Sleep deprivation to see 4Density.

anart said:
Nathaniel said:
No i have no read the wave series. What is there to learn in 3D. you get smacked in the face, you get smacked. theres nothin mystical about 3d. i know the religious precepts. emotions can be mastered. what next. karma?


And maybe you should read about the yogi masters and there secret meditation techniques to activate the minds power. and yes i do know about the 4d sto and sts. im sts same as you.
Nathaniel, I realize you're only 19 years old, so I'm going to cut you a bit of slack here. Please understand that your posting privileges are on the verge of being suspended.

If you are sincerely interested in participating on this forum, then please do the reading that is necessary to get up to speed. Your understanding is lacking - greatly - that's okay. You can learn, if you are sincerely interested. If you are not sincerely interested, then this forum is not for you and it is best you move along to where you will be more comfortable.

Hopefully you will stop posting and read - and learn - and return when you have a better grip on the matter in general.
well i read the cassiopaean transcripts about 1 year or more ago. why are my posting previleges on the verge of being suspended? is it because im 19? and how can you say that i am lacking in understand, why dont you think that your lacking in understanding of what i am saying. age does not matter. i am perfectrly comfortable here. im very blont and i answer to anyone, and try to without judgement.
Nathaniel said:
well i read the cassiopaean transcripts about 1 year or more ago. why are my posting previleges on the verge of being suspended? is it because im 19? and how can you say that i am lacking in understand, why dont you think that your lacking in understanding of what i am saying. age does not matter. i am perfectrly comfortable here. im very blont and i answer to anyone, and try to without judgement.

Age doesn't appear to be as much of a factor as maturity is. This is not a judgment but an observation of how you're disregarding the forum and it's members. You chose to come here; it would be appreciated if you could be considerate. I'm not saying that you need to automatically accept what is being said, but consider it. The statements you're making are incongruent with the work being done here, and it is from this that members can see your lack of understanding. If you are interested in why that is so, you can read the Wave and find out. Without it, you'll only have a subjective interpretation of the transcripts which wont amount to much.
Nathaniel said:
well i read the cassiopaean transcripts about 1 year or more ago. why are my posting previleges on the verge of being suspended? is it because im 19? and how can you say that i am lacking in understand, why dont you think that your lacking in understanding of what i am saying. age does not matter. i am perfectrly comfortable here. im very blont and i answer to anyone, and try to without judgement.

Nathaniel, as Los states above, it is maturity, not age, that matters -- the fact that you are 19 suggests that you may be naturally lacking in the former. Despite having read the transcripts, you have so far shown not only a fundamental lack of understanding of their core concepts, but are also obviously not trying to learn when other forum members respond to you; you are being unnecessarily defensive and, in fact, rather snide (different than blunt) to other members, sending the message that you are ultimately uninterested in learning. For the time being, please put real effort into catching up on the core reading suggested here -- there is a large difference between reading the raw transcripts by themselves and reading them contextualized within The Wave.

Anart is giving you consideration, offering you a moment to reflect and judgment is not being made of you; although defensiveness is typical when confronted with things one is not ready to hear.

When you say;

well i read the cassiopaean transcripts about 1 year or more ago.

This is being inferred in that reading transcripts without reading the constructs of those, without reading the basis, is like so many of us do when we learn history; we learn disjointed messages without a true beginning, without understanding the complexities. Even when many here, including myself, have read deeply from the beginning, this is work and not something to be taken lightly; other reading from other source must be done to tie the treads tighter together, if one even can.

is it because im 19

There is no age minimum or maximum to learning; younger and older minds alike need guidance from time to time; they need a feedback loop, otherwise our understandings can take on a flavor all of its own and drift from the intent, the objective reality and become distorted based on the blueprint we hold within.

how can you say that i am lacking in understand, why dont you think that your lacking in understanding of what i am saying. age does not matter. i am perfectrly comfortable here. im very blont and i answer to anyone, and try to without judgement.

Think Nathanial that as above, lack of understanding can be looked at this way in a silly analogy; You would not hire a man or woman to build yourself a boat if they could not read the plan or understand the matter the boat would be put in, understand the materials used to make it so.

Being comfortable has many faces; comfort can sometimes be acquired by laziness, without effort and work, feels good for awhile but it usually never lasts.

Judgment too is a tricky word, yes we “try” not to, but sometimes what you hear feels judgmental when its is in fact not, quit the opposite really, however, once the mind feels this it may react in judgment rather than thinking they might be wrong.

FWIW; wish I had a forum like this when I was young, listing, reading, learning and interacting in a network built for this purpose – oh what a lucky man I would have been - might be in grade 3 by now.

Anyway, by being here, you are probably ahead of many of your friends, you are perhaps looking down this path and wondering which one to choose, one is crooked and one is straight, it does not mater which one you take, there are lessons on each; one takes a little longer and you cannot see what’s ahead and the straight one is uphill and takes much more work.

Hope you stick around :), could use more people who want to seriously look before they leap.
I disagree with you, Nathaniel. Age does matter when it comes to learning. I read the wave in 2006 and I am re-reading again now because, armed with the knowledge I have gained, I can have a better understanding by putting that knowledge to use. In 3d you get "smacked" when you lack knowledge, or you have knowlege but no understanding, or you have understanding yet dont put that knowledge to work. There is only so much knowledge to go around. If you refuse it, someone else will get it. Its best to be open minded. You have an advantage, being here at your age. The earlier you start, the better it is. Or so I think.
Hi Nathaniel

Nathaniel said:
I did not sleep for one day and started seeing faint blue dots of light while just staring forward, and also square shapes in different colors. Also i was able to feel hot energy rise from my spine. so my guess is sleep deprivation may be used to activate your psychic abilities. some yogis probably go without sleep for years until they reach enlightenment. :shock:

I remember years ago going an entire night without sleep staying up and playing video games......upon taking a break at about 5am everywhere I looked things had a neon glowing red thread tangled around them...not everything mind. I picked up a comb and turned it around in my hand, the red threads moved with the object....they didn't move when I touched them though so they where not hairs.
It was utterly fascinating, and at about the same time in my life I was exploring energy manipulation and new age synchronicity, I even considered learning to have out of body experiences.....
Looking back I can see little evidence any of that helped improve my life. Having read the Wave series....I now know some of the stuff I tried was actually pretty dangerous.

Nathaniel said:
chemical imbalance? i really doubt that

Do you eat or drink any of the following on a daily basis?
Corn/Corn Syrup
Any preprocessed foods/drinks

Do you suffer from any of the following?
Poor Immune Function (get sick easily)
Angry Outbursts
Poor Memory
Foggy Head (unable to think clearly)

If you do, then your body more than likely has a chemical imbalance. Have a look at the UltraMind Quiz to be sure for yourself.

Nathaniel said:
Since when was it more important to see 3rd density than 4th? And what is there to do in 3rd? pay taxes?
Nathaniel said:
And maybe you should read about the yogi masters and there secret meditation techniques to activate the minds power. and yes i do know about the 4d sto and sts. im sts same as you.
Nathaniel said:
What is there to learn in 3D. you get smacked in the face, you get smacked. theres nothin mystical about 3d. i know the religious precepts. emotions can be mastered. what next. karma?

Well, from what little I've read from your posts I may be able to conclude something about what your striving appear to be looking for a shortcut to 4D. But the comment about getting smacked in the many times have you been smacked in the face? How many times has life thrown you to the ground?
What there is to learn in 3D, what there is to learn here on this forum, what we try and do every day, it to heal all the bruises and black eyes, learn to stop life knocking us down, and pick each other up when it does.
The link I posted above is one way you probably didn't know of that life tends to knock you off your feet daily. Food effects our mood and mind and body.

Why bother with all this?? Why not just find a way to skip to 4D and get out of this hell hole??
from the C's said:
Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."

If you want to do something about all that pain inside from being knocked down so much, you can check out the free Eíriú-Eolas - Breathing Program. I've been following it for months now, and can say in all honesty that its helped improve my life a thousand fold (so has reading the Wave series and participating here), compared to all the new age stuff I was involved with before coming here.

Take some time to breath and read. And fwiw, you are not the youngest person on this forum.
Nathanial said:
I did not sleep for one day and started seeing faint blue dots of light while just staring forward, and also square shapes in different colors. Also i was able to feel hot energy rise from my spine. so my guess is sleep deprivation may be used to activate your psychic abilities. some yogis probably go without sleep for years until they reach enlightenment.

I think the other members have already give you a good advise about this subject, but let me tell you a story about my experience with sleep deprivation.

A few years ago, I worked on a project to fix a defect high pressure steam turbine and there was not really much time to do this. Unfortunately the dayshift was not available and so we had to work more than 24 hours without rest. I can tell you that I was far beyond exhaustion and at the end, I had constand hallucinations of shadows entering my visual field, a feeling that someone standing right next to me watching over my shoulder and other little visual anomalies crossing the field of vision.

On the one hand it was funny to see and feel what's happening, to realize how the perception of the world could change, but after a good sleep and with a clear mind I got a little bit frightened. Not only that my hand/eye coordination was a mess, but also my thoughts and the awareness about the "real" world around me was serious muddled. This increased the potential concerning industrial accidents while I was working in an not so safe area.

I think this example can also apply to the work we doing here. While the 3D world is also "not a really safe area", you are well advised to keep you awareness as sharp as possible to not open yourself to anything what would be pleased to catch you in such a vulnerable state of mind, whether physical or mental.

Stay tuned.
Hi Nathaniel.

Lately I've become a blunt person too. Its from reaching physical limits and having an unreliable computer monitor though. :rolleyes:

You'll find that no one here is going to tell you what to do or what not to do, that's not our way. What we can do is share with you what happened to us when we thought we

knew what we were doing too. Some of us got hurt, others managed to stop before any bad damage was done.

So, if you decide we're full of bull, and you do have a problem at some point, tell us.

We'll be here.
Hi Nathaniel –

When I was your age and younger (I’m 52 now) I would take or do anything that would produce a change in consciousness. Any change was better than my usual day-to-day state of consciousness. I did this because I thought I was invincible - lots of young people do - and I was driven by the pain of living. I wanted a way out, a quick and easy way to the spiritual bliss that the mystics talk about. That led me in my 20s into new age territory and several years with the Rajneesh crowd. Looking back, I don’t think I did myself any favours. It’s taken me a long time, but I’ve realised that there is no shortcut. No matter what the new agers or the gurus say, no matter what we would like, or how badly we want to escape from 3D, there really are no short cuts. We’re all here for the long haul.

I would like to say, and this is not meant to be patronising in any way, that you are really lucky to have found this forum. The depth of information and advice available here has the potential to save you from many pitfalls.

Nathaniel, your free will is sacred, and I wish you all the best on your path, wherever it takes you.
Hi Nathaniel.

I remember when I was 14, I didn't need a 19 year old (my older sister ) telling me what's what because I already knew all I needed to know. Same thing when I was 19, 20, 30 and 40. I always believed I knew more than others about the subjects I was intensely interested in. I had to scrap that whole thought pattern once I learned the stuff that other people knew; because only then, could I see why I thought the way I did.

There's an adventure ahead if you'll follow the recommended direction to start the journey! :)
I've stayed up for 2+ days (on many occasions) when i was heavy into mmorpg games. Besides reaching hypnagogic and hypnapompic states, do realize that you're doing that on an empty tank. With low energy you are open to negative influences and attacks. However it is not uncommon to reach such 'higher' states by sleep deprivations, drugs, poisoning and near death experiences. I think it is a soul's way of detaching from the body under such extreme conditions.

Yes, maybe you can experience 4d but its not the right way to do it.
Hi Nathanial, welcome to the forum! I hope you'll find as many things of great value as I've found here.
If you go through The wave and the Forum you'll find that we do not take everything the C's say at face falue, that through the history of the experiment the context has been a very important factor affecting, for better and worse, the content of the sessions, and that the sessions are just the inspiration for our own research, wich we believe is the only way to reach the truth. So, it's not because the C's once said that sleep deprivation provides an opening that this is necessarily true. It's not because once they apparently suggested that reaching this purported openings through sleep deprivation was "not bad" that this is really so...
Hi Nathanial,

The reason the Wave series is being suggested for you to read, firstly is because it is in the forum guidelines that you be familiar with the material this forum was based on in order to understand the discussions here. Secondly, you do not understand the context of the transcripts unless you read the Wave series because Laura, who is the Cs in the future knows what she was thinking and really asking at the time of the sessions that are not apparent to people who are reading the transcripts only, as others have said.

Your question asking why do we need to learn about 3D also shows that if you have read the transcripts, you are picking and choosing what you wish to remember as well as how to interpret them, which is wishful thinking and not learning anything, for the C''s have this to say about 3D:

Session 960629 said:
A: You see, my dear, when you arrive at 4th density, then you
will see.
Q: (L) Well, how in the heck am I supposed to get there if I
can't "get it?"
A: Who says you have to "get it" before you get there?
Q: (L) Well, that leads back to: what is the wave going to do
to expand this awareness? Because, if the wave is what "gets
you there," what makes this so?
A: No. It is like this: After you have completed all your
lessons in "third grade,"
where do you go?
Q: (L) So, it is a question of...
A: Answer, please.
Q: (L) You go to fourth grade.
A: Okay, now, do you have to already be in 4th grade in
order to be allowed to go there? Answer.
Q: (L) No. But you have to know all the 3rd density things...
A: Yes. More apropos: you have to have learned all of the

Q: (L) What kind of lessons are we talking about here?
A: Karmic and simple understandings.
Q: (L) What are the key elements of these understandings,
and are they fairly universal?
A: They are universal.
Q: (L) What are they?
A: We cannot tell you that.
Q: (L) Do they have to do with discovering the MEANINGS
of the symbology of 3rd density existence, seeing behind the
veil... and reacting to things according to choice? Giving each
thing or person or event its due?
A: Okay. But you cannot force the issue. When you have
learned, you have learned!

It always amazes Laura that people think that they know just what exactly the Cs were saying or hinting at or whatever, when they are not her, did not know what was really going on at the time, what Laura was thinking and asking at the time, etc.

From what you have written so far, it seems that your cup is full. You have not come here to learn, but to try to teach your own subjective way of seeing things. That's not what we do here.

Hopefully, you will see the truth of the matter and understand what is being shown to you. At that point, we can all learn together.
Hi Nathaniel :) welcome to the forum.

I just wanted to chime in and say that like many other members here, I was once into the whole "love and light" mania. At your age, I was heavily into lucid dreaming and training myself to astrally project, with some success. I thought that I must be some kind of consciousness whizzkid at the time and I was very attached to this idea. I was very proud of it.

However now (at 25) looking back and knowing what I know now, I can see that I was just scared of life and the people in it and I was just looking for a way to escape my daily pressures. Some people turn to Alcohol, others point the finger at [insert person/idea/thing], others escape into Dreamland...

Have you heard of Narcissistic wounding at all? I'd say about 94% of the population has it to some degree and it really helped me to fit some pieces of the puzzle together! Linked here.

Nathaniel, please don't be too embarrassed about what everyone is telling you. We've all been there to some degree. I hid from the forum for a long time just because I thought I was going to be judged negatively all the time by everyone. But, the truth is, everyone wants to help you. We all need feedback, especially at the beginning :)

Good luck with your lessons.
Nathaniel said:
And maybe you should read about the yogi masters and there secret meditation techniques to activate the minds power. and yes i do know about the 4d sto and sts. im sts same as you

It seems that those looking for power are easily carried away from truth.
Are you looking for power or knowledge of truth?

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