Session 7 September 2013


FOTCM Member
Session Date: September 7th 2013

Laura, Ark, Belibaste, Perceval, Andromeda, Kniall, PoB, Atriedes, Ailen, Mr. Scott

Q: (L) This is September the 7th, 2013. That means that next year will be 2014. Since the C's came along in 1994, that means they'll be 20 years old in July next year! Our last session was May 28th, yes? It's just been a little over three months ago. So we're all gathered together here, and we've had lots of adventures over the last few months. {Review of last session on May 28th 2013}

A: Hello good people.

Q: (L) Hello to you, and who are we speaking with this evening?

A: Roijka

Q: (L) And where do you transmit from or through?

A: Cassiopaea

Q: (L) They're a little bit slow this evening. (Ark) Is it my copper bracelet that is doing that?

A: Yes

Q: {Ark removes copper bracelet} (L) Is the copper bracelet bad?

A: Not usually.

Q: (L){referring to change in transmission speed} That's bizarre. (Andromeda) Does it actually help anything?

A: A bit.

Q: (Belibaste)Does it help in the way Lakhovsky explains in his book?

A: Not really.

Q: (Belibaste)How does it help? (L) Why do we even care if it only helps a bit. I mean, "Not really"? (Perceval)It helps fashion-wise. You look better with it on. (Atriedes) Don't you understand? It's important to accessorize!

A: That is mostly the effect.

Q: (L) Alright. I think probably what our group members, at least on the FOTCM forum, would be interested in knowing is: What was the deal with {name redacted}?

A: Personality clash.

Q: (L) Personality clash with me personally?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And what was the nature of this clash?

A: She wanted to dominate.

Q: (L) Weird way to dominate. Was her way of dominating by manipulating pity and all that sort of thing?

A: Isn't that usually the way? But notice the pity was reserved for the self.

Q: (L) Are you saying that it's something like narcissism?

A: Rampant!

Q: (L) Anything further than that, or deeper than that?

A: Usually a sign of those lacking a magnetic center.

Q: (L) Hmm. Is it kind of like this article I was re-reading the other day about endoskeletons versus exoskeletons where exoskeleton-type people according to this guy's theory are kind of like people who need rules on the outside because they're unable to integrate anything on the inside? {See: }

A: Close. What is inside is so infantile it cannot see beyond the self.

Q: (L) Well, I guess we don't need anything further on that, do we? (PoB) What about the possible connection between being homosexual and having something "hardwired" in this situation? (L) Well, we previously asked a number of questions about the various causes of homosexuality. There were several reasons given. Is {name redacted}'s particular situation in respect of her narcissism and infantile internal state due to the fact that she's homosexual? Or maybe a better way to say it: Is there a correlation between the two? In other words, she is homosexual and also has this infantile inner nature for the same foundational reason?

A: The latter is close. But that is not necessarily true for all of that ilk.

Q: (L) So, you say it's not for all of that ilk, but obviously if there is a correlation, then it must be true for some?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And for the some that it's true of, is it generally manifesting in the same dynamic?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So...

A: That is true for heterosexuals too.

Q: (L) So with heterosexuals it's a similar dynamic, or a different dynamic with similar results.

A: Yes to latter.

Q: (L) Okay. Anything else? Now, what's the deal with this guy {name redacted}? {Long pause} I guess that's not a very good question. {laughter} (L) No answer! Was {name redacted} a conman?

A: Close.

Q: (L) What was the triggering element of that whole dynamic which was just bizarre all the way around?

A: {Name redacted} collecting people to support her.

Q: (Atriedes) So it's like the old saying: You can't con an honest man. (L) Hmm. So, what's the solution to that problem?

A: {name redacted} needs to be more forthcoming.

Q: (L) So it was a failure of sharing, networking, and letting people know what was going on, and she thought she could just sort things out herself?

A: Yes. And she cannot as her past history shows.

Q: (L) Anything else? (Andromeda) Is she capable of being more forthcoming?

A: More, yes. But enough to be "in charge"? Not by a longshot. She has crystallized on a "wrong foundation" as Gurdjieff would say.

Q: (L) So how did this crystallization occur?

A: In the dynamic between her and her mother.

Q: (L) So, is there anything she can do?

A: Intense work is needed.

Q: (L) Obviously of the kind that we're not able to give. I think that it would have to be a very good therapist of some sort. Someone who could work one-on-one with a person once or twice a week.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well. What's next? (Perceval)You have a list of questions. (L) Yeah, but I don't like those questions. I'm not terribly interested in any of them. (Andromeda) Do we want to talk about Syria? (Ark) What about Syria? (L) Well, I want to start small and expand out to the larger world. Ya'll are just really jumping the gun here! (Andromeda) So, we're talking about people now. What else is going on in the forum that needs to be discussed? (Ailen) {name redacted}, maybe? (L) Ah, {name redacted}!

A: Now, that is a long topic!

Q: (L) Well, can you sum it up for us fairly quickly?

A: Brain damage.

Q: (Andromeda) Was she born that way, or was it damage caused later in life?

A: Perinatal and exacerbated through life.

Q: (L) S/he had a bunch of surgeries, I understand, and hormone treatments. I dunno, is there anything that anybody can do for {name redacted}? Is there anything {name redacted} can do for herself?

A: Detox!

Q: (L) Okay. Now, we have {name redacted}’ questions about this little baby. (Ailen) The baby and his children. (L) So: Is the source of his life situation karmic or an attack?

A: A bit of both. But remember that attack comes via weaknesses in knowledge and awareness.

Q: (Perceval)Just a yes or no answer on this topic: Does his regular giving of plasma affect his system negatively in any way?

A: Yes. Unless there is a medical reason to do so, it is not advisable. Body fluids are holders of life force and awareness.

Q: (L) What is the best way to help his children? Well, that's a pretty vague question. Which child? (Ailen) Well, mainly the son who tried to murder his ex-boyfriend. Now he's in some sort of psychiatric ward and charged with attempted murder. And he's saying he wants to commit suicide. And one of the daughters just happens to be a crown prosecutor or something so she's not allowed to get some promotion now because of his criminal record, and the other daughter is a psychologist working at the very center where they sent him so she can't keep her job. (L) The whole situation really does look like some sort of hyperdimensional set-up. (Perceval)Is there anything that can be done to help his son?

A: The horse is out.

Q: (L) I think that means that there's no point in closing the barn door when the horse has already gotten out. It's too late. (Ailen) What is this weakness in knowledge and awareness? What can {name redacted} do about that?

A: He thinks with his emotions, so why be surprised that the son does so as well?

Q: (Atriedes) It seems rather coincidental that he did this awful thing, managed to get sent to this place where his sister works, and also taking down his other sister from her job... It sounds a little too much to just be coincidental. Is he subconsciously getting revenge his sisters or something? Is there some universal convergence of karma there or something?

A: Partly, yes.

Q: (L) Yeah, because it's like both his sisters are being taken down by this act, and it's because he thinks with his emotions like his father does. So, in a certain sense, {name redacted} really needs to stop thinking with his emotions and begin to set an example for his son. That seems to me to be the only thing that could be done, even at this late point. Is that correct?

A: Yes. But that is a tall order.

Q: (L) At the same time he's got this awful situation going on with his kids, his partner has got this thing going on with her grandchild. So, it's like both of them together have these horrible, horrible situations with their children. (PoB) Like Job's story in the bible. (L) Yeah. It's just... I just don't even know how to ask the question... Is there anything about this relationship that has attracted these energies into both their lives since it seems that it all started falling hard and fast once they got together?

A: Oh indeed!

Q: (L) The grandchild has this congenital problem where he can eat almost nothing. (Ailen) He doesn't tolerate meat or fat. (Andromeda) So, there's something unhealthy about this relationship?

A: We hesitate to respond to this line of questions but those with "neurons" can figure it out.

Q: (L) I even hate to say what I think. (Andromeda) What? (L) I just think that genetics go with psychophysiology. There is something going on there, and you don't have to have an overt manifestation of it like a personality disorder or anything, but you can attract energies... (Ailen) The thing that surprised me the most about the genetic disorder is that it's like an "anti-evolution" mutation. Somebody changing their genes so much that they can't eat what man is supposed to eat?! (L) I dunno... Cs don’t want to say much about this which suggests that what would be said might not be well received. Shall we move along? Are there any other questions in the personal sphere that we can cover before moving to the next circle out? (Perceval)Do you want to ask how {name redacted} is doing? (L) Oh yeah, what's the deal with {name redacted}? That's a good question. Now, what has come to my attention is that all the time that I was communicating sincerely to {name redacted}, she was basically sticking knives in my back and saying all kinds of nasty things about me and every member of my family, my work, everything. It was profoundly disappointing and very hurtful to learn this. So, I just really want to know what the deal is there?

A: We said that her heart was enveloped in a cloud.

Q: (L) What is this cloud?

A: She chooses lies to her own detriment.

Q: (L) I just wanted to try to be a friend but it seems that everything she was saying to me was all lies and perception management. But she obviously does have some little bit of psychic ability - a little bit at least, yes?

A: A little. About the same as Cherie.

Q: (Ailen) She can sense storms coming! (Belibaste)Why did you think she had psychic abilities? (L) Because she said that there was somebody in the group who was "evil", and it was {name redacted}. She was right about that, just wrong about who it was. (Ailen) Yeah, but it wasn't a psychopath like she said. And come on... What's the likelihood of somebody in the group going whacko in the next two months? (L) So in other words, about as good as Cherie. I just want ya’ll to know that my Cherie is a wonder dog! Okay, now, let’s get out there in the big world: Did the president of Syria and his forces use any kind of chemical weapons, sarin nerve gas or any of that sort of thing, in his battles against the rebels?

A: No!

Q: (L) He's not that stupid.

A: Exactly, nor that heartless!

Q: (L) Next question? (Andromeda) Is the whole show to cover up the oncoming comets?

A: Partly, though even the higher level players may not be totally aware.

Q: (Atriedes) Why is there this big show with the British House of Lords or Commons or whatever, and suddenly there are all these speeches in Congress about taking back the power to declare war, and suddenly Obama changed from just going to war to, "Oh, I'm gonna go talk to Congress!" Why is there this whole big show about that aspect?

A: Drama to keep the masses off their backs about what really matters.

Q: (Ark) What really matters I think is that once in awhile you have to get rid of the old missiles, because they're costly. It's much better to get new ones so you have to get rid of the old ones. For the French and for the US; you have to get rid of them.

A: What really matters to the people is the coming Earth events for which they are entirely unprepared.

Q: (L) I guess what matters to them in the short term is jobs and the economy, all of which is related to climate change?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So they're not doing anything about climate change - and I don't mean global warming, either. I mean what's going on here on the planet right now in a big way. They're not doing anything about that, they're not doing anything to straighten out the vast inequity between the rich and poor... (Perceval)Are we talking about this Syria business at some level having been decided upon...

A: Yes, of course! Who do you think sent in the people to stir up that mess??!?

Q: (Perceval)Well, there's all sorts of talk about strategic colonial agendas: pipelines and blah blah blah...

A: Have any of their plans worked thus far except to put billions in their pockets?

Q: (Perceval)So it is just a racket!

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval)For making money and distracting people. (L) And distracting the people from kicking them out of power by keeping the people afraid.

A: Yes yes yes yes yes yes.

Q: (Perceval)See, that's just unthinkable to me, that they'd have a war just to have a war for no other good reason than to make money.

A: That is psychopathy for you!

Q: (Atriedes) Right before Hillary Clinton went all evil with the Libya thing, I noticed that she suddenly swelled and became very inflamed looking. And then John Kerry right before this Syria thing, he got a lot more puffy and now he has this weird lazy eye, his eyes swelled, and his face, and he's starting to puff out, too. Is that kind of like the sign that they've turned evil when they become mega-inflamed?

A: Evil takes its toll on the body.

Q: (Atriedes) So, cutting out the evil is more important than cutting out the calories. (L) Pretty much! (Andromeda) So, there's no intent of pushing people to a revolution with some of this revolution hype and drama...?

A: Sure! It will make billions for some people and others plan to come in and set up shop on the ashes. But as we just asked: When have their plans for results actually worked as they present them?

Q: (Ark) I think there is another reason. You start the war, and then you let some kinds of these rebels to have access to nuclear weapons. Can you imagine how much more Homeland Security you will be able to have then if you let all these "Islamist rebels" get these weapons? Give your enemy advanced weapons, pretend you are helping them to get rid of Assad, and then later, "Oh, we didn't know they are terrorists, but now they have access to these weapons! We have to close our borders! We have to control everything!" (Andromeda) It's creepy, some of these reports of Homeland Security making these huge orders of hollow point bullets, and building these compounds with fences... It looks like they're kind of getting ready for some revolution or something. (Perceval)I wondered if those reports are just...

A: The real war, as you know, is on normal people via proxies.

Q: (Kniall) Are the Russians really trying to stop this?

A: At the moment.

Q: (Perceval)So...

A: Putin is also not so heartless.

Q: (Perceval)What are the chances that if the Americans and French bomb Syria, that Putin and the Russian military would respond?

A: Very good unless things change.

Q: (Mr. Scott) Except things change every five minutes, so that doesn't mean much. (L) Yeah. (Perceval)Yeah, it's ongoing. (L) Okay, what are our last few questions? Belibaste? (Belibaste)We had an assumption that industrial plumes could be attractors for cometary discharges? Is this a valid assumption?

A: Yes

Q: (Belibaste)Is it because the plume is electrically charged?

A: Yes

Q: (Belibaste)Is the charge of the plume more negative than the charge of the incoming body?

A: Yes

Q: (Belibaste)Whoa, that's cool. What is the main cause of the eleven year solar cycle?

A: Reverberations due to passes of companion.

Q: (Perceval)So the companion passes every eleven years?

A: Resonance.

Q: (L) No, it doesn’t pass every eleven years. It's because when it does pass, it sets up some kind of resonance. (Belibaste)Talking about the companion, how far is it from the earth? (Ailen) No dice!

A: No dice!

Q: (L) You know better than that, Belibaste. (Ark) He was trying to get an answer quickly... (L) Hurry, get yours while supplies last! {laughter} (Belibaste)About the geomagnetic field of the Earth, I assume that there are three causes: remnant magnetism in the iron-rich crust, the magnetic field induced by the jetstreams, and the core that the C's mentioned previously. Are these three valid causes for the geomagnetic field?

A: Not the main ones.

Q: (Belibaste)What's the main one?

A: Electric flow.

Q: (Belibaste)About the main cause for the geomagnetic field, it's electric flow between what and what?

A: Sun and cosmic environment.

Q: (Andromeda) If there's a geomagnetic reversal, does it cause really big explosions like this guy talks about in the Magnetic Reversal book?

A: It can.

Q: (Andromeda) So if we go through this geomagnetic reversal, this supposedly happened several times before in a cycle... Does it cause mutations in humans and other living things?

A: It can.

Q: (Andromeda) According to something this guy says in this book, pigs and humans popped onto the scene at the same time...

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Is this a mutation that happened side-by-side, or... I don't know exactly what I'm trying to ask... Are we primate and pig hybrids?

A: No.

Q: (Andromeda) So it was a mutation?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) That happened at the same time for humans and pigs?

A: Yes. Viral.

Q: (Belibaste)I just want to know if Julius Caesar was a human being?

A: Yes.

Q: (Belibaste)Besides his known children, did he have other children?

A: Yes. Not Caesarion.

Q: (Belibaste)So are there some descendants of Caesar living on this planet?

A: Yes

Q: (Belibaste)How many?

A: Already asked.

Q: (Belibaste)But it was asked about Jesus.

A: Yes...

Q: (Kniall) So does that mean Caesar was taken up in a spaceship?

A: Comet!

Q: (Belibaste)Caesar's comet! (L) I think they're being funny. You have to understand when people are asking questions, they're asking with assumptions, just like you are right now. (Perceval)Let's be explicit: Was there a separate individual 2000 years ago that taught spiritual truths to people that were close to Gnostic teachings, etc. around the Roman Empire/Middle Eastern area that was NOT Caesar, that was in some small way incorporated into Caesar's life?

A: Very small way, and not a teacher as you describe, but a rebel fighter against Rome.

Q: (Perceval)So the idea of Jesus People as being social critics is probably closest...

A: Yes

Q: (Ailen) And it's not somebody who went through history or is recorded in any way.

A: Some clues in Josephus, the "father" of Jesus.

Q: (Atriedes) Did Octavian publish the Cicero letters?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Octavian strikes me as being somewhat psychopathic. Am I correct in that assessment?

A: Close.

Q: (Atriedes) Of the various reports of Cicero's demise, obviously the one where he was all brave and stuff wasn't true. One has him just sticking his head out of the litter to see if he's being followed, the other has him begging to be freed and promising to retract his Philippics. Which one of those is closest to the truth?

A: Last one. Cicero was a complete coward.

Q: (L) Well, I have been thinking about it for a number of days now, because it keeps jumping back into my mind. The more I read about Cicero, the more he reminds of somebody. The person he reminds me of is P____ A____. When I try to imagine Cicero, I see and hear P____ A____ {French professor with 4 higher degrees who got involved with the Telesio Galilei Academy scam}. (Ailen) The spitting and all? {He doesn’t seem to be able to talk without spit flying out of his mouth.}(Atriedes) I have thought about this also for the last three days, and I have found the absolute 100% perfect Cicero clone; a modern person about whom a movie was made. (L) Who? (Atriedes) Jack Abramoff; the movie is: Casino Jack. (L) Well, we don't know anything about him personally. We just have the movie. I'm talking about somebody I know personally. I know P____ A____, and he strikes me as being Cicero. So, with that image in my mind, am I anywhere close to being able to imagine Cicero?

A: Very very close!

Q: (Ailen) Ew! (Perceval)The idea of him being in a position of power is just... (Andromeda) Didn't he once throw a party in his own honor? (L) That's exactly the point. Imagine somebody like P____ A____ in power, and you can see Cicero in power. It was disgusting to watch him alternating between preening and bowing and scraping to Luc Ferry. (Atriedes) You watch this movie. You will see what I mean. (L) Alright, I'll watch the movie. Anybody else got anything? (Kniall) My question goes back to the topic of chemical plants: The AZF chemical plant that exploded in Toulouse, was that the result of an overhead explosion?

A: No.

Q: (Ailen) Was it a warning to Chirac?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval)Was it a bomb planted by someone?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval)Like Mossad or someone?

A: Yes.

Q: (Belibaste)Dropped from a helicopter? {laughter}

A: Who knows!?

Q: (L) I mean, is it important how a bomb got put in there? (Belibaste)Well, there were people seeing two helicopters in the sky just before the explosion. (L) Oh. (Belibaste)Some assumed that they dropped the bomb. (L) I would think it would be more like somebody getting close and pushing a button on a detonator. (Belibaste)But there is this expert who analyzed the shockwaves and deduced that of the two explosions, one was on the ground but the first explosion occurred 3.5 kilometers above the ground. (L) That's bizarre. (Perceval)First of all, was this expert being honest? I mean... (L) I am too tired to deal with this topic. I mean, what do we have brains for? Figure it out. (Atriedes) I do have one question. Maybe it's not a good question. Recently and for the last few years, there has been an increasing amount of public rhetoric from various different speakers from various different quarters about the disparity between lower classes and upper classes, between wealthy and non-wealthy people. More and more they've started to use a kind of Marxist language talking about class differences. It seems to me that this might be a repeat of what happened in the original communist revolutions. So, are we looking at an instance where some kind of charismatic communistic leader person, writing some kind of new Communist Manifesto, and starting some revolution or problems or whatever? Or is it all orchestrated?

A: Very possible.

Q: (Mr. Scott) But there again a million other things are possible. It depends on what happens when you wake up tomorrow morning. (L) Yeah, everything can change. (Perceval)No, but there is this historical cycle where they ramp up the greed and then something comes along to equalize everything. (Mr. Scott) Yeah, that's true. (L) Okay, anything else? I want to say good night. I'm tired.

A: Yes. Goodbye.

Wow, that was quick work!
Just had a quick browse through it - will have to read it tomorrow again more closely. Lots of references I am not very familiar with!

Thanks again for the transcript!
Thanks for the session transcript. And transcribed and posted so fast!

Lots to think about for the night. :)
A: Some clues in Josephus, the "father" of Jesus.

So Josephus basically set himself up as 'God'? :lol: How's that for delusions of grandeur?!

Thanks for the most interesting session!
Minas Tirith said:
Thank you!

Could somebody explain to me what this means?

A: The real war, as you know, is on normal people via proxies.

NSA? Drones? :-[


I think they mean pathological types used against the non-pathological population to do what they love to do anyway. Besides drones, etc., for another example, mercenaries.
Renaissance said:
A: Some clues in Josephus, the "father" of Jesus.

So Josephus basically set himself up as 'God'? :lol: How's that for delusions of grandeur?!

Thanks for the most interesting session!

I always wondered about Josephus and Cicero, both of whom seemed to be tooting their own horns and were lionized by the historians I came into contact with.

And, yes, thanks so much for the session. Always interesting.
SeekinTruth said:
Minas Tirith said:
Thank you!

Could somebody explain to me what this means?

A: The real war, as you know, is on normal people via proxies.

NSA? Drones? :-[


I think they mean pathological types used against the non-pathological population to do what they love to do anyway. Besides drones, etc., for another example, mercenaries.

It's a lot simpler than that: King 1 declares war on King 2 with the latter's agreement. This way, they can get rid of a whole bunch of troublesome young men in both their populations. Wars are all about killing off normal people by inspiring them with patriotic fervor which only works on normies anyway.
Laura said:
SeekinTruth said:
Minas Tirith said:
Thank you!

Could somebody explain to me what this means?

A: The real war, as you know, is on normal people via proxies.

NSA? Drones? :-[


I think they mean pathological types used against the non-pathological population to do what they love to do anyway. Besides drones, etc., for another example, mercenaries.

It's a lot simpler than that: King 1 declares war on King 2 with the latter's agreement. This way, they can get rid of a whole bunch of troublesome young men in both their populations. Wars are all about killing off normal people by inspiring them with patriotic fervor which only works on normies anyway.

Minas Tirith,

I think you will find a big and important part of the answer to your question in Political Ponerology


You also might want to read this recent SOTT FOCUS about Syria, for more clues...
A: What really matters to the people is the coming Earth events for which they are entirely unprepared.

I wonder what should we do to be prepared for the coming rain of comets? :huh: Just keep cool? :) Any ideas?
Altair said:
A: What really matters to the people is the coming Earth events for which they are entirely unprepared.

I wonder what should we do to be prepared for the coming rain of comets? :huh: Just keep cool? :) Any ideas?

Hi Altair did you read the wave series?
Thank you so much for the thought provoking session!

Laura said:
Q: (Perceval)Just a yes or no answer on this topic: Does his regular giving of plasma affect his system negatively in any way?

A: Yes. Unless there is a medical reason to do so, it is not advisable. Body fluids are holders of life force and awareness.

This response has me wondering if my voluntary regular blood donations is detrimental to me? It is not medically necessary for me to do so. Just thought it was an STO type of thing to do. I must review my motivation regarding this.
Q: (Perceval)So it is just a racket!

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval)For making money and distracting people. (L) And distracting the people from kicking them out of power by keeping the people afraid.

A: Yes yes yes yes yes yes.

Q: (Perceval)See, that's just unthinkable to me, that they'd have a war just to have a war for no other good reason than to make money.

A: That is psychopathy for you!

Q: (Atriedes) Right before Hillary Clinton went all evil with the Libya thing, I noticed that she suddenly swelled and became very inflamed looking. And then John Kerry right before this Syria thing, he got a lot more puffy and now he has this weird lazy eye, his eyes swelled, and his face, and he's starting to puff out, too. Is that kind of like the sign that they've turned evil when they become mega-inflamed?

A: Evil takes its toll on the body.

Q: (Atriedes) So, cutting out the evil is more important than cutting out the calories. (L) Pretty much!

Having a war just to make money (& the pleasure of terrorizing non-psychopaths) is barely understandable for those who study psychopathy, most that are unaware of sub-criminal psychopaths would probably struggle with that revelation, let alone those in power. There are plenty of people identifying themselves as sociopaths, advocating how good it is & even talking about how psychopaths do care, they just magically "switch off" all human emotions!
I too noticed those physical changes, Kerry was more "bloated" than Hilary & this reminds me of something I've wondered about since learning about paleo/keto. Since psychopaths in power still eat these toxins, what are they doing to their bodies & minds? Do they just mitigate the neurotoxic effects of their food long enough to ponerize & kill, & only begin to degenerate when their evil thoughts & actions reach a critical mass of sorts?

I know there's been plenty of pathological types die from what a lot of regular people do for ages (with the knowledge of diet & health now) but the psychopaths, ramping up the evil could start wasting away? Just some thoughts, & i recall sott carrying a piece about the Clintons diet & the Obamas too, i think it was last year.

Thanks for the quick post!
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