Jedi Master
It wasn’t like we were not warned, you were if you saw the signs. For some reason 99% of the world population didn’t see this.
The sun, it is having difficulty, change can have an incredible effect on it and other satellites here. It was like a bubble of protection that we all had but most expected to continue forever, for them it was the norm. How short their memory was.
‘Straight from Wiki.’
The ‘Carrington Event’ was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking on 1–2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10. It created strong auroral displays that were reported globally and caused sparking and even fires in telegraph stations. The geomagnetic storm was most likely the result of a coronal mass ejection (CME) from the Sun colliding with Earth's magnetosphere.
The geomagnetic storm was associated with a very bright solar flare on 1 September 1859. It was observed and recorded independently by British astronomers Richard Carrington and Richard Hodgson—the first records of a solar flare. A geomagnetic storm of this magnitude occurring today has the potential to cause widespread electrical disruptions, blackouts and damage due to extended cuts of the electrical power grid.
On 1 and 2 September 1859, one of the largest geomagnetic storms (as recorded by ground-based magnetometers) occurred. Estimates of the storm strength (Dst) range from −0.80 to −1.75 μT.
The geomagnetic storm is thought to have been caused by a big coronal mass ejection (CME) that traveled directly toward Earth, taking 17.6 hours to make the 150×106 km (93×106 mi) journey. Typical CMEs take several days to arrive at Earth, but it is believed that the relatively high speed of this CME was made possible by a prior CME, perhaps the cause of the large aurora event on 29 August that "cleared the way" of ambient solar wind plasma for the Carrington Event.
Associated solar flare
Just before noon on 1 September 1859, the English amateur astronomers Richard Carrington and Richard Hodgson independently recorded the earliest observations of a solar flare. Carrington and Hodgson compiled independent reports which were published side by side in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society and exhibited their drawings of the event at the November 1859 meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Because of a geomagnetic solar flare effect (a "magnetic crochet") observed in the Kew Observatory magnetometer record by Scottish physicist Balfour Stewart, and a geomagnetic storm observed the following day, Carrington suspected a solar–terrestrial connection. Worldwide reports of the effects of the geomagnetic storm of 1859 were compiled and published by American mathematician Elias Loomis, which support the observations of Carrington and Stewart.
Now we are possibly at a precipice again, it is about to pop … and it’s not going to be small like the Carrington Event. The reason for that, during the Carrington Event, planets were not in right position … not like they are now.
Every so often you get a loop in the alignments, this includes an external hidden satellite, our sun’s companion. We are talking about Nemesis, it is out there … and it is suspected of being in just the right place for this event to happen.
What we had was an electrical event that was about to happen, the sun is always pumped to do this, it takes a time of weakness for any of this energy to come out … this is being seen now just with the number of sunspots.
We have a little history of sunspot history now, it gives you something to reference to for future predictions and is used heavily in most decisions. Then you come across a cycle like we are having right now where we are at twice the number of sunspots than what was predicted, did we make a mistake … or it this something else getting ready to go?
All this is real as of today.
This is a fictional story of an event happening, it is not to say that something similar is not headed our way so take this with a grain of salt … so to say.
Space weather caught it first and sent out alerts to all users, it even hit faster than the Nasa sites. Immediately thousands of backyard telescopes were on-line, YouTube was lined up with live feeds off of them. it took Nasa fifteen minutes to get the same view, they blamed it on faulty equipment … it was management.
It was a good thing people were watching live before that … they missed the level one event, the flare it was huge an X47. But it wasn’t coming at us, but Mercury and Venus were side by side, they were going to take the brunt of this.
Close range satellites picked it up next … and fried a second later.
Then the prominence showed, a fountain of sun just reached out and just kept on going, it was a connected CME that was looking like it was going to go all the way to Mercury, it went past and touched Venus before falling back, that was the level two event. It was certain death for our closer brethren.
What everyone saw was beyond imagination, we saw it but few could believe it, it was a lightning bolt, it followed the CME all the way to Venus … and it didn’t stop … it kept on going. this was a third level event, something no one alive had ever experienced before.
Bigger telescopes on nighttime continents were on-line now and we had views, close up of Venus as it was being absolutely shocked to death. This was twenty-six minutes after first flare. But the lightning didn’t stop as it jumped toward Jupiter, it was moving fast … definitely faster then the speed of light.
We felt it here on earth, not the lightning bolt but the other items, meters fluxed but we were alright from it. At least that is what we were told by officials and select scientists.
If you were watching and paying attention, you have noticed that your government is not telling you much of the truth, then you find others that are just as bad. They spout one truth to grab your attention, then the rest is just not worthy of flushing down the drain, you get me.
And the 99% believed them, we were all in shock.
Large telescopes were shut down by the government, don’t need to see this. It was just the largest event that they sun ever produced, why would you want to watch that? We did and it was mostly on backyard scopes that they couldn’t find. We watched as two days later it hit Jupiter and the storms stopped dead in their tracks, it was like someone just turned them off with a switch.
Then it did the most amazing thing, the lightning turned toward Uranus, we are talking about a good 25° right turn … and it kept going and few saw it, even fewer understood what was happening here.
Small teams got together, theories flew, many were false sources, we knew who was running them. we had ours and a team was there to discuss, knowledge, intelligence, physicist’s, men who were not afraid of speak of the unspoken words.
They came up with was it about to do a loop, a lap around the solar system, that is if it turns again to this suspected brown dwarf that resides on the outer shield. That will be what would make this loop that they were theorizing upon.
It shocked Nasa when it happened, were they not watching already, it just turned at Uranus. But this time it turned and turned hard, 50° into the void. We got more good news from the resources, they said it was now leaving out of our solar system into the void of space, calm was quickly restored. Fools …
We saw it, it hit something and turned hard again, it was Nemesis being the negative pole of the solar system just waiting to make all this work. It headed right for Neptune, it was coming home … Earth.
We waited for the news, but there was nothing, how could there be nothing, chat rooms were cut short, no video was allowed, we’ve been stuffed again.
It’s been sixteen days, it’s about to hit Saturn in two days, then our people have calculated three days to Earth after that, and the charge has not weakened by much this whole trip around the solar system. What they noticed is that the larger planets took it better than the smaller ones … like us.
Our team came up with an idea of what we’ll experience, they said the biggest item will be from lightning, lightning so intense that it will fry any electronic, no protection will be enough. Then comes the people, you need to somehow hide from it because it is looking for each and every ground source … you. and if you live through all that, well life is going to get simpler, think cave man or at least a thousand-year regression.
It was the top story, finally after eighteen days after the first flare, the news finally is allowed to talk about this. They said it was a unexpected glow off of Saturn, noting to worry about. What we saw was something totally different, Saturn’s surface and rings, everything stopped for a whole day before engaging again, talk about a mess.
Two days from ‘Arc-Day’, it’s what we call it now. People were noticing that the glow was getting brighter, it was lighting up the daytime sky now. Panic tried to take hold here, few were in the street, many were detained.
One day to ‘Arc-Day’, people woke up in more ways than one, by ten o’ clock there was full on riots going on, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and Portland were stay out zones, so were many large east coast cities, once this happened, we didn’t hear from them anymore.
Basically, all the world had one day to prepare ore rebel, you get to call it. the rich were either hiding their gold or finding someone to protect it for them only to find out that they are out for your gold too, many rich men died this day.
Then you have the powerful, most of those are rich, they want to run the world the day afterwards, there will be fighting but it will be with stones and clubs as nothing will work.
So while the rest of the world went crazy, we decided to have a barbeque. The local meat market was going to lose power just like the rest of us, they had minimal freezing capability and all of it was just going to go bad. it was delicious and everyone was there. Gas was free as every car would be fried tomorrow. I want you to know, everybody started to look at that old ‘66’ bug a little more now, 6 volts and points, it might survive.
It came with a jolt, it was like it got close to use and jumped, it hit right at the end of the Mediterranean, it spread out to cover a dozen countries, it was doubtful that anyone survived.
And people still persisted. You had to laugh at them.
Guns, Ha what a joke, when the lightning came you didn’t want to be holding a gun, just another lightning rod. But this one explodes as the gunpowder lights off and all the shells detonate in one swift blast, not much left after that. The hillbillies from up the street were parading around blasting off shotguns when it hit us, so much for them.
The US Navy ships were trying to get into port, they didn’t make it. witnesses said that there were burnt bodies on the top deck, who knows what is below deck. An all-metal ship, you could see scorch parks on the side as bolts concentrated there.
That was the last thing we heard, we hid in a danger room with lighting rods and several grounds. No one's hair stayed down during the whole event from static buildup … but we did survive. We saved two young pigs and four chickens, the other two chickens died from shock, they’ll be dinner tonight.
Again, this is a fictional story, the image below is not, it is our current planetary positions as of this morning. Haiku …

The sun, it is having difficulty, change can have an incredible effect on it and other satellites here. It was like a bubble of protection that we all had but most expected to continue forever, for them it was the norm. How short their memory was.
‘Straight from Wiki.’
The ‘Carrington Event’ was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking on 1–2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10. It created strong auroral displays that were reported globally and caused sparking and even fires in telegraph stations. The geomagnetic storm was most likely the result of a coronal mass ejection (CME) from the Sun colliding with Earth's magnetosphere.
The geomagnetic storm was associated with a very bright solar flare on 1 September 1859. It was observed and recorded independently by British astronomers Richard Carrington and Richard Hodgson—the first records of a solar flare. A geomagnetic storm of this magnitude occurring today has the potential to cause widespread electrical disruptions, blackouts and damage due to extended cuts of the electrical power grid.
On 1 and 2 September 1859, one of the largest geomagnetic storms (as recorded by ground-based magnetometers) occurred. Estimates of the storm strength (Dst) range from −0.80 to −1.75 μT.
The geomagnetic storm is thought to have been caused by a big coronal mass ejection (CME) that traveled directly toward Earth, taking 17.6 hours to make the 150×106 km (93×106 mi) journey. Typical CMEs take several days to arrive at Earth, but it is believed that the relatively high speed of this CME was made possible by a prior CME, perhaps the cause of the large aurora event on 29 August that "cleared the way" of ambient solar wind plasma for the Carrington Event.
Associated solar flare
Just before noon on 1 September 1859, the English amateur astronomers Richard Carrington and Richard Hodgson independently recorded the earliest observations of a solar flare. Carrington and Hodgson compiled independent reports which were published side by side in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society and exhibited their drawings of the event at the November 1859 meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Because of a geomagnetic solar flare effect (a "magnetic crochet") observed in the Kew Observatory magnetometer record by Scottish physicist Balfour Stewart, and a geomagnetic storm observed the following day, Carrington suspected a solar–terrestrial connection. Worldwide reports of the effects of the geomagnetic storm of 1859 were compiled and published by American mathematician Elias Loomis, which support the observations of Carrington and Stewart.
Now we are possibly at a precipice again, it is about to pop … and it’s not going to be small like the Carrington Event. The reason for that, during the Carrington Event, planets were not in right position … not like they are now.
Every so often you get a loop in the alignments, this includes an external hidden satellite, our sun’s companion. We are talking about Nemesis, it is out there … and it is suspected of being in just the right place for this event to happen.
What we had was an electrical event that was about to happen, the sun is always pumped to do this, it takes a time of weakness for any of this energy to come out … this is being seen now just with the number of sunspots.
We have a little history of sunspot history now, it gives you something to reference to for future predictions and is used heavily in most decisions. Then you come across a cycle like we are having right now where we are at twice the number of sunspots than what was predicted, did we make a mistake … or it this something else getting ready to go?
All this is real as of today.
This is a fictional story of an event happening, it is not to say that something similar is not headed our way so take this with a grain of salt … so to say.
Space weather caught it first and sent out alerts to all users, it even hit faster than the Nasa sites. Immediately thousands of backyard telescopes were on-line, YouTube was lined up with live feeds off of them. it took Nasa fifteen minutes to get the same view, they blamed it on faulty equipment … it was management.
It was a good thing people were watching live before that … they missed the level one event, the flare it was huge an X47. But it wasn’t coming at us, but Mercury and Venus were side by side, they were going to take the brunt of this.
Close range satellites picked it up next … and fried a second later.
Then the prominence showed, a fountain of sun just reached out and just kept on going, it was a connected CME that was looking like it was going to go all the way to Mercury, it went past and touched Venus before falling back, that was the level two event. It was certain death for our closer brethren.
What everyone saw was beyond imagination, we saw it but few could believe it, it was a lightning bolt, it followed the CME all the way to Venus … and it didn’t stop … it kept on going. this was a third level event, something no one alive had ever experienced before.
Bigger telescopes on nighttime continents were on-line now and we had views, close up of Venus as it was being absolutely shocked to death. This was twenty-six minutes after first flare. But the lightning didn’t stop as it jumped toward Jupiter, it was moving fast … definitely faster then the speed of light.
We felt it here on earth, not the lightning bolt but the other items, meters fluxed but we were alright from it. At least that is what we were told by officials and select scientists.
If you were watching and paying attention, you have noticed that your government is not telling you much of the truth, then you find others that are just as bad. They spout one truth to grab your attention, then the rest is just not worthy of flushing down the drain, you get me.
And the 99% believed them, we were all in shock.
Large telescopes were shut down by the government, don’t need to see this. It was just the largest event that they sun ever produced, why would you want to watch that? We did and it was mostly on backyard scopes that they couldn’t find. We watched as two days later it hit Jupiter and the storms stopped dead in their tracks, it was like someone just turned them off with a switch.
Then it did the most amazing thing, the lightning turned toward Uranus, we are talking about a good 25° right turn … and it kept going and few saw it, even fewer understood what was happening here.
Small teams got together, theories flew, many were false sources, we knew who was running them. we had ours and a team was there to discuss, knowledge, intelligence, physicist’s, men who were not afraid of speak of the unspoken words.
They came up with was it about to do a loop, a lap around the solar system, that is if it turns again to this suspected brown dwarf that resides on the outer shield. That will be what would make this loop that they were theorizing upon.
It shocked Nasa when it happened, were they not watching already, it just turned at Uranus. But this time it turned and turned hard, 50° into the void. We got more good news from the resources, they said it was now leaving out of our solar system into the void of space, calm was quickly restored. Fools …
We saw it, it hit something and turned hard again, it was Nemesis being the negative pole of the solar system just waiting to make all this work. It headed right for Neptune, it was coming home … Earth.
We waited for the news, but there was nothing, how could there be nothing, chat rooms were cut short, no video was allowed, we’ve been stuffed again.
It’s been sixteen days, it’s about to hit Saturn in two days, then our people have calculated three days to Earth after that, and the charge has not weakened by much this whole trip around the solar system. What they noticed is that the larger planets took it better than the smaller ones … like us.
Our team came up with an idea of what we’ll experience, they said the biggest item will be from lightning, lightning so intense that it will fry any electronic, no protection will be enough. Then comes the people, you need to somehow hide from it because it is looking for each and every ground source … you. and if you live through all that, well life is going to get simpler, think cave man or at least a thousand-year regression.
It was the top story, finally after eighteen days after the first flare, the news finally is allowed to talk about this. They said it was a unexpected glow off of Saturn, noting to worry about. What we saw was something totally different, Saturn’s surface and rings, everything stopped for a whole day before engaging again, talk about a mess.
Two days from ‘Arc-Day’, it’s what we call it now. People were noticing that the glow was getting brighter, it was lighting up the daytime sky now. Panic tried to take hold here, few were in the street, many were detained.
One day to ‘Arc-Day’, people woke up in more ways than one, by ten o’ clock there was full on riots going on, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and Portland were stay out zones, so were many large east coast cities, once this happened, we didn’t hear from them anymore.
Basically, all the world had one day to prepare ore rebel, you get to call it. the rich were either hiding their gold or finding someone to protect it for them only to find out that they are out for your gold too, many rich men died this day.
Then you have the powerful, most of those are rich, they want to run the world the day afterwards, there will be fighting but it will be with stones and clubs as nothing will work.
So while the rest of the world went crazy, we decided to have a barbeque. The local meat market was going to lose power just like the rest of us, they had minimal freezing capability and all of it was just going to go bad. it was delicious and everyone was there. Gas was free as every car would be fried tomorrow. I want you to know, everybody started to look at that old ‘66’ bug a little more now, 6 volts and points, it might survive.
It came with a jolt, it was like it got close to use and jumped, it hit right at the end of the Mediterranean, it spread out to cover a dozen countries, it was doubtful that anyone survived.
And people still persisted. You had to laugh at them.
Guns, Ha what a joke, when the lightning came you didn’t want to be holding a gun, just another lightning rod. But this one explodes as the gunpowder lights off and all the shells detonate in one swift blast, not much left after that. The hillbillies from up the street were parading around blasting off shotguns when it hit us, so much for them.
The US Navy ships were trying to get into port, they didn’t make it. witnesses said that there were burnt bodies on the top deck, who knows what is below deck. An all-metal ship, you could see scorch parks on the side as bolts concentrated there.
That was the last thing we heard, we hid in a danger room with lighting rods and several grounds. No one's hair stayed down during the whole event from static buildup … but we did survive. We saved two young pigs and four chickens, the other two chickens died from shock, they’ll be dinner tonight.
Again, this is a fictional story, the image below is not, it is our current planetary positions as of this morning. Haiku …