Some compass adjustment please....

Wunjo said:
Thank you for the suggestions. I’ve re-read them several times over the last couple of days to absorb them. Actually seeing the suggestions and the connections with others’ experiences was in itself a very calming aspect. I don’t think I realized how much tension was built up in the attempt to express those feelings alone. Thank you all for your honesty.
It looks like the missing piece for you was networking. It looks like you've been doing lots of work on your own, kind of isolated. When you posted about it here and shared, you felt better. No one can do this alone.
Mr. Premise said:
Wunjo said:
Thank you for the suggestions. I’ve re-read them several times over the last couple of days to absorb them. Actually seeing the suggestions and the connections with others’ experiences was in itself a very calming aspect. I don’t think I realized how much tension was built up in the attempt to express those feelings alone. Thank you all for your honesty.
It looks like the missing piece for you was networking. It looks like you've been doing lots of work on your own, kind of isolated. When you posted about it here and shared, you felt better. No one can do this alone.

Excellent observation!
Thank you Mr. Premise it is indeed a great observation. Actually, what I thought had been great progress in my spiritual quest was far more stagnant that I understood. When I met my wife a few years ago we decided to base our relationship on the Work, let the work come first and see things through the Work instead of through our attachments. Working on the 5th way so to speak. It cranked up the growth to an unbelievably uncomfortable pace sometimes. Honesty with out attachment is a very powerful tool, surrendering to another's perception despite our hangups gives us many opportunities to see our personalities. Some of the tools we found useful were the Enneagram books as well as reading together texts on The Work. In The 4th Way by O. he mentions continued growth without a school is impossible, my ego and fear of larger surrender has fought this notion for a while. Seeing some of the repeatedly amazing insights into absolutely everything on the Forum is helping me wake up to the idea that no man is an island, nor is any couple and island. Thank you everyone for your honesty and help on this post. Look forward to seeing you in others! Onward!
Hi Wunjo,

I had a similar experience to your own when I discovered that the world is not at all the one I thought we lived in. It happened when I was studying the events of 9/11. Once I realized that there was no way to explain it other than the plain truth, I had quite a reaction of fear, anxiety, stress, you name it, because I now knew that the whole world was a sham. But there was one thought that calmed me down, and it still helps sometimes.

The world is exactly the same as it always was, all through my life. The only thing that has changed is the fact that I know the truth. So there really isn't any reason to suddenly panic. Nothing is going to happen to me today that is any different from yesterday just because I know the truth. Some things just appear differently now because I recognize them for what they are.

Admittedly, there are events on the horizon that are, shall we say, daunting? But at least here we are learning how to face them in a logical way. And because of this, we should be able to help others get through these same events. That's one thing I look forward to.
Thank you so much for your courageous and eloquent posts on this thread! It is greatly encouraging to me to know that others are struggling with the after-effects of the loss of the illusions that once helped to sustain us. It is a lonely struggle, and it is a comfort to know that someone else is grappling with some of the same issues I am confronting. Sharing your thoughts on this thread is a brave and generous act, and I salute you for it.

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