Shoutwire as COINTELPRO

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Besides a person can't cure or help with the flea infestation unless they are prepared to 'lay down with dogs' so to speak. Any person who 'vollunteered' for a stint in 3rd density is probably doing just that. Fleas must be some peoples 'thing' and they just like 'fixing' the problem, by providing (some) dogs with the means to de-flea themselves.

It only becomes a problem when STS orientated individuals actually start to SEE what STO orientated individuals are trying to do. They like fleas! Just like they like the status quo. One way of keeping the status quo is to pretend these problems don't exist..

ark said:
He has missed the whole point. We did NOT get fleas. And, while our reader apparently sits and is learning nothing, we do learn and we do move on :) And we are doing it not for ourselves, but the for the higher values.
I would just like to reinforce what Deckard said above with regard to how un-cult-like SOTT is.

Over a year ago I ordered two books from SOTT, and understood that they would take up to two months to arrive. When the first one didn't come at the two-month mark, I sent an email explaining the situation. Within days, the book arrived, because another copy was sent using Global Priority. So not only did QFG send another book at their own expense, but they also used a rather expensive shipping option. Now a real cult, which would have money-making as one of its main goals, would not go about the above situation the way QFG did. I imagine they would say something to the effect of, "we can't control what happens in the postal system" which would then mean the purchaser would have to buy another copy of the book. I felt like a fool when, after the second book hadn't yet arrived at the two-month mark, I was prompted to draft an email which complained about the long shipping times. But something told me to wait another day before sending it, and so I did. Something told me there was nothing more to the problem than long customs delays. When I got home the following day, the second book had arrived. These two experiences showed me that QFG/SOTT is a truly dedicated, honest and reliable group of people. I have no idea what happened to my first book, but I expect it got conveniently "lost" in the postal system somewhere, which of course had nothing to do with QFG.

Deckard said:
My experience is that I started participation on this forum not because I blindly believed in what was being said but because I wanted to probe for more answers so I can reach my own conclusions.
And this, in essence, is what caused me to participate on the forum. I did not want to be led blindly by some figure of authority. All I wanted was advice, and also guidance about further research. I also wanted to give both these things. And this is the main point of the SOTT forums. Further research. And when you have collaboration, the possibilities for further substantial research are increased dramatically. People on SW cannot possibly see this. They cannot grasp or comprehend a group of like-minded individuals whose goal is to engage in discussion relating to a search for the truth. To them, that's totally alien, and "not normal". To them, "discussion" is about flaming, dissent, derision, ridicule. It is not a means to an end, but a means in and of itself. They find it "fun" to cause flame-wars. It's "fun" to insult, put down, and ruin people's lives through words. "To hell with the truth," they think. Truth is boring, and "not for me". "I'm a metallurgical engineeer" says one of those SW psychopaths, and yet this just goes to show that seemingly intelligent people can be anything but intelligent. No amount of education is ever a cure for ignorance, because it is not education but an inner sense of loving, and yearning for, the truth, that causes someone to move away from ignorance. Those that have no capacity for this inner yearning are the psychopaths of the world.
I am in the middle of Robert D. Hare's "Without Conscience" and find it quite interesting to have come across this information at this time. Dr. Hare is talking about a certain psychopath named Dave who is what Dr. Hare refers to as a "Corporate Psychopath"

....When his boss asked him to control his outbursts, Dave responded that in his opinion fighting and aggression were necessary forces and that people needed them to advance in life.
Sort of sounds like the philosophy at Shoutwire, or so it seems to me.

It is frightening to see at hand the affects of the dumbing down that has been happening in the U.S. over the last, what, 100 years or so. You have kids graduating from high school who can't read or write. They can't do simple math. And they have no interest in what is really going on in the world. All they care about is playing video games which emphasize killing, doing dope, drinking, having sex and seeking thrills. Acquiring knowledge is not on their agenda. They go with the flow of their peers, who go with the flow of the media which goes with the flow of the PTB. They do not know any better as that is how they have been brought up. This is what they are taught. If not at school then by their parents or their friends. This dumbing down of the population in the U.S. is one of the problems that was written of by Laura in "The Secret History of the World", and it might also be in "The Wave" series, and it is a sad fact. The fruits of this are what we are seeing now. And, thankfully, not everyone has succumbed to the dumbing down process, but those who have not are far and few between. And of those who have not been dumbed down, there are very few who actually are seeking the real truth. They don't know that there is a real truth. They think that what the media tells them is the truth. And anyone who says different is a conspiracy nut. This is the mindless programming that they function under.

I, for one, am so very glad that I stumbled on to these sites of Laura's and Ark's. The wonderful work of SotT and all of those who make these sites function. They do not tell you what to think or believe, as a cult would. They encourage you to go out and do the research yourself, to come to your own conclusions, but find the truth to a thing, use the mind you were given, don't waste it. And I thank all of you for this opportunity to learn. To network and see what comes up. To REALLY learn. What a great experience this is.

The downside of these SotT sites is that when I go to other sites, I find them to be so unfulfilling. So childish that I am not even interested in any of them. Okay, I'm done now. :)
Lynne said:
It is frightening to see at hand the affects of the dumbing down that has been happening in the U.S. over the last, what, 100 years or so. You have kids graduating from high school who can't read or write. They can't do simple math. And they have no interest in what is really going on in the world. All they care about is playing video games which emphasize killing, doing dope, drinking, having sex and seeking thrills. Acquiring knowledge is not on their agenda. They go with the flow of their peers, who go with the flow of the media which goes with the flow of the PTB. They do not know any better as that is how they have been brought up. This is what they are taught. If not at school then by their parents or their friends.
A correspondent recently wrote to me:

There are two ways to be damned: telling what ought to be the truth and telling people what IS the truth as represented by countless others: eg Galileo. Evidently, this truth stuff is a dangerous thing. Probably should not be attempted by boys and girls and is best left to the professionals.
The problem is that Americans redefined freedom to mean endless consumption, endless physical gratification, and a culture with no values other than Japanese gold, cash from drug trade, and robbing Peter to pay Paul in order to buy enough time for the current generation in charge to make it safely into the grave.

The right promoted a culture of greed, profligacy, and selfishness and the left endorsed sexual decadence across the board. (Here, sexual decadence is defined as exploitation of other people, sex without intimacy, and sex itself, as in pornography, etc.)

On the surface, it appears that the reaction of Christian conservatives is in response to this culture of greed and selfishness, but I don't think it is that simple since many of the so-called Christian conservatives are as inured in this culture of exploitation as anyone. That is because the so-called Christians have been programmed to believe that freedom and democracy always depended on prosperity, and not on the Constitution or laws. As "God's Chosen People," they believe that America needs imperialism to perpetuate the prosperity (they are the inheritors of the world, doncha know?). Unfortunately, imperialism is the parent of totalitarianism.

To both the Christian Conservatives and the average American who is ignorant of the rest of the world and history, defending the American way of life really means seizing the resources of other countries and killing whoever gets in the way. Taking other people's stuff for your own and believing you have a right to do so is easily grasped even by the masses (because it is an infantile attitude) and that is why it is so popular.

And so, with the backing of Christian Conservatives and masses of very selfish people - deliberately programmed to this selfishness - Americans opted for warfare and assassinations, covert and overt intelligence operations, to sustain their standard of living. And, when that happened, America basically agreed to give power to psychopaths.

When psychopaths come to power, for whatever reason, the end result is always a bloody horror for everyone. Those that do not remember history, are doomed to repeat it. I should add that those that don't even KNOW history are in even worse shape.

"For to everyone who has will more be given... but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away"? (Matthew 25:29, spiritual Neoclassical economics!)

Gospel of Thomas saying 70: "Jesus said, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you have will save you. If you do not have that within you, what you do not have within you [will] kill you."
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ark said:
Perhaps it is time now for some little parody-fun. Are we allowed to? [...] And for some enlightenment we may like to have a look at this [...]
Thank you, ark, for the Gilad Atzmon link :) files/selfhatersunite.htm

and for the full set of 75 cartoons at the main site :D

When under attack, one of the most difficult things -- and one of the things most necessary for those who seek out the real truth in any matter -- is to keep a balanced perspective, no matter how vicious or slanderous or vile the attack is. Humor is invaluable in that respect. Laughter is restorative. Thanks again.:cool:
Wow, just read the whole thread. Not much to add, so ill just say thanks.

Also noted: The detractors seemingly left...
Cyre2067 said:
Wow, just read the whole thread. Not much to add, so ill just say thanks.

Also noted: The detractors seemingly left...
Well, one or two have moved over to this thread...
Laura's last comment was bang on! Mechanical reactions to mechanical acts, all stemming from the same essential philosophy, which is akin to "Do what thou wilt, that shall be the whole of the law". Modern religion and mass culture resembles Crowley more than Christ, and the politics and economics are even more venal, although ostensibly in a more arid appearance. Perhaps it is this very blandness portrayed in the "media" that turns so many people off genuinely searching for the truth, and instead seeking their little treasures of the self in all the wrong places. Staring down the barrel of my 32nd birthday, I have to admit I've been quite a fool myself over the years. Change takes effort, effort leads to discovery which in time yields truth...which invariably hurts. Our cushy-cosy, touchy-feely, deny-reality culture has left the modern citizen too weak to embrace these efforts.

Face it; one century of the self after another has rendered us collectively, as Thom Yorke would say, as pigs in cages on antibiotics.

For the record, I never checked out SW; a lucky escape I think, but this thread has made for elucidating reading in terms of the cultural psychosis and the descent into primal decay that is the contemporary world. I say contemporary because I cannot see anything modern about it.

Brand new second hand kiss kiss bang bang!
Laura said:
The problem is that Americans redefined freedom to mean endless consumption, endless physical gratification, and a culture with no values other than Japanese gold, cash from drug trade, and robbing Peter to pay Paul in order to buy enough time for the current generation in charge to make it safely into the grave.
And one of the things that shows this is so true is a bumpersticker that was quite popular around here that says:

He who dies with the most toys wins.
And the people actually do think this way. This is their ultimate goal. If they only realized the truth. But they don't even want to know the truth. They have been brainwashed and programmed by the psychopaths in charge of the various religions and governments and so here we are. And who is really gonna win? The 6% who rule, or the 94% who follow?
Here is my little post to shoutwire (I thought it would get deleted so I saved it). It has some mild profanity, but considering that the comments on Shoutwire amount to what is essentially a verbal landfill, I figured it was ok. (Edit- I realize that I responded angrily and for that I was wrong. We must keep in mind that these people are machines and are only performing what their designed to do. Anger towards a machine is stupid and futile).
"I thought I'd mentioned they misquoted me.

"Congratulations! From now on, you are part of the "mainstream media"...

All that blabber about "user based content" was obviously too good to be true.."

I never actually said that or anything remotely like it. They also quoted me as saying:

"Politics. They hate SOTT's politics."

Again, I said nothing of the sort.

How does ANYONE expect them to get something right when it happens thousands of miles away from them if they can't even get a story right thats right in front of their nose!"

Hi Virelleck,
What the article says is- "Virelleck then came right out and stated that content on Shoutwire is effectively censored by stating "we simply edit certain content" to which a shoutwire member (not you dumbass) responded:

"Congratulations! From now on, you are part of the "mainstream media"...

All that blabber about "user based content" was obviously too good to be true..""

The other quote was a paraphrasing of what you apparently said- "We may disagree with each others politics and beliefs, but I never say good night on a sour note".

So I ask you how can you get the story right about an alleged cult if you can't even get a story right thats right in front of your nose?

By the way, why is this piece titled "SOTT Attempts to Make Shoutwire Look Bad" and not its actual title.
A fair newsite would either label your pisspoor article "Shoutwire attempts to make SOTT Look Bad" or give Joe's piece the title he gave it.
My comment was replaced by xxoozero (yes the same zero who wants a debate and insists we are scared) with this-"The SOTT is a cult, and I am brainwashed by thier fat leader." The fact that I use only Virelleck's comments and excerpts from the Joe's article to highlight the absurdity of Virelleck's statement, and am then called a 'brainwashed cultmember', shows quite clearly who the real "insidious cult" is.
Kesdjan said:
Here is my little post to shoutwire (I thought it would get deleted so I saved it). It has some mild profanity, but considering that the comments on Shoutwire amount to what is essentially a verbal landfill, I figured it was ok.
There probably wasn't enough verbal landfill or profanity in your post for them to leave it alone! :D Seems those juvenilles don't realise what it is to 'shoot themselves in the foot' (yet) or the pain it causes. Never mind. They're about to learn. I figured it would take them about 6 days from the time that Joe's article was posted there for them to realise that their attempted manipulation wasn't working as well as they would have liked... :D

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