Smudging and salting to clear energies

How often do you all do salting? Once a week, once a month, after every cleaning, or when you feel like it?

I also have Himalayan salt lamps - electric in the kids' room and two for tee candles for living room. Do you think they count as well as salting or general energy cleansing or...? I have them because they look nice and I´ve read somewhere that this salt is good for the lungs...
I have those also. Mind that you do not let the lightbulb inside burn for too long though as mine slowly melted and created a mess!
:-D well I have some weak light bulb inside, and it doesn´t make a lot of mess... it melts but weeeeery slowly.....

Those for tealight are solid, no melting, except when I put them shortly under water to remove dust and so they shine... ;-D
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