by a cataclysm?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What was the nature of that cataclysm?
A: Comets.
Q: (L) The cluster you have mentioned before?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And, how long ago did this occur?
A: 309882 years ago.
Q: (L) Was the loss of the Edenic state also accompanied by a takeover of mankind by the Lizzies?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Who were the original creator gods?
A: Us. Sixth Density.
Q: (L) The Cassiopaeans? Were the Pleiadeans also the original creator gods?
A: Same. Sixth Density.
{Note that the Cassiopaeans do not claim to be THE creator gods, but that it is a function of 6th density.}
Q: (L) What was the true identity of the serpent in Eden?
A: Lizards.
Q: (L) Who built the great pyramid?
A: Atlanteans.
Q: (L) What year was it built?
A: 10643 years ago.
Q: (L) Why was it built? What purpose was it used for?
A: Capture cosmic energy.
Q: (L) And what was this cosmic energy used for once it was captured?
A: Many things. Power, transport, healing, mind control, climate, et cetera.
Q: (L) Who built the sphinx?
A: Same.
Q: (L) Was the sphinx built at the same time?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Why was the sphinx built? What was its purpose?
A: Temple.
Q: (L) Are there records buried under the sphinx?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What happened to Neanderthal man?
A: Removed by Lizzies to other planets.
Q: (L) Is that removed as in taken off the planet physically?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What planet were they taken to?
A: Others.
Q: (L) Of the several places around this country that we have
thought about moving, which one would we be happiest in?
A: Indefinite.
Q: (L) Would we be happy in the Blue Mountains in Oregon.
A: Not determinable.
Q: (L) Shouldn't you be able to give prophetic insights? {I was still stuck on the idea that a truly "valid" source would just give reams of prophecies that would come true. But, as we shall see, any source that does so as a "habit" is doomed to failure because of the probabilistic nature of reality. The future is not absolutely fixed! And therefore, only probabilities can be given, and then, only just before the event. However, the cyclical nature of "time" does give us a field of probabilities, and we were learning gradually of what this field consisted.}
A: Too many variables in this matter.
End of session