Session 6 July 2010

This is such an exquisite session with great impact on the present and the future global situations. I simply need to read it once more. :cool2:
Q: (L) What about an ice age?

A: Ice ages grip the south somewhat, but the greatest damage is via drought, floods, and earthquakes.
I wondered about earthquakes but in an article Why Are Sea Levels Dropping In Places Closest To The Melting Glaciers? there is a possible explanation posted by Mika McKinnon 2/09/15 2:10pm:
The arrival and release of weight impacts the stress of the entire region, potentially triggering earthquakes and volcanoes. Before fracking and injection wells made a mess of the continental interior, the biggest causes of intraplate earthquakes far from plate tectonic boundaries were attributed to the shifting stresses of isostatic rebound. These impacts can be far-reaching in both space and time: despite being ice-free, the infamous 1811 New Madrid earthquake in the American south may have been induced by intraplate stresses induced from the last ice age.

The same thing is happening for volcanoes. A key trigger of eruptions is changing in the subsurface pressure and stress adjustments in the magma chamber. As the lithosphere flexes and recovers, this redistribution can be enough to fuel a surge in volcanic activity. Right now, the released pressure in Iceland could be fuelling a surge in volcanism, magma chambers long kept confined expanding and pushing out into surface eruptions from the flight-disrupting Eyjafjallajökull to the ongoing slow, steady trickle of Bárðarbunga.
To give an idea of the present movements up and down there is also a map:
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