Shadow People

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Before I tell you how you can protect yourself, let me explain first what a Shadow Person is.

A Shadow person, basically, is the complete opposite of an angel or a spirit who wants to do good. These beings may very well be what many associate as demons and they appear just as their name says, a shadow, but as in a three dimensional form. They appear as shadows because they have no light, they lost their light when they chose to turn away from God.

Well, I don't know about this, there seems to a a lot lot of assumptions here. "Shadow people" or whatever it is never really interested me but I do remember reading somewhere in the Castaneda books where I think Don Juan was saying something about shadows and that if there is more to everything in this world that goes beyond our limited sense perceptions (and assumptions) then there must be more to shadows too. That interested me since I doubt that he was talking about ghosts or shadow people but I think he might have been talking about 'information' (which I find infinity more interesting then ghosts) and that, possibly (my interpretation!), is that in some specific instances shadows can perhaps convey information just like anything else in this world can convey information in whatever specific contexts it may have been intended. Maybe via a cosmic artist or something like that! Just a working hypothesis though. FWIW.
I've see flickering out of the corner of my eyes at times in my life,nothing too radically strange as far as big dark shadow people go. And then reading c.a. speak of a rat type thing moving quickly on the floor,Voila,I remembered something from when I was around 1 I/2 TO 2 YRS old. I have many lucid memories including being born,but this involved something that sounds very much like what is being discussed. It would appear in my grandmothers living room and run in the hallways and under the sofa. It was perfectly visible and I called it the "falla".I will never forget the falla as i would point and wonder why no one else could see it. When it was said it came around children I suddenly remembered. I live in the same house now and these memories are as strong as ever.The falla was a standing joke and also the realization of not feeling the same as others and not being believed,which was already in my consciousness about other things being seen by me alone, began.From an early age I wanted to understand other peoples limitations. I trusted what I saw and didn't feel at the time that my family thought I was lying. I instinctual knew they just couldn't see the things I saw and I began being curious about it and other behaviors of adults for as long as I can remember.Nothings changed. My mother also saw the tall man at the foot of the bed. She would always smile and tell me with a secretive little laugh that I questioned, That it was ST. Francis. I beg to differ,but kept mum.I opined that she looked for the soft and fuzzy explanation,since I had some pretty awful dreams and OOBE in this house when we all lived here.Its quite a history in this house with 4 generations,ending up with me holding up the fort.Feel not a bit of darkness in this house now,but its too much for me to handle and theres a 4 sale sign that I have finally,difficult as it is,put up.Sorry if I went on too long,I was brought into these memories so vividly.It helps me enormously to share these things I've told no one for a long time.I have often wondered if the energy remnants of these forms keep me attached this his house in such a strong way and of coarse they are. So I am keeping as focused as possible and leaving.Which make me think I will die.Which even if true is insane,and I know that. Lessons fun? I'm PULLING UP THAT SMILE!
Ive seen these. Always corner of my eye, then i turn and it dissapears. Also had weird stuff happen, like ill go out walking in the morning, and come back and the kettle is boling hot. Switches turned off/on etc etc.
Just acknowledging that these exist has helped me. Before i thought i was "going wappy" - and that in itself seemed to feed it. Now i think "yeah, your there, big deal" and it seems to have subsided alot.
Hi all. Not sure if this was a shadow person or my imagination or something else. I was watching TV last night (most unusual for me - I watch the occasional movie once every 3 months or so). Diesel, my cat was on the floor at my feet, basking in the warmth of the heater. Peripherally, a black figure about 6' 2" in height, lizzie-like tail, very skinny legs, torso, skull-like head, dog-like face, snout, marched from my spare room, across the kitchen - disappeared behind the half wall separating lounge/kitchen. There was a cluttering noise, like crockery being knocked. I looked. Nothing. Nada. No feelings of chill or anything. I thought, "Mmmm. My imagination?" The entire event took 2 seconds. The 'entity' was naked and, by the way, my cat didn't flinch - and there was no feeling of 'presence'.

This vision was distinctly peripheral. The entire creature was completely black - oh, and no clothes. Thought I'd share that, anyway.
Hi Patrick. There was no 'presence', almost as though it was not in this density; so no chills, feelings of foreboding, fear etc. My response was a bit like, "Huh?" and then looking in the kitchen and finding nothing. My cat's lack of response helped, too. If she'd freaked I think it would have been a different story. The first thing that came to mind was, 'it's a free will universe'. But it bugged me enough to put this on the forum.
Rick3 said:
Hi all. Not sure if this was a shadow person or my imagination or something else. I was watching TV last night (most unusual for me - I watch the occasional movie once every 3 months or so). Diesel, my cat was on the floor at my feet, basking in the warmth of the heater. Peripherally, a black figure about 6' 2" in height, lizzie-like tail, very skinny legs, torso, skull-like head, dog-like face, snout, marched from my spare room, across the kitchen - disappeared behind the half wall separating lounge/kitchen. There was a cluttering noise, like crockery being knocked. I looked. Nothing. Nada. No feelings of chill or anything. I thought, "Mmmm. My imagination?" The entire event took 2 seconds. The 'entity' was naked and, by the way, my cat didn't flinch - and there was no feeling of 'presence'.

This vision was distinctly peripheral. The entire creature was completely black - oh, and no clothes. Thought I'd share that, anyway.

Thats scared the crap out of me just reading it!
I was just looking on Internet as I saw a shadow person yesterday.

I woke at about 7am, and went into my morning routine, unfortunately (for me) i have some gut issues so i do tend to spend an hour or more on the toilet each morning as routine. I had taken a moment to go down stairs to grab a glass of water - my parents we're staying over and i saw both were down stairs tucking into breakfast. I returned upstairs and saw my my wife was still sound asleep in the neighboring room (sleeping off a hangover) and returned to our master bedroom, closed the door and sat on the en-suite toilet. I closed the bedroom door and the curtains were still closed, it's daylight outside. I have lived here long enough to recognise the house noises and know my surroundings.

I was watching sky news (on the loo) when a shadow person appeared very quickly in the middle of the room and disappeared soon after, the whole sighting was at most in a second and a half. The shadow i saw appeared solid, i.e. was not a reflection on the seat in my line of sight but "free-standing" i would not say solid, but was not a shadow in the silhouette sense. It seemed humanoid in shape, though only maybe 4 to 4.5 feet tall, angled but upright. As quick as it was it was in right in front of me and seemed to turn and leave as if it saw me and scarpered;. It came into view from my right to left, directly between me and the TV and then turned. I cannot say I saw legs, but it definitely seemed a humanoid shape. It was right in front of me and not out of the corner of my eye - i had not been drinking the night before and was wide awake taking in the weather report.

I have lived in and worked in two "haunted" places - i have never seen what I can call a ghost, though I have felt in those places a presence or presences on ocassions. This shadow entity to me did not feel ghostly or evil. It was fleeting and though i sensed (if i can use the term as a non-medium) there is or was something or one there it did not terrify me, in fact, given where i was and what i was doing i finished up and did not mention for a full hour when we had left the house and were in the car heading for a daytrip. I am 100% certain nobody moved out in the hall and this was nobody moving around or trick of the light. I have no idea what I saw but I wanted to share.
Hi Daniel,

Welcome to the forum. :) We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, and how they found their way here. Have a read through that section to get an idea of how others have done it. Thanks.
I learn so much from reading these threads, and am grateful for all those who contribute. I am still playing 'cassiopaea catch up' - you know, the intention is there to contribute, but there are so, so many books, videos, threads to read I mostly end up saving relevent info on my laptop for further reflection etc, as I choose not to have internet at home.

Anyway, I am gradually going through the wave series and other recommended books, trying to have more of a Paleo diet and practice EE, but I just wanted to share my experience of "shadow people".

It has been a couple of months since I awoke sobbing my heart out, after a teary Beatha breathing session, when I 'knew' or perhaps 'thought I knew' I had been subjected to some sort of 'alien' abduction. I was screaming in anger and frustration, but have taken alot of advice on various threads on this Forum - so decided not to have any hypnotic regressive therapy, but accept that it 'may' have occured; if it did so be it; I will concentrate on protecting myself with whatever knowledge I can, so myself (and my children) are less palatable to such potential violations in future.

I assumed that this 'possible' abduction was related to childhood memories of seeing my sleeping form and flying with friends outside :-) but I recently dowsed for some answers (as impartial as I try to be I do take the results with a pinch of salt, but they can be indicative towards Truth) which seemed to suggest it was related to a terrifying incident when, as a young child, I saw this horrible black shape move from the bedroom corner towards my bed. It looked made of fragments of darkness, but had a definate 3D look to it. I just recall cowering under my blanket and being afraid of the dark for some period afterwards. My mum doesn't remember me complaining or mentioning the incident, but I have never forgotten it.

I have watched and read alot of Lauras work, and watched Dr Karla Turner youtube videos, and so have alot more 'closure' of this 'possible' abduction, but it has taken some time to do so.

I still sometimes see small shadowy shapes out of the corner of my eye, but have no fear of the dark now but am vigilant.

Interestingly (perhaps) I had a childrens magic set in the corner of my room, on my toys and games shelf. When I watched Avatar (for the second time) and felt so connected to the indigenous tribe in it, I felt a sense of absolutely intense vunerability later that night - and recited the Prayer of the Soul numerous times until I felt 'safe'. Do you think that 3D/4D STS can perform a sort of 'imprinting' on childrens toys or certain films that may 'open' people up to curiousity or empathy or for just putting fear into children particularly and adults?
An anecdote:

_ said:
The first thought that crossed Steven Paynter’s five-year-old mind was that someone had broken into the house in Bury, Greater Manchester, England. “Around 1986, my mother took me around the local estate to her friend’s house,” Paynter said. “I believed that she had been burgled because her kitchen – her entire kitchen – was covered, and I do mean covered, in big black handprints. Almost animal like.”

He didn’t say anything about the obvious black handprints, not until years later. “I mentioned the incident to my mother, what I saw. She looked at me and said, ‘nothing on the wall Steven.’” He didn’t know how that could be. The prints were there, and his mother’s friend said she saw shadows and the image of dark faces on the walls. His mother was immune. “There was nothing on the wall from her point of view.”

From that point, dark images have followed Paynter. The animal-like prints he saw when he was five have turned into entities. “I’ve seen a big black mass with red eyes always at my door,” he said. “The Hat Man always in the background, and typical shadow people just like our shadows on a sunny day.”

These “typical” shadow people have become so commonplace to Paynter; he’s given them a nickname, “Joeys.” He sees these “Joeys” mostly in his dreams, and his dreams are violent.

“Every time after this that I’ve encountered these beings I’ve always been in a sluggish state and able to see my body in bed,” he said. “Always I’ve been chased. They have blocked my doorways and tried to scratch or make physical contact with me.”

Doctors have told Paynter these dreams are caused by a sleep disorder, but he knows they’re not. When these entities appear to Paynter, the room seems to buzz with electricity, and he knows something is there.

“The situations are like an out of body experience,” he said. “I can see myself in bed.” At sixteen, he dreamt he was outside being chased through his garden, into the house, and onto his bed that started to envelope him. “I awoke but I couldn’t move. I felt like I’d just run the London Marathon. I had a cramp in my left leg.”

More recently, he’s discovered physical marks. “I have awoke usually feeling like I’ve been active all night. Muscles tense, aching, even fingers hurt,” he said. “On two occasions I’ve had small scratches on my side, my right side, always after an encounter.” During these encounters, his “Joeys” are the ones to approach him; the Hat Man simply stands in the background, watching.

None of these encounters, however, equal what Paynter calls “the attack.”

“It was around three years ago, I went to bed as normal and got my usual pre-attack buzzing, and I fell asleep,” he said. The next thing he knew he stood at the side of his bed looking at his body lying next to his then-girlfriend, his eyes frozen open. “I know instantly what’s going on and try and wake up. I panicked because I never have seen myself like that and thought I was dying.”

Paynter’s dream self turned and saw three shadow entities in his room, two “Joeys” and the Hat Man. “I’m now confused and scared more then usual.” One of the shadow entities lunged at Paynter, the other reached out to scratch him. As usual during this dream state, Paynter’s movements were slow, like he was moving under water, but Paynter, a jujitsu instructor, fought these entities nonetheless.

“I’ve never done it before or since but I went for them and they put up no resistance,” he said. Paynter wrestled with the shadow people, landing enough punches they retreated behind the Hat Man. “I then turned around and for the first time I saw a line, a silvery line like a tail almost from my back, then I awoke wet through, and heart going very fast.” He could still feel the shadow beings’ presence in the room, but he could no longer see them.

Paynter’s fingers were sore from the attack. When he checked his face in the mirror, the left side bore a slap mark.

Since the attack, the encounters, that occur every two weeks, have changed. “After the fight, all they do now is circle me,” he said. “That’s like you or I would to an object we never seen before.”

Paynter can’t accept the fact that these encounters aren’t real. “I’m told it’s my brain,” he said. “Science tells me it’s a fault with me, but my heart tells me it’s not and I don’t know how or what the hell is going on. I’m 31 now and I know I’m stuck with it, but I’d like an answer.”

He recently received one. When talking with an ex-girlfriend he’s still close to, she told him these encounters aren’t all in his head. “A few years ago I was in hospital with a bacteria infection and was very ill,” he said. “She told me something that she never mentioned before, so this is first time I ever heard of it.”

The night before she took Paynter to the hospital, he lay in bed sweating with a fever. Paynter began breathing heavily and she leaned over to wake him, but when she did, she saw something she didn’t expect. “She caught in the corner of her eye a large man, a shadow that was lit by the streetlight.” She blinked, but the shadow man was still there. She blinked again and it was gone.

Paynter awoke and said, “Did he scare you? Can’t even stop while I’m ill.” Due to the high fever, Paynter doesn’t remember that night, but that incident convinced his girlfriend his stories of shadow man attacks were real. “After that I never believed what the doctor said to you,” she told him. And she always kept the light on.
Reading about these experiences - specifically on this subject - have always made me feel so uncomfortable and send shudders down my spine. I don't remember 'seeing' anything like this at all whilst awake, and I don't remember specifically dreaming of entities that resemble the descriptions - but the discomfort I feel is very tangible, very like the fear I often feel that I think is 'irrational'. Perhaps the discomfort is a form of empathy, trying to feel how the person who is experiencing these things is feeling.
bngenoh said:
An anecdote:

_ said:
The first thought that crossed Steven Paynter’s five-year-old mind was that someone had broken into the house in Bury, Greater Manchester, England. “Around 1986, my mother took me around the local estate to her friend’s house,” Paynter said. “I believed that she had been burgled because her kitchen – her entire kitchen – was covered, and I do mean covered, in big black handprints. Almost animal like.”

He didn’t say anything about the obvious black handprints, not until years later. “I mentioned the incident to my mother, what I saw. She looked at me and said, ‘nothing on the wall Steven.’” He didn’t know how that could be. The prints were there, and his mother’s friend said she saw shadows and the image of dark faces on the walls. His mother was immune. “There was nothing on the wall from her point of view.”

From that point, dark images have followed Paynter. The animal-like prints he saw when he was five have turned into entities. “I’ve seen a big black mass with red eyes always at my door,” he said. “The Hat Man always in the background, and typical shadow people just like our shadows on a sunny day.”

These “typical” shadow people have become so commonplace to Paynter; he’s given them a nickname, “Joeys.” He sees these “Joeys” mostly in his dreams, and his dreams are violent.

“Every time after this that I’ve encountered these beings I’ve always been in a sluggish state and able to see my body in bed,” he said. “Always I’ve been chased. They have blocked my doorways and tried to scratch or make physical contact with me.”

Doctors have told Paynter these dreams are caused by a sleep disorder, but he knows they’re not. When these entities appear to Paynter, the room seems to buzz with electricity, and he knows something is there.

“The situations are like an out of body experience,” he said. “I can see myself in bed.” At sixteen, he dreamt he was outside being chased through his garden, into the house, and onto his bed that started to envelope him. “I awoke but I couldn’t move. I felt like I’d just run the London Marathon. I had a cramp in my left leg.”

More recently, he’s discovered physical marks. “I have awoke usually feeling like I’ve been active all night. Muscles tense, aching, even fingers hurt,” he said. “On two occasions I’ve had small scratches on my side, my right side, always after an encounter.” During these encounters, his “Joeys” are the ones to approach him; the Hat Man simply stands in the background, watching.

None of these encounters, however, equal what Paynter calls “the attack.”

“It was around three years ago, I went to bed as normal and got my usual pre-attack buzzing, and I fell asleep,” he said. The next thing he knew he stood at the side of his bed looking at his body lying next to his then-girlfriend, his eyes frozen open. “I know instantly what’s going on and try and wake up. I panicked because I never have seen myself like that and thought I was dying.”

Paynter’s dream self turned and saw three shadow entities in his room, two “Joeys” and the Hat Man. “I’m now confused and scared more then usual.” One of the shadow entities lunged at Paynter, the other reached out to scratch him. As usual during this dream state, Paynter’s movements were slow, like he was moving under water, but Paynter, a jujitsu instructor, fought these entities nonetheless.

“I’ve never done it before or since but I went for them and they put up no resistance,” he said. Paynter wrestled with the shadow people, landing enough punches they retreated behind the Hat Man. “I then turned around and for the first time I saw a line, a silvery line like a tail almost from my back, then I awoke wet through, and heart going very fast.” He could still feel the shadow beings’ presence in the room, but he could no longer see them.

Paynter’s fingers were sore from the attack. When he checked his face in the mirror, the left side bore a slap mark.

Since the attack, the encounters, that occur every two weeks, have changed. “After the fight, all they do now is circle me,” he said. “That’s like you or I would to an object we never seen before.”

Paynter can’t accept the fact that these encounters aren’t real. “I’m told it’s my brain,” he said. “Science tells me it’s a fault with me, but my heart tells me it’s not and I don’t know how or what the hell is going on. I’m 31 now and I know I’m stuck with it, but I’d like an answer.”

He recently received one. When talking with an ex-girlfriend he’s still close to, she told him these encounters aren’t all in his head. “A few years ago I was in hospital with a bacteria infection and was very ill,” he said. “She told me something that she never mentioned before, so this is first time I ever heard of it.”

The night before she took Paynter to the hospital, he lay in bed sweating with a fever. Paynter began breathing heavily and she leaned over to wake him, but when she did, she saw something she didn’t expect. “She caught in the corner of her eye a large man, a shadow that was lit by the streetlight.” She blinked, but the shadow man was still there. She blinked again and it was gone.

Paynter awoke and said, “Did he scare you? Can’t even stop while I’m ill.” Due to the high fever, Paynter doesn’t remember that night, but that incident convinced his girlfriend his stories of shadow man attacks were real. “After that I never believed what the doctor said to you,” she told him. And she always kept the light on.

When I was very young I had a darkness come and wake me in the night. My parents said they would come into the room sometimes after hearing me scream only to find me crying with my eyes closed and unable to wake me up. The darkness made me feel a shade of green/black awfulness is the only way I knew how to descibe it.
As I got older I found I could lie to myself saying it was my bird that got out(in the middle of the night) or just a dream/over active imagination. Then in my early twenties two very strange things happened. I wolk up one night to the darkness standing in the door way of my room. I felt the usual sensation of not being able to move and being scared and very very tired. I wolk up the next morning not thinking much of it. My boyfriend at the time holds my hand and asked me what was that, that happened last night. Of course I said what are you talking about? I did remember but I had never told him anything about my experiences or anyone else for that matter because it sounds crazy. He told me he wolk up to something standing in doorway and it scared him pretty bad. When he turned over to wake me he said I wouldnt wake up and had tears rolling down my face. I told him it was probably a dream, but he never stayed at my place again.
Years later I was out of state for one of my best friends weddings. We were all enjoying the festivities and a friend of hers who knows nothing about me walked up to me and says I have something very important to tell you. It was kinda weird but I was intriged so I stepped out with her to see what she had to say that was so serious. She says " You know the darkness that wakes you in the night since you were little"? I just blinked and said what are you talking about? Again I have never told anyone not even my best friend about this stuff. She then descibes what I had been seeing my whole life and said it was becuase someone had given me somthing like shale or chalky rock that carried something very evil with it when I was little. She said that the person who gave this to me did not do it on purpose. I collected rocks so who knows.
At this point I was a bit freaked out that she could descibe so well what had been happening and also mentioned some problems I was having with a family member( also something nobody but me knew). So I let her do this thing with an egg and I laughed the whole time making light of it becuase after all we were at a wedding party and this was all crazy right? Well whatever she did worked becuase I have never seen it after that.
Just thought I would share and it feels kind of nice to get this out. The story above just reminded me of mine becuase of the girlfriend being able to see his Joeys. Thank goodness my Joeys are gone!
c.a. said:

The Peterborough Paranormal Society
Shadow People THEY ARE REAL!


Now before you start feeling sorry for these shadow people and want to open your home to them so you can show them the way, think again.

Intersting video of testimonial's about shadow people, looking for, or attracted to NE, (Negive energy).

A Study in Shadows

[links deactivated by moderator]

Now this is creepy. I remember seeing the images linked in this post back on February and going into some sort of denial. I remember seeing basically an exact replica of the "hat man" version when I was a very little kid. I would lie in bed in the night and realize that there was "someone" there. I could make up a dark shadow of a man with a hat, almost like in the image. It would scare me to death and my programming will make me just bear it, turn my back to it and try to go to sleep so morning light would come out soon. I remember seeing "it" at least twice. Downright creepy.
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