Lynn said:Shijing noted:
As for the above post, I would suggest doing searches on HAARP, Dolores Cannon, and David Wilcock -- they may not be exactly what you think they are
As to your suggestion, I am very well aware of HAARP & the other "zappers" & their capabilities, as I have been compiling data on them since the mid 1990s.
As to Dolores Cannon, I have followed much of her research & information since her first in the Trilogy on Nostradamus came out in 1989. So I am well informed concerning her & her information & have the deepest regards for both her & to what she has found.
Now as to David Wilcock, I was one of the ones David shared with in the late 1990s, as to the Cayce connection. Of course, he's young & made a big splash. Sometimes a person does good by doing that & sometimes they jump in over their head. Anyway, I have not had time to keep up on all of his doings since the late 90s. But the article he did on the "zapper" in "Nexus" was well done & he did his homework fairly well. As to my early involvement, I think somewhere I am mentioned ... let me look back ... I am mentioned here twice & "The Academy" once- <>. Now whether that is a good thing, who can truly say.
I'll even interject this one ahead. I am very well versed in, or have researched, L/L Research's "Ra Material" & 'The Law of ONE' books 1-4, as well as acquainted with Carla. In fact, she has something quoted from me in her book- 'The Wanderer's Handbook', as I recall.
I think you missed the point of the suggestion; it was not to suggest that you were not familiar with the topics, it was rather to suggest that you become familiar with the forum and its members and point of view on those topics so as to determine whether or not there is collinearity.
More importantly, as has been further suggested, reading the forum guidelines that come up during the registration process and are required reading, might be helpful.
Nothing more embarrassing than walking into a chess club meeting and expecting to play checkers and talking about checkers and wondering why everyone is looking at you in a strange way...