How to charge all four crystals?
I 'got' the image or vibe that I can charge them nicely placed together as "a new type of spiritual pets" and read and sing to them together all four, lay on a hand held above them at certain parts of reading - for added effect and treat them as a group of beloved special spiritual symbols and love them as "pets in high regard".
We had an intense lightning storm at night [silent, remote, then coming nearer and becoming louder, more audible like remote artillery fire from a big war], the strong lights brightening up the night then there was copious rain.
-- First dream. It was like 1st attempt at initializing the CRS for database access with contacts throwing sparks
It feels I'm 'aching' in all parts of rather the spiritual body, waking up: it was like first day of 4thD Military Training for the freshly drafted. This dream had __"everything"__ of paranormal skills I ever had, I'm still reeling.

I'll need serious spiritual regiment for this: a new "spiritual military"-discipline [?], meditation, awareness keeping techniques, a whole new regiment of spiritual strength building activities just to keep up!
I had to leave the shutters a quarter open (it was sultry hot, no AC), so there was light disturbing and I couldn't sleep much, just here and there, but for those couple of hours of dreaming:

Holy Mother of God!
Before I had flying sequences in my dreams, slowly levitating up at will; low speed; high speed flight, air acrobatics during flights, all kinds of stair-skidding and medium level 'room air acrobatics' levitation and maneuvering sequences (like sticking to ceiling and walls), but those were **nothing** compared to this short one!

I feel like if a road-roller went over me several times flattening me in all my muscles and strangely energized.
This first dream was like an intro for the lengthy process of activating several innate chakra power cores/packages at once, a taste of military training for 4thD wars, but just a short intro of __everything__:
- Engraved thick metal rings containing scripts of Ancient Knowledge,
- reshaping (cold melting) same metal rings, wearing the newly shaped metallic sculpture like a cloth to osmose knowledge.. slowly raising in height - becoming bigger together with wearing the heavy thing while digesting the knowledge
- telekinesis of objects
- phasing through glass again as way of traveling through solid objects (obstacles)
- levitation and flight
- **mass levitation**: Going up first [needs "willpower fuel"!] I could save a crowd of people several times by willing them raised ~ levitated into the air so the primitive aggressive enemy approaching then swarming on the ground couldn't reach them.
- raising up walls of fire by pyro-telekinesis and sending them on the enemy lines as a way of attack..
- We were building a large house with several never before seen family members and I could work as a levitating carpenter lifting heavy wooden beams into place and was constantly thinking about that I need another strong levitation-able partner, so we can assemble a whole roof section from wooden planks on the ground and both of us can grab the heavy thing together and power lift~levitate it into place in the air on top of the several meters high wall. Just needed someone with same strong will~levitate power..
Holy Mother of sweet Jesus! Almost afraid / reluctant to go back to sleep again.