Sol (Sun) and its phenomena


▪︎Solar wind speed: 363.1 km/sec (sw 377.3 9 hours ago)
▪︎density: 11.5 protons/cm3 (d 12.1
9 hour ago)
▪︎Sunspot number: 55 (SN 52 yesterday)
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: +6.6% High (+8.2 yesterday)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now quiet (Kp3)
▪︎Solar prominence in the southern limb

WHAT'S HAPPENING ON FARSIDE OF THE SUN? There's a sunspot group on the farside of the sun so large it is altering the way the sun vibrates. Note the big dark spot in this helioseismic map of the sun:
Helioseismology is the study of acoustic waves on the sun. The sun is constantly vibrating as a result of its own inner boiling turmoil. It's quite a cacophany; helioseismologists liken it to the sound of a piano falling down stairs.
The dark region in today's helioseismic map could be old sunspot AR2975, which rotated onto the farside of the sun about a week ago. In late March it unleashed a fusillade of strong Earth-directed explosions including a Cannibal CME and an X-class solar flare. -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

▪︎Solar wind speed: 441.7 km/sec (sw 466.5 8 hours ago)
▪︎density: 4.5 protons/cm3 (d 14.8
8 hour ago)
▪︎Sunspot number: 37 (SN 55 yesterday)
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: +7.4% High (+6.6 yesterday)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now unsettled kp4 (kp7 8 hours ago)
▪︎Unexpected Geomagnetic storm G3

SURPRISE GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Earth's magnetic field was supposed to be quiet on April 10th. Instead a strong (G3-class) geomagnetic storm broke out. At the apex of the disturbance, auroras crossed the Canadian border into multiple northern-tier US states. -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

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I find it curious that experts are surprised by this phenomenon.
From Space Weather
What caused this storm? We're not sure. One possibility is a CME, which hit Earth's magnetic field two days ago. Initially the weak impact on April 8th had little effect, but unrest has been brewing ever since. We could be seeing the effect of Earth's passage through the CME's extended wake.

Interesting, where did the solar wind stream that hit our magnetic field come from?

Not from a coronal hole, the solar wind from the equatorial coronal hole is expected to arrive between April 11-12
Solar wind flowing from this equatorial coronal hole should reach Earth on April 11-12. Credit: SDO/AIA

Updated solar wind data now indicates

Solar wind speed: 515.1 km/sec
density: 7.6 protons/cm3
Kp=4 unsettled

and the planetary index is expected to reach Kp7 within the next 24 hours.

▪︎Solar wind speed: 505.7 km/sec
▪︎density: 6.7 protons/cm3
▪︎Sunspot number: 13 (SN 37 yesterday)
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: +7.3% High (+7.4 yesterday)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now quiet Kp3
▪︎The sun has gone very "quiet" after a "surprise" geomagnetic storm G3
▪︎C2 flare this morning from a region with no spots
▪︎Filament eruption.
What caused the storm? The prime suspect is a "canyon of fire" CME, which hit Earth's magnetic field on April 8th. The impact was weak and, at first, it seemed to have little effect. Geomagnetic unrest increased on April 9th as Earth passed into the CME's strongly magnetized wake. The arrival of an unrelated solar wind stream on April 10th tipped conditions into G3-category storming -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

More about the solar flare this morning in a region without sunspots

DEAD SUNSPOT EXPLODES: The corpse of old sunspot AR2987 exploded today, April 11th, hurling debris directly toward Earth.NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the blast.
Shortly after the explosion, a full-halo CME emerged from the blast site... The CME will probably reach Earth on April 14th. -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids


▪︎Last Solar wind speed record: 509.7 km/sec
▪︎density: 13.1 protons/cm3
▪︎Sunspot number: 12 (SN 13 yesterday)
▪︎New sunspot AR2988 has prevented a spotless day, but the still-small active region poses no threat for strong solar flares.
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: +7.3% High
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp3 quiet
▪Solar wind flowing from this equatorial coronal hole should reach Earth on April 16-. coronalhole_sdo_200.gif
STEVE APPEARS DURING GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A surprise geomagnetic storm on April 10th sparked auroras across Canada and many northern-tier US states. Upon closer inspection, not all the lights were auroras. "STEVE was there, too,"
STEVE (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement) is a purple band of light that appears during some geomagnetic storms. It looks like an aurora, but it is not. The purple glow is caused by hot (3000°C) ribbons of gas flowing through Earth’s magnetosphere at speeds exceeding 6 km/s (13,000 mph).


Neptune is cooling down and scientists don't know why​

Two decades worth of observations revealed unexpected cooling of the solar system's most distant planet Neptune amid its astronomical summer.

Neptune is orbiting 30 times farther away from the sun than Earth with one year lasting 165 Earth years. The ice giant's seasons, too, last much longer than those on Earth — more than 40 Earth-years each.

As the planet moved into its southern summer over the past two decades, astronomers observed its average global temperatures plummet by a staggering 14 degrees Fahrenheit (8 degrees Celsius).
The observed cooling, however, wasn't uniform, the researchers said in the statement.

Measurements of Neptune's stratosphere, the second lowest layer of the planet's atmosphere, revealed a warming trend above Neptune's south pole. This data set, which only contained data from a two-year period between 2018 and 2020, revealed a speedy warming of about 20 degrees F (11 degrees C). The scientists said that such polar warming has never been observed on Neptune before.
Previous studies suggested there might be a link between the amount of sunspots and Neptune's brightness. The new study also found some evidence of a possible connection between the solar cycle, the brightness of clouds in Neptune's atmosphere and the temperature of its stratosphere.

Maybe Neptune's South Pole is the magnetic intake/induction point

▪︎Last Solar wind speed record: 465 km/sec
▪︎density: 3 protons/cm3
▪︎Sunspot number: 23 (SN 12 yesterday)
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: +7.5% High
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp2 quiet
▪︎Active Geomagnetic conditions Kp4 20h ago
▪Strong Geomagnetic storm in progress from dead sunspot AR2987

FARSIDE EXPLOSION TARGETS MERCURY: A coronal mass ejection (CME) flew away from the farside of the sun during the late hours of April 11th. A new NASA model shows it is going to hit Mercury. Note the orange dot in this forecast animation
If the CME overwhelms Mercury's relatively weak magnetic field, it could scour material off the planet's surface creating a temporary atmosphere and adding material to Mercury's comet-like tail -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

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