Silence and solitude


Padawan Learner
Used to believe that the nearer I could get to understand the "Big Rules" of this flashing world, the easier to compart my thinking.
No more; the more I know, the more silence.
People dont seem to like being close to the "Big Rules".

Used to believe that the nearer I could get to touch the "Light Behind The Courtain", the easier to feel the other and the other to feel me.
No more; The more I can touch it, the more solitude.
People dont seem to like too much "Light".

And that is what today is on my mind: Silence and solitude.
Does this happen out there too?
I too seen this happening as my light grew, but in a very productive way. There are way too many negative people out there that care only for their own interests. You will see that the people who stick by your side are the ones that truly are friends who will be there no matter what. Without all the people who lie and cause drama, your quality of life should feel much fresher. If you don't have any friends, you can message me :) I need to talk about and vent some things I don't tell alot of people every now and then too ;) Hope it makes you feel better...
Hi :)

Have either of you have had a chance to look through the materials on and Since you are both thinking about silence and solitude, an entry from on the concept of a Strategic Enclosure might be of interest to you. said:
Those who are familiar with the Parable of the Prodigal Son can understand that the realization alone that one is "in the pigsty of the foreign country" would serve to produce the state of alert, the condition for the "journey home." This is crucial since, in the story of the Prodigal son, we also see that when the son went to the "resident of the foreign land" to ask for help, he was sent to live and feed with the pigs. This exemplifies that principle that the Radiant being must understand at all times that the Lords of Entropy - the Powers That Be in this reality - will always try to reclaim them as servants. Additionally, belief in the ownership of the land, belief in "being at home" in this world, or being "in charge" of this world, can give a false sense of security to the Radiant being leading them to lower their guard and succumb to the Power of Illusion.

With this in mind, the Radiant being should then create an "Enclosure" around their "being."

The forces of entropy which govern this reality at present, are much stronger than the powers of resistance of the individual Radiant being. This fact leads us to consider the principle of the enclosure as a psychological policy, in relation to ourselves and to the exterior world, which will allow us to compensate for our lack of strength and available reserves by an appropriate strategy.

Because of millennia of cultural and religious conditioning, everything about us is limited, beginning with our nervous resistance. The rule which can be deduced from this is that we must - as much as possible - work silently so as not to draw increased attention and pressure upon ourselves while working on the process of awakening and assimilating knowledge and interior force that can restore us to the Edenic condition. This is true for the average Radiant being, because if he attracts the attention of what Mouravieff calls the General Law that mechanically rules this reality, he will be lost, as the reaction of the 'World' against him will be extreme.

What the Radiant being must do is to consciously master the material that is part of his interior world - his Belief Centers - by gaining sufficient knowledge to be able to exercise perspicacity and SEEing. This enables him to divide that which he perceives and to choose that which is assimilated, or "enters within" his "strategic enclosure." This allows him to accumulate force and put it in reserve. When the false beliefs, the illusions of this world, no longer have any part within the Radiant Being, then he will be able to step out of the flow of Linear Time.

The principle of the strategic enclosure is, then, that the individual or group must initially work silently to create this enclosure, without drawing the attention of the forces of life of this world to himself. These forces are systematically hostile to anyone who persistently searches for the Truth.

There are two parts to the Strategic Enclosure: The first is to shelter oneself physically from the harmful influence of the 'World' as much as possible. Gurdjieff referred to this as the activity of the "sly man." Unfortunately, this has often been twisted to mean the "monastic life" or "withdrawal from the world" which is an essentially useless approach when the thing that needs most to be learned is the objective truth of the reality in which we live.

The second part of the Strategic Enclosure is that the shelter must be built in his inner world. Mouravieff writes that "The picturesque language of the Tradition says that man must build a cage in himself. This must be provided with all means of connection with and direction of the centres. It must also be solid enough to effectively resist all rebellions of the little 'I's', singly or 'federated'. This construction takes time. To play its role as an organ of direction, it must be continually enlarged, improved and perfected."

In other words, the Strategic Enclosure is an allegory that refers to an ontological state where the individual basically declares his independence from the Law of Entropy that seems to govern the Material Universe. Using the concepts explained by Mouravieff, this state could also be described as a manifestation of a resolution to shut oneself up to the influences of illusion and instead open only to those influences that lead one to objectivity.

The Creative Hyperdimensional Wisdom claimed that once having "enclosed the land occupied," the people then could cultivate it and make it produce fruits. This, again, must be understood allegorically - even if the end result may be quite material. This is also reflected in alchemical metaphors as well as in one of the most famous examples given by Jesus: the miracle of the loaves and fishes which is merely an example of the fact that Jesus was a master of the Creative Hyperdimensional Wisdom which had expressed this principle in many other allegories including that of the Head of Bran and the Cauldron of Regeneration.

The principle of the Strategic Wall is, in its more immediate meaning, the practical application of the principle of Enclosure, however the fact that there are different manifestations of this strategic wall depending on the realm to which it is applied is made clear by the fact that there are many worlds where the Spirit remains captive and in each one of them the principle of the Strategic Wall supposes a different manifestation.

It could be said that, in the physical world the correct application might lead to construction of a Stone Wall, but one must understand that the definition of a "Stone Wall", as manifested in the physical realm, should not be constricted to the idea of a spatially closed wall. There are obviously many principles that belong to "Lithic Wisdom", which suggest that that a "stone wall" is related to the emplacement of megaliths in very specific layouts for the purpose of creating a grid that may have served, as one of its purposes, to protect the enclosed space from the influence of the Entropic Principle.

The Strategic Enclosure, then, aims at the innermost part of each man, creating a space in which awakening can take place. This awakening calls to them, and through their blood connections it calls to all others who are of the Radiant lineage, to cease their march along the "evolutionary" or "progressive" path of History and to rebel against the Laws of Entropy that reduce all to primal matter. Awakening induces the Radiant ones to take a leap in the opposite direction and transmute man's "animal tendencies" [the reactive machine programs of Gurdjieff, the Predator of Don Juan, the confluence with the General Law of Mouravieff ] and claim back their divine Hyperdimensional nature.

To achieve this latter Racial purpose, as opposed to the individual one, do have the help of an "external element".

What, specifically, is this "external element"?

It's the one thing whose sole description would fill entire volumes and which is often referred to as the Grail.

efeuvete said:
People dont seem to like too much "Light".

You might also be interested in this page: said:
In 4th Way parlance, this is the practice of taking others into account when acting. External considering involves making a realistic evaluation of another's situation and acting in ways which take this into account in a positive sense.

External considering is however not the same thing as being socially polite or considerate, although it may be expressed in this manner.

The key concept is to be aware of and to adapt oneself to the level of being and knowledge of others. Thus, external considering involves for example not talking about things which would simply offend others' beliefs or simply not be understood. External considering relates to an idea of general good will towards the environment, then in the sense of letting the environment be as it wishes and responding to its requests in a manner that honors its right to be as it will.

External considering is rooted in objective awareness of the environment. Its opposite, internal considering, is rooted in attachment to a subjective inner state, to one's own comfort of preconceptions or desires.

External and internal considering are not always outwardly distinguishable, although inwardly they are fundamentally different. One may for example be socially pleasing purely in order to reinforce one's own idea of oneself as a 'good person.' This is internal considering and preoccupation about how others/the self perceive the self.

In some cases, external considering may involve withholding information that is seen as inappropriate, dangerous or simply unlikely to be well received. An internally considering person may also do this, but then again the motive is different.

We cannot codify with external criteria which action constitutes which kind of considering. The concepts are related to service to others vs service to self and to objectivity vs subjectivity. Usually the term considering is applied in the context of personal interactions.

Only through having external considering can one serve others. This requires responsiveness and a sense of objectivity and awareness of what is right action for the given situation. Serving in the sense of merely carrying out commands is not external considering.

Internal considering can be likened to man's inner predator. It feeds itself by engaging in subjective fantasies where it thinks it is other than it is. It will also seek to gain external confirmation for its distorted self-image by manipulating others to confirm it in its views. Man may go to much trouble to make an impression, simply in order to have his own illusory, internally considered self-image reflected back to himself from others. All success in such manipulation feeds the predator and confirms it in its internal considering and accordingly removes the center of gravity of man's inner life away from objectivity. Internal considering is in very concrete terms man's natural enemy who seeks to prevent man from being himself. The predator will at all times prefer an illusion of virtue to the naked truth about itself. Still, it is not useful to morally judge or condemn the predator, just like it is useless to condemn a cat for eating mice. Still, one must disengage from identifying with this predator. Claiming to Work while engaging in internal considering is a contradiction in terms. The forms of internal considering can however be extremely subtle and one cannot always detect them, thus constant vigilance is required. The predator of internal considering may well claim to engage in merciless self-observation, to aspire to consciousness and being and any other virtues and even trick itself to believe it is progressing towards these goals while all the while only feeding its vanity and desire for recognition.

Exterior man needs the support of a group in order to help him detect the many tricky ways in which internal considering inserts itself in his perception and actions.
Crystla24 said:
I too seen this happening as my light grew, but in a very productive way. There are way too many negative people out there that care only for their own interests. You will see that the people who stick by your side are the ones that truly are friends who will be there no matter what. Without all the people who lie and cause drama, your quality of life should feel much fresher. If you don't have any friends, you can message me :) I need to talk about and vent some things I don't tell alot of people every now and then too ;) Hope it makes you feel better...

Hi Crystla24 - personal messaging is strongly discouraged here due to feeding issues, among other things. Please see this thread for more information -
efeuvete said:
Used to believe that the nearer I could get to understand the "Big Rules" of this flashing world, the easier to compart my thinking.
No more; the more I know, the more silence.
People dont seem to like being close to the "Big Rules".

Used to believe that the nearer I could get to touch the "Light Behind The Courtain", the easier to feel the other and the other to feel me.
No more; The more I can touch it, the more solitude.
People dont seem to like too much "Light".

And that is what today is on my mind: Silence and solitude.
Does this happen out there too?

Of course. That is why this forum is here - that is why the network is here - so that we are all - each of us - no longer alone.
Cristla24, thanks for your nice post. As a presentation:

You see, I'm 61 with wife, two sons (33 and 27) living their lives outside home, and a girl (19) living with us. I love them all and they love me but, somehow, it does not seem easy for our love to produce much comunication. And I'm pretty sure the main reason for that is that the "road I walk" is not the road they want to walk these years. And this, with some patience would be somehow bearable but, the same thing happens with all my old close friends.

So, the point is not "Not standing by my side" (I have had that kind of people too in my life, sure) it's more as if all of us used to be cats (Me, a peculiar cat) and now they are cats and me, a bird (Maybe for them, a bat).

I'll be glad to talk about any issue of interest to you; My main issue would be, as you can imagine, "How to live in a mess when everybody around you, think your mess is somehow a nice place or, at least, the only place"
Crystla24 said:
You will see that the people who stick by your side are the ones that truly are friends who will be there no matter what.

I had friends like the ones you mention you have shown me over time and after an exhaustive analysis that were not so friendly. They were feeding on me in a very subtle way, manipulating my emotions very sophisticated ways.

“people who stick by your side... who will be there no matter what” may have their own interests to never move away to you. The closeness never guaranteed friendship.
Thank you Anart for the materials, I have not done as much reading as many here, but I had touched upon all this; as well as practiced it before I ever found Cassiopaea. I feel that I was practicing external consideration at this moment. While I was enduring my life lessons I had to "SEE" who was feeding on my energy and choose to not be around them any longer. Given Efeuvete's original post I thought that this may have been where he was reaching. I am seeing in "bird's eye view" right now myself and can clearly see that Efeuvete is at least at my enlightenment point and my "consideration" was underestimated. I guess I can see how there may be misguided individuals and misinformation offered all over the place, but hmmm, this IS STO behavior isn't it. Shouldn't we help other's towards their enlightment and in turn receive more light ourselves after we have reached a point where our destiny sees fit. I love all the info I am receiving from Cassiopaea, but I did reach a huge level of enlightenment and mastered life lesson's on my own too. If we are searching for Truth, shouldn't all of our real experiences come into play somewhere here?
Crystla24 said:
Thank you Anart for the materials, I have not done as much reading as many here, but I had touched upon all this; as well as practiced it before I ever found Cassiopaea. I feel that I was practicing external consideration at this moment. While I was enduring my life lessons I had to "SEE" who was feeding on my energy and choose to not be around them any longer. Given Efeuvete's original post I thought that this may have been where he was reaching. I am seeing in "bird's eye view" right now myself and can clearly see that Efeuvete is at least at my enlightenment point and my "consideration" was underestimated. I guess I can see how there may be misguided individuals and misinformation offered all over the place, but hmmm, this IS STO behavior isn't it. Shouldn't we help other's towards their enlightment and in turn receive more light ourselves after we have reached a point where our destiny sees fit. I love all the info I am receiving from Cassiopaea, but I did reach a huge level of enlightenment and mastered life lesson's on my own too. If we are searching for Truth, shouldn't all of our real experiences come into play somewhere here?

The Work, as we explore it here, often means letting go of what we think we know. The rule here about private messaging exists for very good reasons. I suggest respecting the forum's rules for a while. You will either come to understand why they are there or be able to make an informed decision as to whether or not this forum is your "home" so to speak. Either way is fine... Until then, merry exploring!
Crystla24 said:
Thank you Anart for the materials, I have not done as much reading as many here, but I had touched upon all this; as well as practiced it before I ever found Cassiopaea. I feel that I was practicing external consideration at this moment. While I was enduring my life lessons I had to "SEE" who was feeding on my energy and choose to not be around them any longer. Given Efeuvete's original post I thought that this may have been where he was reaching. I am seeing in "bird's eye view" right now myself and can clearly see that Efeuvete is at least at my enlightenment point and my "consideration" was underestimated. I guess I can see how there may be misguided individuals and misinformation offered all over the place, but hmmm, this IS STO behavior isn't it. Shouldn't we help other's towards their enlightment and in turn receive more light ourselves after we have reached a point where our destiny sees fit. I love all the info I am receiving from Cassiopaea, but I did reach a huge level of enlightenment and mastered life lesson's on my own too. If we are searching for Truth, shouldn't all of our real experiences come into play somewhere here?

But you see, what we think of as 'enlightenment' is usually nothing of the sort. Me, I don't even know what it is, but I have seen time and again that often what I thought I knew was completely wrong.

So what is "enlightenment point", or "huge level of enlightenment"? I don't know. What I do know though is that just as Gurdjieff said, man can achieve nothing on his own, it is next to impossible. We we do need is an open network, where the light is free to shine. To illuminate our errors when we cannot see, perhaps to shine a little for others if we are able. To have exchanges behind closed doors is limiting, the light can not shine freely for all to see, it is a service to self.
I would like to have a better english to tell what your posts make me think but, I'll Try:

Regarding "people who stick by your side are the ones that truly are friends"
I believe I understand you Crystla24

And regarding "The closeness never guaranteed friendship"
I believe I understand you OrangeScorpion

So, I would say:
"IN people who stick by your side are the ones that truly are friends BUT the closeness never guaranteed friendship"
And as far as my "Silence and Solitude" of today is concerned, I try to keep my eyes open.

And, let me compart with you one or two things around what I see:

You see, I think all of us STO people here en 3D are, somehow, I would say, amateur STS's.
I only need to look to my own life to see that.
And I think it, up the point that this looks to me, here and now, as the main reason for us to live this life. Just to check if 3D paradise is as deep enough as it can look.

The other thing:

I feel my silence and solitude are a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosmic situation of planet earth today. People advancing to "The Light" sorrounded by people who could be doing that but dont dare and, how not, sorrounded too by people really interested in getting them lost.

"As above so below"
Thank you efeuvete for your understandings and sharing a little about yourself. Everyone else reading and commenting here, I didn't mean to"make a scene", it was the first comment I did towards anyone and I'm already breaking the rules :cool2: I am a little outta my element here as far as being on the internet. I can usually feel people's energy and know exactly what they are feeling and going through, and I always lend help to the extent it freaks people out that I am so deep in their own heads lol. I cannot feel anyone out over the internet; my advise was off kilter and I need to just hang out here at the forum and get a feel for things. I jumped right in without ever being a spectator. I am surrounded by people with very limited spititual knowledge most of the time, and having an exchange with people who are on the right coarse has me excited and "jumping the gun". If I share my experience out in open forum, I don't need my own thoughts to be reflected on for my own self reassurance, using my light to help other people is what my aim is and to give without recieving anything in reurn is just awesome with me, even seeking a thank you is not the right way to give; Also, on the enlightenment inquiries, I have been wanting to share my enlightment I am reaching, but I do believe I need to find the right timing and place for it to be best recieved, and right here on someone else's post is not it :) Happy soul searching everyone ;)
Crystal24, when I give love, I expect love and I'm afraid I will continue this way; But I do not expect love as a payment you see? I expect it just because use to happen, love comes when you give it.
And that's what I'm doing right know, returning a little love because I received a little love in your "fast" message.
Efeuvete, If you don't mind me saying my point of view which seems to work with the universe... I do not really Give my love to/for anyone perse', I have a deep love for all and everything and that love resides within myself. I love everyone here, everyone around me, my enemies (for they are just learning their own life lessons, and soon enough they will learn); I do not judge anyone for anyway they act out or feel. "Give everyone their due" is one of the most important lessons! While I do have all this love I do not...just go giving it out or judge who I feel is worthy of it. I keep it to myself and you keep my light, other peope will not drain and use light/energy, or throw it away if they were not ready to recieve it. Some people want your love, but even this can be decieving for if someone is wanting sympathy and to feel sorry for theirselves, they will also use your light for their own STS purposes. Instead of giving my light to everyone and everything, I use my actions and help teach people to help theirselves, and if they are really wanting anything from you, they will recieve this (your advice) well, if they were wanting your light/love for STS reasons and they didn't get it, they will react badly and that is something they will need to learn someday (give them that choice and don't be bothered by it). This is what I've learned and I practice, and all the Cassiopaea material I have been reading perfectly explains what I already figured it out. These materials have me feeling good, 'cause they did not guide me in the right direction the re-affirmed what I have spent my life figuring out. I have not memorized enough to flip through and qoute things, but I believe anyone who is practicing all this should know exactly what I mean... Anyway, practicing Love this way keeps your light large and shining and you will feel your comfort in the people you help and seeing them progress because it is your light/love reflecting back. I hope that makes sense, if you don't quite grasp this, think about it and try it, and you will feel the love of the universe coming back to you, then you won't need me to tell you so ;D

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