Session 7 March 2009

dant said:
I think it would be best if there was a "watch" button so that it brings
items of interest to the top of the login-user's list.  I noticed that others
would post an empty post for the same reason, but I thought to add a
comment as to my intent.  I get tons of emails per day to my mailbox
and I just don't want to add more to my mailbox, which is why I did it
this way in the first place.  But thanks for letting me know about the
notify button! :)

Actually, Dant, it is lacking in external consideration to 'place hold' a thread with a meaningless post just so you can personally keep track.  If you could give a link to another person having done that, I'd appreciate it, because the only blank posts I am aware of on this forum are due to the transfer to the new format, or a disgruntled user deleting what they have written.  If you could please refrain from 'place holding' threads with posts lacking relevant content in the future, it would be appreciated.  Your 'place holder' post has been deleted, as will any others that are posted for this reason. Just imagine if every user on this forum did this for their own personal 'notification'...
<< "it's not where you are but who you are that counts" >>

GMFaudio asked, "When it is said"

Session 940730:
Where you are is not important. Who you are is and also what you see.
anart said:
dant said:
I think it would be best if there was a "watch" button so that it brings
items of interest to the top of the login-user's list. I noticed that others
would post an empty post for the same reason, but I thought to add a
comment as to my intent. I get tons of emails per day to my mailbox
and I just don't want to add more to my mailbox, which is why I did it
this way in the first place. But thanks for letting me know about the
notify button! :)

Actually, Dant, it is lacking in external consideration to 'place hold' a thread with a meaningless post just so you can personally keep track. If you could give a link to another person having done that, I'd appreciate it, because the only blank posts I am aware of on this forum are due to the transfer to the new format, or a disgruntled user deleting what they have written. If you could please refrain from 'place holding' threads with posts lacking relevant content in the future, it would be appreciated. Your 'place holder' post has been deleted, as will any others that are posted for this reason. Just imagine if every user on this forum did this for their own personal 'notification'...

Ok, I understand. I will not do that again and let you know
of empty postings when I encounter them.
dant said:
Ok, I understand. I will not do that again and let you know
of empty postings when I encounter them.

Great, here is the thread for reporting empty posts --
This maybe old news, but I wanted to share some info on this:

Just the past few weeks I've been reading books by Alexander Lowen and his Bioenergetic Analysis. Lowen was a student and patient of W.Reich and was, so far as I know, one of the pioneers and developers of bioenergetics - a form of therapy where one learns to "surrender to the body" and be free of traumas/tensions. In his "body therapy"/Bioenergetic Analysis one of the key elements is the use of breathing and sound. In his therapy sessions Lowen used a "bioneregetic stool" on which the patient laid on his back then breathing deeply and uttering sounds. This often, according to Lowen, leads to the patient "letting go" and start crying etc.

I've had the chance of trying this with an expert in the field and all I can say is that this stuff really works! Or maybe it would be more correct to state, that exploring and releasing the tensions in the body is very beneficial for ones psychological health. And analysing your (most probably) false breathing pattern can reveal many unpleasant traumas/feelings.

There's so much more to bioenergetics and Mr. Lowen that I can write about just now. Just wanted to recommend reading his books and maybe try some of his techniques. And if in luck, maybe you can find a good "body therapist" who knows how to "set you free" :)

Apropos, in some of A.Lowens texts there's a slight "religious undertone" which can be slightly annoying. But otherwise I highly recommend to read him.

The books I've been reading are:
- A.Lowen: The way to vibrant health: A manual of bionenergetic exercises
- A.Lowen: Joy - The surrender to the Body and to life

I couldn't agree more. I'm "fan" of W. Reich and Lowen for about 3-4 years now (It all started with Character analysis (one chapter you can find on forum)). If done properly, his form of therapy leads you through "capital deaths" of your false personality. Currently I'm also going on sessions with prof. therapist and I'll just say It is powerful. I'm just starting to write an article for one journal about, amog other thing, placement of his therapy in the Work.
[quote author=Vladimir yesterday] It all started with Character analysis (one chapter you can find on forum)). [/quote]

Hi Vladimir,

The search engine doesn't turn up anything on this, except the posts already in this thread.

Could you post the link for this chapter?

Thanks. :)
bedower said:
[quote author=Vladimir yesterday] It all started with Character analysis (one chapter you can find on forum)).

Hi Vladimir,

The search engine doesn't turn up anything on this, except the posts already in this thread.

Could you post the link for this chapter?

Thanks. :)

Here it is:

Laura said:
Q: (L) Clearly from my experience, meditation to master yourself and your reactions is a very beneficial thing.

A: Yes. But then what does one do with that mastery?

Q: (Craig) It serves to help people who don't know how to control their mind or their emotions.

A: Yes. And teach them when where and how to use those emotions for change. Overcoming emotions so that one is not affected by what is out there and inside is little more than becoming an automaton.

Q: (Craig) Can these breathing techniques help [prisoners]?

A: Absolutely!!!!!!!

Q: (Craig) Is it one of the best tools we can use to revive people's humanity?

A: Yes. But don't forget the balance. Facing reality and mastering the self alternating with meditation for recovery.

Not so easy to balance these three principles in our lives, but experience teaches, especially low energy I see it as a clear sign that these principles are not balanced.

Thank you Laura
dant said:
I think it would be best if there was a "watch" button so that it brings
items of interest to the top of the login-user's list. I noticed that others
would post an empty post for the same reason, but I thought to add a
comment as to my intent. I get tons of emails per day to my mailbox
and I just don't want to add more to my mailbox, which is why I did it
this way in the first place. But thanks for letting me know about the
notify button! :)

The best way to bump an old thread up is to post something of significance to the thread. If their are topics that are of personal interest to you then my suggestion would be to bookmark them.
Pinkerton said:
dant said:
I think it would be best if there was a "watch" button so that it brings
items of interest to the top of the login-user's list. I noticed that others
would post an empty post for the same reason, but I thought to add a
comment as to my intent. I get tons of emails per day to my mailbox
and I just don't want to add more to my mailbox, which is why I did it
this way in the first place. But thanks for letting me know about the
notify button! :)

The best way to bump an old thread up is to post something of significance to the thread. If their are topics that are of personal interest to you then my suggestion would be to bookmark them.

Yes, I was trying to figure out a clean way to do that and be
externally considerate, but I understand brute-force is not
the way to do it. I just resigned to just go through the list
and make the best of it. Some forums have a button to place
a thread on a "watch list" and since I didn't have anything new
to add, I still wanted to follow up on specific postings so that
if I had anything new to add, I would at that time.
Hi dant

fwiw if you use firefox as your browser, there is a plugin called 'read it later' that would probably suit your needs :)
session March 03 said:
Q: (L) I think whatever they were observing or calculating is no longer there, so it's like a defunct machine. (DD) Which leads us to the Palomar observations that they said, with the 4th density occupation beneath the mountain. How long had Palomar been a base before the Rockefellers or the human aspect was added to it?
A: 200 years.
Q: (DD) So 4th density STS had been in the mountain for 200 years before. Were the Rockefeller faction the first humans that were brought into that particular operation?
A: Yes.
Q: (DD) Obviously 4th density STS didn't need an observatory on that mountain. What was their purpose?
A: Of course not, but their minions do. Keeps them in line.
Q: (DD) We went up to the mountain after the Cassiopaean remarks about that - three times. We noticed that there were some very in-plain-site openings beneath the mountain and into the ground. What was the 10-12 foot diameter manhole with a big lid on it. It would take a crane to lift this lid. It looked like you could drop a truck down this hole. What was the purpose of that?
A: Leads to facilities which have another entrance. That entrance is actually an "exit" and opens easily from the inside.
Q: (DD) Okay. We noticed a couple of other smaller, similar manhole structures down there. And we also noticed what looked like a ventilator shaft. I got pretty close to it and listened and it sounded like there was some form of machinery. Was that some sort of life support for the human...
A: Not that. Remember that a large telescopic observatory requires a great deal of technological support, including its own power supply, etc.
Q: (DD) Ah, okay. Is that the purpose of the three buildings on rails that we saw that had the pipes that all came together and ran down the hill or underground?
A: Part of the observation apparatus.
Q: (DD) Okay. Why did 4D STS choose that particular location to build a base?
A: Ah! Now an interesting question! Perhaps you should research the history of the place and factor in the concept of windows between realities.

In The Stargate Conspiracy (page 275 of the French version) there is this excerpt mentioning the history of Mount Palomar - don't hesitate to paste the original English version since I translated the French version that was translated from the original English one :

The Stargate Conspiracy said:
Under the influence of Charles Stansfeld Jones, we come to think, that in California, Aleister Crowley was following the instructions of alien guides.Wilfred Smith, a member of the Vancouver lodge in Canada, headed by Stansfeld Jones, founds another lodge in 1930 in Pasadena in the suburbs of Los Angeles. The temple, erected on the top of Mount Palomar, will be later replaced with the observatory.

Was the OTO temple the same as the monastery we can see on this map ?


Actually in a 96 session the Cs associated Crowley and Palomar. Was it a hint about Palomar history?

960525 said:
Q: (L) Okay, D4 wanted me to ask a question for him. He has recently been in touch with a guy who claims to be a magician after the ilk of Aliester Crowley...
A: D4 has not followed our guidance. If D4 seeks answers, it is not wise for him to ignore "leads," and seek inappropriate pathways instead!
Q: (L) Well... there is nothing I can do. He keeps sending me stuff from "Cosmic Awareness" and says "Gee, I wish the C's could churn out stuff like this..." And yet, this Cosmic Awareness talked a lot about 1996 being the year when there was going to be a mass landing and a bunch of other stuff that obviously did NOT happen... so, what do you want here? Verbose fancy, or clues that must be worked? It is incredibly frustrating! Why would we want to churn out crap like that?
A: Push the man's buttons.
Q: (L) Well, what do you mean?
A: Mount Palomar.
Q: (L) Oh, you really want him to go out to Mount Palomar?
A: And no, his contact is not a magician...

Also one of the first reported encounter with aliens is said to have happened at Mount Palomar (Adamski, 1946)

wikipedia said:
On October 9, 1946, during a meteor shower, Adamski and some friends claimed that while they were at the Palomar Gardens' campground, they witnessed a large cigar-shaped "mother ship." [3] In 1947, Adamski took a photograph of what he claimed was the 1946 cigar-shaped "mother ship" crossing in front of the moon over Palomar Gardens

And the Cs gave some information about Adamski encounters

941119 said:
Q: (L) Who were the beautiful Nordic beings seen by George Adamski?
A: Figment of George Adamski's highly evolved imagination

So was the Adamski buzz about his alien encounter a form of disinformation aiming to discredit all the other bizarre activities that would happen at Mount Palomar?

Palomar was inhabited before Parson, Crowley and their OTO temple.

_ said:
One site Hussey visited particularly intrigued Hale, a remote mountain rising above the desert roughly halfway between Los Angeles and San Diego. "Nothing prepares one for the surprise of Palomar," Hussey wrote.
There it stands, a hanging garden above the arid lands. Springs of water burst out of the hillsides and cross the road in rivulets. The road is through forests that a king might covet--oak and cedar and stately fir: A valley where the cattle stand knee deep in grass has on one side a line of hills as desolate as Nevada; on the other side a majestic slope of pines.4

In 1903, Palomar Mountain had been too remote for a telescope. Once a source of timber for missions, by the turn of the century Palomar, within a few days' stage of Los Angeles and San Diego, had become a popular summer resort, with seasonal hotels and a tent city that blossomed each summer in the Doane Valley. The trail that ascended the west shoulder of the mountain, called the "-homie- Grade"5 by locals, took a full day for a team; there were halfway camps for travelers making the ascent. Later, when the automobile and the era of relatively easy travel ended Palomar's days as a resort, a few intrepid souls challenged the hairpin turns and switchbacks in early automobiles. The grade took a toll in gears and overheated engines, and the downhill run usually required tying a tree to the rear bumper as a drag brake. At the bottom of the mountain the local Indians gratefully took the trees for firewood. It didn't seem a site for a huge and delicate telescope.

Already during the conquistadors (XVth – XVIIth century), Palomar was an inhabited place :

_ said:
The word palomar is from the Spanish language, dating back from the time of Spanish California, and means pigeon house (in the same sense as henhouse). The name may be in reference to the large shoals of pigeons that can be seen during the spring and autumn months atop Palomar Mountain or reminiscent of an old pigeon-raising facility built there by the Spaniards.

And before the Spanish invasion Palomar is mentioned as having been an Indian holy place

_ said:
In Alchemical Conspiracy and the Death of the West”Michael Hoffman writes of Parsons. Hoffman tells us that the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) had a temple on nearby Mount Palomar. The local Indians regarded the mountain as holy. Hoffman says, The O.T.O. believed that Palomar was the sexual chakra of the Earth.” (Jack) Parsons commuted regularly between Palomar and Pasadena. The Mount Palomar Observatory opened in 1949. Smith probably consecrated his temple on Palomar soon after his move to California in 1930, before the Observatory was planned.

_ said:
Three asteroids that she discovered have recently been given names to honor the Luiseño Indians who are native to Palomar Mountain and the surrounding region. Recently a presentation with officials from the Pauma Band of Luiseño Indians and Palomar Observatory was held here at the observatory.

Mueller chose names for her asteroids that honor the culture of the people who have lived in this area for a millennium. At the ceremony she had this to say “It has been a dream that I could follow through with the naming of these asteroids for the Luiseño people and to honor their culture and history. I started thinking about this probably 15-20 years ago and took my first steps toward this back in 2003.

Tomaiyowit, Earth Mother, together [they] were significant in starting our creation story and starting the people, who we are. Kwiila in our creation is the Black Oak. Palomar is a perfect example of remnants of our culture: a long time ago throughout this area is where the old grinding areas were. And the old villages. Where we would come up in the late summer. They would know when the easterly winds would blow and the acorns would fall. And it would be the gathering season for us. This is where we would be.
“But as the first people of, of the valley, Pauma Valley which includes the La Jolla Tribe that’s up here, Rincon, and Palla, it hits us in the heart that the legacy of our ancestors is going to be recognized here on Palomar.
A bit of history surrounding this area is very interesting!

Thanks Belibaste!
Good sleuthing Belibaste. I am DD in that session. I found a link to San Diego History that had much about the Luiseño, and other tribes on and around the mountain. I also found some interesting stuff about a fellow named Jessop (no relation to Morris, I think). Jessop was a watchmaker who made a giant 4 faced clock which now resides in the touristy Old Town renovated part of San Diego. He had a mine on Palomar which yielded up a variety of semi-precious gemstones which were fashioned as the movement jewels in the clock. I am wondering if any of these minerals have 4D applications, particularly tourmaline which seems to be in abundance in the mountain.

In all, the mechanism consists of three hundred moving parts and seventeen jewels from the Jessop mine on Mount Palomar--native San Diego stones of tourmaline, topaz, jade, and agate.

This about tourmaline:

"Tourmaline is an extremely important mineral whose significance goes well beyond being another attractive mineral. Tourmaline gives information on the thermal and fluid history of rocks in which it develops, is intimately associated with some of the world's premier metallic ore deposits, retains chemical signatures of the sources of tourmaline detritus in clastic rocks, yields isotopic evidence for the environmental sources of the boron that makes up tourmaline, is an extremely critical link in the boron cycle on the Earth and has many other useful petrogenetic features."

Also I found this "oddity" with regard to the dimensions of the main observatory's dome architecture:

"The finished dome is 41 meters (135 feet) tall, 42 meters (137 feet) in diameter. It is a remarkable coincidence that these dimensions are similar to those of the Pantheon in Rome."

I have several follow up questions for the Cs if I am ever in their presence again. I will certainly add some from the material that you have uncovered.

Using a satellite view mapper, it appears that the monastery is still there. We took the restricted road south from the main observatory, but didn't make it all the way around the bend to the monastery. You can get a pretty good look at the whole property here... input these coordinates N 33.35414 W 116.86068 That is dead center on the monastery. It appears to still be in use as cars are in the parking lot.
Here are the previous clues from the C's sessions that we used as a guide to our field trips. I was gobsmacked that the C's directions led us straight to the flat rock. The only confusion was with regard to the "guard rail". There was no guard rail when we went there, but that does not mean that there wasn't at one time... or will be.


Q: (L) Well, what do you mean?
A: Mount Palomar.
Q: (L) Oh, you really want him to go out to Mount Palomar?


Q: (BRH) Is there anything you want to say to BRH at this point that he hasn't thought of, but ought to ask?
A: Palomar? What gives?
Q: (BRH) I can't believe it! I was just going over that and thinking to myself that it was too late... they gave that
suggestion several years ago, and I was thinking that the window of opportunity had passed... is it too late to stake out Palomar?
A: Never too late, but we suggested this before.
Q: (L) Is staking out the only way? Can he follow other research clues?
A: There is a flat rock up there, near the road, off the guard rail. We know it as just below the observatory about 1.3 kilometers. Is inconvenient for driving and especially parking, but if there is a will, there is a way. Look for the juniper as a sight line guide post.
[From this point on, for some reason, the tape did NOT record, so questions are reconstructed.]


Q: (BRH) I believe I found the right place at Polomar. Is it?
A: Yes.
Q: (BRH) What is the best day and time to go to Palomar?
A: The day is not important, but the hour is best after sunset without prejudice.
Q: (BRH) Does that mean any time at night or specifically at sunset time?
A: Any time at night.
Q: (BRH) Would it be best if I crawled under the fence and had a look at the little lakes there?
A: That is okay, but be careful of your footing!
Q: (BRH) Do you have any other suggestions? I am open to all.
A: Why not bring binoculars?
Q: (L) A camera. too. (A) Infrared. (BRH) Is there anything else you want to say on that subject before we bring it to a close?
A: Ask specific questions, please.
Q: (BRH) Am I talking to a lawyer this time?
A: A lawyer has a meter which is always running. We do not. Did you find the rock?
Q: (BRH) I think so. Did I?
A: You will know, others have.
Q: (BRH) What others?
A: No, no, not yet.
Q: (BRH) So, you are not going to tell me, is that it?
A: Yes, that is it.
Q: [Tape end, question lost. Notes indicate that it was something about JWParsons.]
A: Open.
Q: (BRH) What is the significance of the rock? A Well, maybe it has something to do with energy vectors... Now Dev,
you must also know that Palomar is also connected to the activities of those who have controlled your realm for what
you would perceive to be thousands of years, as you measure time. But while this is obviously important for a variety of
reasons, it is good enough for you to know of this to be protected.
Q: (BRH) Well, that was on my mind. (L) Mine, too. (BRH) Is there anything else I need to know to be protected?
A: Just know that this locator is oriented the way that it is for a reason.
Q: (BRH) Does the military or the intelligence network know of the significance of that place or the rock?
A: Well, now have we not opened a can of wormes here? First of all, the "military intelligence network," and the
"government" are not existent in the way that they are presented.
Q: (BRH) How should I respond to this statement about the military? (L) Well, there is a bunch of stuff in other sessions,
so I would try to read it all before asking more questions in that regard. (BRH) Who else knows about this place? And
what was the significance of the enormous gate that looked as though it was made to allow huge vehicles to pass?
A: Oh now we have hit upon something here, have we not? The gate has a sloping curve. Hmmm... would it not be nice
to know where that leads?
Q: (L) How can a gate have a sloping curve? (BRH) Just past the gate, the road curves and slopes downward. (L) Well,
if you go looking, don't step on any landmines! (BRH) Are you joking? (F) Semi. But, beware of electronic sensors.
Remember, 'watch your footing.' When your eyes finally get opened to all that is going on all around you, right under
your nose, you will be amazed. But, when you finally discover that you are nothing more than a marionette hanging from
some strings, you want to kick the other marionettes and say 'look at those strings!' And all they ever want to do is
dance and think they are doing the dancing. (BRH) Is there anything that can cause bodily injury there - land mines or
A: Lack of caution can cause bodily injury. But then again, 3rd density is ultimately dangerous to one's body!
Q: (F) As long as you are aware and you use caution, you'll be okay. (BRH) Who else is aware of the significance of this
A: Many.
Q: (F) Well, it is amazing. I just never thought of Palomar as anything other than an observatory. God knows what is
going on underground there - or anywhere, for that matter. (BRH) Have I ever been abducted?
A: That will not be answered at this juncture, as the information would not be useful, until the questioner has discovered
one more piece to the puzzle relating to "Berkeley."
Q: (BRH) Regarding the alleged implant in my back, I am considering having it removed. Is this a wise choice.
A: No.
Q: (BRH) Is it a good idea to possibly bring Dr. Alexander in on this stuff?
A: Only when it has been determined what benefit would be served by all concerned. Good night. End of Session


[These were some questions that Laura asked the Cs for me after one of our trips]

Q: (L) Don has made a little expedition out to Palomar. He found the rock you
had mentioned previously. He says that there was a strange hole in the rock
that was obviously put there with some effort since the type of rock and the
size and shape of the hole indicate that it could not have been put there too
easily. He is curious about this rock. Is this the right rock, and if he was
to go up there, what is he supposed to do? So, is this the right rock and who
drilled the hole in the rock?
A: Yes. Forces from 4D STS.
Q: What is the purpose of the hole in the rock?
A: It is a sort of "wall outlet," shall we say?
Q: So, something gets plugged into it?
A: Yes. Just think of it as an antennae.
Q: Don has got himself some night vision glasses and he wants to go up there
and scope the place out. Should he scope it out from the rock or from some
other place?
A: If he goes, he might wish to take a position where he can observe the rock
as well as other things while remaining at a distance.

I am preparing an article on this whole affair, which will include the pictures that we took. When I finish it, I will give it to the SOTT folks for publication, probably here on the forum, as I have never been able to figure out how to post photos here. Perhaps one day Scottie will give me a tutorial.

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