Session transcripts as one big HTML file


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
Hello everyone,

I’d like to share with a little project that I did recently. It’s a forum scraper, that outputs Cassiopaean Session Transcripts as a one big HTML file - useful for text searching, etc. In the same vein like the old sessions.exe project, that was floating all over the internet some years ago. You can find the generated file attached to this post (as a ZIP file).

It’s rough on the edges (tested against the latest Firefox only), but maybe someone will find it useful.

Inspired by the work done by s1mpleman in this thread:

Link to the source code if anyone is interested:

MOD EDIT: Updated version uploaded. For details, see this post.


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@KS .

I was just checking it out and there may be some things to iron out.
Comparing the forum version to the html version I noticed some odd character insertions.

Session 11 August 1996:
A: No, it would be a “discover”.

In the html version it is:

A: No, it would be a “discoverâ€.

Doing some test searching with my own PDF versions there seems to be some sessions/items missed using the html version.

It may still be useful for some.
Thank you very much, KS!

It looks wonderful and I can have it saved for off-line use when the internet goes down.

Excuse me for being a little slow, but there is no way to search this work off-line, is it?
So far I couldn't even figure how to search this file at all... :-[
Excuse me for being a little slow, but there is no way to search this work off-line, is it?
So far I couldn't even figure how to search this file at all... :-[

You can open the file in your browser, but you don't need an internet connection to view the file since it's saved on your computer. To search, you can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + F, then type in your search terms. At least that's how I know, there might be a better way.
You can open the file in your browser, but you don't need an internet connection to view the file since it's saved on your computer. To search, you can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + F, then type in your search terms. At least that's how I know, there might be a better way.


I don't think it is saved on your computer unless you go to "file" and manually save it.

Then it would be available off-line which is a good thing if one gets cut off due to outages.
Thank you very much, KS!

It looks wonderful and I can have it saved for off-line use when the internet goes down.

Excuse me for being a little slow, but there is no way to search this work off-line, is it?
So far I couldn't even figure how to search this file at all... :-[

@Ursus Minor ,

If you click on @KS 's attachment it should automatically download to your computer (usually to your "downloads" folder). If you open it from there (double click) it will open with your chosen internet browser such as Internet Explorer, FireFox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, Brave, Yandex, Microsoft Edge etc...

And as @Beau said you can do a Ctrl F to search it in your browser. I hope that helps.

The good thing about having it saved on your computer is that even without internet access you can view the text of the session texts until you get back on the internet.

Many file formats can be viewed with your internet browser even though it is primarily used for websites.
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