anka said:
And I don't disagree with you. Must admit that what I wrote might have caused a misunderstanding. The point, as I see it and believe that you too, is that each of us has to start with her/his own stuff.
Fully agree, leading by example is the
[quote author=anka]
Our own machine, buffers etc. But the thing called salvation will come in most cases, to my understanding, for the collective consciousness as a unit. Is that what you are saying? For the group of people who are actively taking part in the process of uncovering the truth and aligning with it? If that is what you mean then we are in agreement.
Yes exactly, fragmented soul unit. Thanks for clarifying anka. :)
[quote author=anka]
Exception would be those people who made it on their own through an immense dedication and intentional hardship & suffering (if I remember and understood well, C's gave an approximate number of those who made it during the last grand cycle, around 3000).
Interesting, but another way to look at it is in a non-liner way. I see the “last” grand cycle as the next grand cycle. That it is all happening “right” now. Don’t know if that makes sense.
[quote author=anka]
On top of that, I don't think that those who are not working towards this goal, they can't be salvaged along with (I might well be wrong though since my understanding of such a complex issue is not only limited by my 3D perspective but moreover it does by a long shot not reach the level of knowledge of this and other topics which the brightest minds on this forum have).
How do know for sure “they” are not working towards this goal. It may be difficult to see if you have a set of preconceptions of what the “work” should be. If I’m not mistaken the C's mentioned somewhere that Laura's group is but one of many groups and paths that may be at play. Imo the work can take on many forms that may or may not be so easily apparent at first glance.
I can tell you from experience that sometimes I learned my biggest lessons from people and situations I assumed were in no way “work” related. After all, this world does resemble a school just as much as a prison. I suppose that is also a matter of perspective.
I do agree with you that our understanding of such a complex issue is limited by our 3D perspective.
[quote author=anka]
The reason for it is I think that they made their choice. Consciously or subconsciously.
Hum well you make it sound like the choices are set in stone! ;)
Again seeing it in a non liner way may help. That since there is really no “time” people are constantly making choices gain and again. That’s why the PTB imo are so invested in information management. For if the people only knew, they would instantly gravitate towards the most natural choice, osit.
[quote author=anka]
And to the butterfly/hundredth monkey effect (thank you, Jasmine, for the extracts): I am not trying to cast any doubt on this either. All I meant in my comment above was that it would be a waste of time to hope for the change that we believe might come through some revelation which we would consider a substantial, remarkable, crucial, such as a proof of Jesus Christ being a fake personage. We need to work (starting with ourselves, and definitely network, yes) to make the hope come through and not just believe. That is, I think, the core of Faith.
Yes thank you Jasmine for the extracts.
And I also agree with you here that non anticipation is another
[quote author=anka]
Maybe the only difference between our views, upon what I sense from your writing, is that you probably feel/think/hope the social changes might come before the major cataclysmic events and I suspect that they will happen right around the time when they hit with full force, when it is going to be too late for most of humanity (i.e. C's 94%?).
Kind of but not exactly. From my understanding the cataclysmic event is directly tied to the collective choice of humanity, furthermore depending on our individual frequency vibration, we may not experience the event as traumatizing and in fact may find it very rejuvenating, osit.
[quote author=anka]
But even that does not really bother me since I am in no way going to solve this. I am grateful and feel blessed I found this place which taught me about my own crooked view of myself, of the world, and offered me a way out of my big Lie. Never mind it's a long way to go

Oh I couldn’t agree more with you here. I’m also humbled and feel blessed and grateful for all the work researched and revealed here.
Also I know it's a cliche but it's a good one, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”