Show #17: 'It's all a hoax!' The madness of conspiracy theorists

dant said:
Since I am hearing impaired, I cannot listen to the radio, so
where did Kniall summarize the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'?
Is there a link?

In a nutshell, he basically read the protocol about the media, and substituted "internet", "alternative media", etc for some of the original phrases which are more outdated to make it more applicable to our time. Sorry, dant, that you have to wait for it...
Lisa Guliani said:
Another very thought-provoking and compelling show, everyone!
Loved the part about Protocol 12 as well.

Anart,, it was a pleasure hearing you on the radio. You were great...:-)

So it was anart? I thought it was Anna :rolleyes:

PS: By the Way, very good and clear radio voice...
Excellent show.
Indeed, it was great hearing you on the show, Anart.
I did feel like doing this the whole time:
The message of the show to me was loud and clear and also very painful.

Glad you are all back. :)
Best show yet. A much tighter feel to it overall. An excellently honed production. Duration also about right. :clap:
Thanks everyone for your continued support!

Here's the full version of Protocol 12 I reworked. I didn't read it all out in case I bored people. I also changed a couple of other terms (like 'extremist' for 'anarchic'), but I think it pretty much sticks to the 'spirit' of the original text:

PROTOCOL No. 12 Control of the Media

We shall deal with online chatter in the following way: what is the part played by the internet today? It serves to excite and inflame those passions which are needed for our purpose or else it serves selfish ends of parties. It is often vapid, unjust, mendacious, and the majority of the public have not the slightest idea what ends the media really serves. We shall saddle and bridle it with a tight curb: we shall do the same also with all productions of the alternative media, for where would be the sense of getting rid of the attacks of the mainstream media if we remain targets for bloggers and websites?

Among those making attacks upon us will also be sockpuppets established by us, but they will attack exclusively points that we have predetermined to alter. Not a single announcement will reach the public without our public control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few news agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.

Print and online journalism are two of the most important educative forces, and therefore our government will become proprietor of the majority of outlets. This will neutralize the injurious influence of the privately-owned press and will put us in possession of a tremendous influence upon the public mind... If we give permits for ten websites, we shall ourselves found thirty, and so on in the same proportion. This, however, must in no wise be suspected by the public. For which reason all websites set up by us will be of the most opposite, in appearance, tendencies and opinions, thereby creating confidence in us and bringing over to us quite unsuspicious opponents, who will thus fall into our trap and be rendered harmless.

In the front rank will stand publications of an official character. They will always stand guard over our interests, and therefore their influence will be comparatively insignificant.

In the second rank will be the semi-official organs, whose part it will be to attack the tepid and indifferent.

In the third rank we shall set up our own, to all appearance, opposition, which, in at least one of its forms, will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards.

All our online outlets will be of all possible complexions -- liberal, republican, revolutionary, even extremist... Like the Indian idol "Vishnu", they will have a hundred hands, and every one of them will have a finger on any one of the public opinions as required. When a pulse quickens these hands will lead opinion in the direction of our aims, for an excited patient loses all power of judgment and easily yields to suggestion. Those fools who will think they are repeating the opinion of a website of their own camp will be repeating our opinion or any opinion that seems desirable for us. In the vain belief that they are following the champion of their independent beliefs they will, in fact, follow the false flag which we hang out for them.

In order to direct our cyber-militia in this sense, we must take special and minute care in organizing this matter. Under centralized direction, we shall institute online and real-time gatherings at which our cyber-trolls will, without attracting attention, issue the memes and trending terms of the day. By discussing and controverting, but always superficially, without touching the essence of the matter, our organs will carry on a sham flame war with online activists and mainstream commentators, solely for the purpose of giving occasion for us to express ourselves more fully than could well be done from the outset in official announcements.

These attacks upon us will also serve another purpose, namely that our subjects will be convinced of the existence of full freedom of speech and so give our agents an occasion to affirm that all organs which oppose us are empty babblers, since they are incapable of finding any substantial objections to our orders.
Kniall said:
Here's the full version of Protocol 12 I reworked. I didn't read it all out in case I bored people. I also changed a couple of other terms (like 'extremist' for 'anarchic'), but I think it pretty much sticks to the 'spirit' of the original text:

Thanks Kniall!
Shijing said:
Kniall said:
Here's the full version of Protocol 12 I reworked. I didn't read it all out in case I bored people. I also changed a couple of other terms (like 'extremist' for 'anarchic'), but I think it pretty much sticks to the 'spirit' of the original text:

Thanks Kniall!

I second that!! Thanks Kniall!
Lisa Guliani said:
Another very thought-provoking and compelling show, everyone!
Loved the part about Protocol 12 as well.

Anart,, it was a pleasure hearing you on the radio. You were great...:-)

Ditto. Thanks everyone.
Knowing how the psychopaths control the media, as is also part of the Protocols, I understand now why in the last several years we see more blood coming out of wounds on television/movies than in previous years. I have found myself asking why are they being so phony with such huge amounts of blood coming out of wounds (I mean it oozes out in copious amounts as soon as the person is shot, or stabbed, or whatever) and now it makes sense. Most people watching these shows have grown accustomed to seeing so much blood in these shows that they have been conditioned to expect this much blood in real life. When it doesn't happen, it's easy to say it's a fake and have people believe it.
Another thought provoking show! Well done you guys! I'm pretty sure the special guest was introduced as one of the Sott editors, Anne. :cool2:
Thanks Kniall for posting the protocol! I thought it was a great show that put a lot of things in perspective while discussing the bigger picture as well. It was great that you had anart as a guest on the show, she brought up a lot of important points. Big thanks to all of you and to the callers as well! :)
Oxajil said:
I thought it was a great show that put a lot of things in perspective while discussing the bigger picture as well.

Agree. It was a very useful reminder to fact check to the best of our ability sources before inviting others for their interpretation. I realise by not doing so we are unwittingly contributing to the flow of disinformation and it is an important lesson.
Can anyone recommend the best way of getting these shows into my ipod:)
I loved the podcasts as they were very easy to manage on the go and listen to when ever and no internet required but getting them off youtube seems

the show for some reason isn't supported by the estonian itunes store:(
timmyman said:
Can anyone recommend the best way of getting these shows into my ipod:)
I loved the podcasts as they were very easy to manage on the go and listen to when ever and no internet required but getting them off youtube seems

the show for some reason isn't supported by the estonian itunes store:(

Just click on any of the shows on the main page here

and then under the show player there is a "download this episode" link where you can download the episode as an mp3. Then just transfer manually to your player.

thanks... i feel stupid now as i was really searching for a solution and kept putting asking about it forward :D

thanks a lot
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