Cleopatre VII
I don't know if I'm one of the fans of quaternions. Perhaps I am. However, I do not mean "true Maxwell equations", but rather alternative Maxwell equations.But there are also some fans of quaternions, for sure. They will advocate quaternions instead of geometric algebra, and claim that the "true Maxwell equations" must be written using quaternions!
I am attracted to magnetic monopoles and gravitoelectromagnetism. In the literature, Maxwell equations for magnetic monopoles and for gravity are known. Sometimes quaternionic spaces are used in formulating such equations. I am interested in synthesis. So far, I have not found a paper combining quaternions, gravitoelectromagnetism and magnetic monopoles. So I have to write it myself...
With quaternions, the main point is: is noncommutativity a curse or a blessing? And if so, keep going. Octonions and nonassociativity? A curse or a blessing? I don't know what the reality is. I do not want to look for mathematically simpler solutions, but the true ones.
I look at consciousness from several perspectives. From the perspective of physics, philosophy, mysticism (including art) and neurobiology.My guess is that it may be very close to the concept of consciousness - the hard question that, I hope, Clepatre VII will address in the near future, after being done with the subject of information.
I was on sick leave for some time. Hence, I was very active in the forum, because I was home all the time. Today I went back to work. At the same time, yesterday I made my music public for the first time, which was an extremely stressful experience for me (I also deal with music composition).
I work, among others, as a neurobiologist and take part in a grant on the influence of GABA receptors on ion channels. Ion channels are believed to be related to consciousness. Until I have finished researching this view of consciousness, I am afraid I will not be able to answer the question of what consciousness is.
Neurobiology is obviously not the only view, but this work is important to me. Important, but very difficult, because I am a theorist by nature, but I also have to work experimentally. I have no choice.
This weekend I will try to write another post expanding the concept of entropy, I would also like to write about the Maxwell’s demon, as I mentioned.
Thank you for such a lively discussion, dear readers. I would like to be present all the time, unfortunately I work a lot and it is not possible.