Show #49 - Into the Mystic: Interview with Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Carlisle said:
Carlisle said:
Gandalf said:
Zadius Sky said:
I'm glad that it was another great show - I hadn't listened to it as I am hoping a transcript would be created soon.

I'm pretty certain that someone is going to transcribe it pretty soon.

I will get started on this today. Great show as always!

The initial transcript is now up on transop ready for proofing, and I've attached it here if anyone wants to read in the meantime.

Thanks once again for the show, it has helped drill in a lot of concepts to use to examine my life.

Thanks so much for the quick transcript! Thank you Laura and SoTT. It was truly wonderful to have that information distilled into a two hour show. Thought provoking as always. :cool2:
Perceval said:
Here's an link to the show in it's YT incarnation with complimentary images. Thanks go to Parallel for working on it.

Thanks indeed Parallel and Carlisle for your contributions on the YT video and transcript! :)

I am very grateful to Laura and all those at the Chateau for this very timely interview. It has helped me greatly at a difficult time. Thanks :)
Thank you very much Laura and all the Chateau! :flowers: Great show, an existential adventure in two hours!. This is to hear and read several times.
Zadius Sky said:
Indeed, that was fast. Thanks, Carlisle. I just finished reading/listening to this one. Very informative.

Yes, thank you, Carlisle.
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