Smart life hacks & survival tips and tricks


Jedi Council Member
Sometimes I feel that it`s not worth to learn anything in this lifetime, becouse I won`t be able to use the knowlage I gathered in this lifetime.

Then I decided that I can learn in this lifetime and use the knowlage from this lifetime in other lifetimes, where people are more friendly and cooprative.

Some people who stay in home very long loose appetite.
1. Try to go outside home for few hours or eat outside home.
2. Instead ketchup, you can use concenrated tomato. Some people have allergy on tomoato, but there are many differen varieties of products, some tomato may not create allergy.
3. Dill is well know product that increase appetite. You can add dry dill to sour cream and add French or Italian seasalt.
4. Natural yogurt can stimulate digestion but only yogurt with best bacteria. Those that are not very sweet are probably best. I don't recommend yeast processed milk products, too much yeast are not good for health.

1. You can stay in batch until your fingerprints become creased.
2. In the forest you can use water from puddle or stream. Head is most exposed part of body in heat day. You can put your hands in puddle and wash your limbs. You can also wet your clothes to prevent overheating. You cannot drink puddle water, but your skin can absorb humidity from your wet clothes.

1. You can buy special cevlar tires.
2. Don't drive in places were small sticks and thorns occures.
3. Try to maintain very higs pressure in tube and don't jump from pavement/curb.
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Milk allergy
I discovered that I have milk allergy to major milk products on Polish market. But if I buy organic UHT milk all my symptoms disappears.

Why this is this so importan? Globalist wants to replace cow milk with plant milk products. The problem is yogurt based on cow milk, has stronger bacteria than plant based milk yogurt.

They want to convinced people that they shouldn't drink cow milk becouse lactose allergy, but in reality most nations on Earth don't have allergy to lactose or casein.

When I want to eat something sweet I drink organic milk from carton. I also bought home yogurt maker and I eat sweet early yogurt as soon it gets solid consistency.
Hot bath to get rid of viruses
You don't have to go to expensive sauna to get rid of viruses and muscle pains from your body.
If you have shower cabin only, you could use barrel to have a hot bath!

Teeth plaque
You don't need expensive dentist procedures to remove teeth plaque. You can do it yourself. It's very easy. Search for ultrasonic teeth plaque remover or ultrasonic tartar remover.

You can also buy only (cheap) scaler without battery device. This junk ultrasound vibrations are not very usable. You can remove plaque yourself faster, without ultrasound. You only need metal scaler.

Thermal clothing benefits
It don't limits your moves like wool dress.
You can wear many layers one on top of another.
It protect from wet clothes and dry very fast using your body heat.
It don't loose fibers like cotton.
You can wear it as secont layer and the first layer will by natural fiber.

Gets dirty very fast.
Is quite expensive but can last longer.

Milk allergy
I discovered that I have milk allergy to major milk products on Polish market. But if I buy organic UHT milk all my symptoms disappears.

Why this is this so importan? Globalist wants to replace cow milk with plant milk products. The problem is yogurt based on cow milk, has stronger bacteria than plant based milk yogurt.

They want to convinced people that they shouldn't drink cow milk becouse lactose allergy, but in reality most nations on Earth don't have allergy to lactose or casein.

Do you have a source for that info?

When I want to eat something sweet I drink organic milk from carton. I also bought home yogurt maker and I eat sweet early yogurt as soon it gets solid consistency.

Probably not a good idea.

No, milk is not evil, just like organic ciggarets are not evil. Modern milk could be evil becouse cow may get pharmaceutics, jabs and hormones. Most modern cows eat grains. Milk is paleo animal product. Casein and lactose may be hard to digest, but good quality yogurt has low level of this substances.

The article is about modern non-organic milk. There are some people on the planet that geneticly can't digest milk products. Even small amount of lactise or casein can create big problem for them. Also I cannot guarantee that organic milk you buy, will be 100% grass feed and cowa are not geting farmaceutics.

I wonder doeas it possible ro create this gel in home by yourself.

Tooth health
Do you know there are people who can't use smartphones and tablets touchscreen for long period of time, becouse this creatse different sensensions in their body.

Those people also suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity, but touchscreens also use high voltage current that can affect fingers (and then whole body).

There are even people who calims that long use of touchscreen can cause them teeth problems. Touchscreen can disrupt our body electric nerve system and teeth are first element that our body stop to regenerate when our body is overloaded. The solution is to use stylus or plastic screen protector that decrease voltage current. You can even use sticky tape (two layers also works).

Also main couse of teeth problem (decays) is hight carbohydrates level in blood. This means that our teeth decay are created mostly from inside (blood) not from outside (mouth). And the strong regeneration system with steam cells are main protection from teeth degradation. Brushing teeth many times a day may not protect your teeth, if you don't take you attention to high carbohydrates level in blood.
Cow butter
Cow butter can have good impact on your intestinal system. But bad quality cow butter can gave opposit effect. Good quaily organic butter is expensive, but you don't need large quantity if you use it as medicine.

Organic butter can be very importan if your colons are damaged by pesticides or other harmful factors.
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