Siberian explosions


The Living Force
I just ran across this, and don't think anyone has mentioned it yet:


An unusually powerful explosions in Siberia, Russia at February 2012 -are the repetition of the Tunguska explosion in 1908?

As reported the Geophysical Service of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences- two unusually powerful explosions occurred in the last few days in the south of Western Siberia, a few dozen kilometers of the town of Belovo, Kemerovo Region, Russia. The first explosion took place February 9, 2012 at 20:30 pm, the explosion was such a huge force, that the inhabitants of cities Belovo Prokopevsk, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo felt such powerful tremors of the earth, which in many apartments the furniture were falling, many residents were in the panic, ran into the street, thinking that this is an earthquake, but according to the Geophysical Service of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, that have been published already after a few minutes after these shocks- Russian Academy of Sciences excluded the possibility of an earthquake, as an explosion occurred on the surface of the earth, the force was M3.6 on the Richter scale. After this - at February 12, 2012 was another explosion, a little weaker, than the previous explosion, and the Geophysical Service of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences also noted, that it was an explosion but was not an earthquake and this explosion occurred exactly at the same place (the copy of the report message of Geophysical Service of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences can be viewed at the top of this article). All the local press of the Kemerovo region for several days discussed these strange explosions, for first- these explosions can not be explained by the extraction of minerals, since the extraction of minerals in Russia at night time is strictly prohibited, and secondly, the explosions were so much force, that they were equivalent to an explosion of several thousand tons of explosives, and so much explosives do not have the local companies, that extract minerals in this region. Therefore, put forward suggestions, that it were the explosions like of the Tunguska explosion of 1908 or it were the testing of new models of tectonic weapons. Two days ago the specialists of Russian Academy of Sciences from Moscow arrived in Kemerovo, now in the area of explosions are prohibited the access of local residents.

I'd say it sounds like a meteor impact, but two impacts in exactly the same place seems strange. Does anyone know anything else about this?
I asked Ark to look into the Russian language news and it seems that there is some kind of industrial activity in the location that has a long history of explosions. Either that, or meteors are impacting the same spot over and over and over again.
If it were meteor explosions, wouldn't someone have noticed the light?
Laura said:
I asked Ark to look into the Russian language news and it seems that there is some kind of industrial activity in the location that has a long history of explosions. Either that, or meteors are impacting the same spot over and over and over again.

On Belovo's city site (in Russian) they write (on 13th of February) that the local industrial company issued an official statement that they are not responsible for the trembling. According to them, they performed two explosions in the mid day, and that they couldn't in any way trigger seismic reaction in the evening. fwiw.

Also, it reminded me of the following story posted on SOTT:
Shijing said:
I just ran across this, and don't think anyone has mentioned it yet:


An unusually powerful explosions in Siberia, Russia at February 2012 -are the repetition of the Tunguska explosion in 1908?

As reported the Geophysical Service of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences- two unusually powerful explosions occurred in the last few days in the south of Western Siberia, a few dozen kilometers of the town of Belovo, Kemerovo Region, Russia. The first explosion took place February 9, 2012 at 20:30 pm, the explosion was such a huge force, that the inhabitants of cities Belovo Prokopevsk, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo felt such powerful tremors of the earth, which in many apartments the furniture were falling, many residents were in the panic, ran into the street, thinking that this is an earthquake, but according to the Geophysical Service of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, that have been published already after a few minutes after these shocks- Russian Academy of Sciences excluded the possibility of an earthquake, as an explosion occurred on the surface of the earth, the force was M3.6 on the Richter scale. After this - at February 12, 2012 was another explosion, a little weaker, than the previous explosion, and the Geophysical Service of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences also noted, that it was an explosion but was not an earthquake and this explosion occurred exactly at the same place (the copy of the report message of Geophysical Service of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences can be viewed at the top of this article). All the local press of the Kemerovo region for several days discussed these strange explosions, for first- these explosions can not be explained by the extraction of minerals, since the extraction of minerals in Russia at night time is strictly prohibited, and secondly, the explosions were so much force, that they were equivalent to an explosion of several thousand tons of explosives, and so much explosives do not have the local companies, that extract minerals in this region. Therefore, put forward suggestions, that it were the explosions like of the Tunguska explosion of 1908 or it were the testing of new models of tectonic weapons. Two days ago the specialists of Russian Academy of Sciences from Moscow arrived in Kemerovo, now in the area of explosions are prohibited the access of local residents.

I'd say it sounds like a meteor impact, but two impacts in exactly the same place seems strange. Does anyone know anything else about this?

The same on russian .
Also you can find some more results if you write’ earthquake’.
Laura said:
I asked Ark to look into the Russian language news and it seems that there is some kind of industrial activity in the location that has a long history of explosions. Either that, or meteors are impacting the same spot over and over and over again.

Thanks to Ark for checking that out. It sounds like some sort of cover-up about something, but not meteor-related.

Keit said:
Also, it reminded me of the following story posted on SOTT:

Yeah, it does show a similar pattern. Maybe some 'unauthorized' construction going on?
Laura said:
I asked Ark to look into the Russian language news and it seems that there is some kind of industrial activity in the location that has a long history of explosions. Either that, or meteors are impacting the same spot over and over and over again.

If a rock flying towards Earth were to split in two or more fragments in space, or if different rocks were travelling together on the same orbital path, then that could explain two or more hits along the same latitude, perhaps almost on the same spot if they are more or less simultaneous. But since Earth is rotating, if there is a time lapse of a few hours or days, then it seems unlikely that they would hit on the same spot, though not impossible. Unless their approach speed sort of matches Earth's rotation speed so they are approaching always above the same spot until they hit. Does that make sense? Then again I hear that comets and meteorites behave in stranger ways than our common sense would imagine.
Two days ago was a new one.
As we reported a few days ago - at February 9 and February 12, 2012 in the Kuzbass, Kemerovo region, Russia, were observed two powerful explosions of unknown origin, with a magnitude of 3.6 and 2.6 on the Richter scale in the same place, and the new explosion with a magnitude of 3.7 on the Richter scale was occurred on February 15, 2012, a few hundred kilometers of to the east of the place of explosions, that were at February 9 and February 12, 2012. The cause of the new explosion on February 15, 2012, the Geophysical Service of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences again, as well as the causes of explosions at February 9 and February 12, 2012, explained as the explosion (copy of the report message of Geophysical Service of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences can be viewed at the top of this article). The explosion of February 15, 2012 took place in a deserted place of Siberia, far from human settlements and this new explosion completely rejects the all versions of the mining operations at the place of the explosion, as at the place of the new explosion were not conducted the mining operations. Despite the fact, that were versions, that this explosions were an ordinary earthquakes, but the experts of Geophysical Service of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences as the causes of all these jarring of the earth's crust in Siberia at February 2012, were called the explosions on the surface of the earth, and did not an earthquakes, as the focus of conventional natural earthquakes could not located on surface of the earth. While none of the scientists can not explain the nature of these explosions, in the Kemerovo region continue to arrive a Russian scientists from Moscow and Novosibirsk, was established a special Commission for investigate of the causes of these explosions. Representatives of the Commission refuse to report about the causes of the explosions, but the online forums and social networks of the Kemerovo region is literally red-hot from the assumptions about the nature of these explosions, it is assumed, that the explosions were similar to the Tunguska explosion of 1908 or in this region were testing a new patterns of tectonic weapons.
It will be good to find what people say about this i Kemorovo's forum.
Windmill knight said:
Then again I hear that comets and meteorites behave in stranger ways than our common sense would imagine.

I think so too -- the way it is described, the comet cluster seems in some ways like part of a very large-scale immunological system. If there was any sensitivity to vibrational frequency, impact locations may not be completely random. That may not be what's behind these explosions -- or who knows, maybe some very bad things are being done in Kernorovo :P
Here what i found on the Belovo site.

Who is lying?
The discrepancies in the testimony of the Geophysical Survey SB RAS are found today. Look at the image that was published on their website yesterday, after the earthquake, and copied to our site in the publication of the seismic activity. There are also published pictures of the area specified in the coordinates on the image.


Today, on the Komsomolskaya Pravda site in article "In Kuzbass a weird tremor occurred" you ca similar picture is observed. Correspondents of KP did a good job, they interviewed employees located around the incisions of Belovo, posted recordings of the interviews with the head of EDDS Belovo district Sergey Kondratenko and director of the Geophysical Survey SB RAS Victor Seleznev, described how "Komsomolska" was looking for coal incisions , where the explosion has taken place in the evening. And in the end all roads lead to Bachatskij incision. In the recording head of EDDS confirms that the explosion took place at the Bachatskij. Oh well, whether there really was an explosion or not, let created commission sort out. And now look at the picture posted on the website, "Komsomolska".


If we compare the following figures (Time, Latitude and Longitude) with the figures published yesterday, these are absolutely different figures. We enter the coordinates into Google Earth and get the location of the incision Sartaki. Amazing, isn’t it? With nothing but a 6-second-difference in time shown on the images, the epicenter of the Belovo earthquake moved 50 km away onto the territory of another incision. However, all of the article and the attached recordings point towards the Bachatskij incsion.


Where is the truth? Looks like we not going to find out the truth. After such discrepancies in the testimony of the Siberian seismologists are more likely to believe the testimony of European seismic center, which indicate that the epicenter was in Altai region. And it seems that yesterday's earthquake is a consequence of something more serious than an explosion in the coal incision.

In the different sources I found the same comment of the man who is a bulldozer rider. He said that at that day he was working at night shift. In the shift change with he with his partner saw a blue glow. It was like a circuit of electricity or welding, but very big. Then came the clouds (chunk) of smoke. They were very low, so apparently it was not an earthquake, but an explosion, and far away.
Belovo is on the line connecting Novosibirsk to Irkutsk.

(Again, everything comes down to iron, magnetism, EM...)

Shijing said:
I think so too -- the way it is described, the comet cluster seems in some ways like part of a very large-scale immunological system. If there was any sensitivity to vibrational frequency, impact locations may not be completely random. That may not be what's behind these explosions -- or who knows, maybe some very bad things are being done in Kernorovo :P
That's a very interesting way to see it! Maybe they're trying to get rid of the EM field, thus making themselves more "open" to comets.
Muxel said:
Belovo is on the line connecting Novosibirsk to Irkutsk.

(Again, everything comes down to iron, magnetism, EM...)

Shijing said:
I think so too -- the way it is described, the comet cluster seems in some ways like part of a very large-scale immunological system. If there was any sensitivity to vibrational frequency, impact locations may not be completely random. That may not be what's behind these explosions -- or who knows, maybe some very bad things are being done in Kernorovo :P
That's a very interesting way to see it! Maybe they're trying to get rid of the EM field, thus making themselves more "open" to comets.

Yeah. Maybe they are doing some super weird experiments and blowing holes in the "veil".
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