Olesya said:
The hypothesis of the chemical plants as attractors and the mechanism behind it, explained by Pierre, looks really plausible. So, how believing lies connected to it? Maybe, the information theory can explain that?
There might be several factors at work.
Today, a great number of individuals believe a great number of similar lies, thus the "lie factor" is at its maximum. It seems that periods of great oppression, propaganda and lies are followed by cosmic disruption. So there might be a positive correlation between the lie factor and the occurrence of cosmically induced catastrophes amongst which the increase in cometary activity. That's in line with information theory and quantum theory where the observer has an influence on "random" events and where this influence depends on the information held by the observers.
Once this increase in cometary activity is triggered, you've a greater number of meteorites entering the atmosphere. Those meteorites having spend time in space and nearby the ionosphere, they are probably positively charged (compared to the Earth's surface) once they are in the atmosphere. So a discharge will occur between the meteorite and a nearby region that is (relatively speaking) negatively charged.
From this perspective chemical plants chimney and plumes are prime candidates because they are high up in the sky, i.e. closer to the meteorite (path of least resistance) and they hold a negative electric charge (attracting the positive charge of the meteorite)
During the discharge (lightning bolt), electrons flow massively from the plant to the cometary body (charge balancing) leaving along their path an ionized and negatively charged trail that can act a an electric guide for the meteorites, channeling it towards the plant. In most cases the meteorite will be destroyed by the discharge but even in this case the discharges and overhead explosion can emit shockwaves, generate EMP, blind people, trigger the explosion of the plant, cause burns and electrocution...