Anart is giving you consideration, offering you a moment to reflect and judgment is not being made of you; although defensiveness is typical when confronted with things one is not ready to hear.
When you say;
well i read the cassiopaean transcripts about 1 year or more ago.
This is being inferred in that reading transcripts without reading the constructs of those, without reading the basis, is like so many of us do when we learn history; we learn disjointed messages without a true beginning, without understanding the complexities. Even when many here, including myself, have read deeply from the beginning, this is work and not something to be taken lightly; other reading from other source must be done to tie the treads tighter together, if one even can.
There is no age minimum or maximum to learning; younger and older minds alike need guidance from time to time; they need a feedback loop, otherwise our understandings can take on a flavor all of its own and drift from the intent, the objective reality and become distorted based on the blueprint we hold within.
how can you say that i am lacking in understand, why dont you think that your lacking in understanding of what i am saying. age does not matter. i am perfectrly comfortable here. im very blont and i answer to anyone, and try to without judgement.
Think Nathanial that as above, lack of understanding can be looked at this way in a silly analogy; You would not hire a man or woman to build yourself a boat if they could not read the plan or understand the matter the boat would be put in, understand the materials used to make it so.
Being comfortable has many faces; comfort can sometimes be acquired by laziness, without effort and work, feels good for awhile but it usually never lasts.
Judgment too is a tricky word, yes we “try” not to, but sometimes what you hear feels judgmental when its is in fact not, quit the opposite really, however, once the mind feels this it may react in judgment rather than thinking they might be wrong.
FWIW; wish I had a forum like this when I was young, listing, reading, learning and interacting in a network built for this purpose – oh what a lucky man I would have been - might be in grade 3 by now.
Anyway, by being here, you are probably ahead of many of your friends, you are perhaps looking down this path and wondering which one to choose, one is crooked and one is straight, it does not mater which one you take, there are lessons on each; one takes a little longer and you cannot see what’s ahead and the straight one is uphill and takes much more work.
Hope you stick around :), could use more people who want to seriously look before they leap.