luke wilson
The Living Force
Thanks for the replies.
I think I am going to start a journal as Bud said. See if I can see any patterns. I have done the full EE meditation program in full once, this was last week. I must say that for like 2-3 days I felt really amazing - I didnt really put it down to the meditation, more like it was just one of those weeks - a good week, despite facing acouple of challenges I felt like it was a good week. Then I tried doing it again but I couldnt, I felt quite annoyed, quite angry - dont know why. Maybe repressed emotions?? So i decided to wait acouple of days and I will try again in acouple of days.
Also thanks for the advise about wishing for the wave. Yes I agree, it's just wishful thinking and it promotes sleeping and some kind of escapism. It appears I have alot of escapism in my life. If it's not alcohol (which I dont really drink anymore), it's wishing for the wave (which is something I have been reading quite alot about recently and in a way getting all excited and stuff), it's probably something else that I dont even realize. I suppose it'll have to take some Work to weed away all these forms of escapism.
Quote from Obyvatel
Uhm in a way you are right, its just rebellion and its a reactionary mechanical rebellion at that. Not only at my parents but just what I feel is the unfairness of the world. Again, alot of WORK has to be done to get in control of this.
Wow I admire this, uhmm it's quite amazing really. I am not at that place in my life where I can make a choice for myself despite being an adult. It just doesnt feel like the right time to truely gain this independence. Alot of work still has to be done to understand most of the dynamics involved. Infact just last night I was thinking about the last couple of days and yah I noticed that I really have to get organized (organisation is not one of my gifts) and incorparate this work into my daily life in a much more effective way. Sometimes during the heat of the moment like in daily life when the situation forces you to experience some emotions or act mechanically, I try to reeally self-observe, self-remember but its sooo hard... Its almost like you go into some kind of trance when you're locked between 2 states and cant fully engage with either side - the situation or one-self or sometimes as I lack knowledge and know-how about certain things, you find you need programmes to help you respond in a mechanical way, that is because, once you notice a certain programme you can easily jump on it and well use it in certain situations - but in this case I am very aware I am riding on the back of a programme and do so willingly- that is why I was asking if we had to get rid of all of them. It's also weird that sometimes one can find it easier to respond or act in a mechanical way as compared to the opposite. Its almost effortless, I have noticed this about myself especially in the last couple of days when I have been taking the easy way out just because well it's easy - made me feel really disappointed with myself.
Yes obyvatel, I know a degree is very important and I have actually never worked as hard as I have this year - except for the last couple of days when I felt like I just needed time off to regain focus and control, but I plan on getting back on the work-trail.
Thanks for the reply Acaja and also shellycheval. I really appreciate you guys taking some time out to offer help, advise and insight. It's priceless. I should start doing that myself. I have been here for like 4 weeks and havent posted on any other board except ones that I have started. I do read them but I dont feel like I possess enough knowledge to contribute yet. I hope to change that in the coming weeks/months...
Btw, what is POT meditation? Is it part of the EE programme or is it something different??
Anyways, I think this will be my last post for awhile. I feel abit guilty having spent so much time talking about myself and getting other people to offer there help and advise. Almost abit self-centered. Again, i'd like to say I appreciate it. Instead I'll spend my time doing some more reading, trying out the meditation programmes and attempting to do the work more effectively in daily life.
I think I am going to start a journal as Bud said. See if I can see any patterns. I have done the full EE meditation program in full once, this was last week. I must say that for like 2-3 days I felt really amazing - I didnt really put it down to the meditation, more like it was just one of those weeks - a good week, despite facing acouple of challenges I felt like it was a good week. Then I tried doing it again but I couldnt, I felt quite annoyed, quite angry - dont know why. Maybe repressed emotions?? So i decided to wait acouple of days and I will try again in acouple of days.
Also thanks for the advise about wishing for the wave. Yes I agree, it's just wishful thinking and it promotes sleeping and some kind of escapism. It appears I have alot of escapism in my life. If it's not alcohol (which I dont really drink anymore), it's wishing for the wave (which is something I have been reading quite alot about recently and in a way getting all excited and stuff), it's probably something else that I dont even realize. I suppose it'll have to take some Work to weed away all these forms of escapism.
Quote from Obyvatel
It could be a possibility that you are passively rebelling against the standards set by your parents since your heart is not in the activities that you are faced with at present. You can try to determine whether this indeed is the underlying dynamics of your situation or not.
Uhm in a way you are right, its just rebellion and its a reactionary mechanical rebellion at that. Not only at my parents but just what I feel is the unfairness of the world. Again, alot of WORK has to be done to get in control of this.
If someone decides to make this choice for oneself and take the first step towards true emotional independence, then it is important that such a choice is not based on reactionary rebelliousness but on an objective view about oneself.
Wow I admire this, uhmm it's quite amazing really. I am not at that place in my life where I can make a choice for myself despite being an adult. It just doesnt feel like the right time to truely gain this independence. Alot of work still has to be done to understand most of the dynamics involved. Infact just last night I was thinking about the last couple of days and yah I noticed that I really have to get organized (organisation is not one of my gifts) and incorparate this work into my daily life in a much more effective way. Sometimes during the heat of the moment like in daily life when the situation forces you to experience some emotions or act mechanically, I try to reeally self-observe, self-remember but its sooo hard... Its almost like you go into some kind of trance when you're locked between 2 states and cant fully engage with either side - the situation or one-self or sometimes as I lack knowledge and know-how about certain things, you find you need programmes to help you respond in a mechanical way, that is because, once you notice a certain programme you can easily jump on it and well use it in certain situations - but in this case I am very aware I am riding on the back of a programme and do so willingly- that is why I was asking if we had to get rid of all of them. It's also weird that sometimes one can find it easier to respond or act in a mechanical way as compared to the opposite. Its almost effortless, I have noticed this about myself especially in the last couple of days when I have been taking the easy way out just because well it's easy - made me feel really disappointed with myself.
Yes obyvatel, I know a degree is very important and I have actually never worked as hard as I have this year - except for the last couple of days when I felt like I just needed time off to regain focus and control, but I plan on getting back on the work-trail.
Thanks for the reply Acaja and also shellycheval. I really appreciate you guys taking some time out to offer help, advise and insight. It's priceless. I should start doing that myself. I have been here for like 4 weeks and havent posted on any other board except ones that I have started. I do read them but I dont feel like I possess enough knowledge to contribute yet. I hope to change that in the coming weeks/months...
Btw, what is POT meditation? Is it part of the EE programme or is it something different??
Anyways, I think this will be my last post for awhile. I feel abit guilty having spent so much time talking about myself and getting other people to offer there help and advise. Almost abit self-centered. Again, i'd like to say I appreciate it. Instead I'll spend my time doing some more reading, trying out the meditation programmes and attempting to do the work more effectively in daily life.