Some comments on information theory

Sometimes though the bolt breaks.

Then you need to get your drill, penetrating oil and "easy out" bit from your toolbox. An easy out biting threads turn counterclockwise while you turn it clockwise embedded in the bolt remainder to unscrew it.

When we would roll up to a piece of broken down machinery on a job site, usually it would be stuck in the mud or hanging on the side of a mountain. I would ask the master why did this break down he would usually say "the operator malfunctioned."
This is not yet within the mathematical framework that I am aware of. And I have no idea how deal with this concept. Perhaps via the extended "information theory". But how? Million dollar question.
Trans Dimensional Atomic ReMolecularization.

The description of the operation of that machine sounds like this so often mentioned slide.

And in the description of the operation that the C's explain, I see a relationship between this paragraph "They must then focus the energy to the proper dimensional bridge, the electrons must be arranged in correct frequency wave" and "Perception of reality".

In other words, the reality that we "see" is "configured" by electrons in a certain frequency wave.

The mathematical application of this (if so) is another matter.:-D
Are all "the laws of physics" subjective in this sense? But then is there also an objective description?
What classifies, in your mind, as an objective description?

In the case of the puzzle, it seems to me that the final picture/goal is subjective in the sense that everyone 'knows' the puzzle is designed to be fitted into that picture, but it doesn't need to be that way. The 'meaning' or 'goal' or 'target' is determined by an intelligent mind. A single person, however, can assign each puzzle piece a number or letter, and then create a sequence that will serve as a very secure password. The 'meaning' or 'goal' in this case is also determined by an intelligent mind, but only for one person. What makes one particular possibility 'meaningful' is the fact that it is chosen as a target by an intelligent mind.

So are the 'laws' of physics similar? Maybe the only thing that makes them 'objective' is that they apply to everything in the known universe, but for God, they are 'subjective'? There are 'proper' (subjective) ways to solve jigsaw puzzles, and there are 'proper' (Holy Subjective) ways for particles and large cosmic bodies to interact.

And if there is an element of subjectivity to laws, even if it's divine, maybe that can also account for some psi phenomena? Maybe the 'laws' can be bent with the right knowledge? Like the shifting of probability distributions, or the changing of certain mathematical relationships or constants?
What classifies, in your mind, as an objective description?

In the case of the puzzle, it seems to me that the final picture/goal is subjective in the sense that everyone 'knows' the puzzle is designed to be fitted into that picture, but it doesn't need to be that way. The 'meaning' or 'goal' or 'target' is determined by an intelligent mind. A single person, however, can assign each puzzle piece a number or letter, and then create a sequence that will serve as a very secure password. The 'meaning' or 'goal' in this case is also determined by an intelligent mind, but only for one person. What makes one particular possibility 'meaningful' is the fact that it is chosen as a target by an intelligent mind.

So are the 'laws' of physics similar? Maybe the only thing that makes them 'objective' is that they apply to everything in the known universe, but for God, they are 'subjective'? There are 'proper' (subjective) ways to solve jigsaw puzzles, and there are 'proper' (Holy Subjective) ways for particles and large cosmic bodies to interact.

And if there is an element of subjectivity to laws, even if it's divine, maybe that can also account for some psi phenomena? Maybe the 'laws' can be bent with the right knowledge? Like the shifting of probability distributions, or the changing of certain mathematical relationships or constants?
Well that May 29th of this year session you quoted from earlier also does mention:

Q: (Ark) What kind of mathematics is needed to describe consciousness?
A: Algebra.

I do think algebra very objectively can handle things from 7th density on down in a very Bernardo Kastrup-like way. Ark's conformal group math handles superluminal solutions which can relate to psi things. The problem with seeing things in a very information related way is that the amount of data for something like a thought is huge. In physics there are like only 16 first generation matter/antimatter particles, 4 forces,etc. so even though it's messy math, it's not like you have trillions of different particles. When Ark simulates the evolution of states for his EEQT model, then the amount of data goes up because you have lots of configuration possibilities even if the possibilities for a single vertex would be small. Thus Ark can't simulate everything that he might want to because the computer couldn't handle it.

Simulating a thought even if you had any idea what the configuration might be would be difficult without a lot of simplifying assumptions. I could see personality as an almost algebraic high level influence. The big 5 is only 5 things, that could be handled, but a thought is much more complex than a personality. Is everything else some kind of hierarchy of algebraic structures? I have no idea. That Laura can channel the Cs seems to indicate some kind of shared structure for even very different beings. There was that time the Cs started talking in German so maybe there's some extra layer associated with language but is that an algebra thing? No idea.
I am finding this discussion very interesting, even with my limited math knowledge. But I have a question, don't things like consciousness, the information field, or even gravity, exist in multiple states? Do they not exist mostly in potential, they are there, everywhere, but only when the are utilized do they become manifest, at least to us?
I am finding this discussion very interesting, even with my limited math knowledge. But I have a question, don't things like consciousness, the information field, or even gravity, exist in multiple states? Do they not exist mostly in potential, they are there, everywhere, but only when the are utilized do they become manifest, at least to us?
This question is, in a way, related to the question of the "objective" description of reality. But can we say that anything objectively exists? There is no discourse in physics that would allow the word "objective" to be unambiguously defined. We can find it sooner in theology or philosophy. In philosophical methodology, there are words like "immanent" and "transcendent".

These words have many meanings depending on the philosophical current in which they are used. There is, however, an approach in which the word "immanent" refers to the observer's inner reality. The observer tries to describe reality, but this description will never be fully objective, because the observer only experiences something like the "edge". The depth is not fully accessible to him.

In this context, the word "transcendent" becomes synonymous with the word "objective". Transcendence here refers to the entirety of reality, but perhaps inaccessible to the observer.

It is also important whether we are talking about objective (transcendent) beings ontologically or epistemologically. What is epistemologically transcendent is unknowable. Some remembering is possible, but never fully knowing. What is ontologically transcendent is simply the objective being of being. Objective truth. But does it exist?

Some theologians sometimes joke that theology is an experimental science, because after death we know the answer, as long as it is yes (something exists after death). I use this joke myself sometimes, but I disagree with it. Our human mind works within a certain framework. What if existence after death does not allow concepts that seem obvious to us here? What if it is timeless and the concept of verifiability does not exist? And is there anything that is objectively blue or objectively purple? For example, when analyzing the diversity of biological organisms, it is easy to see how many different perspectives exist.

Mathematics is said to be objective. It probably is - for itself. But is there anything beyond? Would mathematics be different if our minds were different from what they really are? Would then there be an isomorphism between the mathematical theorems of minds of various types?
Yesterday morning I began to read through the paper Ark referenced (homework) and then my wife and I found out that a very dear respected and beloved lady relative had passed at the age of 96 and we rushed off in a whirlwind to make about a 3 hour drive to attend the funeral. The whole day was full of meaningful things to us, including a speeding ticket. We had not visited this dear lady for several years due to health problems among us and admittedly not putting aside everything else and making a point of doing so. A loss indeed. Guilty as charged. How could we let the cares of the world allow time with such dear people to slip through our fingers. Nevertheless, her presence was felt and it was said in the eulogy that "she was smiling down on us from heaven."

I was thinking this morning about whether what each of us was doing or events that occurred yesterday to us as individuals has any benefit to others reading in forums and having discussions, the group. Of course it does or has the potential. The problem is what and how to share and communicate these things that are imbued with emotion, context, complexity and background information. Went outside for a smoke and noticed up in the sky a very large "Moon Ring". It encompassed pretty much the entire eastern sky.

A 22° halo is an optical phenomenon that belongs to the family of ice-crystal halos. Its form is a ring with an apparent radius of approximately 22° around the Sun or Moon. When visible around the Moon, it is called a moon ring or winter halo. It forms as direct sunlight or moonlight is refracted in millions of hexagonal ice crystalssuspended in the atmosphere.[1]°_halo

Lesson Learned ?
I was thinking this morning about whether what each of us was doing or events that occurred yesterday to us as individuals has any benefit to others reading in forums and having discussions, the group. Of course it does or has the potential. The problem is what and how to share and communicate these things that are imbued with emotion, context, complexity and background information.
People have different levels of empathy. Some have the ability to empathize with others, others do not. I personally like to read about the emotional stories of others. They inspire me, sometimes they remind me of my own stories, other times I think that I would never have acted that way in a certain situation.

For example, your story reminded me of my own from over a year ago, when I lost two loved ones in less than a week, which was a huge blow to me. Once again, I also experienced what I call "death sharing". In the past, it happened that when someone close to me died, I knew about it a few days earlier, and at the time of death, I had various kinds of pains or, in turn, strange euphoric states. To this day, I sometimes feel afraid when I suddenly feel too happy for no reason.
Nevertheless, her presence was felt and it was said in the eulogy that "she was smiling down on us from heaven."
Feeling someone's presence is also a characteristic experience, and it has happened to me many times. However, I know from experience that the mere feeling of being present does not necessarily mean that the person is dead, although this usually applies to the deceased.

I am very sorry for the death of your relative. I felt deeply into this story. However, I think that she only died in a sense that is difficult to describe. What is most important must not die. Never.
Due to the fact that recently the discussion has gained many colours, and today there is also the topic of the death of a loved one, epistemology, ontology, and a little earlier I mentioned life and entropy, today I would perhaps allow myself to slightly deviate from the main topic, but still be close to it . Hence, I would like to share with you some of my considerations regarding, among others, stars, ageing, time, eternity and consciousness. In the background, however, we will be accompanied by vaguely understood entropy, which seems to be only a kind of noise. However, it will be heard in the next longer post, which will also deal with negentropy and the arrow of time. This post is going to be a bit scientific, a bit philosophical and a bit poetic.

In Christian eschatology the notion of eternity is interpreted in two, seemingly different manners. The first of them can be identified with the endlessness in time. In this view the consciousness of eternity is at least equally frightening as the consciousness of extinguishment. The perspective of eternity is a tragedy for a human mind. The mind, despite the fact that it is fully dependent of time, does not understand the essence of timeliness. The mind lives in sequences of the past and the future, it cannot, however, experience the presence. The past is the possessed identity for the mind, whereas the future functions as an identity that will be acquired. Consequently, the eternity leads to a collection of countless elements of the past and the future. The limitless number of entities causes the world (mind) to extinguish as a result of splintering into elements, among which each one is bigger than the whole.

States of energy and matter are not that different from each other. The expanses are one expanse. The only difference is time. However, time can be known only in the context of the expanse and matter (energy). Matter is only a denser form of energy. The eternity perceived as time infinity cannot be realized due to the impossibility of its ending, in order to find out whether it is done. The infinity exists in regards of the faith but it does not exist against the logic. One of the problems with entropy, however, is that it could only be empirically proven in the face of eternity.

In a different view, the eternity is understood as a timeless “existence”, which “is realized” in a medium different than time and mutually ambiguous with time. According to that idea there is an alternative, independent manner of cognition that is not related to time.

A hypothetical, alternative Universe has no concept of time or process. It also does not contain notions bijective to the above. There are, however, bijective notions with relation and metarelation. Nonetheless, they do not possess the time element and they cannot be reduced to it. The presence of relation only allows for timeless existence of conscious beings in the timelessly describable Universe.

The timeless eternity rids the above Universe from all differences that make it completely homogeneous regarding its homogeneity (there are no different views as the differentiating category (time) is eliminated). Timelessness determines the notion of isomorphism of “strictly defined epistemology”, which cannot be comprehended by a time-space mind.

The mind sees life as a time striving towards death. It describes and classifies numerous processes leading to death such as evolution of a star or apoptosis of an organic cell. Death ascending to its own event horizon is not time. When a mind dies, time stops moving. There are thousands of theories about the existence after death of the dead entity essence. In the context of time there is the important question regarding the placement of the border, at which the death occurs as it is the border between time and a lack of it. A place where time becomes timelessness, space becomes spacelessness and logic becomes irrationality. Defining transitions requires the existence of a bond that holds the characteristics of the mind and the characteristics of the spirit together. The bond is a combination of elements from this world with the elements from the spiritual world, which cannot be comprehended by a logical analysis. Spirituality requires entering beyond the highest philosophy, which may be comprehended with the mind. In this view, death is enlightenment.

Timeless spacelessness that has no thoughts is viewed as the higher state of existence. It is what the girl from one of my dreams became when she splintered into elements, among which each one of them was bigger than herself. An element of the Universe becomes the whole Universes. The fog flows and remains again. All definitions are burnt. Cognition only happens beyond cognition.

In the context of biological and physical sciences, it is interesting to assume that there are beings that are ageing in a different way than this known to the human. The ageing process of the stars will be analyzed based on the time-varying effects of the Sun.

The Sun is a nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma, with internal convective motion that generates a magnetic field via a dynamo process. This is by far the most important source of energy for life on Earth. It turns out that the Sun and other stars can provide a rational study for the analysis of single-cell organisms and cellular ageing. There is the assumption that stars exist in very similar laws as unicellular ones.

Hydrostatic equilibrium is a state of matter, when the enormous force of gravity is balanced by the pressure-gradient force, acting in the opposite direction. The energy of stars comes from nuclear reactions that are catalyzed by extremely high temperatures. Due to above phenomena, stars remain in their equilibrium state until a burning fuel leads to the collapse or to the different tragedy that is able to close the current stage of life of the celestial creation. To maintain the equilibrium there must be cycles that allow reactions to occur. When positively charged proton is approaching to the nucleus, it interacts with repulsive electrostatic force, but after travelling a proper distance, extremely strong forces stop it inside of the nucleus.

Proton-proton chain reaction allows the connection of four hydrogen nuclei into helium nucleus. This cycle is the main reservoir of energy for smaller stars like the Sun.

At the beginning, the pp chain reaction involves the fusion of two protons into deuterium, releasing a positron and an electron neutrino. Subsequently, the deuterium produced in the first stage fuses with another proton to produce isotope of helium 3He and gamma quanta. There also exist different possibilities. They lead to emergence of helium 4 in the second reaction (pp1), to two 4He (pp2) or even to obtaining two 4He from 8Be. If the length of the chain is expressed by pp1<pp2<pp3, then there is an increase of the importance of neutrinos in transport of energy from interior of the star to interplanetary space (from ~2% to ~25%). The mechanisms that are described above are not the only ways of living of the stars.

In 1938 Hans Bethe proposed the CNO cycle. As indicated its name, a special role is here played by carbon, oxygen and nitrogen. This cycle refers to quite massive stars (temperature of nucleus is equal about 20 million K), and uses carbon as a catalyzer. Therefore, by definition, carbon cannot be consumed.

The CNO cycle may be analyzed from anywhere, but the most convenient starting point is the place where the hydrogen combines with carbon 12, releasing gamma quanta and creates from it nitrogen 13, which further decays into a positron and an electron neutrino forming carbon 13. As a result of attachment of the next hydrogen, there arises gamma quanta and nitrogen 14. Subsequently, nitrogen 14 reacts with hydrogen and we obtain oxygen 15. The unstable isotope of oxygen falls apart into nitrogen 15, positron and electron neutrino. Then, nitrogen 15 is able to attachment the final hydrogen. Synthesis causes re-production of carbon 12, but this time the by-product is helium 4. After exclusion of catalyzing cycle, a totality could be considered as a simple synthesis of four hydrogens into helium and releasing of two positively charged particles endowed with a mass of electron.

In a star throughout its existence takes place a variety of other physical and chemical reactions. As a result, these creations change with the change of its properties ending its life as white dwarfs cooling down for a period that is longer than the current age of Universe, or as black holes. However, in this context it is worth recalling the biological reference.

As is commonly known, Calvin cycle is consisted of 13 reactions that are usually divided into three groups: downloading carbon monoxide IV, a reduction in the level of oxidation of carbon and regeneration of RuBP.

The reaction of six molecules of carbon monoxide IV of the phosphorylated compound of five carbon atoms in its structure is catalyzed by the enzyme RuBisCO (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate). The last one is the predominant protein in the chloroplast stroma that is involved in treatment of received energy and substrates by forming compounds that support and develop life of the plant. Thanks to adenosine triphosphate ATP changing into the adenosine diphosphate ADP and NADPH changing into NADP + there occurs the reduction in the level of oxidation of carbon. These changes allow the formation of two molecules of aldehyde (compound of a lower oxidation than the corresponding acid), which turns into nutrients. Then, there occurs the regenerative phase, in which the molecules of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate acceptor is restored to CO2 - ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate.

The whole cycle is dependent on the simpler form of assimilation of light energy inside the thylakoid that occurs due to water and light energy. Very unstable ATM immediately must be developed. However, what happens in the chloroplasts of the plant, which, due to drought and heat, needs to close the stomata to water does not evaporate? Many plants, especially living in a hot and dry climate adapted to the effective formation of carbon compounds. These processes precede the Calvin cycle, but do not replace it. In the cells of living organisms there occur miscellaneous cycles, such as for example urea cycle in animals or Krebs cycle.

Everything we call matter, including all heavy elements, had to be created in the spectacular tragedies of stars ending their lives. At the same time, the whole matter is born in a similar manner, governed by similar laws, organized in a similar way. Everything is created from one substance, which by creating different densities and different proportions is able to achieve so much. Unity and diversity.

The unity of micro and macro world is reflected by the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram, which after changing value on the vertical axis of the magnitude to deviation from the standard magnitude seems to remind the normal distribution. The probability of finding a big star with a small mass could be compared to the probability of finding a tall human with a low weight. These are so-called little scientific evidences.

A Hungarian biologist and biochemist, Tibor Gánti living at the turn of the 20th and 21st century decided to define the conditions necessary to regard an object as living. These have been universally recognized by modern science. Therefore, the organism considered living should satisfy the following conditions:

1. It is distinguished from the outside world.
2. It has metabolism.
3. It is internally, homeostatically stable.
4. It possesses a subsystem of collecting and processing data.
5. Processes inside the system are regulated.
6. An object must be capable to growth and reproduction.
7. There is a volatility in replication.
8. An object is mortal.

The last three conditions are so-called potential features and they are not necessary but they are usually satisfied by the living organisms.

Now there ought to be discussed whether and how the aforementioned points will be referenced to the stars.

Referring to the first point, a star is definitely distinguished from the outside world as this is known that the space vacuum is thinner than the best laboratory vacuum. Moreover, the distance that separated the celestial bodies many times exceed the size of the Earth, thus it could be assumed that on our planet there are no organisms separated from each other further than the Earth diameter.

Referring to the second point proton–proton chain reaction and CNO cycle are much more complex than the cycles in simple organisms considered as living.

A propos of hoemostatic stability, a condition for a star to exist is a homeostasis, a balance between the force of the “explosions in the core” and the gravity, moreover a star is much more stable than the organism with the longest lifespan on the Earth. Several million times.

With regard to the fifth point, if the processes inside the star, such as cycles, are not regulated by diverse conditions in the zones of the star, it would lose its stability and disintegrate; it is regulated by the factors that created and sustain the life on our planet.

When it comes to the sixth and seventh points, unquestionably, a star changes its size, and does it much more often than any living organism. It creates a new formation, sometimes several new formations, they are borne from clouds and to some extent, transform into them, becoming a substrate for creating new ones. It could be postulated that reproduction by budding or the cloning of plant by planting a portion of the stem in the ground could not compete with the phenomenon of creating stars. (And out of curiosity, I will ask a question. Do any of you know where the photo that is my avatar comes from?)

Referring to the eighth point, the stars are mortal, whatever that means, as for something to die, it first has to live, so if they can die, they live, and if they live, they can die. It is hard to determine whether something is mortal until we do not know if it is alive, but to determine that it is alive, it must be possible to die. From the logical point of view, this condition is fulfilled for all objects and for none. It could be considered as a sophistic nonsense.

But returning to the fourth point, it is worth asking whether the stars have a subsystem for collecting and processing data in the structure? If it exists, it is still not discovered by us. Perhaps some undetectable particles transfer such information beyond our boundaries of perception.

When a star with a quite low mass (e.g. the Sun) reaches the stage of a giant, its last, desperate attempt to extend its life occurs. As it is known, the metabolism is divided into anabolism and catabolism. A balance in sustaining life includes the occurrence of antagonistic processes conditioning the survival that are induced by the laws of physics and principles of chemistry (reaction to stimuli and set conditions). Efficient, living organism is able to adapt to the specific situation. Glucose consuming bacteria transferred to the galactose medium unlock in its annular genetic information physically blocked by a piece of organic part an element with the stored method of decomposing a new food in order to obtain the energy needed for life. The anabolic processes may be associated with combining simple compounds into complex ones, and katabolic processes with the reversed reactions. There is no doubt that nuclear transformation that results in obtaining helium (from that reaction an energy necessary to the life of a star is obtained) is a reaction of synthesis, hence the reversed reaction is analysis, which occurs when a star joins the group of white dwarfs. This reaction results in obtaining fuel from the disintegration of more complex (compared to hydrogen) elements. There is even a moment when the same reaction of combustion occurs in the core and outside of it.

During the main sequence (see: HR diagram), stars (that combust hydrogen) perform very similar movements, thus their metabolic behaviour is as uniform as in many animals. On the HR diagram they move on the horizontal plain to the right, slightly upwards, then to the left, and at the end to the right. The horizontal axis describes the spectral type, so it includes the star temperature that is responsible for colour of the light that it emits. The vertical axis describes the brightness, the higher place of the star, the brighter it is.

The diversity of the reactions in stars is, however, directed. Its role is to survive, use the available medium, and at the same time emit light just as us, people, emit the infrared light - heat. The above description is congruent with the simplest schema and definition of metabolism. A star has metabolism, simple one and not based on chain relationships.

Another argument supporting the metabolism theory is the occurrence of the same reaction in different environments, meaning degenerated and none-degenerated. Depending on the mass of the star, its fate is different, although there is an analogy and general tendency here.

This supplement discusses points 2, 3 and 5 of the previously mentioned conditions. However, point 4 is still lacking. From the philosophical point of view and so the scientific, a manner of storing information may be very divers and the fact that the arrangement, due to gravity, of the planetary nebula (and from its combination in the far future a new star may be borne) is very distant from the human deoxyribose is not a counterargument. Someone attempting to invalidate the living stars hypothesis may ask whether there is a difference in burning a piece of paper that is empty or the one that has something written on it. The answer is obvious, yes. The difference cannot be seen by us, which is not an argument for inanimateness of stars, but for the incompetency of our human taxonomic unit. Does everything processes information? There are hypothetical models in which the whole world is a stream of information as the world is purely material and it has no space for certain philosophical creations.

From the information theory point of view life is: a periodic ability (feature) of the individual system controlled by information and processing information, of using and transferring the semantic information contained within it.

To sum up, in the light of so many views on the issue of life, it is not easy to determine where the limit lies, but one may refer to organisms already considered alive. There is no doubt that a star surpasses the most primitive ones, but we subconsciously connect the discussed definition with our planet just as sunrises and sunsets were linked to the Earth being in the centre of the Universe and the apparent lack of movement of the stars with their steadiness.

The stars have lasted for billions of years, they are a source of energy and life, inspiration to artists, the objects of interest for the scholars, they exist and will exist long after the last man speaks the last word, but we are the ones who name them, describe them and explore them.

Do they know us if we are made of them? In a certain way, yes - but it is different from our way of perception.
And the next question is: is there all-encompassing consciousness? That includes all, atoms, stars and us? Very informative post!
Here again we face a very difficult question. We have still not defined the concept of consciousness, and this problem can be viewed from many perspectives. For example, panpsychism implies the existence of multiple degrees of consciousness. In this approach, every being is conscious. The only difference is in the degree of this consciousness.

For a long time I have been paying attention to something that I find quite interesting. Namely, I mean the fact that the various structures in the Universe have many similarities, and these appear every few orders of magnitude. Examples include neural network and large-scale structure of galaxies, the behaviour of atoms and elementary particles (or at least the visualization of this behaviour understood by us) and star systems, the functioning of biological cells and stars (as I mentioned in the previous post), processes taking place at the level of chromosomes and analogous processes occurring in galaxy clusters, the pursuit of large-scale galaxy structures to create something like a crystal (for description, one can use tools known from crystallography).

And one of the most interesting problems seems to me time at the quantum level and time in general relativity. On the one hand, there is no concept of an absolute present in the general relativity, on the other hand phenomena such as quantum entanglement seem to break this principle. On the other hand, at the quantum level, it is difficult to speak of an absolute concept of space. Without separating the concepts of time and space, however, we can again see an analogy. Could the probability distribution be a kind of relativity in terms of the microworld? I will have to think about that later, but this is the idea that came to my mind.

If consciousness is related to intelligence, and if these concepts can be linked together, a lot can be said about the intelligence of the Universe on many levels.

And I will share one more observation. Biology is in fact the physics of complex systems, hence it is not as elementary as physics, but usually describes much more complex systems. This level of complexity, according to some theories, is what allows consciousness to exist. And if, in fact, the star is the reflection of a biological cell, could it be that at the level of many superclusters of galaxies, or even several orders of magnitude higher, consciousness is also emerging?

I am attaching two videos that my high school students love:
Not only mathematical How can we change the frequency band of our perception in practice, without destroying our being?
Is the human freq band of perception related to our physical equipment, biochemical processes or something else? Is “being“ related to that equipment or to consciousness? Or both? Certainly if you take a drug or get hooked up to some electrodes or go into some meditative trance, that can alter the band of perception. That may even add new experiences and perspectives on being Even if only temporarily. State of being and band of perception are certainly bi-directionally inter-related but I don’t think that if you alter one, you destroy the other.
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