Seamas said:
Great! Even though they are short, I think I learn something new every time I read those definitions. Do you have any questions or thoughts about what you read? Not that I have any answers, just to foster discussion.
Great for me too, Seamas. So let's try:
First of all, I use to be as simple and synthetic (And slow) as I can on these matters, and my poor English will help me a lot now to continue this way. So, please note this in our future messages.
Then, I'll go back to my silence and solitude and how the texts you show me make me think.
Regarding the "Strategic enclosure"
I've never thought that what I do when trying to manage what a call "The dance of my thousand egos" would be someting like construsting a "shelter" but now I think it really is; In fact, I use to pray asking for a "place" where I can stay (Stand) while my egos dance and I do not want to follow that dance.
When I win (When I can stand it), the dancing ego talks, I listen, I confirm that there's always a reason for his dance but I confirm too, that the dance is not "The solution"; Then, The ego looses his monster face and goes out (Sadly, to look for another musics, and turn back again)
When I loose, I dance.
Regarding the "External consideration"
Being a synthetic mind, I use to spoil the communication with the people I love because when I believe I must synthesize what a think of any relevant issue, I produce something like "Verbal Missiles" more or less accurate, but which only gets me surprised (Even, somehow angry) eyes from the other side.
Not to say the sweet amount of problems I've had when my "Verbal Missiles" had targeted some "Nice reptilian" here and there.
So, again it looks like if I need an "Strategic enclosure" at least to get me time enough to prepare a "decent translation" of my point of view to the point of view of the other side.
Up to now, my best technique is "Stop, Breathe and Pray" but I'm starting to consider if it is possible to construct my "Strategic enclosure" when I'm not in the Dance of the Egos nor in conversation; Something like building me a rocket and see if it can take me some day "To the infinity... And beyond"
So, let's continue to live...