Should Corrupt Politicians be Executed? Poll

I'm against executing anyone in the judicial system that we have today.
Those that get prosecuted are the one's that have stepped on the toes
of the PTB in some way. They're also used as a charade to convince us
that the institutions are doing something against corruption. A few small
fishes for the people to chew on, while the real criminals continue to chew
on everyone.
At first I voted all for the execution. I was kind of voting for the killing of specifically psychopaths in a relatively painless way. I had just looked at the gator shocked by eel thread. Don't know if that influenced my decision. I was kind of thinking, "Well, the Universe is probably going to finish them off anyways."

I went back on another computer and voted no it's a crazy idea. After reading this thread I realized that they are a part of our existence. Earth is a learning experience that is defined by suffering. I thought "putting them in timeout" was kind of funny. Floggings seem like a kind of torture if I understand that to be whippings.
3D Student said:
At first I voted all for the execution. I was kind of voting for the killing of specifically psychopaths in a relatively painless way. I had just looked at the gator shocked by eel thread. Don't know if that influenced my decision. I was kind of thinking, "Well, the Universe is probably going to finish them off anyways."

I went back on another computer and voted no it's a crazy idea. After reading this thread I realized that they are a part of our existence. Earth is a learning experience that is defined by suffering. I thought "putting them in timeout" was kind of funny. Floggings seem like a kind of torture if I understand that to be whippings.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and doubts, 3D Student. I also voted 'crazy idea' as I mentioned before, but still have some doubts too.

On the one hand, as you have said, "the Universe is probably going to finish them off anyway". They are going to disintegrate even without our interference, it seems. The C's are not fighting them, as I understood, they serve both STS and STO. It is their (the corrupt politicians') free will to serve self to the extreme, and if we choose a different path, we should probably just let them be and learn their lessons, without violating their free will.

But on the other hand, I think we have the right to defend our free will too, i.e. not to associate with these people and not to let them interfere our choices.

So, if they lie to us, we have the right to expose them, and if they steal our money, we should be entitled to demand compensation, etc.

And if, in some cases, their psychopathic actions lead to some serious consequences, like diseases, injuries and deaths of other people, then maybe we have the right to even eliminate them physically and treat it not as a violence or revenge on our part, but as a natural result. Just as you mentioned about the gator - this is nature. The gator chose to attack the eel, thus choosing also the consequences of it, i.e. death.

If we look at nature, we will see a perfect balance. If some grazers are weak, for example, the predators prevail, but if they are strong, they can prevail too.

And when predators prey on weak (i.e. unhealthy) animals, this can rather be treated as mercy then violence on their part. Objectively, this is merely a natural cleansing, not evil. Remember Goethe's Faust: "I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good".

So we should become strong if we don't want them to prey on us.

I still think that executions are not the best way, but maybe in some cases they are acceptable.
Talking about executing them does not makes sense when you know who is or who is not psycho if mass population has knowledge about them, and there are different methods then old plain primitive execution and lynch, that is rule of the mob that is no better and soon it turns into execution of everybody else that disagrees. If they do not have knowledge and few of them on top are dealt in that way what will really change, and this poll is exactly that.

People tend to see things from their own small perception field. It is like saying let s punish one animal predator species like snakes because they hunt other animals. And the next question is why? And the answer is because they are predatory. It really looks like real "intelligent" answer. It is their nature, and they can not change so do not see what will change if you punish them then get some sort of personal satisfaction and venting out, because you are plain liar if saying otherwise because this is obviously torture and does not solve anything, nor does bring back lost ones. People thinking with their emotions not brains that way not being conscious that not everybody shares their perception and polarity. Too much blame also on them and to little looking on self in mirror. People in the end choose this planet and game rules. I do not know if there were psychos in Atlantis, but if not even then people destroyed themselves. There will always be people seeking power and thinking that sto approach on this 3D level planet has any chance of sucess in such a mixed world that goes more in sts direction is naive.

If you want to deal with them with clean hands after some imaginary 3d conscious mass revolution you take them all on some prison island or something and they will clean themselves out through infighting or lack of basic skills- let the nature deal with them, because I also wonder who will back his words here with deeds and be executioner. Too much brainwashed thinking by the system it is.

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